203342 tn?1328737207

Is the Crohns back?

I'm having a few symptoms, they're not bad but they're making me wonder if I'm not in remission anymore, if the Crohns is back. I've been in remission for almost 2 years since they did surgery to remove an ulcerative mass in my small intestine. That was the only outbreak I had.
I'll just give the symptoms and see what you all think.

I've been having a lot more heartburn so I've been trying to be more careful what I'm eating.
I've also had very gassy, loose bm's for the most part but now it seems to be fluctuating with constipation? Like this morning, I had a loose bm and then this afternoon very small pellet like bm's suggesting constipation. I did this yesterday too. I also feel "full" down there like I still need to have a bm almost constant but can't seem to go??? It's just weird. I've already gone twice today, although the second time was just a little, but this feeling won't go away! What's that all about???

I also have been having right side pain just above my navel on down mostly on the right side. It feels almost like a stitch, like what you get when you've been running. Not a good feeling, but it's not terrible. I mean it's certainly bearable. I know it's not appendicitis because I had my appendix out 4 years ago. What does worry me is I had right side pain (but much worse) when they discovered the constriction in my small intestine (2 years ago) and saw and removed the mass there. It was on my right side, small intestine, near the terminal illeum. I'm actually feeling some pain on my scar from the surgery too.

Now, I don't want to get paranoid or think worst case scenario. I mean, it could be as simple as trapped gas, right? Or maybe I need to change my diet better. I do know certain foods don't agree with me, like dairy, etc., and I did get a little lax this last year, but I'm trying to watch more now.
There's no blood or weight loss but then there never was before I was diagnosed, either. It was a shock to be diagnosed with Crohns to begin with because I didn't show all the typical symptoms.

What do you all think? Could it just be diet related? Or does it sound like the Crohns has returned or that I have another flare up? I didn't even know when I did before. I guess I didn't pay that much attention to my body or got used to stuff. I don't know. I just was wondering if this could be the Crohns or IBS or just sensitivity to foods, etc.
What does this sound like? I'd just like a few opinions before I make an appointment with the GI doctor. I don't want to make an appointment if it's just something as silly as trapped gas or sensitivity to foods, etc.

Any ideas?
25 Responses
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203342 tn?1328737207
Yep, all that really matters is your own personal relationship with the Lord, not what ever label or religion is out there. I go to a church but it's an non denominational church because I try to stay away from churches that are too caught up in their man made doctrines and stray too far from the truth of the gospel.
I heard someone say going to a church doens't make you a Christian any more than going into a garage makes you a car. It's a personal relationship with God. :)
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We're Christian also but I don't go to church that often...too boring to be honest and I don't push my  kids to go either...except my eldest (with Crohn's and yes she doesn't understand why GOD punishes innocent children...I can't answer that because honestly I don't know....) she has to attend confirmation for 2 years or else if she wants to ever get married in a church she'll have a tough time so I told her to just get through it......churches/religion & hypocrosy go hand in hand - it's unfortunate and it truly saddens me....however that's a whole other debate - but when it comes down to it, yes we're christian....no.... we're not "truly devoted or bible thumpers.." but God doesn't put labels on people does he? We're good people overall and that's what's important...
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776872 tn?1247938680
thank you April2,i hope you find out what's happening soon aswell. Have you made any progress
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203342 tn?1328737207
He doesn't hate you, I can guarantee that. :o) Like I said, bad things happen, unfortunately. It's a part of life. We seem to have cycles. It sounds like you're in the valley right now. I pray you will get your mountain top experience real soon. :o) God bless you.
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776872 tn?1247938680
i meant to wrote lost not love lol sorry my head isn't straight today.
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776872 tn?1247938680
i understand your views as a christian but......he must hate me lol i love my job,car,house,my parents split up, i lose my long term boyfriend....then i get crohns....amazing lol
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203342 tn?1328737207
Thank you for sharing but as a Christian I don't feel I should go to psychics. I try to rely on God. I hope your daughter feels better soon! God bless. :o)
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I actually took our daughter to a psychic (without telling her too much but I know that they can read into things because they are taught to...that's their talent...) anyways we were told that our daugther has Crohn's for a reason....and her spirit guide apparently is Dr. Blalock - i looked him up and apparently he was a famous doc at John Hopkins and came up with diagnosing Blue Baby syndrome or something like that...but that's a whole other discussion - we still don't know what to make of it LOL....

We went to the psychic fair for something fun to do - she can't really vacation when not in remission so we had to do something local....I'm not heavily/deeply into psychics or anything we just find the information interesting...
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203342 tn?1328737207
Sweetie, this isn't God's fault and I'm not going to blame him. It's just life. We live in an imperfect world. If we had heaven on earth what would we look forward to then we we do go to heaven? :o)
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776872 tn?1247938680
yeah could god obviously loves us so much he gave us crohns..........
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Hey Once you have Crohn's disease it never completely goes away unless GOD heals you that is the only known cure for it. Besides that there is no cure.

