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Beck falsely claims Obama will not "honor our troops" on Memorial Day

Beck falsely claims Obama will not "honor our troops" on Memorial Day
May 26, 2010 7:22 pm ET — 3 Comments

Glenn Beck falsely claimed that President Obama "has decided not to honor our troops on Memorial Day." In fact, Obama will speak at a Memorial Day service at a dedicated Veterans Affairs cemetery in Illinois; Obama is not the first president to commemorate the holiday somewhere other than Arlington National Cemetery.

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Beck falsely claims Obama "has decided not to honor our troops on Memorial Day"

From the May 26 edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Glenn Beck Program:

    BECK: The president has decided not to honor our troops on Memorial Day and go to -- can you find out the last president that decided to take a vacation and then go to a Paul McCartney -- come back for a Paul McCartney concert, but not for the laying of a wreath on Memorial Day? Maybe this has happened before. I don't recall it.

Obama will commemorate Memorial Day in Illinois ceremony

Obama will speak at veterans cemetery; Biden to lay wreath at Arlington National Cemetery. A White House press release states: "On Monday, the President will participate in a Memorial Day ceremony at Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery in Elwood, Illinois. Also on Monday, the Vice President and Dr. Jill Biden will host a breakfast for Gold Star Families at the White House. Afterwards, the Vice President and Dr. Biden will participate in a wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery." Abraham Lincoln National Cemetery is dedicated as a national cemetery within the VA's National Cemetery Administration. [WhiteHouse.gov, 5/24/10]
Previous presidents have honored Memorial Day away from Arlington Cemetery

1983: Reagan attended summit meeting; Defense Department official Thayer laid wreath at Arlington. Deputy Secretary of Defense W. Paul Thayer laid a wreath at Arlington Cemetery during the Memorial Day ceremony in 1983, according to a May 31, 1983, Washington Post article (retrieved from the Nexis database). The Associated Press reported that President Reagan attended a "summit meeting in Williamsburg, Va., with leaders of the industrialized democracies."

1992: George H.W. Bush allowed VP Quayle to lay wreath. In 1992, Vice President Dan Quayle laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery on Memorial Day, according to a May 26, 1992, Boston Globe article (from Nexis). The Globe reported that President George H.W. Bush attended a wreath-laying ceremony and made brief remarks at an American Legion hall in Kennebunkport, Maine, where he also played a round of golf.

2002: George W. Bush spoke at commemoration in Normandy. On May 27, 2002, President George W. Bush spoke at a Memorial Day commemoration in Normandy, France.
Bush remained in Texas for Veterans Day in 2007

Veterans Day 2007: Cheney attended ceremony to pay tribute at Arlington as Bush remained in Texas. On November 11, 2007, the AP reported that "President Bush honored U.S. troops past and present at a tearful ceremony Sunday for four Texans who died there." The AP further reported that "Vice President **** Cheney went to Arlington to pay tribute to Iraq veterans."
40 Responses
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I don't remember any fuss about any other President not being at Arlington on Memorial Day - does anyone? Before Obama this stuff was never mentioned or, if it was, I must have missed it.

But, Obama is different. The core plank - the only plank - of the right wing is "attack Obama".

So idiot Beck makes a big deal out of this and his audience just loves it and doesn't care at all that Beck was wrong. It dovetails nicely with and lends support to their strong, though unfounded, belief that Obama is UN-American. That Beck was wrong doesn't matter to them and they'll run around repeating as if it's the Gospel that Obama is the only President not to lay a wreath at Arlington Cemetery on Memorial Day. And they really believe they get the facts from Beck - they truly believe whatever he says is true. It really is pathetic and frightening.

