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klonopin vs xanax

Please can someone tell me which is better?
I am on Tareg for blood pressure, from specialist....then my GP put me on Wellbutrin and klonopin .... which my specialist took me off and said take Xanax only with the Tareg.
Any comments much appreciated.
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Physicians that "yank" people off benzodiazepines should get hit by a BUS!!!

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Hi Ryan,

This here is a great forum for discussion, advice etc. I have been taking alprazolam for almost 5 years for panic disorder. My episodes of panic were devastating and would occasionally create a pass out effect. I would take xanax as needed but of course now it's dependent.. I had my share of withdraw effects as well bc some/most doctors wouldn't refill my script and pharmacists as well. Obviously they were concerned with the addiction vs. the problem. At any rate, under the current extreme stressful life today, I have very few pills to take until my next refill... Would taking Diazapam hold me over for a month until I can get my rx filled? And would mixing the 2 at low levels of 2mg of xanax & 5 or 10mgs of diazapam daily be okay?

Your input is most appreciated

- Rudy
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i was told that klonopin is a mixture of xanax & valium
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I was told that Klonopin is a mix of the two(valium,xanax)
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I developed panic attacks after a drowning accident when I was 8 yrs old.  I had frequent, random attacks until around the age of 12.  The attacks suddenly stopped, and I was panic free until 18 yrs old.  I joined the military at 23, and at that time only rarely experienced a panic attack.  
One day on a flight from California to Boston, I experienced a panic attack during take off.  I was terrified and almost went to the cockpit to tell the pilot to turn the plane around.  Instead, I headed to the restroom until the terror subsided.  Prior to this panic attack on the airplane, I had flown frequently and was even in the process of obtaining my private pilots license.  I began to self medicate with alcohol prior to each deployment overseas.  I would stay up all night drinking myself in to oblivion.  This method worked fine until one morning as I walked to the plane I went from staggering drunk to stone cold sober.  I was screwed.  I could not make myself get on the airplane.  
As a result of a missed deployment, the Navy required me to be evaluated by a psychiatrist. He listened to my story, and afterwards told me he could "cure" my problem.  He prescribed my 10mg Paxil once a day.  I was so excited to hear there was a "magic pill" that could cure my problem.  I even started working on my private pilot's license again. When I went for my class III physical prior to my solo flight, I found that Paxil automatically disqualified me for me class III physical.  
I was still able to deploy while on Paxil, but the side effects were becoming intolerable.  I had gained 30lbs, and my sex drive was pretty much gone.  I decided to stop the paxil and beat the panic attacks on my own.  One day, while experiencing another panic attack I got this bright idea.  My heart was racing somewhere around 160 bpm.  I decided that if my heart was going to beat that fast that I'd give it a reason.  I went outside and started to jog down the road.  This became my cure.  From that point forward, everytime I would feel those familliar signs of an impending attack, I'd just throw on my shoes and go for a run.  Eventually, I stopped having to actually run because just the thought of going jogging was enough to calm me down.  At this point I am completely panic free with one VERY important exception.  In an airplane.  Its a little difficult to go for a jog when you're trapped in a tube at 30K ft 3hr out over the Atlantic.  
I am back in the military, and will probably be deploying to Afganistan in March.  I went to a doctor I work closely with (I'm also a medical professional), and he prescribed me 0.25mg tabs of Xanax to be taken 1hr before flying.  My family was supposed to fly to Puerto Rico on 12/29.  I took 1 tab of 0.25mg Xanax with no results, then another, then another.  I had finally taken a total of 1mg xanax, and I may have well taken an aspirin.  There was no way I was getting on that airplane.  I drove back home while my family went to PR for 10 days without me.  
My Naval career is on the line here.  I am at a loss.  I have been experimenting with Xanax and Valium for the last few days.  An hour prior to writing this post I took 2mg Xanax and 30mg Valium.  I feel a very slight "buzz" but there is no way I could get on an airplane to fly anywhere, much less Afganistan.  A couple of days ago, I took 3mg Xanax with pretty much the same results.  I have an appt with my psychiatrist friend on the 21st, and after talking to him yesterday, he placed a consult for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.  
I am under a lot of pressure right now, as my career is hanging in the balance, which further fuels my anxiety.  I need help before my military career is over.
I know this was a long post, but please someone help me.  The only problem I have is beating this fear of having a panic attack on an airplane.

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Hi i have been reading these posts and am coming to you as you seem to be the most informed. I was on Xanax 1/2 tab of 0.25mg  3x day for over 20 years....also on lopressor 50mg 2 x daily for beta blocking effects. I have generalized anxiety and panic attacks and at one time agorophobic....this year many stressors ( my 21 yr old son OD twice he lives with his druggie dad who enables him with the drugs....the dad takes 400 oxycontins a month!) sibling rivalry  and our mom with end stage Alzheimers who died Nov 30  and her husband (stepdad) died 28 hours later....all of this stress caused me to go into super panic  and i made 3 trips to ER in 2 weeks one my heart rate was 180 when the paramedics got to me.....finally my doc hospitalized me to rule out cardiac so that was 5 days  and immediately from there I was voluntarily transferred to a mental health unit for 4 days.....psychiatrist saw me......took me off Xanax cold turkey and put me on Klonopin 0.25mg in morning and 0.5mg in eve x 3 days  then upped it to 0.5mg rwice daily. In addition I was started on Lexapro 5mg daily. As of today this is my 9th day on Klonopin and day 7 of Lexapro.......I am in bed 95% of the day too weak to do anything and too scared that I am going to have withdrawal symptoms from going off the Xanax....the psychiatrist told me it was safe to just change them as they are both benzos only one is long acting.....I don't know who to believe and I am very scared.......I am 56 years old weigh only 116 as i lost 11 pounds in last 2 months. I live alone and am frightened and don't know if I should call my doc (right on a sunday no less) go to the hospital or just wait this out.  Can you give me some insight as to whether I am safe from withdrawal at this time?
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