392548 tn?1216610779

itchy feeling and cough???

hi, i am a 16 yr old female and i swim for half the year and play water polo for half the year so im it relativly good shape...my asthma usually flairs up around once every two weeks during practice but its usually only bad once a year. i take albuturol (i cant sp it) and it usually goes away...

well lately i have been waking up with a mild cough and almost like an itchy feeling inside my chest (it feels like its on my lungs) about once a month. it doesnt go away unless i take a couple puffs of my inhaler...but when i do it will go away in about 10 minutes...

so i was wondering if anybody gets this or knows why i would wake up with my asthma bothering me(yes it has woken me up but it didnt before this started)

53 Responses
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I am so happy to find other people with itchy lungs, I thought I was going mad.When i try to describe it to people they look at me strange,I get intense itchy feeling in my upper back and under arms  but the itch is inside, I say to people i want to put my hands in my lungs and scratch them!!! I have had nasal polyps removed before which are caused by allergies, so i am now thinking it is an allergy reaction!!!
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1084197 tn?1258493890
Hey, since last year when the whole itchy lung thing set in....I still once in a while get the itch back in my lungs.  It really is nerve racking.  But, mucinex really helps and so does mullenin and nettle.  I usually get the onset when there is irritants in the air, change in wheather, or if I am getting sick....usually it is allergy related cause I have really bad allergies.  

I hope the itch relents.....
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1277598 tn?1271094194
There are many triggers that stimulate asthma attacks.  Dust mites in our beds, animal dander, change in weather, exercise, smoke or other chemicals in the environment.  Albuterol is nice to have for rescue breathing during an acute asthma episode.  However, the National guidelines encourage a controlling medication as inhaled steriod and or leukotriene modifier.  Talk to your family Doctor about starting a controlled medicine.
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1485725 tn?1287979566
I have itchy lung, too, but I have not been sick with a cold or bronchitis! I do have post nasal drip, which may be the problem, as in the night, I might be inhaling the 'drip'.. yuck. The fluid I cough up is clear and thin, and feels so much better when the cought is productive, but usually it's not and then it starts in my throat. SOMEBODY SHOOT ME!  This itchy lung is getting worse. I wake up in the middle of the night with a dry cough from it..but then it progresses to constant coughing. Today was the worst - I have coughed harder than when I had bronchitis over 6 yrs ago. This is driving me crazy! I will not go to the doctor, so I am going to ask the pharmacist about it. Maybe musenex or something will help.
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Yay im not alone, i thought i was going crazy... ''an itching sensation in ur lungs'' does sound crazy.... i didnt even know how to describe it!
my conclusions are that its allergens cuz my house is filty -_____-
i have carpets and dust everywhere and im very allergic to dust...
another thing is the itching sensation makes me want to cough more O.o its hard to stop
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been about 4 or 5 days now and i have had what i would call a wracking cough that is not so bad during the day but has been horrible at night. After coughing i get that that itchy feeling in my chest. though its always front not the back and my instincts are to scratch it and when i do it feels like it burrows away from my hand and it *****. cause i gotta wait for the itch to go away. bronchitis would explain it. i smoke but i never ran into this before.i had slight asthma as a child had to go in to the doctors and hooked up to a breathing machine with these ribbed blue tubes. i was just worried it might have been making another appearance. bronchitis would make me feel better even as bad as it is itself.
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