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377493 tn?1356502149
I saw a comment somewhere on MedHelp that the reason he wasn't honoring Memorial Day (which he is) was because he wasn't born in the US and because he is Muslim.  Aren't we past this yet?  It's fine to not like your President, everyone has that choice, but I wish people would quit making stuff up...it's getting old.
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No Amanda evidently we are not past it and I doubt very seriously if we ever will be. Mike I totally agree with where you are coming from and every time I hear someone call him UnAmerican it sears me like a knife because to call him UnAmerican is the same as calling all of us who do not agree with that philosophy UnAmerican. It matters not what the truth is, they are hell bent on making a conspiracy out of everything that goes on. I have heard nothing respectful not to mention favorable about anything he has accomplished. The ditto heads and psycho talkers seem to be loud and obnoxious everywhere you turn. I saw someone attacked on a journal last night for not agreeing and then later everything they said was deleted so only one point of view was there.Now they have gone to using the sidebar to get people involved and then they keep their settings to everyone and then delete everyone who dares disagree.  I do not like everything that has gone on with this administration but am sick to death of these idgets howling free speech just so they can act UnAmerican and call everyone else the same and haters of America because we do not agree with them. Infantile to say the least,. Babblebabies is what my term is.... That is my opinion and Im stickin to it! lol
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That silly stuff just pops up again and again. They love the sidebar. The sidebar rules!
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973741 tn?1342342773
President Obama is doing something vey similar to my 6 year old to honor the Vets.  Oh okay . . . I  know.  Let me have it . . . I can take it . . .

(But we are at war . . .)
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973741 tn?1342342773
Wait a minute . . . we have something on Saturday and Monday to honor the vets.  My 6 year old is doing more!  Maybe he will be president some day.  

(okay---------  really.  Don't yell at me.  I'm slap happy from the heat.)
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This wreath scuffle is yet another silly episode in the right's never-ending campaign to persuade Americans that Obama doesn't care about U.S. troops and is weak on national security. It shows how unserious these bloviators can be. Obama is in the middle of sending an additional 40,000 troops to Afghanistan and has boosted the number of drone attacks aimed at al-Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Still, conservative wingnuts insist on questioning his commitment to the defense of this nation. (I'm skeptical of the Afghanistan surge, but it certainly is a commitment to the war -- for at least the time being.)

Obama appears to approach his commander-in-chief responsibilities in an appropriately profound manner. Last fall, he made a midnight visit to Dover Air Force Base in Delaware to witness the return of dead GIs -- which his predecessor never did. Two weeks later, he was in Arlington cemetery on Veterans Day, placing a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and greeting mourners who had come to this garden of stones and death on that cold and wet day. One of those was James Gordon Meek, a reporter for The New York Daily News, who happened to be at the cemetery visiting friends and relatives buried there. Afterward, Meek wrote a wonderfully poignant column:

So what the hell do these conservatives want out of Obama? And does it matter if Obama throws some leaves on a tomb?

The president is now prosecuting two wars, both of which are insufficiently covered in the media -- which includes conservative talk radio and blogs. The war in Afghanistan hit the artificial milestone of 1,000 dead U.S. soldiers last week, and it is costing taxpayers around $100 billion a year (which could finance, say, up to 2 million teaching jobs annually). Yet the war is hardly debated on Capitol Hill. It registers barely a blip in the cable news world. I don't see right-wing agitators paying much more attention to this endeavor than anyone else. As Memorial Day approaches, it is a perfect time to reflect on this ongoing war -- whether it is worth the cost in lives and treasure, whether it is being waged in an effective manner, whether it is truly making us safer. Instead, conservative pundits absurdly turn Memorial Day into political ammo to further their vicious crusade against the president. That dishonors those who rendered the ultimate sacrifice for this country.

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973741 tn?1342342773
Oh my gosh . . . am I a bloviator?

What is true is that I have never really thought about what the President did on Memorial Day before.  As in ANY president.  

What can I say . . . a LOT of people can't stand the guy and scrutinize his every move.  I've said it before and I'll say it again . . . I've never seen a president divide a country more than this.  Sure, many on the opposite side who the president in power were vocal about their complaints but the loathing that this one has . . . not seen it before.  

I hope our next president is better liked by more people.  

