358304 tn?1409709492

took paxil lastnight... side effect already or not?

I took my paxil at 6pm last night for the first time (10mg). And with all this anxiety I've been having, I've been having a tight throat/ and a really sensitive gag reflex... and no appetite... and this gag reflex thing doesnt really help my appetite either.

Well, lastnight I took the paxil at 6pm... and I thought it made me feel DROWSY as heck... then an hour went by and it seemed to ease up... but then I took a walk with my wife around the block, and when we got home... I thought I was going to vomit! Just out of nowhere! I didnt feel nauseous or anything... just a sudden urge to vomit...

I immediatley just started breathing.... and took 2 ativan... and went and laid down... this feeling went away after I relaxed.

Do you think it was the Paxil? Or just my anxiety making me sick?

14 Responses
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358304 tn?1409709492
Yeah, the zone out thing is kinda weird. lol. But it only lasted for about half an hour. But I'm sure that will ease up with time.
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979428 tn?1253399601
Hang in there.  When I started Paxil I had to take it at night, and I would just zone out.  My husband found it hilarious!  Interesting thing is now, after nearly a decade, I have started taking it in the morning.  Weird how things change.

I had a lot of physical symptoms with my anxiety.  As I started to feel better on medication (remember, it can take 6-8 weeks for it to build up, so be patient with yourself!) my physical symptoms got better.  They may never go totally away, but it will get better when you get to the point you have found something that works.

Hang in there!
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358304 tn?1409709492
Hey Greenlydia!!!

After I took the Paxil tonight... I didnt get that sedated... I did kinda feel "out of it?" for just a little bit... but nothing like last night. Then the feeling went away... my brother and I went to a fitness club, and sat in the hot tub... and just talked and relaxed... on the way there my anxiety was kinda high, and my heart was pumping hard... (dunno if that was from the Paxil or not?)

Then after we left the gym, I noticed my gag reflex was feeling MUCH better... and I'm a little more calm...

Maybe there is hope in this medicine for me? Can't wait for the next couple of weeks... hoping this gag reflex thing is COMPLETELY GONE!!!

I notice the gag reflex thing when my stomach is really nervous or anxious... thats when it's the worst... but when I'm relaxed... and more calm... the more calm my gag reflex thing is...

Must be a mental thing... and it's starting to convince me that it is just anxiety driven. =)

Will keep you up to date.
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370181 tn?1595629445
Give it a little time, OK? If you only took it 30 minutes ago, it's just barely had time to dissolve!

Besides, sedation is a POSSIBLE side effect. It's not gauranteed that YOU will have that particular side effect. But as Paxiled said, most meds in this category ARE "usually" pretty sedating at first.

Let us know how the night went!
Nighty Night
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358304 tn?1409709492
Thanks nursegirl6572. My wife is VERY VERY wise. She is my ROCK. She is very educated and goes to the Dr. with me every time almost... so she listens for me as well. haha. So she can always reassure me its just anxiety... and NOTHING ELSE IS WRONG WITH ME! IT'S ALL ANXIETY DRIVEN.

Will keep you guys up to date on my progress...

Oh and Paxiled... I'm starting to feel a little sedated. lol.
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358304 tn?1409709492
Thanks bro! =) Just took my 2nd one tonight about 30 minutes ago. So far not seeing too much sedation...
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All ssris can cause nausea at first, and it usually passes fairly quickly.  As for sedation, my own experience is that when a med works, it is really sedating at first.  Paxil made it impossible for me to get out of bed to get to work on time for months, but it was the best med I've taken for my panic attacks.  Look, all these meds have side effects, but if you need it, you need it.  I'd say the sedation is a good sign that it's being metabolized and is relaxing you.  Let's see.
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480448 tn?1426948538
You've already had a thorough work-up, which should ease your mind a bit.  If you feel looking into the gagging a bit more in depth will help you to accept that it is most likely anxiety, then ask your PCP for a referral to an ENT.  They will be able to properly assess you and order any necessary tests.

We are our own worst enemies b/c we keep the cycle going.  Your wife sounds very wise...try to listen to what she is telling you.  I mean, it is obvious that you are quite obssessive about all of this right now...which I understand...only thing is...it is going to make your anxiety that much worse.

