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anxiety issues

Well when I was 12 I had a major problem reading outoud. I get really nervous and start to studder. Didn't really talk about feelings so I kept it to myself. And I'm 21 now and it seems to have got worse. I try not to stress but when I have energy and I can't go do something I seem to build up anger or I become very anxious. When someone askes me a question I get stiff and hot, but I nervously answer them, I seemed to always have a problem looking/talking into someones eyes I have to look down/away from them. When I get under pressure my leg starts to shake quick il start. I have a constant feeling someone is looking at me where ever I am. If I talk on the phone or to anybody in front of me I start to studder I get really nervous or scared. Ex.- I was talking to my fiance about something I remembered and I know what I'm going to say, but I can't get it out without studdering. I only had 2 major panic attacks, 1 the current got me away from the boat I was 30ft away, took 5mins to get back to the boat my body tensed started to shake and breathing in out to quick almost fainted.2 got argument and I can't handle being yelled at so I left crying outside and I guess I wasn't really breathing right maybe threw up a lil, tensed body. I'm Pron to seizures my dad has anxeity. I didn't have anyone to trust to talk to then, so I seem to bottle up everything and still have a smile and laughed with others. I have knotts on my back, neck it hurts, idk if anxiety is causing it.
5 Responses
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3455166 tn?1347507133
Hi there,

Oh my anxiety has gone down to pretty much nothing, I've been taking about 20-30 minutes per day to lay down and practice relaxation exercises, plus getting out and exercising. I've also made pretty significant changes to my eating habits as well and its really paying off.

I also read quite a bit on anxiety and the psychology behind it and I think that has really stopped a lot of it, learning about it all can truly help you out.

Hope all is well, and keep me posted.
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Well I'm not really treating it I think. I got a betta fish to watch & calm down lol. But things have been good, what also relaxes me is cooking or organizing anything that doesn't look good, lol. How has your anxiety been? How are u treating it?
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3455166 tn?1347507133
No problem! I'm glad that its helping you out, I do hope you are doing well and getting help for your anxiety. How've things been going?
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Thanks ur answer and time was very helpful
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3455166 tn?1347507133
Hello, I think that you have definately got a case of anxiety from what you have described.

I too, had a stuttering problem when I was five years old, but I attended speech therapy and it stopped. What caused it was being yelled at by my father, it would get me nerve-racked quite often and I would jumble up my speech. But it stopped, from practice. I too, would also bottle up my feelings but not for long because eventually my mother would come along and I would let it out, plus I always let it out most of the time by either working out or de-stressing by doing something calming.
Its funny, when I was in school for about a year or longer, I had trouble reading aloud as well, not all the time but quite often. I would get that prickly feeling all over and get warmed up and sometimes stutter whilst reading. I was thirteen at the time.

I would usually go somewhere a lot, take drives with family, and go out do something a lot, then as of recently because of familial problems I've been stuck indoors for two years, we still do things but not nearly to the extent as we used to. But, this will all be changing soon.

What you need is to completely relax, just practice relaxing everyday. I know you may feel that you need to get out go somewhere but when you can't, just sit down in a comfortable position and unwind. Just let go and unwind. I recommend finding a relaxation CD and listening to it, listen to it everyday day.

The knots in your back are most definately caused by anxiety and stress. When you are anxious, we all automatically respond with stress, and our muscles tighten up and contract and if you are always tense or worried, you keeping yourself uptight which will cause these knots. Getting them in the back, shoulder and neck is most common. Nothing surprising there.

The fact you had no one to talk to no doubt made the problems worse, but there people here who I'm sure will be willing to listen to you and provide you with advice and help, to assist in getting you out of your mental rut.
If you have trouble staring people in the eye, that is something that can be fixed. When I was really young, my father was verbally abusive and I was forced to stare at him, which was something I was supposed to do, but all of that got me into a habit of not staring people in the eye. However, if I was calm, or joyous I would have no issue whatsoever looking anyone in the eye. Nowadays, its no problem at all and it hasn't been for quite a while actually.

Practicing relaxation can seem miraculous to some level because it trains you to get back to being a normal, calm state. It will take time, don't think it will be instantaneous, because it is not. But after pracitcing it over and over it will become second nature.

Your father has anxiety, you may be prone to being anxious, but that doesn't mean you have to be. You simply need to re-train yourself to be calm, and from that unlearn the anxiety and fear you have.

If you need to talk anything out, don't be shy about it. We're here to help out.
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