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Severe Anxiety Gas/Burps/Heartburn

I am having extremely debilitating anxiety right now. Mild chest discomfort but I focus in on it so much that it becomes unbearable. I am always aware of my heartbeat and like above I focus in to it where it just drives me insane. I am expereincing undescribable levels of discomfort and I just dont understand whats wrong with me. My heart rate throughout the day is 90-100 bpm resting, and it shoots up even when I do simple tasks such as walking. Ive been to a cardiologist and they did several tests and said everything was there and in working order but my pictures were "blurry" so that definately just increased my anxiety 10 fold. A long with this, I was told to wear a hear monitor for a month which did nothing except increase it even more, and I did not even wear the monitor in the end. The strangest symptons though are just constant vibrations or movements in my intestinal area, bad heart burn, bad gas, and a feeling like I have to burp but just cant. Im hoping that my heart is fine and the feelings are just from my focusing on it too much, but I just dont know. Can anyone relate to this? Its been 3 months and I cant even sleep anymore.
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My son chest been hurting and he said funny like dizzy and gassy cold and can't sleep.   Is this his anxitey? He said he's rips are hurting too
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Anxiety,depression and disease is caused by the gut. What you put in your body,food ,smoking,not enough water ect will male.people have anxiety symptoms. Also not enough sleep and exercise will really do it. What I recommend is first of get on herbs. Passion flower and my favorite for severe anxiety is rodiola Rosea is a blessing to literally cure anxiety symptoms and onset. Exercise also, run half a mile. I used to be scared that I would have a heart attack while running lol that was nonsense but I was really out of shape I'm a pack a day smoker and a 24 year old male. I'm seriously the worst stressed out person I belive lold was hospitalized because I thought I was having a heart attack my heart rate was 195 and occurring for 8 hours. And also nascent iodine works wonders Cuz your adrenal glands are probably overloaded with not enough sleep. Anxiety or panic attacks occur for various reasons cortisol levels too high , adrenals glands overload,bad  bacteria in gut and also weak immune system.  Nothing to do with the heart. Don't be surprised if people with anxiety or have fear disorder like hycondriac live longer, we our more in tune with our body so take care of it my friend. Natural supplements and herbs for anxiety and overall health work wonders changed my life. Sorry for the bad spelling thanks and take care
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Yes!! I go through this all the time. I always check my heart rate. I always feel like it's my heart and usually is always anxiety and heartburn mix. It's a scary and crazy feeling. You will get through it. See your doctor on ways to get through anxiety and start taking heartburn meds everyday it will help with it as well.
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good day.. i got worried about my protruding tummy since i was operated with liver stones. i wonder why the stones as what the doc named it, were not  the same as in gallbladder. it looks like a rotten rubber band and 6 inches in size with several had small circle in it from end to end.( its hard to describe) i just want to know the real name and im afraid i had infections and may cause my liver damaged. please help me
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Thats exactly how i feel. See dr. When i have money and always put me acid reflux meds. Only have had ekgs dont have to see doctor. Will try vitamins hope it works.
