740516 tn?1360942486

Summer is arriving. Mc Cat Family news

Lolo is supposed to take the last dosis of  vaccine tomorrow - and barely ate yesterday,so Im I little worried about.
She only accepted cooked chicken,- and eliminated one small fur ball.But poo/pee were ok, and drink either.
Except for that and the laziness, she dosnt seen to be sick.
Im  assuming its just caused by warm days -hope so,she is a lot lazy,and i also had seen her sleepimg under the furniture two last days part of the night time she spends with me ( she used to sleep in another place)
Is´somehow possible for a sick  cat find easier to eat meat than dry food?
I mean, its more digestible or so?
Tomorrow late night she grabbed a few dry nuggets( kids jumping overe her to get more, as usual) and she ate a few today morning as well. Didnt give her more cooked chicken - if I keep doind she wont accept her food anymore;
I will if she not eat enough later on
On the other hand,kids keep permamently hungry,they are in love with the adult food.
And they are completing a week and one day without fur balls :-)
Weekends are complicated here,there are people my cats doesnt know around and I always fear something can happen,not that they will poison her but LoLo lost her  appetite when stressed, just like her foster mon...
Licking sessions are on their way, as usual - they all love that, Loreena keeps doing that very, very carefully and the kids always do the same.
Funny thing is that there's  a kind of  Feline Hierarchy here - LoLo accepts me taking her on my nap if I need and she's not in the mood, And kids refuse brushing sometimes - but are always quiet when mother cats wants to lick them _ well she would bite then if not,they probably now that...
I had been brushing then at the same time she licks :-)
7 Responses
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740516 tn?1360942486
And yes, Lolo is a incredibly good girl - it still surprises me,sometimes I think she already had a home when a baby,since she always wanted enter home and the day I allowed first time her behaviour was quite good.
But how will abandon such a cute one? Neighbours had no cats, from what I know.

I feel specially touched by the way she cares about her sibblings( and sometimes about myself) even when she's not feeling ok.

About the carriers,they are all acessible for her,they are in the living and we sometimes play with, she likes climbing there,jumpping ( just one, hers, its heavy enough for not fall down if she does :-) ) and specially enjoys chasing and biting my finger put in one of those wholes.Only eventually she enters there by his own will but I stimulate that.

She learned accepting the carrier with her kittens, I bought the first one by the time they were born and they grow up playing there... and she watching them.
And for my surprise, it was fast - when I took ]L. to be spayed after nursing time she was aleady used to...
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740516 tn?1360942486
Dont know if was the white male  that I've heard meowing two or 3 days.
But the girl that stays home at noon taking care of my aunt had said she saw one  white around...
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242912 tn?1660619837
Yay!  So relieved to hear Loreena got her appetite back!  Maybe she'd hunted a bird or mouse and simply wasn't that hungry for her food the last few days.  Or, like us, our appetite can fluctuate due to many factors so probably animals are the same.  

So Loreena climbs in her carrier on her own with a treat temptation?  That's awesome!  Jade will get into the carrier without too much struggle, but we definitely have to put her in it ourselves.  She would never enter it on her own.  What a good girl Loreena is!  We always give Jade a treat when we get home from the vet or after any meds given, too.

Jade was not a stray when she came to us, she moved in with the family next door, but they obviously neglected her horribly since she was very sick when we met her.  First thing I noticed about her was one of her fangs was broken.  I tell owner and owner is surprised, had never noticed even though she'd had Jade for 5yrs!  So that tells you the lack of attention she was paid right there.  I also noticed sometimes she was fed and sometimes not which broke my heart.  And her water dish!...So Gross!  The day they moved in Jades water was not changed for 11days and was just a little slush on the bottom of the bowl.  Of course the very minute I met her, I put out a dish of water in our yard for her since she spent all her time here.  She even caught and ate a bird within the first month since I believe she was very hungry.  She has never ever caught a bird since we took over her care and she definitely never goes hungry!

Glad the trip for the vaccine went smoothly, Apple.  I hope Loreena doesn't have a reaction to her shot.   Hey, does that white male still hang around?
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740516 tn?1360942486
Loreena its back to herself !!!
Yesterday night she was again surrounding me ( read "climbing me") in the kitchen for something different - and eating her own food as every good girl has to do :-)

Took her to the vaccine today,a little bit earlier than I was planning cos 'Joe Meow ' forced me to leave bed ( I was getting crazy with her meowing...)
L. first scaped for her new favorite hidden place ( this remains,dont now why but she has one now...) then returned for picking the treat I was offering for her to enter the carrier.Just some minutes waiting for - 2 tries and she was there!
Again she bothered me not a bit on the way,she only had claimed for some minutes the previous trip cos I had gotten nervous and forced her in the carrier, instead of wait for her own will...
Gave her a Whiskas sachet as reward when we returned home - its soo good see her eating with pleasure!!!

There was a kitty boy at the pharmacy to be vaccinated as well.Sooo cute,little one Leo, couldnt help thing about my whole cat family.
Lolo looked at him in a enigmatic way - I asked her if was his baby but for sure she said nothing...
Guess she's a kind of cat that would addopt kittens easily.Hope no one appears in my life - not now at least...

Dont know about Jade's historic,but since L.came to me as a stray cat that probably developed her great hunting abilities for not starve and loving food more than almost everything in the world ( scale was 1- white fellow,2 food and 3... me-not that bad)
I GET A LOT WORRIED when she stops eating - the day she really did it complety she got fever.She only refuses food when she DEFINITILY IS NOT OK
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740516 tn?1360942486
its good to be in a place where people dont think you're crazy whem worried about our darling furry childrens.
"Paranoia strikes deep in the heartand..."
It started raining - and Loreena ate better after, thank goodness. At this moment i'm not home but I left her already inside, since she entered by her own will.
Something tells me she's not liking someone or something outside, maybe the new night nurse  my auntie has - just a possibility...
Btw, it was not because the food is hard that L.refuses it: I tried make that wet by adding the water I cooked the chicken - she loves the "salse" but hate wet food ( girl always liked that "crunchy" - she's a young with quite good teeth yet :-)  )
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242912 tn?1660619837
Hi Apple, I've missed you!  So Loreena will eat the chicken but not the hard food.  I have a feeling she's like Jade in her appetite varies with the warm weather.  You are like me; the minute Jade acts a little bit different or doesn't eat the way she usually does, I think something is wrong.  You've been noticing and posting about Loreena losing her appetite occasionally so I'm sure it's nothing serious.  I'm know I don't have to tell you to watch her closely : )

Yay, no furballs!  That's another situation one can attribute to the weather.  When shedding in warm weather, more fur will be ingested.  Oh, the worry of being a kitty parent, eh?  I am imagining the cute picture of Loreena licking and grooming the kids while you brush them.  Glad to hear everyone is doing well!!!

Poor kitty you're hearing in your backyard.  I hope it's gone and you don't end up finding it.  
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740516 tn?1360942486
Ps There's a cat meowing in the the backyard this last days - late night to early hours - today it  woke me up 3 AM ! Of course I stayed bed but...
Just a few meows and its gone - but I feel bad about, anyway.I fear find it there sick or dead tomorrow morning someday.
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