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My 66 year old mother is extremely stubborn and just will not let me take her to the doctor.  She believes there is nothing they can do for her and her health problems.  Two months ago she devoured an entire family size bag of potatoe chips and then her feet and ankles swelled up.  Two weeks after that, the swelling moved up past her knees.  Now, the swelling is all the way up to her waist.  I researched this a month ago and she has 90% of the symtoms associated with congestive heart failure.  Odd part is, only her right hand is swollen and not the left!  Since an ambulance will not take her to the hospital claiming it would be a form of kidnapping (because she is in her right mind), what am I to do?  Is there any kind of action I can take to override her will?  Or, do I have to just wait for the dreaded phone call that she is dead or is in the hospital.
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592969 tn?1248325405
Eventually, she will get so many pounds of fluid on her that she will not be able to breath.  This is very scary as the person does not realize that they are this bad until they lay down and cannot breath or get air.  It definitely sounds like heart failure or kidney failure.  Can you talk to social services to see if they can step in to help?
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Swelling of the feet,ankles and the lower limbs definitely needs evaluation.It can be caused by a serious condition of the kidney, heart, liver or blood vessels.The most important thing that needs to be ruled out is congestive heart failure. As the body becomes overloaded with fluid from congestive heart failure, swelling (edema) of the ankles and legs or abdomen is noted.If left untreated it can cause fluids in lungs,shortness of breath,liver complications and serious cardiac conditions like cardiac arrhthymias,pulmonary edema,atrial fibrillation and heart failure etc which may be life threatening.

I would suggest an immediate medical intervention and investigations like ECG,echocardiography and blood tests.Either coax her or use force,your mother needs to be evaluated by a cardiologist as soon as possible.

I hope that helps.Take care and pls do keep me posted.
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