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Gadhafi appears on verge of collapse as fighters reach Tripoli


August 21, 2011 9:08 p.m. EDT

Tripoli, Libya (CNN) -- The 42-year rule of Moammar Gadhafi appeared on the verge of collapse early Monday, with rebel supporters packing the same Tripoli square where regime loyalists had congregated for months.

These celebrations were in response to rebel inroads into the capital and news that two of Moammar Gadhafi's sons -- Saif al-Islam and Saadi -- have been arrested by opposition forces. Jumma Ibrahim, a rebel spokesman based in Libya's western mountain region, said both were captured in Tripoli.

There was no immediate reaction from Libyan government officials to these claims.

Saadi Gadhafi, a businessman and onetime professional soccer player, helped set up an April CNN interview with a woman who claimed she'd been raped by government troops. He later told CNN that those behind the attack should be prosecuted.

International Criminal Court chief prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo also said Saif Gadhafi had been arrested and would be sought by court "for his participation in crimes against humanity (affecting) the Libyan people."

The court, based in The Hague, earlier this summer issued an arrest warrant for Saif Gadhafi as well as his father and uncle Abdullah al-Sanussi. Moreno-Ocampo said the court plans Monday to contact authorities associated with those holding Saif al-Islam to try to arrange for his transfer to the Netherlands for an eventual trial.

I an audio address broadcast just before midnight Sunday -- his second of the day -- their father Moammar Gadhafi claimed "very small groups of people who are collaborators with the imperialists" were fighting inside the capital. Should the rebels prevail, Gadhafi said NATO would not protect them and predicted massive bloodshed. To prevent this, he said, Libyans -- he included a special appeal to women -- should go out and fight.

Tipping point in Tripoli

Libyan spokesman: No surrender

Libyan: 'It's so close, we're winning'

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"Get out and lead, lead, lead the people to paradise," he said.

Yet pictures began to emerge early Monday from Tripoli's Green Square, where Gadhafi supporters have gathered regularly, showing those opposed to the regime celebrating the rebel fighters' inroads. Joyous people could be seen celebrating, waving the rebel flag and even flashing the "victory" sign.

"The rebel fighters are in control of most of the neighborhoods in Tripoli," said the rebel spokesman, Ibrahim.

NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said Sunday that "the Gadhafi regime is clearly crumbling," and urged the leader to acknowledge defeat.

A main supply route into western Tripoli -- which, earlier Sunday, had been the scene of intense fighting -- was clear early Monday, occupied only by rebels heading toward the capital.

CNN's Sara Sidner, who was 1 kilometer (.6 of a mile) from Green Square, reported around 3 a.m. that the route heading there was "eerily quiet," with cars passing by checkpoints run by those loyal to the opposition.

This relative silence contrasted to the crackling gunfire and explosions that have rattled Tripoli over the weekend.

Libyan government spokesman Musa Ibrahim told reporters just after 11 p.m. Sunday that some 1,300 people had been killed and about 5,000 wounded in fighting in the previous 12 hours.

"(The city) is being turned into a hellfire," he said.

The spokesman denied a report from Arab-language news network Al-Arabiya that Gadhafi's guard had surrendered, calling it "false information."

Col. Roland Lavoie, a NATO spokesman based at the Joint Forces Command in Naples, Italy, describe the situation Sunday as "very dynamic and very tense" after a spate of mostly small-scale skirmishes in downtown Tripoli and near the sea. While there was no sense of massive encounters, there were large movements of troops by both sides outside the city.

In another sign of possible trouble, the signal for state-run television -- which has long been a forum for pro-Gadhafi views -- has flickered, with the station later claiming there has been "interference" due to a "hostile media campaign."

One fierce gun battle broke out Sunday evening near the hotel where many international reporters were stationed in Tripoli. Many government officials packed their suitcases and left the hotel earlier in the day.

A woman in Tripoli said late Sunday that she and others went outside, "screaming" and calling for Gadhafi's ouster -- and had plenty of company.

"We realized that no one wants him, no one wants this dictator," the resident said.

Musa Ibrahim told CNN on Sunday that "more than 65,000 professional men" are fighting in Tripoli, with thousands more flooding in to help defend the regime, and added they "can hold for much longer." He predicted a "humanitarian disaster" unless an immediate ceasefire is called.

"It's not about who will win," he said. "The world needs to hear this message, that a massacre will be committed in Tripoli if one side wins now."

Some areas of eastern Tripoli, including the suburb of Tajoura, were out of government control Sunday, according to a Libyan government official who asked not to be named. Rebels set car tires afire along barricades there, the official said.

And Monday, Zawiya -- a key coastal city about 30 miles west of the capital -- appeared under rebel control, with celebratory gunfire and fireworks as some yelled out, "Libya is free!"

Aref Ali Nayed, an ambassador in the United Arab Emirates for the Libyan rebels' Transitional National Council, said that opposition forces were calling Sunday "Day 1."