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I am so glad I found this community. My first panic attack was June 10th 2014. I was driving with my son and suddenly got hot and shaky. Then my breathing issues started my muscles started to hurt and I thought I was dying. I'm fortunate that I have never had the heart pressure but I have EVERYTHING else. I pulled the car into a gas station went into the bathroom splashed my face with cold water, got some water and a portion bar and somehow made it home. But it never went away...no  matter what I did. After two days of this I had my husband to take me to one of those "doc in the boxes" where they told me to go to the ER immediately because my EKG was abnormal. This was SO scary. They couldn't find anything wrong with me and after three excruciating days of waiting I finally saw a heart specialist who said that I had LBBB but that it was just normal for me. SO then I started searching the web...which as we all know is so bitter sweet. I am now constantly scared that have something or that I'm going to die. I have a terrible time eating because I while I was eating which made feel like I was choking. When my anxiety is really bad I live on protein drinks, ensure and smoothies I hardly go out out (I used it be incredibly social and busy and excited about life), now I can spend an entire day in the closet terrified of the next panic attack. Thank God and the amazing people I work with and for they are allowing me to work from home (which I have been doing now for a month). The reason for this is not just the panic but I have been through a number of meds with terrible side effects. I was just working with my PCP who specializes in sport medicine (smart right?). I am now seeing a counselor who I love and she referred me to PCP that specializes in anxiety disorders and psychotropic medication. Like most of you I had some stuff going on in life...I went back to school and my fiancé was traveling quite a bit for work, we got married that summer which I didn't feel stressed out about at all, I've always been overly worried about something bad happening to my son, I've always been a bit of a hypochondriac/worrier but nothing like I am now...I mean I had stuff going on but I have always been one of those people that strives o stress and being busy, I feel it's when most productive, I like being a problem solver in chaotic situations. Now I just constantly wonder about the next attack. And having the ER experience after my first attack makes me nervous about seeing doctors because I'm convinced they are going to tell me that something is fatally wrong with me. Then there's the business after the attack...feeling exhausted, feeling guilt about not being a good enough mother, wife, family member, friend or co-work, and feeling desperate that this will never end which leads to depression. I am just SO ready to be done with this. I also used to do P90X everyday and have not been as much lately because I am so tired and when I am having multiple attacks I can't eat so I don't feel like I have enough energy. I think for some panic attacks and anxiety are the result of life factors and stressors but for other I do think there can be a chemical imbalance. For me I think it is the latter so I am going to try Zoloft (it works well for my sister) and also have Clonazepam on hand if I have a bad one but I notice when I take this more often than usual I seem to have "rebound" attacks and I definitely don't want to be physically dependent on it so I am currently weaning off it even though I have never used in consistently. The insomnia is also terrible so I am going to ask my PCP about melatonin. Speaking of natural remedies...what have people in this community had success with? I saw St. Johns Wart but its contraindicated when taking an SSRIs. I'm going to speak with my PCP about passion flower, magnesium, fish oil, morn, a supplement called Tranquilence, and valerian but I though I would see if anyone uses any of these with any success? I am also going to have her check my thyroid (again) and ask about digestive issues (I'm a believer in the "your stomach is your second brain" theory). All I know is that I can't live like this anymore. And the sick part is that symptoms of the panic attacks, although brief for the most part, cause so much worry about health that lead right into another one. Sigh! I'm hoping the Zoloft will stop the cycle but in the meantime I'm go to try all those natural techniques out there on the world wide web and see if any work for me. I'm going to force my self to work out, eat and get out the house even if I don't want to. I have had some success when I'm in public and have an attack and get through it. Eating out at this point though is a hard limit for me. Sorry this is such a long post and kind of skips around all over the place. Today was a really bad panic day for me and tend to speak and write fast. Any suggestions, success stories, advice etc. are more than welcome! I'll be praying, sending good vibes, knocking on wood etc. for all of you!
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Yes I do it feels like there is something stuck there mine feels like pure fear like I waiting for something to happen all the time fear is the only way I can describe it
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@tokz sir im also from the philippines and also have your symptoms, i'm 36 years old and i would like to ask if you have found the cause of this symptoms and maybe share to me any advice. Thanks in Advance
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15481674 tn?1440853541
I have severe anxieties with a lot of heart burn and acid reflux myself
I think it goes hand in hand plus the stomach issues you are not alone here
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Hi guys, just wanted to post this as I'm having my first panic attack in 3 years. You're describing all the symptoms I'm feeling right now, but I also have a bubbly feeling in my thigh (which led me to believe I had a blood cloth) . Of course it's ridiculous (well let's hope so), but the panic attack just suddenly came out of nowhere, I felt some pain in my thigh, but I wanted to go to sleep, but as i lay in bed all the bad thoughts and hopelessness just creeped upon me and I felt so bad, like I (myself) wasn't there, just a very bad feeling instead of me in my head,  I've been under an awful lot of stress for the past weeks and haven't exercised for 3 weeks.
Just had to let this out of my chest. I'm a foreigner so sorry in advance if it's badly written.
Ps. My medication after I quit taking the meds is EXERCISE, I swear by it (for me at least). Especially HIIT workouts like Crossfit.
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Why don,t you all try meditation and deep breathing techniques. Believe me , it definitely helps. wish you all an anxiety free  and peaceful life!
