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1823499 tn?1370090289

How to cope with chiari

I have had this static/ringing in my head/ears for a lil over two weeks now,i never feel good anymore because I get nauseous out of no where. I even noticed a few dys ago I get motion sickness. In the car, sometimes watching tv. Of course the ibs. Slight headache all the time. Im just starting to get fed up. I mean is this what I have to look forward to everyday, forever. I need some tips on how to cope with this everyday. Any comments or tips would be awesome and appreciated. Thank you much!
26 Responses
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I'm with you! I'm not a person who uses a cell phone to txt all the time. My extended family does and of course expects me to know what they just said! I use just a few acronyms from my old days on the bulliten boards [that was before most knew what Internet was :-) ]. Such as JMO or JMHO was one of my favorites as written text is just so impersonal. So when I write something like the comments above I prefer to remind the reader {This is just my opinon} or {This is Just my humble opionion}.

And when I don't know... which is often... google is my favorite tool! :-)

Hey! If Sugar is the only thing you can't recall are you certian you have CM? Or did you forget? :-) I've been only my way to bed since ... wow almost 4 hours ago .... keep forgetting to go to bed. :-) Life must go on, but never without CHOCOLATE!

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1306714 tn?1327257080
I just want to coment and say thank you for the abbrev. definition.  I just asked the other day what some of them meant.  I write them down now so I know what all of you are talking about LOL.  This Chairi abbrev. is awful when you CRS.  (Can't remember Sugar)  LOL!!
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Look at it this way, your body is obviously saying 'Whoa!' in a loud voice.

We can all laugh it off and push ahead because we want to get on with life. Heck, look through some of my old posts two years ago. I was and am as stubborn as they come. Had to learn the hard way and belive me IF I had it to do over again there is no one or anything that would get me to rush the recovery. I seriously belive that some of the issues I deal with now are because I did push it. I'm not a sit on my duff kind of guy, never have been and hopefully never will be.

That said, you mentioned Kids.... They NEED you to let this heal so that you can be Mom again some day. Give yourself a break, take some time and heal. JMO but if someone expects you on an assembly line that soon.... well sorry but they are full of it and don't understand what your body just want through.

JMOs above, wish you the best,
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1823499 tn?1370090289
you are right on. i appreciate everything you say. i have a good family but ya i dont look sick, therefore i cook dinner, take the trash out and everything else. its just agggrevating ya know! thank you so much. and then my boyfriend wonders why i get pizzed out of nowhere, lol
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1306714 tn?1327257080
Just reading all that you are doing scare's me, let alone going back to work.  I know I started doing thing's at my 1st surgery and I thought Oh I'm fine, so my family thought I was fine. Wrong.  Went through 3 more surgeries due to not listening to the doctor and ecspecially not to my self and my body,  believe me.  If you don't slow down you will be worse off and your time of healing will take longer.  I was a person who done every thing and any thing for my self and I  believe God has us suffer for our choices and I did suffer and now I am no longer able to work.  Just little chores around the house and I know going though all this.  It is O.K. to tell me and ask people for help.  It was a hard lesson for me to learn.  I am 1 year post op and I still have difficulty with  bending #1 and driving.  As someone else stated on here avoid the sisuation's you are used to.  When we have this sugery we just need to find different way's of doing thing's.  I used to love to sew, crochet, but right now I except that I can't do it so I don't.  It's one of the hardest thing's to do is except the thing's we can no longer do.  We all can still do them we just need to find different way's in doing them.  If I am having a conversation with someone who is standing up instead of looking up I stand up.  I use my mirror's more now while driving.  We all have those day's when it feel's hopeless.  I had one the other day and with all of your love and support it help's us heal.   So who know what tomorrow will bring for any of us, but if it's your laundry, or cleaning of a floor, call a family member or a friend.  I'm sure they would do it for you if you ask.  Having Chairi is really a hidden  illness.  I hear all the time.  "You look so good".  So letting people know that your not is fine.  They will understand your illness better as long as you are honest with them and yourself.  My daughter said to me the other day. (God bless her)  "It's o.k. to have bad day's.  We all have them".  I never let any one see them before.  Just as Net 72 said.  We have to except the thing's we can not change.  Excepting is achieving.  It's been a struggle for me and it might be tomorrow too. As far as your pain.  I still have to call my Dr for pain med's.  it's flustrating but there is nothing more we can do.  I just had steroid's injecton put in the back of my head and it seem's to be helping.  Maybe your doctor could direct you in that direction.  I don't know how long it will last, but I had the shot's 2 day's ago and I am tender, but not throbbing with pain.  I wish you the best, but If I was you.  I wouldn't be in a hurry to get back to work.  If your having problem's as far as house chores you sure don't want to put more on you with a job.  Love your self first.  Sound's like you have a lot of people who love and need you.  Take it easy
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Reminds me of a friend of mine a few years ago...I had to have surgery on my knee and I told all of like 4 people about it.  2 were my parents and 2 were friends that were helping me out after.  Then this other friend of mine sees me on crutches a few days later and says to me "Why did you have surgery if nothing was wrong with you??"  Because clearly, since I didn't ever whine, I was never in pain.

I'm pretty sure that friend (he truly is a friend, if a little naive at times) will never say anything like that to me again LOL. He got an earfull!! Personally I'd do the same thing to any family member who acted like that...maybe that makes me mean, but it sure did make me feel better!

People who have never felt ill like us never do quite get it
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