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i feel like im going to die

well im 17 and i feel like im going to die.... i got a dream of myself dying on the end of the world and till now i feel like this...i have shortness of breath and fast heartbeats and feeling like definately gonna die but....you know!!! i find it hard to sleep at night... please help..ive had this long ago when iwas 14 because i was shown some videos on death and i aslo felt like that day was gonna be the day.... now i feel the same.. please guys show me a way to solve my panic/anxiety disorder... i have this every day and i also have hallucinations.. every day is like the day i day but then i sleep and get up the next day again.. and it starts again so please help !!!!!!! please i find it so hard to sleep...
29 Responses
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1315722 tn?1274044476
I also fear death.  Maybe not in the same way that you do, but ever since I had my daughter (who is now 4 years old-I am 25) I have feared death.  I feel like I am getting old and life is passing me by.  I constantly think about death, which causes me anxiety.  I get terrible chest pains all day every day.  I feel dizzy at times and I constantly think that I am going to have a heart attack or stroke.  Death is scary and I don't get how more people don't think about it all the time.  The most scariest thing about death is the unknown.  Am I going to die at 40, at 60, at 80.  Am I going to die in pain?  Thats what makes it so scary.

I feel you and can understand what you are going through.  I have no answers because I am dealing with my own things and feel pain every day from them.  But reading what people have to say on here brings me a little bit of comfort in knowing that we may feel these things, but we are still alive.  We have all been talking about these issues that have been going on for months and years, and were still here, yet its so hard to realize that we are all ok and maybe that mentally something is wrong.
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hey...thanks for the reply... i still feel this right now .... i mean im going to sleep and its scary!!!! what about you? how to get over this... ive had this onece and it went away ... so hopefully this does too.. what you think does happen!!! what i mean is symptoms. like i thought your sole wii come out your forehead and i actually felt it but thst was 2 years ago....
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345079 tn?1299202476
I have a huge fear of death. My dad died when I was 14 and it affected me badly. However at 17, the chances of you having heart issues or anything life threatening are very slim. You are dealing with anxiety. Its horrible that the mind can control our mind and bodies so strongly. Have you talked to a doctor at all? Do you talk to anyone about how you are feeling at all? It can be a complicated thing to deal with. You need to retrain your mind with positive thoughts. Hang in there, you are not alone, you are not going to die anytime soon. You have a long life ahead of you. If you ever need to chat let me know. You are going to be ok hun
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thanks man...but how do i retrain my mind??
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345079 tn?1299202476
It takes alot. You need time to meditate. It takes ALOT to get use to but to have a completely empty mind for even 15 minutes is a huge help. Just be in a very quiet comfortable place and keep repeating one word over and over. Any word, open, peace, calm whatever word you choose. If you start drifted into other thoughts refocus and start again.
Also get some books on mindfulness. Jon Kabat-Zinn has some very good ones. Replace negative thoughts with positive every time you have one. When you feel out of breath or like your heart is beating funny just think "but I am alive, breathing, awake, young and strong" My mom used to say if you can talk you can breathe just fine and if you can sit and panic about having a heart attack its not a heart attack. Mainly because you wouldnt be in a state that would allow you to panic, you would be in severe pain etc.
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hey - try downloading something called the brain evolution system. http://www.brainevolutionsystem.net/
Its an audio file you listen to on your ipod/mp3 that lasts 15 minuites.
Its great for helping you to meditate.
It works for me and i have chest pains/constant bad thoughts all day everyday.
Also try hypnosis - that might help you.

That thing about your soul coming out your forehead - I have strange things like that, which i obess over.
I think you need to learn to relax. i dont mean that in a cliche way - you need to train your mind to be able to do it whenever you want. I read some paul mckenna books about motivation and some of the stuff in there is pretty relavent. Here is one of them:

Try and relax (breathe slowly and deeply etc) then pinch your thumb and finger together and say relax. do this everyday as often as possible, and eventually you should be able to relax by pushing your thumb and finger together.

I think this could help your thoughts. I noticed that with my ocd- the anxiety comes first and the thoughts follow. It used to be the other way round.