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Hey Manny, Want you to know you are not alone. I have had the worst year of anxiety of my life, Hospital visits, visits to the shrink tests you name it since I was 25....I'm now 45 (20 years worth).  I am happy to say I have it well under control now!!!  (no ******** scheme to get money from you either) I started doing regular relaxation (actually sitting in a hot bath for an hour or so. sitting there with the sole purpose to relax (REGULARLY)) Reading books on cognitive therapy and learning about anxiety ends up being how to disarm it. Taking you mind of your inner-feelings and focusing outwardly. To be quite frank you have to face your anxiety and challenge it when it comes calling. focus on it.. IT WILL GO.....  the rest is learning it is not dangerous Anxiety ends up being a huge waste of your mental time AKA it hasn't hurt you for all this time (just scary) not likely to hurt you in future,  just waste more of your time.   Learn to expect not to feel the best sometimes..I always demanded to feel great all the time for example (it was just ******** thinking) and also learn that HALF of your thoughts are crap you should not listen to.

I really hope this helps you dude (read about cognitive therapy) loan a book and learn how to disarm the Anxiety *******.
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13552686 tn?1430453151
I can be feeling great one minute then out of nowhere a symptom comes. Tonight is was a sudden rush of tingling (not sweating) heat, like heat that comes with light head. Mostly in my head, this heat. Then shortly after the burps started, the bad ones that meant business, a real unhappy situation down there somewhere. My stomach began to feel tight then terribly uncomfortable, like I could not hold food, and I started fighting feelings of vomiting while the burps got worse. Some farting too. I took 3 Ativan and felt better in good time. Now very hungry,
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well, i have read almost everyones comments. Eyes are burning and has kept my mind busy and a bit relaxed knowing everyone has been or going through the same things i have gone through. Ive been fighting this Anxiety and Panic Disorder for quite sometime. When they first came along was when i was honorably discharged from the Military. I was on paxil (raw form) and i had real bad side effects. I just had the anxiety but the side effects were horrid and it felt like someone was running a prickly cable through my brain. It was horrible but i eventually weened myself off of them. That was around 1998 up until 2002. Then i was somewhat back to normal. Then from there i went through a divorce, father passed, and re-married on top of that. So, physically and mentally i have not had any rest. Now going through a second divorce and my stress levels has been at its peek. Between my marriages i started getting heart palpitations and i went to a cardiologist and they did nuclear test, ekg, holter, and had a heart cath done. Everything came back negative. Second cardiolgist was upset because i should have not had the heart cath and there were other evasive ways of doing it. So, aside all that. I went through a meltdown and my panic disorders and anxiety came back full fledge. I was waking up with hot burning flashes going through my neck up into my head. Like surges of hot flushing. I had real bad anxiety and panic sudden doom feelings. I recently quit my job due to the stress and had to go to the ER twice. So, i let that go and some what came down from all that stress. So, here recently i had a burning feeling sensation arise from the middle of my neck and i felt something coming up and felt it up into my center of my head like internally. I felt disoriented and irritated. I had them before so this would be my third time. It feels like my neurotransmitters are trying to fire correctly but i causes a feeling of displacement and sensory overload. I also get this catch of breath feeling. I will be just standing there and like something catches my breath and i feel a little displaced.  I am still a bit out of it right now. Not sure what to do anymore.
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I feel your pain. I go through the same stuff. Not fun!
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Hi everyone! I am new to this  so bare with me! I have been having anxiety for about 6 months now and I have the left arm pain, chest pain, tingling, rapid heart rate and sometimes the chills. Sometimes I feel gassy a lot too. I have had a halter monitor on for a month back in January and everything came back normal. I have  a cardiologist appt. soon.  I get really scared when I have my episodes. People around me don't understand when I tell them I feel weird, they don't understand. The list could go on and on. It just really drives me crazy when I feel like this and I don't want to go on medication!!!
