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Tight right temple, burning and tight scalp!

is a burning, tight scalp, tightness in right temple, random pains in head a sign of something life threatening?
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3455166 tn?1347507133
Hi there,

You say you have a tight scalp? It sounds to me like you are having a chronic tension headache, possibly a very bad one if there is also burning. Is that pain shallow? Since we have muscles all around our heads, they can get tight for many reasons and exert feelings of pressures or even spasms sometimes.

If ibuprofen or other OTC meds aren't helping, or if they keep recurring it could be other things, such as bad posture. Sometimes even sitting or standing wrong can cause imbalances in our muscles, all the way up our backs, necks and heads.
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sounds like stress to me
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I am very sorry for you suffering, I also have this exact same thing for 8 months now and its pretty much constantly there. I also have had many testes done etc. Its seriously stressing me out. I keep searching on the internet hoping to find an answer since doctors have no clue.
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Hello for 2 days now I've been experiencing right sided temple pressure like someone's pressing on it I get relief if I push/massage it but that's only a short time! Sometimes I think it's gone but push it or something and its back? I have been under stress lately from being ill with a chest infection to my mums awaiting diagnoses with breast cancer, some people automatically think "brain tumour" but I've spoke to nhs and they say when you have a brain tumour it's not "pressure" it's pain, they also suggested it could be stress related? I think having it makes me worry more so if no gone within a week of relaxing I will be going back to docs asking for some maybe stress pills! There's no pain at all just this weird pressure! I had it before when I was under stress from worrying with my health? Yet I'm only 17 can someone please reassure me I'm going to be ok? :(
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3455166 tn?1347507133
Alright, that is great to hear! Its great to know that what I've said helps out.

Funnily enough, I had the same racing thoughts about what you mentioned, but after I had stopped the worry, and have been relaxing it has totally gone away. You most probably have had a combination of both anxiety and general muscle tension. So then, time to change the thinking!

I look foward to hearing from you, and let me know if you find a good CD.
Of course talking off any worries always helps a ton. Best regards! ;-)
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Hi Mark,

Thanks again for a great reply! My pillows seem ok and do tend to swap sides throughout the night. None of these symptoms wake me up at night. I will certainly try and keep an eye on the jaw clenching as this makes perfect sense. My diet could be a lot better so i'll work on this (having just been made redundant, stocking up the freezer on whatever we can is the key until i'm back in work!) i occasionally notice a mildly stiff neck but the burning can be brought on by just running my had over my head! Everything you say is making more sense than my doctors make! i'll have a good look around for some relaxation cd's. I have noticed that since joining to this website the other day and getting some advice from you guys my anxiety symptoms do seem to be subsiding slightly, the temple pressure (touch wood) hasn't been noticed for 2 days now and i just feel a little more "alive" if thats the best way to put it! i still think i'll get a referal to the neurologist just to see if anything i'm describing sends alarm bells ringing with them but if not then i think i can finally feel almost certain that this was all caused by lingering anxiety and the advice you guys have given me will go a long way to start fighting off this horrible mental illness once and for all! i'm so tired of thinking is it a brain anerysm, is it a tumor etc etc! Thanks again Mark i will keep you posted! :)
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3455166 tn?1347507133
Hey Leon,

One thing to do from now on is to try to be aware of if your jaws are closed tightly, because the muscle in your temple (the temporalis) is what allows you do so and when its tense, that would be the pressure in the temple that you feel.

The burning switches sides? How do you sleep at night? Do you sleep on one side most of the time or are you getting adequate neck / head support from your pillows? This might be a possible culprit.

Another thing that just came to mind is, how is your diet? Do you you or drink anything that might cause headaches? Many foods can cause them, you may want to try researching that and finding out if any that you are eating could be either the cause of, or contributing to them. The stuff we eat everyday really makes a huge difference.

Go find a store that carries relaxation CD's. I'm not sure who carries them over in Britain as I'm on the other end of the pond here in the States. There are many relaxation CD's that feature progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) so if you can find one that has that, then get it and listen to it everyday. Since worry and stress cause us to naturally respond with stress (its a primitive response we all have) I think the relaxation exercises will definately help you with loosening up.

I have a CD called "Relaxation" and its made by an organization called "The Love Tapes". You can see if they have it over there.

If you can, try getting a massage as well. The headaches you are experiencing could very well be from an excessivly tight neck or shoulders.
Since all of our muscles are interconnected, sometimes a tight back can even trigger headaches since the tension can travel up the muscles.
Another thing to mention also, when it comes to worrying so much about it, you have probably mentally conditioned yourself to worry. But that is okay, as you relax more and more (make sure to be persistent with it) you will slowly de-condition yourself from the worry about these headaches. It will take a while, but it will work. You should also stretch on a daily basis.

