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Tubal Ligation Clip came off after 10 years.

Tubal Ligation Clip came off after 10 years.
Yes, two years ago, one of my clips came off and lodged in my hip. has any one heared of this happening before?
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Help... Do not even know how to begin.  I had the essure procedure done in 2007.  One didn't take and had attached to my bowels.  So a month later she performed a tubal ligation.

I have had lots of problems and issues with the essure the last few years have been horrible, blood transfusions, iron transfusions, scans test problems.  My most recent two visits I had went back to my new OB because she had tested and thought I was in menopause I started bleeding heavily again after 11 months.  I went back she did uterine utlra sound, and also another biospy looking for coil that was unable to be seen still didn't find.  I was then was sent for blood work and a pelvic xray.  They discovered I as they stated a foreign object other than the essure coils were found.  I had a CT SCAN just last week.  I received a call today asking what kind of tubal I had because they discovered it was metal fragments and pieces in my pelvic area and not the essure.  Now I am scheduled to see a General Surgeon that my ob referred me to asking me why my OB wanted me to see a general surgeon for this.  

I am suppose to go tomorrow for a review of the xrays.  I am extremely tired and upset with all this.  Any advice???
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I am sorry you are dealing with this. Essure has harmed so many women. It is odd they think the metal fragments are not from Essure. The only other reasonable explanation would seem to be that they are fragments from a surgical tool.

Let us know what more you find out.
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I had my tubes tied in 2014 and a year ago started experiencing severe pains on my right lower side of my pelvis area randomly, when I had my menstrual cycle and during intercourse. After a few months of the pain I had an internal ultrasound done and they found nothing wrong. I was told by an OBGYN it was my periods and I had to take Motrin to help relieve the pain. 8 months after that ultrasound the pain continued and progressed in level of pain to the point I had to make an ER visit. They did blood and urine test and another internal Ultrasound at the ER. After finding nothing they thought it was my Appendix and ordered a CAT Scan. The CAT scan showed something irrelevant to my symptoms and would not cause the pains as it was minor but my PCP decided to order an MRI of my pelvis. The MRI showed no clip on my left side and something in my bladder which they identified as the missing clip. If it wasn't for my persistence that something was wrong and this pain was not from my periods and the ER doing a CAT scan that showed something else that sparked my PCP to order an MRI of my pelvis, I would've never of known.
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I juss found out that I have a clamp missing too n it scares me,,, how high are the chances that you can get pregnant...?  I threw up this morning n getting really worried... I clamped my tubes soo I don't have noo more kids n it's been about 8yrs since I had it done n I was having bad stomach pain n had a sist on my cervix n idk what to do..
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I had an xray done of my back and while doing so they found one of my clips in center of my bladder. What are chances of pregnancy
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After reading this im wounding if one of mine has came off. Every other month i have bad cramping and bleeding bad and other month light. I had nothing but problems with it . it had mess up my hormones bad.
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I had my clips put on Oct 26, 2005 . Just found out tonight that not only are those floating around in my body and causing me pain but I also have a colonoscopy clip floating around. Oh and it is "fine for now".... it is not fine when your in pain!!! UUUGGGHHH! Not to mention I have a LP shunt.... what if this causing me problems with that?? Geez I have had 6 surgeries in 2 years for my shunt I don't need another for this crap even though I would rather do it than have complications. I am so afraid after reading all of these that I will get an infection. It said one was in a vaginal pouch??? Whatever that means and the other is near my "anal cavity"..... that one scares me. What if I have fecal matter all of a sudden causing a problem. My shunt goes to my brain.... IF anyone has any offers as to what to do. I cannot see my regular Dr until Wednesday. :(
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Good Morning,

