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Still in pain after 7 weeks post-op

I got the Chiari Decompression Surgery on Jan. 23rd 2012, I also had a Syrinx. I was in the hospital 5 days and then went home. followed all instructions. Then a week later was in terrible pain, couldn't even move my neck. Went back into the hospital for overnight for them to observe me. Went home the next day. Then 2 days later my incision started leaking really bad. I went into the hospital again and they had to do a surgical clean up. It turned out to be a Staph Infection. So I was in hospital for another 5 days and put on 2 antibiotics.Got a Pik line put in.  Had to go home with a Home IV antibiotic. Did the IV every 8 hours for 3 weeks. I have had severe daily headaches for the last 3 weeks. I still have to take the pain killers to handle the pain. Can't seem to do much of anything. Tired all the time. I was hoping to go back to work by now, but that is not an option right now. I do go back to the Dr. Heffez in Milwaukee on the 21st. to get an MRI and talk to him. I was told that I would be better by 4 weeks and that the 2nd surgery wouldn't effect my recovery. I just feel like I am never going to get better. Is there anyone out there with any answers or suggestions? I am just feeling so sad right now.
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As Selma said - there is no real time frame for how and when you should expect to feel "better".  Dr. Heffez performed my PFD in September and I remember that before surgery he also told me that I should be able to go back to work after 4 weeks (which I was very hopeful to believe him).  After having the surgery, unlike you, I didn't have any major complications, just a (suspected) small CSF leak that caused me to feel horrible if I wasn't laying flat.  It took about 9 weeks for me to be able to really get out of bed and just hang around my house.  I had to reschedule my follow-up in Milwaukee until about 11 weeks post-op because I just wasn't up to the trip.   In your particular case, the infection and second surgery had to have wiped you out.  When I had a tumor debulking and hysterectomy two years ago, I contracted a serious infection that was caught just before I became septic and had to have a second surgery to remove an abscess and was stuck in the hospital for 2 weeks (when it should have been 2 days).   Sorry - I digress, what I'm trying to say is that I remember I was knocked out for 3 months after that infection so I can only imagine what a staph infection and second brain surgery would do to your body.  You body has a lot of recovery and healing to do and even though I know it is incredibly frustrating, try and be patient and give yourself time to rest and heal.  Don't feel pressured to "feel better" quicker because you might be comparing yourself to others or just because you're sick of feeling like crud and being tired (I did that and it only frustrated me me more and made me feel depressed).  I know its an awful feeling when you want life to resume to normal and you can't muster the strength to do basic things.  But just know that it will get better, just give it time and try to be patient.  I hope I don't sound preachy, I just can empathize with what I think you might be feeling.  Make sure everything looks good with your MRI and ask Dr. Heffez to address all of your concerns at your visit.  He spent a good 45 minutes with me and my husband at the post-op appointment and the times I've had other questions I've just emailed them and gotten a response within a day.  My personal experience with the surgery was that it took over 12 weeks before I started to feel decent enough to leave the house for short periods and 16 weeks before I drove.  I'm now nearly 6 months out and am only now feeling like I can go back to work   I remember that through the healing process there were so many days that I was convinced I would never feel better and I worried that I had made a tremendous mistake by having the surgery.  I am now really glad that I did it. My pain didn't really get significantly better until about 3 months out and I still deal with intermittent neck pain and mild headaches.  I have to say that overall I am feeling so much better than I was before surgery and am starting to do things that I thought I would never be able to do again (like running 3 miles!  : )  )   I know this is just my personal experience and everyone is different, but I do hope that maybe this gives you some perspective and hope.  

I hope that you will start to turn a corner soon and begin to feel better.  You are in my thoughts and prayers for a thorough (and faster) recovery.
8 Responses
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620923 tn?1452915648

  Hi you may want to post to current threads as this is older and those that posted to it originally may no longer be active on this site.