Okay, going to go look up bloviator.  
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I dont think there is any more loathing with this president than others before him, rather the media campaign from talk show entertainers is something like no other time. It could be as a result of the 10 hours dedicated to the conservative way of thinking compared to the one hour given for other. Especially since something like 70-90 percent of the airwaves are owned by the conservatives. So as a result, this is what you hear the most. There are so many outright lies being told all in the name of opinion that it is insane. I have no problem with people who have issues with the issues, that is as it should be, however spreading outright lies and untruths to further ones  cause is inexcusable. Facts do not come from entertainment television yet, it seems many people get their facts from the factless. This is my issue with it all. Not whether someone disagrees with the president or not.
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Maybe the nest guy will be Caucasian.
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And run around in womens clothes?
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I've never seen a president divide a country more than this.

I guess you weren't alive or aware during the Viet Nam War.
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Meaning if it is a guy running around in womens  clothes? Thought I better clarify that!

Actually, even tho I did not care for Hillary too much last time, she has really impressed me lately. But one thing I am sure of from what I have seen this last couple of years, I will never vote for a republican again. Ever.
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I think Hillary took more vacation time than Bush and he is the number one vacation President we've ever had.
He was in Texas during one Memorial Day - which isn't the least bit surprising.
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377493 tn?1356502149
I think the bottom line is there has never ever been a politician in any country in the free world that has made everyone happy.  Just not going to happen.  That is why we all live in countries where we have a vote.  (I know I am grateful for that).  But some of this stuff is just ludicrous, honestly.  Love him, hate him, vote on it when the opportunity presents itself.  I for one am getting sick and tired of hearing all the garbage....he is a socialist is one that I find laughable.  Anyone that truly believes that has no idea what socialism is or what it means.  He is muslim.  This is a result of him being black and living in Indonesia for a short time as a child for God's sake.  Oh, and of course his middle name which many love to repeat over and over and over.  My son's name is English and we are not, so what does that make him?  It's just so silly.  If people would just stick to the issues that are real and make their decisions based on that I think I would have a lot more respect for them.  I cannot believe anyone still believes this garbage.  And I think it's pretty scary that some are placing their vote based on nonsense.  I don't dislike conservatives...many of my friends here on MedHelp are and I fully respect them.  They make their decisions based on the facts and how they feel about how Obama has responded to certain things...not on rumours about his birthplace, religion, etc.  

Can you tell I had no sleep last night?  Good Lord I am grumpy today....lol.
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377493 tn?1356502149
Gotta clarify....I was no Bush fan, but felt the same way about lies told there...such as he was behind 911 (total utter nonsense obviously)  I just can't believe people come up with this kind of garbage....and that they are actually believed!!!
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973741 tn?1342342773
Ouch Mikesimon.  I don't want to be a bloviator or anything . . . but my feelings on him have nothing to do with race.  I'm a little above that. (that is the bloviator part . .. I had to make it work.)  I'm sure that factors in for some . . . I am PollyAnna but not naive (too much). And I would say that it is very sad that it does.  Very sad-------  and I have no respect for that.

I know there are ALWAYS those who oppose the president in power.  But this guy does something to people that is beyond what I've personally seen.  And blaming it JUST on race is not true in my opinion. That is an easy answer.  I think there is more to it than just that.  

You can't blame the feelings people have for Obama on the Right radio show guys either . . . some of them have been around for other Dem presidents (I'm sure Limbaugh was for Clinton )-------  and there were other guys before them.  Remember the Liddy radio talk show?  And the mainstream news broadcasts and CNN are pretty left leaning . . . don't they counteract anything.  Isn't it a draw?  Oh yeah . . . and print media seems to lean that way too.  

So I don't know.  Maybe I know nothing.  There is always that chance. I can only speak from my perspective.

