392548 tn?1216610779

itchy feeling and cough???

hi, i am a 16 yr old female and i swim for half the year and play water polo for half the year so im it relativly good shape...my asthma usually flairs up around once every two weeks during practice but its usually only bad once a year. i take albuturol (i cant sp it) and it usually goes away...

well lately i have been waking up with a mild cough and almost like an itchy feeling inside my chest (it feels like its on my lungs) about once a month. it doesnt go away unless i take a couple puffs of my inhaler...but when i do it will go away in about 10 minutes...

so i was wondering if anybody gets this or knows why i would wake up with my asthma bothering me(yes it has woken me up but it didnt before this started)

52 Responses
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Wow! I thought I was crazy hypochondriac or something. My lungs itch after I have had a cold then it is down deep on my right lung and onlywhen I cough hard or take a deep breath. No asthma no allergies no pets.Glad to know I am not alone
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Hi i have asthma too. i always start wheezing this season. especially this spring i have to use my inhaler 2-3 times at 3-4 times during the day (whenever i start wheezing). it is really annoying and when i use the inhaler the wheezing still doesn't go away. this never happens in other seasons (or in any other years before). i only had to use my inhaler when it was dusty. i think you probably get allergic reactions from dust causing you to have asthmatic symptoms. i get a really itchy chin, skin, head, face, sneeze a lot, itchy/watery eyes, and heavy wheezing when it is dusty. i don't really know what to tell you because i don't take any meds to get rid of the allergies. i just use my inhaler and sometimes it works. if you find any good meds for it tell me. :)
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Also I agree with the bronchitis answer. Although I'm in denial that its what I have!
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I'm assuming the itching is from something irritating the thin fluid lining on the outside of your lungs. The surfaces rub together when you breathe and if something is irritating it (an infection or inflammation from asthma) it can cause an itching sensation. Just my theory.
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Interesting to read all these comments!
I got a really bad cold in mid-February, which included a lower respiratory infection (which I don't recall ever having before.) I was prescribed an Azithromycin antibiotic, Robitussin with Codeine and Albuterol inhaler. I've long since been off those and still to this day (2 months later), my lungs still feel slightly tight and itchy. I can take a deep breath okay, but it's a strange feeling, especially since I've never had this before. I do have allergies, but they've always only affected my sinuses (I use Neti Pot and take Claritin on occasion.) I also have 2 dogs and live in NY. Non-smoker. Any thoughts?

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I too get an itchy feeling in my lungs, when i tell people they look puzzled. When this happens it precipitates a viral infection in my lungs, I've had adult onset asthma for 2 years
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