Also, try taking the Paxil at bedtime.  One, the drowsiness side effect will help you to sleep...and two...if you go to sleep right after taking it...you won't be able to be overly focused, waiting for side effects.
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358304 tn?1409709492
What is a thorough physical to be exact? lol. I've seen the Dr. probably 4 times in the past 2 months. First it was for my anxiety and IBS issues... and then again for my IBS issues.

Then this last time b/c of my gagging/high anxiety and no appetite.

I should say my appetite comes and goes... b/c this weekend I had NO appetite... but out of nowhere I craved an arbys sandwhich and fries and i ate it all, thats not me when im really really anxious. lol. So my appetite does come and go, but its pretty much GONE!!!!

All my Dr. had done check up wise, is a blood test.... and just kinda felt around me... and my thyroid.. etc. Took my blood pressure etc.

He said my blood work was good which made him believe its just anxiety. I told him about the gag reflex and tight throat and he said its prob. just anxiety.

But, I asked him.... can you run a test?

And he said "what kind of tests do you want me to do? I can do soooo many for people with anxiety. haha" and he began to laugh and smile. He patted me and said it's just probably anxiety. Relax. You don't need any tests ran. Start the Paxil, and I will see you in 4 weeks.

Part of me would feel better if I had a cat scan or something to make sure there is nothing going on in my stomach, or if I have a virus in my stomach... or if there is something in my throat?

If I look at the symptoms in order... it's all anxiety caused I'm sure... I started getting anxiety about a work project... then that led to my nervous stomach... which led to less of an appetite, which then turned into IBS symptoms... which led to almost zero appetite... then one day about 2 weeks ago... I developed the gag reflex thing.... so this is evidence to my Dr. that it's probably all anxiety related.

I must say, my gag thing has been kinda low today... but my appetite is still shot. and im extremely tired.... i  hope the paxil works... I've been chewing lots of gum too... and that helps my throat.

My Dr. set me up with a therapist for this next coming wednesday. I'm very excited about it.

But I know my body MORE than anyone else... and if this gagging thing or appetite doesnt come back in a couple of weeks or so... I'm demanding my Dr. to run every test out there. lol. So I can be CERTAIN it's only anxiety.
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370181 tn?1595629445
Have you had a thorough physical recently? If not, I would strongly suggest you go in for one. Why? Something you said about having had no appetite for a couple of  MONTHS. Also this gagging you are experiencing. In another post, I wrote that there may be issues there that need looking into. But while I agree with toejam, and have said the same thing myself............that you need to relax and give these meds time to work, you are obviously so anxious, obsessed and upset with your various physical symptoms and possible side effects, I really believe you need, and would benefit greatly by having a long talk with your doctor. I would even consider getting a referral to a therapist to help you through this. I know this is a difficult and frightening time, but you are making it so much harder on yourself, cnote. I think your wife is a very wise woman and you should listen to her advice, but maybe you need to hear the same thing from a doctor before you'll actually buy into it?
You know we care about you and will always be here for you anytime you need us, but you really must be pro-active in your own mental health care.
Do your very best cnote to give these meds a week or two and see if you're not feeling better. Start keeping a journal every day...........I think you'll be surprised at the improvements you find yourself writing about.
As for your appetite, I'm hardly the one to give advice since I usually have cold pizza, coffee and way too many cigarettes for breakfast and Fruit Loops and cigarettes for dinner...............but perhaps eating several small, nutritious meals, say 5, throughout the day, would help. And if the gagging DOES help you cut down on the smokes, consider that a bonus!
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whatever med you go with, you're going to HAVE to give it atleast a few weeks to kick in before you'll know if it works for you. will it work better than lexapro? no one can know...not even your own doctor. that's where the time factor comes in. yes, anxiety can cause you to want to throw up. some people who are getting ready to speak infront of a large audience get so nervous they vomit. this is caused by anxiety...the type of anxiety that you're constantly in a state of. it's also very common for people with anxiety issues to be looking for all the side effects as soon as they start taking a new med. we've all done it. you can either give up on it right away, or keep going with it.

there is an advantage to the drowsiness side effect. most meds used to prevent anxiety will cause drowsiness, and so many people decide to take them at night before bed. this can be useful since a lot of us have problems sleeping as well. my suggestion is if the physical 'side-effects' are bothering you enough, then call your doctor and see what they say....but i really think it's just the normal process of an anxious mind expecting everything that can go wrong to actually go wrong. it's much too early for you to be switching back and forth between meds, though. you really haven't given either med you've been on a chance to work yet....so you need to stick with one and see what happens over the next few weeks.
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358304 tn?1409709492
I don't know if it was the Paxil or not... I just feel like I'm SICK! Like REALLY SICK... I can't eat... I can barley sleep... without taking ativan... my stomach doesnt seem to get too nauseious I dont think... maybe it is? But this urge to gag or throw up is TERRIBLE!!!

