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620923 tn?1452915648


"Rainy days and Mondays always get me down".....so lets rant all day Monday-

post ur rant and get it out of ur system and enjoy the rest of the week!!
154 Responses
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620923 tn?1452915648
I agree Molly...makes no sense at all...has ur mom decided to challenge the bill?
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979826 tn?1389036358
we were at  shady grove emergency room ( I was born there LOL) but it's real dumb an er is for after hours!
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620923 tn?1452915648
Hi Molly.......that sounds more like a all night clinic than an ER...doesn't make sense...I would deff challenge it/
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979826 tn?1389036358
I was in the er and we just got the bill and we go an extra charge for 200 dollars for being after 10 or after hours what is that isn't that what a er is for? That is so stupid.
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620923 tn?1452915648
Sending good vibes u do well on ur finals......and that u feel better!!
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I am starting on Sunday I have two finals tomorrow and I have had an awful weekend I have not been able to get out of my bed or walk at all. I have had such bad chiari headaches that I haven't been able to turn on a light, focus, or see straight to start studying so I just know they are not going to go very well!
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620923 tn?1452915648
posting so our friends in the diff time zones can have a go...pick u topic to rant on  : )
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1179332 tn?1297478990
Selma...no worries..I think that 2 ppl posted like right after me and so I kinda got bumped really quickly!! I have heard of some ppl actually getting a rash from the lights after spending too much time and being too close to them..doesn't sound good to me!

Warriormama- I know how you feel too :( I was finally getting things together and went back to school to get a career and then bam! I was totally railroaded...I have to keep the faith though that I will get back to it or that I will find a new path that I will enjoy just as much!!
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620923 tn?1452915648
Carolyn...thanks...I really didn't see ur comment or much from neone to be honest with all that said florescent lights bothered them, I thought this issue would get more posts....

WarriorMomma...I know how u feel, I am out of my job for 2 yrs now, and I was employed with that company for 15 yrs!!

Hang in there : )
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1285653 tn?1288358629
I hate that my career will be ending very soon due to CM. But that is God's will. And I have faith :D
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1179332 tn?1297478990
Selma...I commented...but I think it got missed...

This is what I said:

As for the lighting, I have switched to the energy savers in my house but it has bothered me on how they affect me. Part of my solution is that I bought lamp shades and covered lights to soften the glow...Also, in the light fixtures that I normally would put two normal bulbs in, I only put one. You are right though, that type of lighting affects many of us and we should have a choice or at least an alternative, I'm sure they could come up with something that is energy saving w/o all the bright light. I am a huge recycler so it is this struggle in me...most of the time I just leave the lights off!

So you didn't have to go looking lol..
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620923 tn?1452915648
Molly...well our Gov officials have said that the companies that make the regular light bulbs must stop making them and that only the new style of florescent can be made...we have to speak up and let them know how these lights affect us !!
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979826 tn?1389036358
I hate them they  r to bright and make my head worse! By the way wolf I love ur picture  of the dog! So cute!
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620923 tn?1452915648
ok...I mentioned this last week, but didn't see ne replies...so, what do u all think about the fact that we may only have florescent lights to light our homes with?

Especially since they seem to affect many of us adversely....
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620923 tn?1452915648
Carolyn...it wasn't always like this...but, there were people that sued for invasion of privacy bcuz a message was intercepted by a soon to be x...from an answering machine....so, bcuz of the litigious nature of people we have this awful bit of red tape to deal with.

I feel the biggest problem is the Judges allow these frivolous suits to even be allowed to go to court...oh well...so now we have to deal with this and many other things have been decided on this type of issue as well....sad state of affairs I am afraid.
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1179332 tn?1297478990
Just to compare...that seems really strict to what we have here...I don't think we have anywhere near the privacy laws here!! Of course, we are all covered under the same basic medical so we don't have insurance issues either. When I called to get my blood work all I had to do was give my carecard # over the phone and then she would verbally give my results!! I'm not so sure if it's a good or bad thing?
PS( I would be absolutely irate if someone held medical information about my child from me!!)
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620923 tn?1452915648
Barb my sister had the same problem getting info on her own son too!! This is just nutz, I understand we need privacy measures in place, but enuff when it is  ur child, goodness what if the child had a life threatening condition and this kept the parent from getting the child the much needed care and treatment?....who would be responsible?
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here's a good one! I got a statement from the insurance company today denying a diagnostic test that my son had, so I thought I would call the insurance co.and find out what it was for and why it was being denied. After I gave the gal all of my info she put me on hold and when she came back she said that they were denied, and I politely replied " what diagnostic test are we talking about," as both boys were at the doc that day for routine check ups. She replied, " I can't tell you that ma'am it is against our privacy policy to disclose that information."  I said ARE YOU KIDDING ME, HE  IS A MINOR CHILD,MY MINOR CHILD AND I Would like the information please. She politely told me to call the doctors office for this as they are the only ones that would be able to give out the information. WHAT a load of CR**  So I called our Doc office and said Hi this is your favorite high maintenance patient calling with another insurance dilemma. I explained this to her, and she said that this is happening more and more. So great, now we can't even call the insurance company to inquire about why something isn't covered for our kids cause its privileged info. Thanks for listening,
Barb :)
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620923 tn?1452915648
Wolf, I can totally relate...but I enjoy the way u phrased it all...lol......

