1100140 tn?1260594269

Heart Beat

Hello ! I have Panic and Anxiety disorder and Ocd and depression. I am On Zoloft 100 mg now for 7 months. I have been doing very well on this. My major symptom from anxiety is DP ( depersonalization) tingling and Crazy thoughs. Ok , so now that I have all of that pretty much under control, last night I was sitting here on the computer playing my game like normal and my heart starts skipping beats and feeling like it was klopping around in my chest. This lasted for a good hour or better. Now I know there is nothing wronge with my heart as I have had An Stress test and echo and Ekg about a year and a half ago. Is this something any of you all have had due to anxiety?? I know that it shows its ugly face in different forms. I am just trying to keep my mind straight and not think crazy thoughts. Thank you so much for your time :-)

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i'm a 32yold mess, iv'e been on various pills since i was 16 and then i had my 1st child when i was 22.whilst most women complain about having awful pregnancies, i was quite the opposite.....i lost approx 15kg throughout it and came out skinner than i'd been in a long time! put the weightloss down to no alcohol during pregnancy, because i ate any thing and everything lol. then 8weeks after her birth, back on the pill. look back now was definately depressed after having her, no one helped tho just told me i would be fine. got progressively worse, crying all the time, couldn't leave the house, couldn't talk on phone, avoided people, couldn't cope but couldn't not cos had baby, all the classic signs of depression, anxiety and agraphobia.oh and ill add the new pill was a higher dose as after having daughter had bleeding through old one. then in 2004ish i started getting panic attacks, and im not talking the regular variety....palpatations, sweating, dizziness, fainting, diahorea, nausea, tremours, slurred speach, you name it i had it, thought i was having a heart attack or strfoke. called ambo a few times. finally got diagnosis of acute panic disorder. tried every natural remedy...far too severe for that. went on anti depressants. felt fantastic at first, realised i hadnt felt that good since a kid, realised i must have had depression most of life because i felt so great. ups and downs when they wouldnt work as effectively so i'd change to a different one but mostly under control. Then i fell pregnant with my son in 2006. although lovan was safe to take through pregnancy, i decided against it and no pill obviously! felt fantastic....lost 26kg! i gave birth and weight the same as my wedding day weight! i was the happiest new mother you have ever met!!! then i went back on the pill about 8wks after his birth, a couple of weeks later i was a wreck...all the panic attacks came back worse than before!! i was a mess, so back off to doc and back on the antideppressants. its been nearly 3 years now and although after changing anti depressants a number of times, panic attacks mostly controlled, depression in full force, want to sleep my life away, cant cry because im numb, FAT again (that came back about 3 months after birth) and have no desire to be alive.not that i want to kill myself, just seems that i would be happy to never wake up, i'm wishing my life away! the only relief is sleep.
so for years i have been say to people that my hormones must be at their optimum when i'm pregnant as i always feel fantastic and lose so much weight. everyone thinks i'm just looking for an excuse, that i'm just lazy and fat because of it. after reading this.....i think not! i'm going off the pill as of today to see. i'll stay on the antidepressants til i feel in control enough to come off those too, but heres hoping.
if anyone else has experienced this in pregnancy, please tell me. i will keep you all up to date. anything is worth a try at this stage!!
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1283791 tn?1276818314
That was my main symptom of anxiety for yrs. And it would hit me out of no where even wake me up out of a sleep. My heart would skip beats flutter or just beat extremely fast. I was put on ativan for the symptoms and that stuff really works and works fast. I have been on ativan for over 5 yrs but Now I hardly take it. I always keep it in my purse just incase that were to ever happen again and from time to time it does but no where like it used to. It probably happenes twice a yr instead of every other day. I hope you feel better I know what a scary uncomfortable feeling that can be.
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My heart has skipped beats like that for over 15 years. I've had every heart test in the world done and they were all normal. I suffer from anxiety and panic disorder as well and when my heart starts acting up, I start to panic, which only makes matters worse. I know it's hard to do, but ignoring the skips will eventually make them stop. I struggle with this every day. It's not a fun way to live, but this is what I've been handed so I better make the best of it. Good luck.
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In my opinion anxiety can definitely manifest itself in many ways.  My heart sometimes loves to cartwheels in my chest as well, especially, when I start to worry about it.  My original experience with health anxiety started with concerns over heart health.  In my experience, if we start to worry about a symptom, it will generally get worse.  I also know that it is not a big deal because I have had the applicable tests and talked with my doctor about it.  Also, we can have good and bad days with anxiety, so don't focus on a bad experience.  Focus on your long term progress; you said that you are improving and that is great!
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