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When I was a kid it was always hard for me to sleep because my chest felt funny and I thought my heart was going to stop. Long lapse into the future I have been just fine not taking any medication some gas here and there just fine. Feb the 13th I drank an energy drink and ate a Reese's Fast break for breakfast. I went to my grandmothers house was was fine sitting on her couch. I stood up to go get her some groceries and felt like I was about to pass out. Everything started tingling and blackness was surrounding me. This has happened to me a few times Ive passed out once in my life when I was a teenager. I jumped out of bed and took a big stretch and hit the floor. So this was normal. Town is about 6 miles from my grandmothers house. The whole trip I felt like there was something wrong my chest was beating like crazy belches started I couldn't stop belching non stop. I also felt dizzy. By the time I got to town I had to stop at the ER. I thought I was having a heart attack. They took me straight back and hooked me up to the monitors. I am 32 years old now. My blood pressure was high my heart beat was going crazy. They gave me a pill said it would lower my blood pressure but my heart would still palpitate through they day. The next day i felt fine. My wife and I were going out of town for the weekend and have some fun. We didn't have fun. We got down the road about 20 or so miles and I felt dizzy and fearful. I felt like the doctor had missed something. I needed help. My wife tried to calm me down. She told me to breath in my nose out my mouth. She was trying to tell me it may be a panic attack. Well it calmed down except the belching. I had so much gas build up I could have inflated a hot air balloon. She would rub the back of my neck while I was breathing and it would calm me right down. I felt normal for the rest of the day. The next day we went shopping at an outlet mall. 3 stores in we get to old navy. I was fine until I started having a full blown panic attack in the store. My chest was beating like crazy I couldn't get enough breath. I would try to talk but it would felt like i just ran 100miles and couldn't catch my breath. All I could think about was running out of the store and screaming. I tried breathing through it and it calmed me down some. My chest was still thumping but the sheer panic and fear was gone. We decided to take a break and go eat. We get there and sit down. I felt hungry so I ordered a big meal. I ate one shrimp and here comes the same symptoms back. I couldn't eat another bite. By this time I was certain I was just having panic attacks. So I ordered a few beers to mellow out. It helped. I still didn't feel like going out anywhere so we stayed in the hotel and relaxed in the pool.

On the way home I couldn't drive I was dizzy and fearful. I pulled over and started my breathing exercises. The wife started to massage my neck and I got the ability back to drive. When we got home there was a ton of snow on the ground and I went to bed. Kids wanted to play in the snow so i decided screw it I am going to have some fun. I played for awhile running around up and down the hill sledding. (Doing this after a few days of thinking I was having a 3 day long heart attack) I felt fine, I was laughing having a good time. This confirmed I didn't have anything medically wrong with me that I was fine. All except the constant belching. It would not let up. For a week I lived with the belching and my chest was still painful and i was worried maybe something is wrong. I go back to the ER. The ER doctor did a HIDA scan to check my gallbladder. He also did blood work EKG urine sample, stool sample, ultrasound of my spleen, gallbladder, aorta. Everything came back normal and told me to follow up with my doctor. I go to my doctor and he checks my heart says I am fine but he wanted to check my results for the few ER visits and my charts from my previous doctor. My previous doctor decided to go back to school so I had to find a new one. This added to the stress. Anyways he prescribes me a muscle relaxer, prilosec, and an Antihistamine. He never said it was anxiety but I am pretty sure it is after reading about everyone having the same symptoms as me. I noticed when I picked up my prescription the antihistamine is for anxiety also. I have not been taking the relaxer or antihistamine because I didn't want to feel drowse. I have been taking the prilosec and it has been helping with my gas. Yesterday I ended up having another panic episode filled day. I ate lunch and jumped in my car. Soon as I started to relax it hit me. When I got about a mile from my house I felt normal again. My safe haven. Went to pick up my grandmother so she could spend a few nights with us I ended up going full blown panic attack. I stomach started knotting up, breathless, belching, numbness, and the pure feeling of FEAR. Soon as I got home I started taking my antihistamine. So far so good. I haven't felt drowsy or anything from it. I can't wait for my doctor to do a full panel of tests so I can feel better and have him tell me its anxiety.

What triggers me is the What if's. My chest will feel funny or start belching and I am like What if the doctor missed something. What if something changed. I feel so much better reading that people are having the same problems that I am not the only one with a screw loose. I would not wish this on anyone. Luckily my wife is going to school for psychology. She tries to psychoanalyze me all the time.

Best thing I could fine is do something to take my mind off of things. DRIVING does not help. If I stay busy enough where I can't look up for a second I am fine. Once I get to the point where I can relax it happens more. Breathing helps to keep it from going out of control if I can catch it in time.  

