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is clonazepam the same as klonopin

hi i am currently on .5 mg of clonazepam and i see alot about a med on here called klonopin i went online and it seems that clonazepam and klonopin are almost the same is this true? any one have any info or experience taaking these meds let me know.

33 Responses
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11172714 tn?1415898676
Genentech began production again the 3rd week of October.  Pharmacies are carrying or ordering in the name brand again.  I am on it for 25 years, a higher dosage than you so I understand your worries.  They should be gone now.
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I am a geriatric woman who has been taking the brand-name drug Klonopin for 28 years, since I contracted Peripheral Neuropathy in 1986.  I take 3/4 mg. to 1 mg. daily, (0.5 mg. tablets which I cut in half), to stop body spasm, calf and foot spasm, esophageal spasms and nerve pain in all those areas.
        Recently, Roche-Genentech has stopped making brand-name Klonopin due, I am told, to the number of generic Clonzepam products on the market, which makes it not cost effective for them to keep producing the brand-name Klonopin, which sells for close to $260.00 per hundred, while the generic versions are much cheaper.  I have called Roche-Genentech and their reps state that Klonopin may go back into production by October 2014, but they completely stopped production of their brand-name Valium recently too, so it seems unlikely.
        The problem if they stop making it, is that this drug is a habit forming, addictive drug, which has a very difficult, uncomfortable and long, drawn-out withdrawal period.  I was told this when I first started taking Klonopin, but my Neurologist stated I'd have to be on the drug for the rest of my life, due to my neurological illness, and there was no generic version of course, at that time.  
        I've tried many of the "generic" Clonzepam products and none of them work as effectively as the brand-name Klonopin, i.e., I go into severe withdrawal.  I've searched the internet and find sites where many other brand-name Klonopin users are experiencing the same problem in withdrawing to a generic version of Clonazepam, horrendous, slow, withdrawal.
        One would think companies like Roche-Genentech would show some compassion for users of their brand-name drug, because of the terrible withdrawal symptoms they will almost certainly experience when switching to the generic equivalents, which many who have tried them state don't work as well.  As always, it's only the bottom line in dollars these large companies seem to care about, and screw the patient!
        Frankly, I don't know what I'm to do if this drug is withdrawn from the market?!  Guess I'll have to do myself in, as I don't wish to live in a perpetual state of withdrawal...Sad state of affairs, and I know I'm not the only one...
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9407153 tn?1403604258
I have Ptsd and I cant take  anything but brand name Klonopin  generics do not work at all  for me  I am  ticked off right now and I will sue if anything happens  to me shame on those who stopped making brand name Klonopin   and not letting Pharmacies know. What will our vets do?
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Im not sure what a reputable drug company is or if it exists. But caraco is the same as PurePac and in my honest opinion and the opinion of many people i know personally, it is always a big bummer when you get your medicine and pull apill out and you see that infamous letter P that looks like its on skis. Ive opened my script at Target and looked in the bottl and saw those and handed it right back to the pharmicist and told him to call this in to CVS where I know they have Tevas. He started to say he couldnt but I knew differen't and hadnt paid for them. same as if i called from home and asked them to call it in to cvs even though it was already filled. Ya, man. No good over here.
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{This is done by a lot of research by looking at the excipients (FILLERS) IN ALL MNFTRS}

1.) Actavis EL  Is the closest chemical makeup to the brand name
2.)  TEVA    is of course the second closest.

Mylan - I would not even take not worth it
qualtest{ purepac } -  Garbage.... Im telling you eihter 1 or 2.... or buy brand name or up your dose...