I am also having Issues with my Clamp, I have had Symptoms for several years, but just kind of brushed them off because painful periods and Endometriosis run in my family, but I have Painful intercourse, Mood Swings, Heavy Long Periods, Sharp Stabbing Pains in my Stomach, and just general Discomfort. I had a CT scan Yesterday because my Dr. thought It might be Kidney stones, well come to find out I have a large cyst on My Spleen and One of my clamps has been "displaced" The surgeon said "This just happens" Should I be satisfied with that answer? Also do you think the Spleen mass as the Displaced clamp could be related?
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Am having my clips removed due to serious of pains in lower back and down my right side what the chances of me getting pregnant
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I just had my clamps taken out December of last year, and they caused me so much pain, until finally, i went to a surgeon, and he told me I had foreign object floating around my stomach, how they get way up there..... I don't have a clue. I'm currently now trying to conceive and nothing yet..... How do I go about conceiving??????
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Hey guys wish me luck next Wednesday I'm having. Surgery to take put my fishi clips one dislodged somewhere AND I just wAnt them out they gave. Me pains I'm emotional depressed weight gain too much and they might take my tubes out completely if it doesent stop bleeding .so will see has any gone three this pls write tome ty Melissa
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I wish u luck may God keep u in his prays. I have a story to tell u I had my tubes tied in 1995 on November 13 I started to have some back pain in 2010 I was thinking because I had a falling accident but I found out just last year I had metal surgical clips in me they put them in I didn't know I have bad chronic pain in my back that I can walk or sit I have to walk with a crane and now I have bad headache, my stomach swell and just last month my feet and ankles swollen so bad that I when to the emergency room they said because of eating salt but I found out I have fluid that build up inside of me because of the metal surgical clips but they won't take them out and I think I May also be pregnant but I took a pregnancy test to soon so I have to wait until later today and if I'm pregnant I'm 8 weeks pregnant and if I'm I won't be able to see a doctor until next month which is in December but if I'm pregnant and it not in my tubes I would keep the baby or babies what ever God bless me with so see honey I'm also GO through a lot to just like you I hope u get better and I hope everything work out for the best for u it must and should be a law against doctor that do this to there patients it should be no limitation when to sue for doctor that do this to people I wish this would stop I would be looking into how to stop this from happening to anyone else I'm sorry that I had so much to say about this but I just feel for not only you and me but for everyone else that is going through this ok I wish u luck and my pray and blessing r with u good night. From Betty
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How do you know when they fall out
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My clip has come off too and is in my mid abdomen causing pain on my right side and continuous nausea off to see a surgeon today to hopefully get it removed and the other one taken off! Went to ER last week to be just fobbed off with a supposedly tummy bug!!!!
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Did u get ur clipps removed I'm going in for surgery tomorrow
Yes I know.. I believe my clips has fallen off also but not sure..I know I am and a lot of pain I went to the hospital tonight and the doctor there is gonna tell me I have the bug which is a lie n I been In this pain going on three days and gotten my tubes clamped on 10-13-2008 and after I got my tubes tied 2 days later my incension had came open and off and on I been going through pain
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I got my clamps on 4-9-09 when I had a csection but I didn't know I thought the doctor was just cutting and tieing my tubes. I have had a lot of pain in my stomach and bowl problems. Also a lot of body acks. How can I get these off and once they cone off will I get pregnant?
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Can you get pranent if your clamp's come off?
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Is it dangerous for Thr clamp to be just hanging out in my body and can I get pg
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Hi,I'm a 38yr.old women mother of 6.I got the clips back in 2007 after my 4th son was 1yr. old. I too started experiencing pain on my right lover abdominal, I only have 1 tube the right one cause I had a ectopic pregnancy. I went 4yrs.in pain all the time,I went to many doctors had several surgeries with no answers. Finally my mom had to pay 5,000 to get me a tubal reversal. She saw how much pain I was in on a daily basis. I went to Chapel Hill Tubal Reversal it was the best thing she could have done for me. The doctor told me the clamp was imbedded in to my one and only tube. So,he told it off and repaired my tube. Long story short I got pregnant 3 yes. later with my son and 2yrs. after that I had another who is now 9months old. Their are my miracle babies. I sometime feel pain were the clamp once was but,not as bad. If anyone knows that something isn't right,keep making your point to someone listen. I wish all u ladies best of luck and blessing.
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I am so glad you guys spoke up. I lost weight for over five years and I was sure it was due to losing weight. My stomach pain on the right side.  I had ultrasound of my stomach. It was clear. I had done to my pelvic I had tubal but never knew it was clips and cauterization. So I final got  test three years ago and nothing with stomach. Found out this year I got clips. Now I am hurting before periods after and not even when I'm on one. I have a hard time with bowel movements and passing gas when it is boring me. No appendix but they going to check again. Same pain in the same spot that will not leave. I want a reversal. Take it off. I haven't been sexual active since 2004.  