Can my anxiety REALLY be doing all of this to me? Making me feel like I'm going to throw up almost all day? I don't do it, but damn near feel like it... I'll get the tight throat... and the hot/cold sweat for a sec... then i just calmly breath and it goes away... but HOW LONG CAN THIS LAST?

I'm almost afraid I've lost my appetite so bad in the past couple of months that my body IS SICK!

I almost feel like I need to be hospitalized at times.....

When I say this my wife says "Honey, why the hospital? Youre not dying... it has to be just anxiety! You have to accept it! You are going to have bad days! You are going to have better days! Then before you know it, you will be back to your good ol' self here soon. =) It's just going to take time!"

That's when she tells me to take an ativan and just go lay down... or take a bath...

I have a hard time smoking ciggarettes b/c of this gag sensation... seems to make it worse... which I should look at that as a GOOD thing. haha.

Maybe I should look at the positive and say "hey, atleast it's stopping me from smoking! I'll be a non smoker before this thing is all over!" haha.

Thank you all SO SO SO SO much for your thoughts, prayers... and just for writing me... you have NO IDEA what that does for me...

Do you think the 10mg Paxil will help more than the 5mg Lexapro?

Do you think I need to give it a couple of weeks for it to kick in? Do you think it could help with my tight throat/gag feeling and appetite issues? I just feel so weak... I want to be able to play with my daughter... and love on my wife... instead of moping around just waiting for this to get better. I try keeping busy... but it doesnt really help... I just feel ill.

Excersising makes me feel sick. I mean, after taking a brisk walk... I thought I was going to vomit... and I'm a little guy... who used to run miles a day... I'm scared to even work out now.. =/

Thanks so much!
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370181 tn?1595629445
Hello, again, cnote!
I am no expert on paroxetine (Paxil) but I can tell you that some of it's side effects include drowsiness, fatigue & sedation and you can experience these effects from the very first pill you take. I can also assure you that these side effects almost always disappear shortly after beginning treatment. "Shortly" being a relative term as we are all different. Some never feel ANY side effects and some of us get every damn one! But what you felt was normal, not unexpected and at this point, nothing to worry about. Maybe don't drive or operate a sky crane for a few days...........

As for the sudden feeling of tossing your salad, the GI side effects of Paxil can include nausea, diarrhea, dry mouth, dyspepsia, constipation, cramps..........and vomiting, just to name a few. So this also could be considered normal, not totally unexpected and also nothing to be overly concerned about at this early stage.

I will assume that when you said you "immediately started breathing......" to mean that you perhaps began to hyperventalate and get yourself all anxious, which the Ativan would definitely nip in the bud. You felt fine when they kicked in.

Do I think it was the Paxil? More than likely. But you know I'm not a doctor, so that is my best guess, and I think it's a damn good one. It could, I suppose, have also been your anxiety, but is that a normal reaction for you to anxiety? Were you overly anxious about starting the Paxil? If your anxiety level was already high from that, it could easily have morphed into what you experienced. I'd try to relax, educate yourself about the common side effects of Paxil and give yourself some time to adjust. If you are really bothered by the side effects, if they don't begin to subside, then a call to your doc is warranted. If some drowsiness and nausea are the worst side effects, consider yourself lucky! And really, try to relax, OK? Nothing horrible is going to happen to you. At most, you may have to try a different med. Some of us have to try half a dozen before we find the one we can live with. It's all a c*r*a*p shoot.
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480448 tn?1426948538
It's hard to say.  It very well could have been a side effect, it also could have been anxiety.In all honesty...it doesn't matter a whole lot.

Sweetie.....you are so trapped in the never unending cycle of overthinking absolutely EVERYTHING.  You need to try as hard as you can not to overanalyze every sensation b/c you know that just fuels the anxiety fire.

You are on the right track.  Try to sit back and take it one day at a time.  If you find you're focusing on a physical sensation too much (hence the gag sensation)...busy yourself and try to occupy your mind with anything but that.

Pretty soon, you'll know whether or not the Paxil will help you...and my guess is..it will.  In the meantime...try to ride it out as best you can.
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