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I have taken it for cervical dystonia, along with first name brand Neurontin and finally generic when it came along...I had spent nearly $50,000 out of pocket on doctors and medication before this, mostly RXs.
YES...You can ask for TEVA, and though I really feel they are slacking off on the amt. of potency at least you can get it at CVS.  Call around and get prices, and the pharmacies that carry it. Forget Walmart.
I went through what I NOW know is withdrawal on IPL and MYLAN generics of clonazapam.  I thought I was just sick.  Finally, got a TEVA refill of the last bottle one local walmart store had (once I could pull myself together, make the phone calls and DRIVE), and within 20 minutes of one Teva 1 mg. I was feeling normal again.  I didn't PUT myself on these drugs, I didn't GIVE myself Cervical Dystonia....these drugs helped me perfectly from crippling pain to perfect for years.
God help us as we are at the the tax dollar supported mercy of the FDA~!!
NOTE...I made it a point, to fill out the official complaint forms with the FDA against IPL and MYLAN so the alert would be out and no one would have to go through what I did...or worse.  And they did NOTHING...and the letter I got from one of the companies stated I was more or less imagining things.
To #&!! I was~!.  I wonder how many died over this??
Also, as I should have been doing for years, if you can't really afford the medication ...the REAL stuff...look up on line for the companies which I forget at the moment for YOUR medication(S) and contact the companies.
You can fill out forms and submit this and that and receive it free.
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480448 tn?1426948538
I don't know if you noticed the date on this thread, but it's very old.  I would doubt the person you are addressing is still even around.

That being said, I think it's great that you've found success with a regimen that doesn't include medication, but that doesn't discount the fact that meds have helped countless people, including myself.  NOTHING is a "cure all"...there needs to be real work done to learn how to change the way we think and react in order to get anxiety to a manageable level.
There is no right or wrong way to address anxiety, something different works for everyone.

Anyway, welcome to MedHelp.
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hi ggreg, i understand anxiety disorders, but it can be very harmful to be on so many medications...i think these medications are giving you more problems than relief...i think the best way is to make a plan, see a therapist regularly and slowly go off all of these medications, and replace them with natural remedies and daily good habits like yoga, meditation, and a good nutritional diet instead of any medication. I find for instance, when i have a smoothie made of 1 banana+1 carrot+2 tablespoons avocado+1 tablespoon flax seeds+ 1 to 2 large Kale leaves, in 15 mins of consuming this, i actually feel an intense calm feeling coming over me. Nutrition and exercise and having healthy friendships and good relationships IS true medicine for the body and mind. Drugs only seem to give short term relief and long term problems..
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It's not the actual drug but the innert ingredients that "hold" the pill together than can cause an adverse reaction.  Clonazepam makes look and feel high accompanied with nausea.  Brand name Klonopin makes me feel more or less in control with no adverse side effects while keeping the feelings of anxiety under control.

Think of it this way ..... If you have a chocolate cake at one restaurant and one at the other, they will probably not taste the same.  The ingredients are more than likely the same but the recipe is different and thus there's a difference
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480448 tn?1426948538
I'm not sure what you mean by "over-site"?

Generic medications are actually a good thing, they help to curb the ridiculously high pharmaceutical costs, which is why a lot of insurance companies will not cover the brand when a generic is available.  There are ways around that, however.  Most times, if your doctor simply checks the box marked "brand necessary" on the prescription, it should be covered.  If not, there are usually SEVERAL different generic brands of one medication.  If one doesn't work, you can always try another.

EVERYONE if different.  While one brand may not have worked for you, it may work just fine for other people, and vice versa. So, there is just no way we can make such general statements about generics being "no good" or "not as effective", etc.  It will vary with the medication and with each individual person.

If you find a certain brand of a medication works much better for you, then you need to tell your doctor and pharmacist, and make sure that's what you are getting.  That being said, that doesn't mean that other generic meds wouldn't be effective for you.  It's something that has to be assessed with each individual situation.
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After having tried the Myland twice, I will no longer accept it, if the pharmacy tries to fill it with that worthless junk.   Why isn't there over-site on these drugs?

Teva works quite well with their clonazepam.   I take it for sleep and after this last batch of Myland haven't had a good night's sleep in a month.