I think it is  nuts that the drs will not even give a courtesy call to remind u of an appointment in ur own home bcuz of privacy...I mean really, if those people r having an issue with the people they live with than give a cell number only...geeze in this day and age of technology this is just all so ridiculous....I need those calls to remind me...and I did sign off on the paperwork to get them, but u have to do it every so often so they know it is the same circumstances...what? All bcuz of a few big mouths that sued...nutz
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The whrrrrrrrrr thing was a joke, but honestly sometimes it seems that way. Well, for instance some 16 years ago they amputated my left leg. While in the hospital I was overdosed by a morphine drip machine. The day they sent me home my breathing stopped, I was breathing but for some reason no ox was getting into my system. Wife had two young ones so she called the ER. They rushed me into the hospital and because I was still getting enough air to be awake the hospital was presurring me to sign this and that. I was not in my right mind and just threw the clipboard down the hall I was in and told her something to the effect of fix the problem then come talk to me. I'm really not like that but was bit out of my mind right then. So yeah, their stupid forms are a bit of a pet peeve to me anymore.
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The privacy system really is a good thing. I'm just in a rather not so good mood today and rather t'eed off at a couple doctors.

You see a week ago was my first visit with a Pain Doctor. He understands I won't take pain meds but am asking for steriod injections to see if they will help with ruptured discs. Well he found additional ruptured discs but wants all copies of scans from CCF [a different clinic some 3 hours away] before treating me. NP, I understand that fully. However, he also insisted that all he needed was my CCF ID number and he can get the films. I disagreed but he said no we can get them we do it all the time, no forms signed nothing. Fine, whatever... but on the way out his PA quietly told me call Monday make sure because I think you are correct in that he can't get the films. So This morning I called, sure enough they didn't get the films. I called CCF, they where most kind, but told me they don't even offer an online service such as the Pain Doctor claims they use all the time. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Then she confirmed that not even my PCP can get a peep from them unless I first sign a release form. Well the films where already supposed be on their way to me for my private records so I"ll have them soon enough. Problem is now it will delay the injections for another week. We'll deal with it I"m just a bit peev'd as I didn't want to 'deal with it' for another week and if the Dr would have given me the form last week when I asked for it all would be well now. Oh well, I'll go tommrow anyway and politely make him eat crow! He really is a nice guy but this time he needs that crow pie! :-)

Overall though, I am glad the privacy laws are in place. Just kind of a pain sometimes. Such as an older woman from our congregation. Before mom passed she was friends with my mother. Now this woman is not in the best of mental health. On a recent Dr visit they wrote her a new RX. It was the same meds but in a different doseage. She went from taking a half pill a day to getting one tablet of the correct doseage. Well in her mind it was the wrong meds so she refused to take it until the pharmacy corrected the meds. She is alone, totally no family that even claims her. So another friend took her back to the pharmacy and explained the situation to the pharmasist. They flat out refused to even address the situation. This woman could have died from this, but they still wouldn't even call the Doctor as the person with her was not family! Finally at midnight we got her doctors phone number and called him at home. Of course he immediately took care of it and had private words with the pharmacy the next day. I understand, but good greif this woman literally could have died! If it were not for the er she would have most likely not been with us now. I find it sad when the world we live in has to go this far to protect our individual privacy.

Ok now time for a peanut butter sandwich!

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1179332 tn?1297478990
That's terrible!! I guess that is one plus we have here...they give you treatment right away and go for the information later... I can't imagine why they think a person's life is not more valuable!!
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wrrrrrrrr-whoooooooo-whrrrrrrrrr- honk honk honk

Code Blue coming through! Stats no air in 10 mins, heart stopped on the way in we need a room stat!!!

Yes, can I get your insurance please. Now we will need those in triplicate please.
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620923 tn?1452915648
Insurance in general is a pain we don't need, but co pays can be a real pain too...lol.....we have to ask b4 the appointment what our insurance will cover so we can budget our appointments....sigh
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