Oh, you can also search on Youtube for relaxation exercises as well and those may help.

About the burning at the back of your head: Do you have a stiff neck? Because those muscles at the back of the head are directly connected to our neck muscles.

Best Regards,


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To be honest with you I'm not sure if i clench although there have been a couple of times during the day when I'll notice I'm unconsciously clenching but not that hard. I never wake up with a sore or stiff jaw so not sure if i do it in the night. As I'm typing this i have the burning at the back of my head and slight pain on the left side of my head but no temple pressure! these burning sensations seem to swap sides of my head every now and then but it just makes me worry every all the time I'm feeling it! do you know where i can find some relaxation techniques that i can do at home? Thank you Gulfstream2
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3455166 tn?1347507133
Hi Leon,

I just had a thought, you say your temple feels like its always tight? The muscle there is called the Temporalis, and it is what allows you to close your jaw. Do you clench your jaws a lot? It is something most do when uptight and stressed or anxious.
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3455166 tn?1347507133
Its my pleasure to help out, sometimes having contact with others really is the best way to get over the anxiety hurdle. Try the relaxation exercises, they work wonders. Keep us updated.
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Hi Gulfstream2, I'm doing ok today thanks and thank you for your advice on my post, i think relaxation would help me a lot as i really do think this is all tension, anxiety and stress related. It's great to see that there are people out there willing to give up time to help and advice others! @nursegirl6572 thank you also for your advice it's great to hear from someone in the medical profession! i think it may be an idea to go back to my doctor and request a referral to a neurologist because all i got back from the MRI was a letter to say MRI was normal. I have been to the doctors several times since the MRI and they have put it down to anxiety each and every time and prescribed me amytriptiline to help me relax which isn't helping in any way other than knocking me out for the night! Last week i was given antibiotics to see if it was a lingering sinus infection, the temple pressure went for a few days but came back the day before the antibiotics ran out but i reckon it was a physiological thing and my brain wanted to believe that the antibiotics were stopping the temple pressure! i asked the doctor what the next course of action would be if the antibiotics didn't help and she said "if they don't work, i don't know whats wrong with you and it'll be back to the neurologist" so maybe if i go back to the neurologist they can start eliminating anything serious. Because it's been nearly a year that all these symptoms started I'm just having such a hard time believing that it can all me down to anxiety but with you guys giving me advice and being comforting I'm already starting to feel a little better! If this really is all anxiety, anxiety is horrendous and i wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy! Thanks again to you both for your advice and if you reply I'll prob be in bed watching ex factor lol as I'm in England and i think you guys are in the USA but I'll reply as soon as I'm next on. Thanks again guys!
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480448 tn?1426948538
The symptoms you're describing absolutely could be anxiety related.  Have you seen your doctor about this symptom?  I see you had an MRI, but was anything else done?  A neuro consult?

I would recommend going back to your doctor for follow up, not because I think you have something medically wrong, but because ONE, it's always good to rule out a medical cause before assuming things are anxiety related, and TWO, it will give you some peace of mind...and THREE, your doc can help you start addressing the anxiety with a therapy referral, or referral to a psychiatrist.

The good thing with anxiety-related symptoms is, once you start addressing the anxiety, the symptoms will subside.

Good luck, keep us posted!
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3455166 tn?1347507133
Actually you could be experiencing chronic tension your head. I occasionally had a certain form of tension that would form in the muscles around the crown of my head from time to time (it has stopped now) and at that time I was going through pretty consistent anxiety / stress and you know the myriad of side effects from stress and anxiety, LOL.

As for tension in the right temple and it feels shallow, I bet you it is just a muscle that keeps tensing up or contracting causing that pain or ache you are experiencing, I know it can be a pain in the ***. Do you practice daily relaxation? If not, you should try progressive muscle relaxation, and spend twenty to thirty minutes just gelling, and pracitcing relaxing as it really does help with muscle tension and tightness. You can try massaging it everyday also.

Anyways, I think that they will pass (I had mine for a few months) but they went away, and mine stemmed from posture, I would always lay on my side, and this I'm sure contributed to it. I hope this helps you, and best regards.
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Thanks for your comment but a) i am new to this site and am getting used to it and b) weird head sensations and muscle tightness can be symptoms if anxiety and stress so i thought this was the appropriate forum to post in. Sorry if i was mistaken!. Gulfstream2, thank you for your post, there isn't really any pain but more just a sensation that is always there. The burning comes and goes but the tightness in my right temple is always there and has been every day since 10 months ago or so. Can i be suffering tension headaches daily? Thank you
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If you're concerned about your head/brain/scalp I'm sure the anxiety forum ins't the appropriate forum to be asking this question in.
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Ps, i have had these sensations for a year next month! MRI of head 4 months ago came back normal.
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