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I am curious...........and I do feel it is my business....what exactly is your medical condition, and what exactly are your qualifications to tell total strangers on the internet what dose of medication to take and when??  I am also wondering what medications you are on, and what is your disorder....I noticed you are not on the other boards as much.  This is a SUPPORT forum, so please tell us.  I realoze you know your stuff, but a little knowledge is often a dangerous thing.
26 Responses
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154765 tn?1237247944
Ill take it easy. Your right everyone has the right to post.......Im happy....
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take it easy.....everyone has a right to post...and you have the right not to pay it any attention.  You have been through enough.  Smile and be happy.  You are fine!!!
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154765 tn?1237247944
I thought you were leaving this forum.....Yeah right
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one of the posts on this thread was addressed to "all"  to that I am qualified......hmm...how did you know that I was talking to you??  Makes me wonder........
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I was not referring to you at all. I may have used your "drama scene" comment to make a point, not to insult you in anyway, so I apologize if you feel that way.  I have always found your posts helpful and supportive.  I have always tried to be supportive also, and you can go back and read my posts to people that I have been writing for months now.  I would never insult or make fun of anyone or what they are going through.  Today, I may have been a little insulting but it is because I find that some of the people who have been condescending to others needed it right back.  I am sorry if I offended you in anyway.
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If you were talking about me and the "drama scene" I mentioned, it was not about Ryan, it was about some other people that are on this board and the heart board as well.  I don't visit this site very much anymore because I really don't find it helpful at all to read posts of people insulting eachother.  It is boring and I have better stuff to do.  Plus, it is really sad to see that our elders in this country (and others) have nothing better to do than troll message boards and insult people with their condescending attitudes!  Maybe we need to implement better social programs!  ;)
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200828 tn?1209917975
Yeah, you wanna get a beer?  Let's go, I'm buying.  Hurry!  Before debaser tags along.
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I said I was leaving, but I just gotta add my 2 cents too.....was this post addressed to YOU?  You are being hypocrtical.  negative comments?  posts not addressed to you?  ciao.
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This is an anxiety forum.  And if it helps you to feel understood and you get good advice from people who  "have been there" more power to you.  I like this forum.  I get help and I give help.  Of course it doesn't take the place of a doctor.  People ask Ryan for advice so they can go to their doctors with some knowledge.  If you don't want his advice, you don't ask.  I find that there are people here who have nothing but negative comments...if anyone has problems with "drama" on an anxiety site then don't visit the site or choose posts that relate to you and not ones that are addressed to others.  THIS IS MY TWO CENTS.  
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I want to thank you for your thoughts.  I truly think you have said over and over to discuss everything with your doctor.  People need to be aware of all medications.  I have a neighbor who has been on ativan for 30+ years and it doesn't even work for her anxiety anymore but the doc keeps giving it to her.  She is now 65 and still takes it.  She says she can tell when her body requires it.  That's my point...her body is aching for it.  Not her mind, her body.  It's not helping her mind anymore.  She knows it but is afraid to start over with another doctor.

My son, my husband and myself are on meds for different health concerns.  I am the only one on meds for anxiety/depresssion.  I have suffered almost my entire life with this disease.  

I have no one and I think most of us have no one who really understands or wants to listen to someone talk about their meds and their anxiety.  Most people I know have said, "oh come on just get over it..."   For me that doesn't always work....maybe once in a while I can "just get over it", but mostly I can't.  I have tried for YEARS now.

The meds I am currently taking are working and I have tried several over the last 15 years (zoloft, effexor, neurontin, paxilcr).  Finally what I am taking now is working.  Working for ME, not necessarily will work for someone else.

Meds for anxiety is all trial and error to see what combo will work for you.

Just hearing Ryan and others discuss and give support about the klonopin I was able to relax a little bit and wait the full 2-3 weeks for it to work.  I truly truly thank all of you for that.  It is HUGE to someone with true anxiety to have that support.

Ryan is sharing his information and he is very knowledgable.  Print out what he says....show your doc.  You can't just go to a pharmacy and say "change this, give me this, etc".  You MUST go through a physician.  

I know this, Ryan knows and most (if not all) people on this forum know this.
We are all trying to get through this anxiety.  It is not always easy to live with but we are all managing.  That is all we can do...manage it.

I didn't mean to sound preachy and I apologize in advance if I did.  
These are just my thoughts....nothing more.  I am someone who has suffered almost my entire life with this.  I am a functioning adult, married and have 3 children.