If you have questions on navigating the site feel free to ask.
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I too developed an infection after my first surgery and was wandering how long it took for you to heal?  My experience is similar in that I had the explosive headaches but also severe back spasms, right arm pain, fatigue, etc. My NS is telling me to wait for my body to heal. How are you doing now and did the surgery help your headaches?
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620923 tn?1452915648

  FMLA only covers ur position for up to 12 weeks not a yr, u may have had additional time from ur employer...but it was not FMLA time...u must work for an employer that employs more then 50 people ans u must be full time and have worked 1250 hrs in the previous rolling 12 months....

Some employers deduct against FMLA time whenever u r out...so u do have to see how they calculate the time.
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1306714 tn?1327257080
I worked in the kitchen (lunch lady :)   for 23 yrs.  Please listen to your body because I know how physical this job is so you want to make sure your o.k. before you go back.  As I told you earlier I was not able to go back, but my future plan is to volunteer and do one on one for those who need help.  I miss my job so so much because as you said.  You miss the ones you work with.  My school was and still is family to me, but you do have to keep yourself safe.  It upsets me that your NS would think that that 2nd surgery won't affect you.  As my PCP told me.  For every hr your under anasegia you have to add a week of recover, for every day you were in the hospital you have to add another week for recovery.  This made sense to me when she explained it this way.  Hope this helps you also.  I also wanted to suggest to fill out a FMLA form this will protect your job for up to a year and they can't fire you.  Ask you employee for the forms and the NS office fills them out.  This kept my job safe even though I couldn't go back.  Wish you the best.
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Thank you so much for your response. It has made me feel a little better about my situation. I guess I was hoping that this would be simple, but of course I was dreaming. I have just had chronic daily headaches for 26 years along with severe migraines and I just wanted them to go away NOW! I know I need to be more patient and give myself more time to feel better. I also really need to wait till I get my MRI and talk with Dr.Heffez. I don't care what they say, the 2nd surgery put my recovery off by at least a few weeks. I just want so much to feel better and go back to work. I work in a kitchen at an elementary school. I love my job and the people I work with. I have already missed 7 weeks, was suppose to miss only 4-6 weeks. They have had to use many different subs to fill my position. I am afraid that if I can't come back for a while still, I will lose my job and right now there isn't much out there. Plus I have to mention that my husband lost his job right before I got my surgeries. He got laid off. He is the major bread winner of course and hasn't found anything yet. So there is a lot of stress going on in the house right now. he is very supportive of everything I am going thru, you couldn't ask for a better husband to be by your side. He has been next to me since the 1st day. He is my rock!
Anyway. Thanks so much for the response. It is greatly appreciated.
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1306714 tn?1327257080
Hearing your post, my heart is hurting for you because I have went through this myself.  If it wasn't for this forum I wouldn't of known what to do.  I thought I would have the surgery, recovery, go back to work.  It didn't work that way for me neither.  I ended up having 4 surgeries all together and it was a longer road.  I did find through all of this we can only take one day at a time and don't plan for your return to work.  It just sets us up for more disappointment.  As for me.  Sadly I couldn't go back to work in advise from my NS, but please take one day at a time and each day things will get better.  We never know what life is going to throw at you.  I also say we don't realize what anasegia does do our bodies.  For every surgery it is a set back because you have to get that stuff out of your body.  I know it is flustraing for you right now, but know your not alone.  It will get better.  

Linda :)
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620923 tn?1452915648

  Hi Debby...so sorry ur recovery is not going smoothly....we r all different and there is no way to know how we will be affected by it or how long we will need to recover....I say this  many times on here, I do not feel a Dr can give a time frame for when we can go back to work or when we "should" feel better...we have to wait and see how we actually feel and r doing...until u r post op there is no way to know.

Do u know, do u still have a leak?...Just 1 surgery will take longer to go back to work in MHO so with 2...sorry again JMHO having had one, I can not see it happening with out set backs of some sort....

  We all rush to go back to work and I feel it puts us at a greater risk to have more pain and issues...again my opinion just from what I am seeing from members here on this site.

  The fatigue is typical for post op...as is a depression that can set in...we go thru stages during recovery....and pain is part of it as well.

  Do u know if u have ne related conditions other then the syrinx?

  Sleep apnea, tethered cord, PTC, disk issues, ehlers-danlos?
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