1310633 tn?1430224091

Black, Mormon and female, Utah Republican embodies new hope

(Reuters) - Rock star. Novelty. Myth-buster. Surprise.

That's how some pundits describe Mia Love, a Republican congressional nominee in Utah who is upending stereotypes about the state and its predominant faith. A rising star and mayor of a small Utah city, she will have a brief prime-time speaking role on Tuesday at the Republican convention.

Love, 36, is a black Mormon in a deeply conservative state where her race makes up less than 3 percent of the population. If she bests the popular, right-of-center Democratic incumbent, Jim Matheson, in November, Love would be the first black, conservative woman elected to the U.S. House of Representatives, although polls show she faces an uphill battle.

"I believe our country is in big trouble," said Love, also a runner who teaches fitness classes. "If I can make a difference, not only should I do it, it's my obligation as a parent and an American."

In 2010, she was the first black woman elected as mayor of a Utah city. She's also a first-generation U.S. citizen whose parents immigrated to New York from Haiti in the 1970s in search of the American dream and who wanted to make sure their daughter contributed to society.

Love, a mother of three, says she's running against six-term incumbent Matheson in the newly created 4th District in central Utah to do just that. Matheson represents Utah's 2nd District and opted to run in the 4th after redistricting scattered his constituents.

That Love captured the Republican nomination was a surprise both in and out of Utah. A Tea Party darling, she is now seen as representing the strongest chance in a decade for Republicans to push Matheson, the lone Democrat in Utah's congressional delegation and a fellow Mormon, out of office.


Little-known outside of Saratoga Springs, a farming hamlet turned city of 18,000 about 35 miles south of Salt Lake City, Love leap-frogged over a crowded field including two better-known state lawmakers to snag the nomination with over 70 percent of the vote at the state Republican convention in April.

Utah political insiders chalked up her victory to a confluence of events, including infighting between two front-runners and an engaging speech by Love that hit all the right notes for the traditionally conservative delegates.

She champions limited government, fiscal discipline, personal responsibility and state's rights. She's pro-gun and holds a concealed weapon permit, opposes abortion and has said she would favor dismantling the federal departments of energy and education.

She also supports Utah's effort to reclaim public lands from federal agency controls and would vote against regulations she believes would restrict economic development.

"She was clearly a wild card," Matthew Burbank, a University of Utah political science professor, said. "She's not all that different in the sense of her political views and her being a member of the majority religion. On the other hand, she does have a life story that is different than anybody I can think of in Utah politics."

Love has the backing of the National Republican Congressional Committee, which has given her campaign nearly $1 million for fall television ads.

"I have never had a problem with people calling me a shiny new toy, but hopefully it's what I stand for that matters," Love said. "I was elected as mayor with 60 percent of the vote, and it wasn't because I'm black and I'm female."

Republican Senator John McCain of Arizona and House Speaker John Boehner have campaigned for Love in Utah. Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is due to appear at a Utah event on September 7.

Ann Romney, wife of Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney, has endorsed Love, as has Romney's running mate, Paul Ryan. But national support, or even her speaking role at the Republican convention, may not help Love gain enough ground to win.

A recent poll conducted for Salt Lake City media outlets the Deseret News and KSL television found she trailed the race 53 percent to 38 percent.


Still, there's no question that Love's race is part of what's drawing the attention of party leaders, said LaVar Webb, a longtime Salt Lake City-based Republican strategist.

"They wouldn't discuss this publicly, but the fact that a black woman could be elected in Utah I think would signal that (the state) is more diverse and open-minded and cosmopolitan than people believe," Webb said.

Matheson, the son of Utah's last Democratic governor, has held his seat because he's viewed as a moderate who breaks party lines to vote with Republicans on issues that align with Utah's more conservative values, pundits said.

Matheson, however, disagreed that Love offers voters anything dramatically different from past challengers.

"I don't think most Utahns want to get rid of the Department of Energy or the Department of Education," Matheson said earlier this year at a community event. "It just sounds like more of the same, extreme positions from someone who will go to Washington and vote the party line."