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203342 tn?1328737207
I don't know. I don't know if it's the Crohns or just Acid Reflux bothering me right now. Oh, and someone suggested I may have a hiatal hernia. Great, I didn't even know what that is. Now I'm nervous about that. I guess I'd better go do my homework.
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776872 tn?1247938680
well i have pains in my stomache sometimes just under my ribcage ont he right hand side,near my ovaries on in my belly button or around my belly button, i get diaahrea and constipation she said these are signs that i may not be in remission from crohns, and that i need tests again. i also get hot flushes sometimes or headaches. my aptetite keeps changing too. they said they would do surgery to remove the small intestine but i have crohns in my colon too so apparently there's no point o.0. i dont' think you're in remission either
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203342 tn?1328737207
What do you mean this may not mean we're in remission? Because of the stitch pain or the other things? What did the nurse tell you? I don't even have anyone to talk to. I just got a referral to see a new GI doctor but he's full till October and my pcp doesn't want to deal with any of this because he says I should take all this up with my GI doctor, which obviously I can't do at this time!

I tell you what's worse with me right now. I have horrible heartburn every day, yep, every day now. Doesn't seem to matter what I eat or even if I don't eat. I've been getting this lump in my throat feeling this week. That's new. I heard that can be a sign of Acid Reflux. Lovely. I'm also getting a lot more PVC's again. They had gone away for a long time but now they're back. I still say there's a connection to PVC's and digestive issues.
I just wish I had a doctor who cared and would listen.
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776872 tn?1247938680
i phoned my IBD nurse, apparently, this may mean were not in remission,the white blood cell tests isn't always accurate. lol how gay...i think we both need to see our GI doc again i'm seeing mine on the 5th.
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Perhaps you should go visit with your GI Doc and get a colonoscopy and/or barium CT scan - one thing they monitor with our daughter (although she hasn't had surgery yet...she's also NOT in remission yet either...) is narrowing of the intestines,  obstruction and in your case hopefully not but scar tissue....sometimes taking out a food group for a week ie: dairy can also be a good "Test" to see if perhaps there is some food intolerance...sometimes our daughter will get similar pains if she eats something with onions (That she wasn't aware of) - but it's best to seek advice from your doc.
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776872 tn?1247938680
I get this too, mines like a stitch the pain that is in my navel to my lower right hip..i haven't had my appendix out...i told the hospital they did tests and apparently everything is 'normal' i've also had constipation apparently it's the steroids side effects...but i dont think it is...i don't want to keep taking laxatives for my constipation as it's confusing by confusing i mean i can't tell if it's my crohns or the stupid meds.. my white blood cells are normal which means the inflammation is down....well if it's down why the stomache pain o.0
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203342 tn?1328737207
Thanks, Trudie. I know. I was just kind of dreading it because I'm sure my gastroenterologist would want to do another colonoscopy and I really didn't want to do that yet. Besides, with as busy as I've been this Summer I'm not sure when I'm going to be able to do that. I may be going out to see my folks for a few weeks.
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483733 tn?1326798446
April, you should get this checked out.  If it is the Crohn's acting up then early and aggressive treatment is the best course.  Look into the bowel and ovarian cysts.  Cysts can affect your bowels and many women get diagnosed with IBS when it is cysts.  I think a full abdominal and a transvaginal ultrasound should be run.  Good luck and hope you get feeling better soon.
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203342 tn?1328737207
Today I noticed I felt full after just two bites of salad at lunch. I thought I was hungry but when I went to eat I felt a little sick and full and had to stop. I did have toast and a banana for breakfast but that was it. Looking back, I've noticed this happen a few times. Anybody ever have that happen?
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No problem April. I wish I had a better answer for you. I tend to agree with you about it being scar tissue from your previous surgery. I know that I do 'notice' things more since my diagnosis, so I know what that is like. I have become quite a paranoid freak actually, lol! Not that you are, but I sure feel like one most of the time :)

I hope you are able to find a good answer. Are you going to see a Dr. soon about it? Let me know if they find anything out.

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203342 tn?1328737207
lovethebops, thanks for answering above. It seems slow this weekend. I'll try the aloe vera juice. It's just strange this right side stitch. I don't know what this is!
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203342 tn?1328737207
I'm feeling that stitch in my right side again today. It does seem like it comes after eating. I'm not sure. I'm just paying more attention now. It sure doesn't feel very good.

Does anyone know what this is???

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Also, Aloe vera Juice helps with heartburn. Thought this may help:


I have been told that this is really good for people with Crohn's. I am trying to make sure I drink it everyday. You can find it in health food shops.

Best wishes!
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