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I got my clips ( i had never heard of them until after my csection the doctor informed me that is what he used) placed during a csection on july 20,2012. This was third csection. prior to that birth, I worked full time, full-time student, and an active mother. I hardly ever was tired, in pain, or felt blah and if I did I pushed through it. I was the type that if I had only one day off in two weeks I spent it doing something instead or "resting" or "relaxing" at home. Well things changed after csection. I instantly noticed the pelvic pain. It was horrible along with all of sudden my periods were terrible. It wasn't until a couple months later I noticed I was always fatigued and in pain/achy. At first I chalked it up to raising 4 kids and trying to finish my last semester of college etc. my pelvic pain was horrible sex was horrible. I never even took tylenol before having clips to talking some sort of over the counter meds 3 times a day. I went from being the person everyone called when the had a pain and needed pain meds because they knew  never took them when I was prescribed to the person that had to talk some type of narcotic just to able to move and do stuff everyday. I didnt have insurance to go back to doctor until early of this year (2015). by then I had did my research and just knew in my heart it was the clips. So when i went to obgyn, he did ultrasounds and biopsies. He said i needed partial hystorectomy because of fibroids and alot of scar tissue from 3 csections. told him all my other symptoms and told him i wanted clips out. he told me it wasnt clips that was causing fatigued and pain/achy to see internal medicine doc. well he did hysto but left the clips in. I was so upset and mad but he said they looked fine. so after surgery i had no more pelvic pain and could actually have sex. buuuttttt i was still fatigued and in pain and achy every damn day. so finally went to NP that worked at internal meds clinic. while doing CT to check on liver low and behold there is a metal clips in my rib cage on left side. go back to obgyn he sends me to xrays looks over blood work. my NP thought maybe i had RA or fibromaylgia. all my bloodwork came back perfect and xray shows the clips is indeed in my ribcage somewhere behind my spleen. I have already had one general surgeon say no he wasnt doing it because it is in a difficult position but my obgyn feels terrible and says he is so sorry he now believes me that it is the clips and that he has never received one warning from manufacturers or FDA about these issues!! I dont work im a half *** mom now because of these damn clips. so he is talking to another surgeon to try to figure out how the hell are they going to get the clip out bc of where it is placed. and he said even if he has to do it for free he is taking out the other clip still on my tube bc he should have listened to me before. I just dont see how these clips are still on the market
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sorry for the typo- **just barely**hanging on*
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I had my surgery 5 days ago to get my clamps removed,the left one was not on my tubes at all & was imbeded into my pelvic wall, the right one was nust bately hanging on and ready to fall off. im still healing from my surgery but i am sure after im better and healed i will feel much better not having those clamps inside me anymore
the left clamp fell off less than 9 months after being put on. i decided not to take my entire tubes out- my left clamp ate away the portion of my tube that it was on so it is already separated there and for the right side the DR only needed to do minimal burning to get it off.
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I have had the tubal clamps for nearly 3 years now & ever since they got put in i have been having pain; i didnt even know i was getting clamps & i regret this surgery soo much!!!! i wish i could go back to how i used to feel before i made this mistake- i recently went to my hospital & requested all of my Xrays, Mris n CT scans on a CDrom- & only for myself requesting do i find an xray only 9months after having the tubal surgery; one of my clamps look out of place- my most recent pelvis xray is not low enough to show both clamps- i only partially can see one. well it took months of complaining about my pain believing its from the clamps & the hospital not believing me at all- the doctor who put the clamps on finally decides to take them out after referring me to 2 other DRs to rule out anything else- but she tells me she cannot connect my tubes back together which really bums me out. she said either she cuts my tubes of the portion the clamps are on or she takes out my entire tubes..... has anyone had any problems from their tubes being cut??? i am afraid of getting my entire tubes taken out & regreting it, than not being able to do anything about it....
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Hi Tonya, I have had my clamps since 2005 i'm having a lot of pain in my abdomen area and always feel pinching but never thought it could be the clamps. Do you know if it costs to have them removed?
Thanks so much Nikki
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I had a tubal ligation in April of 1990 when my youngest son was born.  I almost immediately started having abnormal bleeding- basically it was like my post-partum bleeding never really stopped..this eventually led to a D & C that December to try and control the bleeding..that didn't work and I ended up having a hysterectomy in January 1991..the OB-GYN noted in the surgical report that he discovered 3 clips, 2 on my left tube & 1 on the right..he removed the one on the right & only 1 of the 2 on my left.. About 10-11 years ago I was diagnosed with IBS w/constipation and have dealt with the associated symptoms for years..a recent addition of magnesium supplements to my diet does appear to have helped with this but for the past week I have been experiencing a burning, almost a tearing-like pain in my abdoment..it's been pretty much on my left side about 2" from my belly button but the past 2 days has been almost right underneath it..after reading the comments here, I am seriously wondering if the left behind clip is the culprit..
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Hello Ladies..

I had my tubal 2 years ago.  I started having aches and general pains throughout my entire body..... I started seeing my family doctor, requesting tests for arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.  My joints were sore and stiff and i was so tired all the time.  I found these blogs and it was like a light bulb went off. I requested a referral to a GYNE and told him I wanted the clips removed.  My periods were also becoming very painful, clotty and lasting longer than they ever had before. I could feel my ovaries through out the month, they just ached.  

Im happy to say I had my filshie clips removed 3 weeks ago and I feel great. I have since had a period which was completely my "normal." my pain has significantly decreased and I feel like me again!!!
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I got my clips 2 years ago and I just had a ct after 7 months of serious kidney rib pain. Found out my left clip has migrated up into my abdomain I'm waiting for my doctors office to open to find out where I go from here. I know it's surgery but as far as when and what kind I don't know yet.
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