And a President in woman's clothing?  That might go over alright if it is a woman but if not, I think they should steal Mrs. Obama's wardrobe and stylist!
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973741 tn?1342342773
Oh . . . and I just wanted to add that some of the "things" out there about Obama I also have questioned.  I think that sticking with his policy making (and foot stamping, arrogant speech making) are enough.  My opinion.  Only my opinion.
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377493 tn?1356502149
I think for some race is definately an issue.  And it may not be the fact that he is black, but that he is different then past Presidents.  It's something new.  And I also think many are terrified of change, especially the type of change it would seem he is trying to make.  What I find most ironic is those that will find fault regardless....for example: The BP oil spill.  The same people that scream no more gov't "control" are yelling that he has not done enough to regulate.  I hear some screaming free speech, yet it's only the "free speech" they want to hear.  Anyone who say's differently is an "idiot".  I don't think the poor guy can win no matter what he tries to do.  Can you imagine if he had done nothing to regulate the banking industry?  The same people that are now screaming gov't control would be screaming that he did nothing to prevent it from happening again.  And I do think much of that comes down to fear...fear of change and fear of something different.  And then there are those that scream that the US is and should remain a Capitilistic Society (it's actually not and true Capilism works no better then true Socialism).   I also think these radio programs are doing nothing to help the situation.  People do listen and are influenced by them.  I just wish everyone would base their opinions on the facts and really look at situations.  But sadly, many are not interested in the truth.   I cannot tell you how much garbage I heard about a single payer health care system.  I live with one so I can say that...it was absolute nonsense.  But when you try to tell people the truth, they just don't want to hear it.  They prefer to live with their fears. These talk show hosts play right into their fears and are manipulating them.  If someone had any fear of a black president looking for extreme changes, they will look for that which backs them up and that is what is happening.  I think exactly the same thing would be happening if a women had been elected, or a hispanic, or so on.  Politics has long been an old white boy's club, and as much as many say they want that to change, when it actually happens, they are terrified of it.  It's really human nature...change is scary.
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973741 tn?1342342773
Adgal----------  I am going to be honest with you on this.  I've corresponded with many people now that have children with a disability of some sort.  You WANT to live in America if this is the case.  The treatment these kids get is apalling and the wait time is incredible.  And some countries have taxes that are extrememly high.  Those in our country who want single payer health care are not always aware of the cost to them it will have.  Not to mention the fact that some of our government programs currently run are a total and complete mess.  Hard for me to trust that this would be different.  BUT . . . this is an old argument.  I think the Republicans can start talking about this at election time and will have a LOT of leverage.  Just my opinion and I know . . . not a popular one here.  

I think it is important to remember that the race between Obama and McCain was pretty darn tight.  It was NO landslide. So this change that you speak of people being afraid of-----------  many did not want it in the first place.  It is important to remember that, I think.  

As to Politics being an old White Boy's club.  Well, probably true.  But I don't look at Obama that way and I am NOT a fan.  I've even grown to dislike his demeanor in every situation except when he is with his family.  He rubs me the wrong way to the point that I'd honestly take just about anybody over him.  That is an emotional statement, I know.  But it took me a while to get to this point.  

And while there is always fear of change as that is human nature . . . there a lot of people that think these big changes are unnecessary.  We've been a strong country for a long time.  We are having a rough patch . . . does that mean you throw out everything we've done for the past two centuries?  Keeping the level of government involvement in day to day lives of American citizens was a big concern when the laws of this land were drafted.  I still believe in that.  The grass is NOT always greener.  

All just my point of view and I just might be as grumpy as you today Adgal!  lol Hopefully we can forgive each other!  ha ha
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377493 tn?1356502149
Aww, I think we can forgive each other..lol.  Nothing wrong with agreeing to disagree, but still think your great!!!  

I need to think about your comments, but first I need a nap (Ryder had his vaccinations and has been grumpy and not sleeping, so neither has mommy..lol).  But you know I will have something to say...ha!!!!

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I guess sending young men and women into a war for absolutely no reason doesn't constitute doing " something to people that is beyond what I've personally seen."