I tried to get brand name klonopin but called five pharmacies in town and none had it in stock.  It would have to be a special order and my insurance (BCBS at the time) wouldn't cover it.

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480448 tn?1426948538
It's not as easy as saying "it's the same medication".  For all intents and purposes, it SHOULD be, but certain medications have a reputation of the generic version not being as effective.

It all depends on what works for each individual patient.  Some people have no issue with generics, and feel they work the same for them, and others are adamant that there is a huge difference.

This is the kind of debate that will always be around.
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its the same medication
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I was prescribed .5 mg of Klonopin twice a day and .5 mg of xanax as needed back in March of this year, 2011. My insurance called for putting me on the generic as a default, and I was put on "Qualitest" brand for both. I have had panic disorder most of my life and I am in my 30's. At first it seemed to help and I was more relaxed, but then when I got in anxious situations, it barely did anything. So then I would pop a xanax and that became a habit. A night out of drinking on that combined? I was a loose cannon. It might be a good night or a bad night where I was falling over in my heels, and slurring and saying inappropriate things, and I guess the typical benzo-blackout behavior had begun within a few months. My friend's were scared, and I ran off potential friends because of the weird disconnect when I would talk, even after just a few beers. That, I was very aware of when I did it. Not only that, when it left my system, it was immediate. I could feel panic coming on within a few minutes. I would start twitching, stuttering, and a pain would rush through my heart. I tried to wean myself off of it, and someone who had just met me noticed my hands twitching at the dinner table as I was eating. Earlier that same night my head was spinning with old panicky thoughts and bad memories. It was horrible.

Knowing other people who take Klonopin and lead pretty full lives, even with moderate alcohol involved, I decided that trying to Rouche brand was my last option. My good friend told me that the generic adderall she was given before was making her eyes twitch and giving her tension headaches and spasms in her necks. Her Dr. told her to request the brand name, and she did and takes it now. She agreed that brand name drugs are better and cleaner. So I paid the expensive price for actual Klonopin and have been on it for the past month. OH WOW! What a world of difference. I never need the Xanax anymore (so I am not mixing a cocktail or drugs anymore), I have taken it to sleep a few times, but that's it. I quit taking Ambien too, and I am back to just simple over the counter natural sleep aid. I don't really have any side effects from drinking either. I mean I am not out there pounding shots or anything, but I can go out and have a moderate amount of drinks with friends if I have had a good meal and be fine. It's an amazing stabilizer, and it feels constant in my system. I just put more money on my benefits card so I can put money towards these prescriptions. I will never go back to generic again.

The fillers definitely affect how the compound is absorbed, and the brand name is definitely stronger. I don't even need my whole prescription. I take .25mg twice a day, and will add another .25 if I really need it, and that's it. I have over a week of extra pills left over and it's the end of the month already. I believe the brand name was cut with certain ingredients to create the most effective absorption level/rate for the patient. It's tried and true, and I believe that now. I think that maybe the different fillers that different generic companies use effect the way the drug reacts in your body as well as absorption into your blood stream. The same way mixing any different chemicals in your body does. If worse comes to worse, I guess I will find a pharmacy that prescribes this TEVA brand that you all are raving about. Until then, I am so happy with my magic circles with K's punched in them.
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If there is no difference in the effectivness of generic and brand...why does the brand cost as much as it costs?  I have seen numerous neurologists and had tried all the generic with basically the same negative results...a hangover and experiencing a sureal feeling...even to the point of falling resulting in a head injury along with hip and knee injuries...all attributable to the generic.  As it has been explained to me by the neurologists is that the filler is the key.  The filler causes the "drug" to be released into the body at an inconsistent rate and on occasion can give the drug a longer half-life in your body.  As a mental health professional I consistently see a higher functioning individual who is taking the brand as opposed to the client taking the generic who is most oftem lethargic, slow thought processing.  Have you read that you can't sue a generic manafucter as long as they print the same precaution on their label as the brand...makes no sense unless all the ingredients are the same.  Shame on the government that allows the public who trust them to be lied/mislead in such a dangerous manner.  Congratulations to all wh generics work...the remainder of us will continue to pay the higher prices that keeps your prices low.   HAVE YOU HEARD THE BRAND COMPANIES ARE ATTEMPTING TO STOP USCITIZENS FROM PURCHASING MEDS IN CANADA?
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yeah I believe besides the brand name Roche the Teva brand is way better then most all Generics almost similar to the K cuts but i would deff never go with the mylans but somewhat I have had my share of about everybrand minus a couple ... but i would say
1, k cuts
4.qualtest{ purepac }
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CanuckGuy42, as I'm sure has been mentioned, "Klonopin" is just the brand name given by clonazepam's original manufacturer, Roche.