"The reason we declare it 'Day 1' is because we feel Gadhafi is already finished. He is already finished, most importantly, in our hearts," he said. "We no longer fear him."

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Rebels celebrate in Zawiya

Libyan rebels advance

Host waves gun on Libyan TV

Libyan Conflict
Arab Spring
Moammar Gadhafi

The fighters are continuing to get significant support from NATO to maintain pressure on Gadhafi's forces, said Lavoie.

Ibrahim, the government spokesman, blamed NATO for the conflict and appealed for a cease-fire.

"Every drop of Libyan blood shed by these rebels is the responsibility of the Western world, especially NATO's countries," he said. "We hold (U.S. President Barack) Obama, (British Prime Minister David) Cameron and (French President Nicolas) Sarkozy morally responsible for every single unnecessary death that takes place in this country."

Several U.S. officials -- including President Barack Obama, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton -- are getting updates on the situation, officials said. Obama promised a statement when "we get full confirmation of what is happening."

"Gadhafi's days are numbered," State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said Sunday. "If Gadhafi cared about the welfare of the Libyan people, he would step down now."

In the rebel hub of Benghazi, meanwhile, CNN iReporter Sammi Addahoumi showed video of large, boisterous crowds in the city's Freedom Square reacting as reports of the developments played on a large screen.

"The spirits are quite high," said Addahoumi, a 28-year-old deli manager from South Carolina who said his father fled Benghazi decades ago. "Everyone is expecting Tripoli to fall."

In the first of his speeches on state television Sunday, though, Gadhafi was still insisting the rebels -- whom he described as "infidels," "traitors" and "gangsters" -- would fail and vowed not to back down.

"This is the hour of victory," he said. "This hour is the hour of defiance."
24 Responses
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377493 tn?1356502149
My husband said the same thing..except we can't afford the plane fare..lol.  

It's true though..I don't think he will be captured and stand trial.  I hope he does, but I doubt it.  As he said "he will fight to the death or die a martyr".  I think he would kill himself before allowing himself to be captured.  
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1310633 tn?1430224091
Someone will KILL him LONG, LONG, LONG before he stands trial.

Haven't you heard?

There's a $2M bounty on his head!

Hell... I'm thinking about going over and hunting him myself, for $2M!!!
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535822 tn?1443976780
Well I would like him to stand trial at the Haig ..for his human rights crimes .
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OMG I hope so! Yay for the Brits! Seriously this guy is very very crazy and desparate, I hope they get him.
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535822 tn?1443976780
Today on BBC news said the Brits have sent in special forces to find him ..
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He definately puts the U in Ugly. He looks like he has had some cosmetic surgery or something gone bad! Adgal, seriously? The captured son that wasnt! ROFL, Why does that not surprise me! Last I heard they had a bounty on his head but still no one has a clu where he is. I would not be surprised at all for this lunatic to release ricin or some other huge germ warfare on this people.
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535822 tn?1443976780
well I mean an American took out Bin laden didnt  he
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535822 tn?1443976780
wow thats a big bounty someone will want it...any offers?
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1310633 tn?1430224091
Lybia's new leaders put a $1M bounty on his head, so SOMEONE will take him out shortly.

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377493 tn?1356502149
Well, like I said, nothing would shock me with this guy.  I would put him in the same catagory as what's his pickle from Iran.  Lunatics.  I sure hope he doesn't have them - no question in my mind he would be perfectly capable of unleashing them on the Libyan people...or NATO.  
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535822 tn?1443976780
Maybe I am wrong but the daily Telegraph and many others are saying he still has a quarter chemical stock pile ...mustard Gas    www.telegraph.co.uk/.../Libya-Gaddafi-regime-could-unleash--chemical-...     hope I got that right...there are many others on the search engine saying the same thing..I really hope he hasn't got them .
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377493 tn?1356502149
Yep El, he is UGLY!!!  (btw, will return your pm when I get a few minutes..sorry!).  

Brice - that country is truly a fascinating place.  I have been there (many years ago) and there is such an eclectic group of people there.  From the Tribes to very modern day young people with very modern day ideas.  It is very different. It is not a typical Muslim ruled country..mind you, there are more and more like that. Syria will be another interesting one to watch in coming days. (and years).  And sorry, I didn't mean to repeat all you had said.  I am going on several nights of no sleep, so a tad bit brain dead.

Margy - Gadhafi actually won over US support (sort of) when he agreed to do away with all weapons nuclear (being developed, I don't think he ever got there, and chemical.  He did allow fairly regular inspections.  I hope this means he does not have them, but I sure don't discount the idea.  

Personally, I think the man is stark raving mad.  Completely insane.  Absolutely nothing would surprise me.  Did you hear that when they broke into the compound, he had a model of a US airplane being crushed in a fist?  Creeeppppyyyy.  And for the most part, his sons are no better.
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535822 tn?1443976780
Gadhafi still has chem weapons etc stashed somewhere still...wonder if he will unleash them he is ugly isnt he, el_en  he was reasonable looking when he was young ,i dont think his flamboyant clothes help a lot ...
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Adgal, what you said about all of the tribes wrestling for power is what I was trying to get at.  You were far more eloquent.  Thank you.