Oh and when I was a teenager I had the full heart tests done and they found nothing. I was fine until just a few weeks ago. I am unsure what caused it. I wish I knew I would destroy it happily
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12553180 tn?1425920936
Hi Jocey38, thanks for your words.  I have read this blog over and over again and most people talk about their symptoms, which are the same as mine, and what meds they're on, but no one actually has come up with hard core solutions as to what is causing all of this and what can be done.  You have lived with this for 20 years you say, I pray that I don't have it like that.  I want my normal life back.  I'm afraid to play basketball and jog for fear of having this feeling inside me cause a heart attack.
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12553180 tn?1425920936
Marcel, It is unbelievable how many people are on this site and stating the exact same symptoms that I have had for almost 2 years now.  Even last night I had trouble going to sleep thinking that the pressure in my chest and my burping was being caused by something the doctor's must have missed and I would be dying in the night.  I am 39 years old, fairly healthy and still am worried my heart is going to stop.  What have you done to help you achieve a "mind over matter"?
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I had same problem but now still continues even medication using so many tests i have done but all are negative not bp started so atenol 25mg everday after breakfast.140/90 now 120/85
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Thank the lord that I'm not the only young  one experiencing with this.
I was 18 when the doctor diagnosed me with anxiety, it happen to me out of no where. I Was just sitting in my college class and all of the sudden my body started to act funny. My legs and arms started to tingle and hurt, my back and chest started to hurt, I couldn't stop shaking, and it felt like I couldn't move. After all that started to happen, I started to sweat, so the only thing that I could do was to get up and walk out of the room because all I wanted to do was to walk and pace back and forth so I could get my breath back. It got to the point that I went to the hospital because I couldn't handle it no more.
The doctor done all the same test that they did to you and everything came back normal.
Than the doctor kept asking me all kinds of questions like, do you stress a lot, get excited easily, is someone harming you, are you harming yourself, or are you in harms ways. The answers to them was no no no no, and no, and than I ask him why he was asking me all kinds of questions for and he goes because you have anxiety, I look at him like he was crazy, I didn't even know what anxiety was or what it ment. I was also like I don't believe that because I am only 18 bout to turn 19, there no way I could have that so young.
So he decided to put me on medication which was a bad idea because all it did was triggering my anxiety and making it worst, so I took myself off of it.
Than I started to have problems sleeping because of my anxiety, it got to the point where I couldn't move or get up because I would think I was awake when I wasnt, so I would hear myself saying wake up, wake up, you are still a sleep, than the next thing that would happen would be me waking up and freaking out like what the hell just happen. So I would have to wait a couple hours before going back to sleep. I would also have weird dreams that would feel so real to me.  
There a lot of things out there that can help with your anxiety like exercising, telling yourself everything is ok, staying positive, yoga, sex, and anything that will help you releve stress.
You might not think you have stress and wonder why this is happening to you, but the answer is that it can happen to anyone because your brain can trigger it when ever, so it depends on how you can handle it because the thing that I have notice before I have an anxiety attack is that your body will give you warning signs before it happens, so you can figure out a way to stop it before it even happens.
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Yes I get this all the time
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It's 4am now, I've been up since 2:30. Heart racing, sweating, belching, stomach pain, and chest pain are what I'm feeling. I've been suffering with panic attacks since I was little like 9 years old, nothing uncommon for me. However in the last 11 months since my youngest was born I can't seem to control them :( I constantly feel like I'm dying, or having a heart attack. The family doesn't understand and I hate feeling helpless all the time! Been to the ER more than I wanna count, nice bill racked up. But tonight is different, I sat down and prayed for a sign from God that I'm not having a heart attack, and I found this site....it sounds funny but, I think this is my sign. Reading all of the stories on this site has given me peace of mind.
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I thought i was the only one. My family be looking at me like I'm crazy. Always telling me to sit down, the doctor said your fine and there is nothing wrong with you. Stress test, ekg, heart monitor. An they said everything looks fine. At night though i be so tune in to my body i can fell and hear everything. especially my heart. I don't if I'm not breathing right or if its not beating properly. Keeps me up at night and wanna go to the hospital a lot. Its Like i fight for my life every night. Good Luck to everyone. Keep Fighting. Oh an this started at age 26. I been fighting for 2 years now.
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