424330 tn?1327445173

Bad Anxiety in the mornings

OMG i got up at 5am this morning to help my son with his paper route and when i was driving down the road my heart started pounding really fast i thought i was have an heart ack witch i wasnt so i pulled over and took alot of deep breath and i started to count my son ask me mom are u gonna be ok and i told him yes just let me cailm down for a few mins and i told him dont worry we will get the papers done befor 8 am he said mom u dont worry about the papers just worry about u i said ok so i started to claim down and stated to drive again and after that i was fine .i get really bad anxiet in the mornings now
3 Responses
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242912 tn?1660619837
Hi kim....how are you feeling now?  I saw your comment yesterday about worrying about getting up this morning with your son.  But you did it and got through it.  Your a good mom.  

I do the same thing.  Project into the future and worry about upcoming activities.  You have to be there for your son and this means an early morning outing, but let me tell you what's helped me to get to appts etc.  I plan everything for the afternoon.  All appts in the afternoon.  That way I have plenty of time in the morning to get myself together and not worry about getting up and being somewhere right away.  Then, if I feel well enough, I might call and see if there's a cancellation so I can go in and get it over with.  I think I drive the offices crazy. lol.

Hope you're feeling better...
Helpful - 0
366811 tn?1217422672
Its Sunday morning, Kimone, so there aren't a lot of people around just now; hence your post has gone unanswered for while -sorry about that. I've read some of your pther psost and note that family relationships seem to be an issue just now. I can well imagine what it must be like waking up to a new day of ...heaven knows what!

I think it is time for a visit to your physician -only THIS time you're looking for a referral to a psychiatrist; not just gettting back on some meds. Nothing against meds, mind you, because they can help you cope. BUT, a life of just coping is a dreary proposition, so the time for actually getttting this monkey off your back has come, and that means digging into the psychological and emotional background and history to figure out what's behind all this: therapy.

If cost is an issue (and when is it NOT) then seek out the friendly folks at tour local health department for referral into a sliding fee schedule program. Point is, you need to get aggressive here -enough is ...enough!

Meanwhile, spend some time HERE looking at the posts from people who, believe it or not- suffer as YOU do. Answer those with symptoms similar to yours -be a helper, get involved. The mere identity with a community of people who understand each other can be a big plus.

And meanwhile, again,m you can start some preliminary investigation on your own behalf; for example, what happened 10 years ago at initial onset? Something, obviously, acted as a trigger point. Question is -what? Any ideas about that?

I look forward to hearing more from you -especially your reports of progress as you make your way through the process to figure out what has been going on, and what you are doing about it.

We're all with you here, so hang in!
Helpful - 0
409760 tn?1271037972
I have in the past had a pnaic attack while driving. Pulling over if safe at the time is a method I have used also. Doing the breathing techniques does help me also. I have learned to use music to calm me also. Coming up with other distractions like music, talking with someone if you have someone with you works also for  me. You did the right by pulling over. Your son wants to be reassured you are ok. Telling him as you did what he needs to know is good. You don't need a paniced child.Good Job!

You might want to consider therapy I highly reccomend it..

Keep talking to the people here..

Peace to You and Yours!

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