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Asthma ...never ending for me

I am 53 yrs old have asthma severe I an on symbort and I use my neublizer almost every other dayand lately I have been on preisdone and every 3-4 weeks in the last 3 months I had to go to ent to give me a shot for my lungs to open me up   have been going to my ent who is an alligists  last 2 days extremely hot here 102  just couldnt  catch my breath had to stay indoors for 2 days couldnt breathe   Now the dr tells me I have bronchoconstruction in my airway very dizzy like I am not getting enough oxygen   this seems to happen every 3 weeks
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180749 tn?1443595232
The Yog Pranayam  will  help you relax and also help with the breathing difficulties.You will notice benefits in days.
Build up your timing gradually. If you feel tired or dizzy, stop and resume after 1 minute.

Bhastrika - Take a long deep breath into the lungs(chest not tummy) via the nose and then completely breathe out through the nose. Duration upto 10 minutes.For 2 minutes, keep your fists, with the thumb pointing up, on your legs,above the knee, while doing bhastrika.Repeat this with the fists pointing down and thumb resting on the legs.
Repeat this with the thumbs pointing outwards and fist resting on the legs.
Repeat this with the thumbs pointing inwards and fist resting on the legs.
You will feel the difference in your lungs.
When this starts to help in breathing, let me know, and I will post another exercise to help you.
July 29 ,2011
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My 8 year old twins and husband have asthma.  My advice is to see a pulmonologist which is a doctor that specializes in lung diseases.  At the very least you should see an asthma specialist.  We have gone through several different medications to stabilize one of my twins' asthma.  The heat can make it especially difficult to breath when you have asthma and staying indoors with air conditioning can help alot.  I hope you can get another opinion from a specialist and start breathing better soon.

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