No one admits that race has anything to do with it. Everyone is above that, of course. I don't buy it for one second. I am not accusing you of racism but I have seen it where I live. Maybe you live in a sanctified environment but where I live racism is alive and well. I have a friend who owns 3 country type bars in my area. This guy would be called a redneck - grew up in a coal mining family and worked blue collar jobs his whole life until he got into the bar business. Before the election he told me that it was scary what people were saying in his bars. They were talking about :killing that N" and lynching and all of that racist talk. This guy was blue collar rural and he was shocked and scared and he wasn't an Obama supporter by a long shot. But he saw what was going on and he thought it was scary .No one can believe that race has anything to do with the incredible amount of hatred for Obama but please someone - explain it to me.
Is it so different today than it was under Bush.
We're still in 2 wars.
The taxes haven't changed.
We have some health care legislation so that is a change.
Bush started the bail outs - remember?
We had Katrina and now we have the oil spill.
Bush got us into a deficit when he inherited a surplus and Obama is spending a lot of money too.

No one cared all that much about the deficit that Bush created out of a surplus he inherited going to war without any justification whatsoever. He was a good American.

Please, don't fool yourself because you're way too smart for that. People are screaming that they want their country back - what country are they talking about because face it - aside from starting the Iraq war there ain't a lot of difference. There simply is not enough difference that would prompt someone to say that they want their country back. Can't you see that?

I am amazed when I hear this stuff. I can get that people don't like Obama but this hatred is way off the charts and if you think there is a reasonable basis for it then I am in total disbelief, But, that's OK - it won't be the first time.


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BTW, you didn't forget that this thread is about Beck saying Obama was the only President to not show up at Arlington on Memorial Day?


Bush 1

Bush 2

and the great messiah - Ronald Reagan missed it too.

But Obama gets called out  - remember? I just wanted to remind you that was the point of this thread!

Why does only Obama get called UN- American?

Oh yeah, I forgot - he's a Muslin born in Kenya.


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973741 tn?1342342773
Taxes will change when the Bush tax cuts expire in the near future.  We are in two wars and I didn't agree with Iraq to begin with.  Has Obama impressed you in this department?  And Bush may have started the bail outs but it has escalated to bailing out everyone . . . including Greece for how much again?   We can't afford that.  We just can't.  There is money being thrown around for everything . . . and I have no idea where it is coming from.  I thought Bush spent way too much too . . . so don't throw Bush out at me.  But someone needs to talk about budgets with these folks.  I just might have to send my husband to Washington.  

And . . . remember where I said that I'm sure racism does play a role in the way some people view Obama.  Remember?  I could never deny that.  I never would.  But that isn't everyone and I do believe that is a convenient way to opt out of the fact that many are unhappy with him as our president.  Do you believe that his race is completely to blame for that?  Because if you do, we should stop talking.  Because then you ARE calling me a racist . . . and that would hurt my feelings.

I am not speaking for other people, by the way.  I'm speaking from my perspective and what I see in my own little world.  My too hot (for May!), kid laden, suburb living perspective.  I can't speak in absolutes as to what people that don't like Obama feel anymore than anyone else can.

Maybe he will surprise me and I'll see things going great. I would welcome that.   Maybe he will be voted out.  I don't get mad at people for having different political view points than me.  I really don't.  I don't scream from the rafters about dislike for Obama. Others do (and NO NO NO, not talking about med help but in general) and that is their choice.  They are passionate and say how they feel.  For me,  I think that no matter who he or she (maybe some day) is that they do deserve respect.  I respect my elders, I respect our commander and chief.  I was appalled at names called to Bush and feel the same about names called to Obama.  I also know that our president no matter who he/she may be does not run the whole show.  Obama is not approaching things politically by himself.  Our government has checks and balances.  Sometimes they work for us and sometimes they work against us.  But the president is not the only one calling the shots.  He just takes all the bullets.

But I will tell you . . . that every time I say that I do not care for him . . . it irks me that the word racist comes up.  
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