SOURCE: http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/08/28/us-usa-campaign-mormon-idUSBRE87Q19Q20120828
25 Responses
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1310633 tn?1430224091
Also, you never address my "You can raise my taxes, but you only get to do it ONCE" comment?

Wouldn't it pi$$ you off if one of your daughters continually approached you with their hand open, begging for money because she spent her whole paycheck on clothes, shoes, purses, hair & makeup, when you could see FIRST HAND that her spending habits were completely and utterly irresponsible?

And 2-3 days after you gave her money, after her saying "I'll never do it again Mommy", she comes back to you with her hand open again... and again... and again.

That's how it feels to US. The Democrats (politicians) want to keep coming and coming and coming for more and more and more money, in order to raise "revenue" because their spending habits were abhorable.

Was that a decent analogy?

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1310633 tn?1430224091
"We need to end the bush tax cuts for everyone..."

I couldn't agree more with that statement. HOWEVER, that's not what BO is proposing.

He wants to leave the breaks in place for anyone making less that $250K yet, not only get rid of, but RAISE taxes on people making north of $250K.

That said, how long have I been saying, "Please raise my taxes, but you only get to do it ONE TIME. After than, keep your hands out of my pockets" and "We need to cut spending". We actually agree, Teko, that this is going to take COMPROMISE.

The Republicans have to agree to tax-hikes, and the Democrats are going to have to agree to massive spending cuts. 1% of the population can't bear the burden for the entire country, I think you'll agree to that, right?

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Stop with woman's issues because there is not a single issue you can point to that is valid in today's campaign that is a woman's issue alone.

You are not independant, you may think of yourself that way but if you would never vote for a R then you are a D.

If your so willing to pay more taxes then just go ahead and write a check to the IRS. Lower taxes have proven time and time again to bring in more revenue.
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First of all I believe that we the people, are the government.
Secondly, I do not view the government as an evil entity, why would I do that?
Thirdly, I think anyone with any ounce of common sense knows we have been enjoying the lowest taxes in 50 years for quite some time and look where we are. Yes, we need to cut spending and raise revenue, both together.
We need to end the bush tax cuts for everyone, they were not meant to be a permanant entity and have gone on far too long and all they do is add even more to the deficit.
The ones that are harping less government are speaking out both sides of their mouths. Getting in the middle of womens issues is bigger government, not smaller.
Giving huge taxbreaks to the wealthy by cutting programs that the rest of society need is ilitism.
Lastly, Im not a dem, yet.  I am a left leaning independent and proud of it.

And I will never ever vote for anyone signing a pledge to anyone other than their oath to country. period.

pretty much sums it up for me.

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She we not debate different points of views? Is this not part of this forum?

You said you would not vote republican, so you want higher taxes for all? You want more government into the lives of people?

If your a fan of JFK, his values would not line up with the Dems of today.
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I would not vote republican. period. It has to do with their platform and has nothing to do with the color of their skin. Nice try tho. I voted for Obama remember?
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I do think the dems created Obama.... no doubt they had a hand in it.  I knew nothing about him until they shoved him out there.  Did you?
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Yes el, he was awesome then and is awesome now. And im not even a democrat!

LOL, deal with it.
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1310633 tn?1430224091
I see your point.

So I'm guessing you thought that the Democratic Party "created" Barack Obama then?

I, for sure, feel like he was conjured. One minute the guy's a community activist turned junior senator turned POTUS.

Even the Democrats on this board can't refute THAT (although I'm sure they will tell me all about how awesome BO was prior to him becoming POTUS).
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I see the need for the party to do that, el. But to me, it is the party sinking their teeth in, trying to give the party validity.  I find that unappealing.  I'd love any party to back someone, but not make someone.... that make sense?
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Just felt like sending you a dig. :-)
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1310633 tn?1430224091
I posts what I reads...

I didn't write the article, in case you thought I did. Just reposting something that the Liberal media keeps on bringing up, that's all.
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"Side-Note: I'm really TIRED of the race issue coming up. There's just no place for it in politics. The best person for the job, no matter WHAT their skin color is."

Then why do you continue to bring it up?