Good luck
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dude thanks man illtry it out.... do you have any way to make it easy for me to sleep??? i have a problem with that i mean when i try to i think im gonna die??? seriously!!!
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Hey man I know how you feel. Honestly the only way I was able to get over the feeling of dying was to realize that no matter how many times I feared about it I woke up every morning despite my anxiety towards the issue. Focus on the things that make you happy.Big or small. When you feel these thoughts creeping back just stop and calm yourself by taking slow deep breathes reminding yourself about how you've worried about this problem before but always woke up. Same thing goes for your sleep troubles, just try to remind yourself you *will*  wake up on the morning and continue living your life. I understand it seems cliche but this simple thought process gets easier each day you wake up, and everyday you do you get one step closer to realizing that you'll be just fine.
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hey man i am getting better now thanks ......... what you said is 100 % true cause for me it is the same!!!! of course im not 100% ok but atleast im not that bad!!!! cool....
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345079 tn?1299202476
Glad you are feeling better now yourhead!!
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guys its coming back again pls help.. tell me what to do when i get a panic attack ... pls
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480448 tn?1426948538
You need to start addressing the anxiety and panic to try to undo the thinking processes that are scaring you.  Anxious thinking is a big cycle that needs to be broken.  We have a scary thought/event, etc...and it causes us to panic...even if the event or thought was not actually a REAL threat...only perceieved in our minds.  The feelings of panic and anxiety are equally, if not moreso frightening than the original trigger that brought on anxiety...so therefore, we start to worry incessantly about having it happen again.  Sadly, with anxiety, the more we worry about it, the more we subconsciously trigger it to recur.  It often takes people professional help to learn how to break that cycle and retrain our thinking.  Some turn to Rx meds, some herbal supplements, meditation, lifestyle changes, etc.  Point is...there IS help for this.  The sooner you start diving in and dealing with it, the better.

My suggestion to you is to see a psychiatrist.  Not only will he/she be able to give you a proper diagnosis to see what you're dealing with (rule an anxiety disorder in or out), but he/she will also be able to lay out your treatment options.  Therapy is a vital part of any treatment modality.  It will teach you all about anxiety, it's causes, triggers....how it is unique to YOU and also help you to learn priceless coping techniques that you will be able to utilize anytime these symptoms come up....now and in the future.

Let us know how you';re doing.  Death is inevitable for us all...BUT.....chances are you are not dying or going to die any time soon....rather, you are scared and the anxiety is causing you to worry inappropriately about something that is not realistic at this point in your life.  
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My advice to you is to try Yoga and Meditation. I also had the same symptoms you are experiencing and its the most horrible thing in the world; i would not wish this upon anyone. I actually started with my panic/anxiety attacks in math class in college i was freakin out for no apparent reason, and felt death was literally around the corner. I started attending Yoga & Meditation and it was a great tool. They actually help you clear and ease your mind. Their is a specific yoga called Yoga Nidra its a deep Meditative Sleep except your not sleeping your still consious, Unfortunately it helped but still had mild attacks and my PCP put me on Zoloft with the Yoga, Medication & Meditation it has worked for me. I am now 6 months pregnant, but with this pregnancy it has popped up again but now i have a better sense of taking care of it along with therapy sessions. God Bless dont worry you will over come this have faith!!
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its bad you know i tend to get twichings and sometimes fast heartbeats and difficulty to breath??? awh man when will this stop
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480448 tn?1426948538
It will stop when you seek some help and start addressing the anxiety/panic.  It would be great if our symptoms left just as fast as they show up, but for just about every one of us, that just doesn't happen.