JGF25, 1mg TEVA clonazepam (3x/day) is also what I take, and it works consistently well.  

But I can (and need) to talk about other things.... (I'm new here)
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1699033 tn?1514113133
I am just going to do a quick jump in and say that my 1 mg clonazepam is made by TEVA and it works very well.  
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In Canada it is marketed at Clonazapam not Klonopin and I believe it is the same drug.
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In the strictest sense, there should be no difference in the efficacy of a given molecule, no matter who manufactured it, what size, shape or color the tablet, so long as it contains the same amount of the same active substance.

This is where there seems to be a problem.  While I don't have the equipment (or the skill) to confirm it, there seems to be something wrong with Mylan clonazepam, from my own and many other's experience.

Either they use fillers which interact with absorption, or _something_, but  simply way too many people report problems when switching from Roche or TEVA branded clonazepam to Mylan.

I know it doesn't make sense, to me either, but even I go out of my way to fill my klonopin Rx manufactured by TEVA.

Incidentally, I've had no problems with other Mylan products.
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ANY DRUG TAKEN FOR A LON PERIOD OF TIME CAN BE ADDICTIVE.  I am presently coming off of 2 mg. of Klonopin. I am at 1 1/4 tablets. THE MFG cannot give me a release date for the NAME BRAND, if any. So I am going to try and use a generic in combination with the name brand. I don`t think KLONOPIN was release at all in 2011.  The Dr. NEVER tells you how addictive these medicines as I really don`t think they know. They read from a medical book. I guess everyone is different so maybe that is why they do not say anything..go figure...Hopefully, when I get the generic..maybeI can tokerate it and can stay on1 1/4 tablets..I would not count my luckey stars on that though..Come off this stuff as slowly as you are able..thelonger, the better, I would think..Your body has to adjust to a dose for a good while..scary...
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FDA is not regulated by the government soooo the do what they want regarding the release and no longer manufacturing a drug(name Brand)..They can just STOP making a Name Brand and you are really out of luck if you taking a one. IT IS A GAME THEY PLAY!! It is for their benefit not yours, The more money they can make they don`t care what is in the drug as long as it meets a STANDARD.  I have trouble taking generics, I wonder WHY...THERE is a difference in the compounding....They are holding a release date, if any, on the KLONOPIN NAME BRAND. They may choose not to release it at all. BE AWARE! There is a problem of drugs formulated to look like the same stuff getting into Hospitals and Pharmacies ...they are holding  a lot of drugs to be checked as they have had people die...The drugs look the same and that is the problem...A Dr. would have a hard time telling if it was a fake..One drug was antianxiety drugs...check you stuff, PLEASE...
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If the generic is the same as the BRAND NAME, I know the Brand name Klonopin is expensive sooo there is a great difference in the compounding of the drugs. Once a patent is no longer on a name brand drug, it is OPEN to GENERICS..CHEAPER to make soooothey are not exactly the same which can affect a person which is used to NAME BRANDS...
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  I think your post is inaccurate.  Klonopin is a brand name.  Clonazepam is the actual drug it contains.  Regardless of fillers, if a drug contains .5 mg of the active ingredient, that's where the potency lies.  Problem is some generic meds simply don't measure up.
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