I would no more vote for this person than I would for George Bush. Don't care about gender or race with this one-yikes!
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1310633 tn?1430224091
So you don't think young politicians, that the party sees as having potential, should be "groomed" by their respective parties?

Look at BO. The Democrats groomed him all the way into the WH. He was an unknown Junior Senator and the Democratic Party put their eggs in his basket and pushed him all the way to the top.

Unless you have party backing, how are you supposed to represent them?
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That sir, is where I'll disagree with you.  Grooming.... I think it adds to the problem and creates more of what we have.  I do think on the national front that she will have no credibility without the Right behind her, but grooming makes me feel like they are asking her to fall in line and have no genuine thought of her own.
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1310633 tn?1430224091

And that said, Mia Love appears, on the surface at least, to be a GENUINE human being. From what I've read on her, she's a "for the people" sorta person, and not interested in the "politic'ing" going on in DC.

IMO, the Right needs to start grooming this woman (unless they've already started the ball rolling).
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Unfortunately, I think we are always going to have that kind of voter.  I can't find or see another way around it.  Maybe it has something to do with the old, "he looks like me, talks like me.... I bet he even thinks like me."  When that falls apart, that's when we get the other kid of racism, where we end up calling people of our own races, sellouts.

I had a conversation with a friend quite some time ago, shortly after she got out of college.  She became what she called a "free thinker".  Right off the bat, she accused anyone who did not think the way she did was not capable of being a "free thinker".  When I pointed out the fact that she was asking "free thinkers" to only think feel and believe as she did, was... hypocritical, she called me a few names and dropped the conversation.  It became obvious to me that I was too under-educated to even be having that conversation.

I've said it before that race and religion mean so little to me when it comes to the qualities I look for in a politician.  I don't care where my politician comes from.  I don't care how much or how little money they have or where any of their money came from, as long as it is legal.  I find it a waste of time to even have a beef with legalities when what is happening is totally legal.  I don't even care if a politician changes his mind.... in fact, that is a trait I admire.

Never in my 45 years have I found a politician that I agree with 100%, 100% of the time.  (I'd probably hate that guy and feel as if he were fishing for my vote.)  What I want is someone who is genuine.... I can't find that in this election.  I think most politicians are bought and paid for.  I think a guy like Allen West is genuine and he is not afraid to speak his mind.  The guy is brilliant in my opinion, smarter than anyone we have kissing babies today.  I think that caliber of politician is the rarest of the breed.
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Torn again - torn in 2.
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1310633 tn?1430224091
If she does make it to the national level, the black vote is going to be quite telling.

If the majority of black people vote for her even though she's a Republican, that'll tell me ONE thing: black people vote for those that have the same skin as they do, and in essence, are racist themselves (for the simple reason that they only voted for her due to the color of their skin).

If they DON'T vote for her, again (assuming she eventually makes it to the big show), black folks will gain a little bit of respect from those of us on the Right, that think the only reason the voted for Obama was because of his skin color.
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If she ends up standing on the national stage, she will be labeled.  Look at the labeling that hit Cain even before he got out of the box.  Allen West....  

Everyone does it.  It's easier to identify them when they've been labeled.  You don't have to think for yourself when everyone around you says, "He's an Uncle Tom", or "He's more white than Washington".
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Left has already labeled her that, her Wiki page was changed and she was called those things and worse.

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1310633 tn?1430224091
So i was wondering, last night while I was laying in bed trying to go to sleep...

If this woman climbs the political ladder quickly (as did BO, who was groomed by the Democratic party), would she attract the female vote? Would she attract the religious Right vote? Would she attract the black vote?

It's sad that I say this, but I'll be willing to be you a dozen donuts that the Left will label her as a traitor, and an Uncle Tom, and try to destroy her, even though she's black.

Side-Note: I'm really TIRED of the race issue coming up. There's just no place for it in politics. The best person for the job, no matter WHAT their skin color is.
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Half Mormon and half black - another split personality. I wonder whether she's more black or more Mormon. I sense she's leaning right.
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1310633 tn?1430224091
Republican is as Republican does...
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