That really will be a problem though.  Those people have been struggling and fighting for thousands of years.  An attempt at democracy will not prevent this.

What will be most interesting is to see who it is that America supports as their new leader.  I only say this because, it seems as if anyone we prop up ends up falling on the "Most Wanted" list.  Hussein, Bin Laden, and the Ayotollah come to mind without any thought.
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1310633 tn?1430224091
Is it only me that thinks he's U-G-L-Y as sin?

Seriously, he looks like he fell out of the ugly-tree, and hit every single branch on the way down.

He's so ugly, that when she were born, the doctor slapped his mom.

He's so ugly, that when he went to the zoo, the zoo-keeper said: "Thanks for bringing him back."

He's so ugly, his dentist treats him by mail.

He's so ugly, he tried to enter a Halloween costume contest, and the judges said, "Sorry, no professionals."

He's so ugly that his parents used to tie a pork chop round his neck just to get the dog to play with him.

I mean seriously... the last time I saw a face like that it had a hook in its mouth!

Yeah... he's an ugly one alright.

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377493 tn?1356502149
He was on the radio there yesterday it seems.  Plus, one of his "captured" sons made a physical appearance, so I guess he isn't in custody after all.

On the radio yesterday (or maybe it was early this morning), Ghadaffi vowed to "fight to the bitter end or die a martyr".  He still has a fair amount of support there, so I don't think this is over by a long shot.  And then of course, what's next...
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535822 tn?1443976780
trying to get an update on the BBC but it still sounds like hes hidng somewhere  I like the idea of the bomber of Lockerbie being sent to the US and imprisoned again. Libya has tribal people there could be much fighting and unrest ...
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Well it appears that Rebels are inside Gadaffi compound. Gunfire, fighting, people literally walking around on the inside. No word on if the man himself is suspected to be on the inside or not. Wow! May-be!
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377493 tn?1356502149
Libya will be really interesting to watch and see what happens.  It is for the most part a very modernized country.  People there are quite well educated and world savy.  However, in other ways it is almost Afghanistan like in that it has tribes which other countries going through this transition (such as Egypt) don't.  I think you are going to see several different factions struggling for power as they attempt to form a democratic system and gov't.  It is a really unique place.  No question you will see some of the more extremist groups also trying to establish themselves (Talibanish types).  So I personally think their troubles are far from over. This is just the first step.  They are going to need a lot of support and guidance.  I think it's great this whole thing came from within though.  I mean, it took a lot of fighting and time for a country like the US to break away from foreign rule, and then to establish itself.  So it can be done, but I suspect it won't happen overnight.  They have their struggles ahead of them.
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You know Brice, you bring a very good point. What happens to all these countries that are over throwing their leaders? They are not familiar with a democracy at all and it will be very interesting to see what happens. There will be more I think too. Are we on our way to that one world government you hear so much about lately you think?
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It is going to continue to get even more interesting.  These people have never known a democracy and obviously that is the goal here, to institute a democracy.  Something else to pay attention to in the coming years is, who we (the UN) prop up to get the democracy started and how it develops for these folks.

Ghadafi is a slippery feller, isn't he?  
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I hear they got three of the 7? sons? We have heard so many times that all was on the verge and nothing. I think this guy has more than 9 lives and he has made it clear they will have to carry him out. I see the celebrating and all but will feel much better when we know where this sneaky one is at.
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377493 tn?1356502149
Still watching this..CNN has live coverage and it's pretty amazing.  The rebels have pretty much taken Tripoli now and a third son has been taken into custody.  No one knows where Ghadafi is though.  Apparantly he had contacted some neighboring countries asking for assaylum for his family members, but not for himself.  But it does look like this is quickly coming to an end.  

Hard to imagine what is next for this country. They have never had a democracy and don't even have the basics in place for setting up a gov't.  No one even really seems to know who is in charge.  
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377493 tn?1356502149
It does seem this battle is coming to an end and perhaps there is a chance Libya will see change.  These folks are unbelievably brave and all they want is to be free.  Sure makes me grateful for being born where I was.

I heard that there is fear that Gadhafi will try to go out in a "blaze of glory" if you will.  There is a lot of fear that he will do something even crazier then he already has.  I guess time will tell.  

The changes in that part of the world are pretty awesome to watch.  It was bound to happen sooner or later, and I think that once Libya is victorious, you will see other dictatorships fall.  Syria is another country to watch closely right now. I don't think there is much doubt the people there will eventually be victorious as well. I have read that leaders in countries such as Saudi Arabia and even countries like Qatar (the regime in Qatar actually treats it's people quite well) are concerned.  It also would not surprise me to see an eventual uprising in Iran.  Once people begin to see it can be done, their courage is bolstered.  Big changes coming to the Middle East I think...interesting times.
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