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198506 tn?1251156915
If you browse through the Heart forum you will see a clique of folks who though knowledgeable lack people skills.  They have strong opinions and personalities and can very often come across as condescending, arrogant, judgemental and hypocritical.  They seem to have invaded this forum now which is understandable since they smell weakness.  They hate strong personalities which is why they are having such a good time trying to knock Ryan down.  To those people I say, please don't insult the folks on this forum by lecturing them to not take dosing instructions from Ryan.  If you know anything about anxiety you will see that most folks with anxiety are very, very cautious.  Plus as far as I can determine Ryan is not dispensing prescriptions, are you Ryan?  Anyway, the best way to deal with bullies is to not engage them.  Best wishes to all.      
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I agree that Ryan is well-informed about benzodiazepines.  I have read similar advice that was authored by doctors.  I want to get off Xanax and do plan to talk to my doctor about Klonopin the next time I'm there just as a stop-gap to help me get off the other medication and not as a long-term thing.  I'm sick of benzo withdrawal and am just ready to get off these drugs altogether.  Good luck to everyone else struggling with medication issues.

Debaser, you're right...the internet as a whole and message boards particularly is a place of anonymity where people feel more free to say things to people they'd never think of saying to someone's face.  Maybe some people come here to "blow off steam."  It's also a symptom of being self-absorbed which so many people (myself included, though I'm trying to overcome it) are these days...ruminating on your problems and living in your head which I don't think is a good thing.  No insults intended...I am chief among people who do this and always have been but I'm sick of letting my screwy childhood and anxiety, etc. interfere with my life.  
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193245 tn?1189989722
Well, just about any mental health support group is going to be a "drama scene".  It's just the nature of the beast.   I don't know about the heart forum.

The site has started posting a disclaimer in every single post.  The gist of it is "always talk to your own doctor before playing doctor on yourself".  The purpose of this forum is, in part, to help us become better and more informed patients, and I think it fills that role very nicely.  Ryan's age doesn't matter.  He has resources and experience...the guy is informative and is an invaluable contributor.  Again, I think everyone understands that he's not their own personal physician.

I know Ryan probably doesn't care what people say about him, but I don't like seeing him "discredited" because I've taken what he's said and went further with it.  I researched.  He's more often than not dead on accurate.  He's also one of two people who helped me (more than he'll ever know) get through the worst time of my life.  He provided that help by providing information...not wishy washy support.  I'm the type of person who wants to see facts, figures, etc.  In my "dark days" I wasn't intellectually all there and I needed to be pointed in the right direction.

And I don't think there's anything unusual about my case.  There's room for "emotional support" and there's room for well-reasoned, fact-based medical discussion between patients.
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154765 tn?1237247944
Lets just all forget about it. The forum is very supportive...
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154765 tn?1237247944
Now I know who you are. My new place is very good. Its hot and muggy. My puppy is doing good.

I was wondering where you been. How come you changed your name?
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This whole board, including the heart forums, has become a DRAMA scene.  It is really a downer.  There is so much attention seeking behavior going on that is unnecessary.  That is why I don't come here very often anymore.  Oh, well.....

I do, however, agree that taking advice about medication dosing on an internet forum is not such a good idea.  Talk to your own doctors, folks.  It is OK to share information but ultimately find a good doctor who really listens to you and you trust about your medication decisions.
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lol i agree bip. if you go look at the other forums where she post shes very rude there to , there are about 4-5 of them likes to cause trouble guess they have nothing to do all day.    so hows the new house and the family doing. hope everything has calmed down for you some. glad dr report was good hang in there it will be ok. i used to come in here under heartfluttersflyawayplz but changed my name so i have talk to you before and knew what was going on with you . puppy doing ok. ok got to run have as great anxiety free day.
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154765 tn?1237247944
She posted and said she doesn't belong here. Oh well this is a anxiety forum to help people not to stress us more....
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are you not on the other forum that ya wanted us off of now you coming here trying start trouble. we dont bother ya.   i agree bip so you know her from the other site why we got this one now they coming here . oh well some just like to start problems. thanks bip hope you have a great day.
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154765 tn?1237247944
Don't let pvcqueen bother you if she posted rude to me and it wasn't nice I am telling MEDHELP cause this is anxiety forum not to cause more anxiety in people....
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154765 tn?1237247944
You shouldn't be on this forum cause I think your rude. My last post I wrote about me bloating and frequent urination I saw what you wrote and I want to let you know when I post to others don't go and post on mine cause you made me very upset what you wrote....
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maybe the other causes the anxiety.
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so we have at least one disease in common. ( I got an ICD/ medtronic bi V sentry  pacemaker, and my life is almost back to normal......I hope it lasts......those little devices are a miracle.) I am curious about the BBB and anxiety.........several of those meds, in my experience, just make one feel very laid back and "loopy"....but that is a different topic for a different place....and yellowrose, I am quite sure that Ryan does not let me, or anybody else for that matter "get to" him.  Come on.
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