Give your doctor a call TODAY and explain what is going on....get the ball rolling on treatment and with time, work, and some patience, you WILL feel better...you won't feel like this forever,
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Everything I can think of to help the panic people already commented on.  However, I researched dream analysis and theory for a number of years.  I experience very ellaborate dreams, and sometimes you realize they may connect to something you are not thinking of contiously.  Many fears and stress can come out in dreams, but death could also mean an ending, which can be both positive or negative.  If something is changing in your life you could dream that you or someone you know dies.  It doesn't predict anything; it is the way your brain is interpreting an ending or a transition.  I look at my dreams and try to connect them to what is going on in my life, and I usually find the root of what is causing the anxiety.
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youre right  dreaming of death means a change in life.. i agree with you
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I totally agree with nursegirl, you need to get some help with this because it is consuming your life!  Don't try to interpret dreams, we sleep so our brains can "re-coup" and when you dream of death it's your brain trying to rid itself of that thought, so you need to allow this to happen.  Put all your efforts into getting help and not dwelling so much on your dreams.  You're going to dream all of your life and putting so much emphasis on them is setting yourself up for a big anxiety problem!  This fear of death started with a video, your anxiety has latched onto it, and you need to learn how to let go of it.  Therapy can help you to do this. Dreams aren't predictors of anything, they can be indicative of our worries, but no more.  Please get professional help right away so you can get your life back.  Good luck and take care.
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im a 17 year old kid all i can do is help myself no proffesional help... there are no therapists near my place so.... i really can but i really agree about what you say and thanks
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I was your age when it started for me. It's a life changing event that you need to get control of asap the longer it drags on like this the harder it is to deal with it took me many years and alot of heartache to figure it out . The way I control the beast is i look at it as a "Mind over Matter'' situation, As long as I don't Mind it doesn't Matter'' Hope this helps.
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We hear from teens younger than you and there is always help.  Have you spoken to your parents about this?  They love you and need to know what you are going through.
NEVER feel like there is no help!  I'm sure your school has resources for this, and talking to your counselor would help. It is mind over matter, and if you can stop worrying that you may die, then great, but often we aren't able to do this alone.  Try to look at this logically, you've been worrying for 3 years of dying and yet you haven't!!!  This should tell you something.  You dream of dying because your mind is consumed with this thought all through the day.  By dwelling on this, it's feeding your anxiety which in turn is creating even more anxiety and problems for you.  If you don't get this under control one day you will wake up an old man and wonder where the years went.....you will have worried them away!  Fears and worry creates and maintains our anxiety, until we stop this worrying our anxiety is not going to get better. I used to get panic attacks, always worried when the next one would strike, a vicious cycle.  Then I lost my son, and I welcomed my next attack because I no longer cared about anything, and NOTHING worried me.......the next panic attack never came.  No worry or fear equals no anxiety.  You need to get a grip on this now or you will have this for the rest of your life, and I know you don't want that, nor do I.  You're so young and have a lot of living to do, don't alow this irrational fear to hold you back.  You've been proving it wrong for three years, every night your brain throws the thought out, only for you to let in back in the next morning.  I wish you all the best and hope you get help.
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Hi i suffer the same thoughts u do, i thought i was alone in havin these thoughts, i cnt even talk to nobody because am afraid in case they laugh, i wake up everyday thinkin am goin to die and like u said the next day u wake up and start it all over again, wen i was about 20 i suffered a complete breakdown, i shaved my hair off and cut myself and even wrote died everywhere and the date i was goin to die, i finally managed to get myself better, i didnt go to the doctor or took pills, i just took 1 day at a time until i felt better, and am nearly 30 now and am really scared am goin to go through it all again, i lost my son the first time it happened cause i didnt want to put him through wat i was goin through, and now i have a daughter, and i dont want to lose her, bt i really dnt knw wat to do or who to go to for help, so i really understand wat ur goin through, and if anybody else has some helpful information i wuld be glad to hear it, thanks and i really hope u find some1 to get u through this. Mssad
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looks like were the same huh.. howd you get over it???
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hello i have been suffering panic attacks since 15 im now 31 i have a little girl now and find my panic attacks happen at night fearing if i died what will happen to her????.............i get a tightness or weakness in arms and legs i always get shortness of breath chest pain weakness tingly fingers and i panic and make it worse the doctor told me i am a hypacondriact and suffer from anxiety what the hell........its a scary thing to go through i lost my dad to cancer 3 years ago its nearing the anniversary and my panic is major but just by reading im not alone and realising there are people that feel the same makes me feel better........there is an organisation called gateway who give free councelling to anxiety sufferers speak to your doctor hope this helps take care rachael x
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