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Christian Coalition Wants "Twilight" Books Banned

Christian Coalition Wants "Twilight" Books Banned
Submitted by Kyle on July 7, 2010 - 9:07am

Imagine that you were the president of a Religious Right organization that was, in the late 1980s and early 1990s, among the most influential political operations in the nation.  Since then, the organization has drastically constricted and lost nearly all of its relevance.  As such, as president of said organization, you are constantly on the lookout for ways to make an impact and announce to the world that you are, in fact, still a group to be reckoned with.

How would you go about trying to do that?

Well, if you are Roberta Combs of the Christian Coalition, you do so by announcing that you want to see the Twilight series banned because the books are luring the nation's teens into the occult:

    Meanwhile, conservative Christian organizations that sought to ban the Harry Potter books because they're about wizards and witches are divided about criticizing Twilight.

    Roberta Combs, president of the Christian Coalition of America, which called for a ban on the Potter series, says she's considering a similar campaign against Twilight because even though it's pro-abstinence, it's also pro-vampires.

    She says vampires are definitely not good role models, and she blames Hollywood.

    "We can let our voices be heard, and anytime you do that you have an effect one way or another," Combs says. "These Twilight books are very disturbing books for family values. Teen marriage is not the standard, but the part that is more troubling is the vampire. It's just not normal for young people to idolize a vampire."
23 Responses
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LOL, That is true too, or in the military! I love those guys in uniform!
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The world is changing! Now if you meet a young person who sirs and Ma'ams people it is almost a sure sign of a prison record!
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Good Morning! And yes! What is up with that! I get that too and it is soooo disrespectful! Thats as bad as my husband calling them sweetie! Yes he did until we had a royal argument about it. He no longer does it! LOL  I was sitting in a restaurant one day and the waitress kept addressing me as sugar. I told my husband if she calls me sugar one more time she is going to wear some! On that note, he got me out of there, quickly! LOL
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206807 tn?1331936184
Not to get off the main topic but I have to chime in.
One of my pet peeves is when I have a young waitress call me “Baby and Sweetheart.”
I want to tell them, I am over half of a century old, my youngest child is older than you, this is not a Strip Club, and you would receive a better tip by showing me respect than trying to hustle me. Sir will do just fine.
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I didnt realize you were 39 weeks! Wow! Congrats! And let me tell ya, I totally agree on raising children with standards like we used to. I think it made for better people. Parents and children. It is good to know these standards still exist somewhere! lol
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1035252 tn?1427227833
Yes we have one of the snake churches right up the road from us...quite bizarre. But to each his own as long as I don't wake up with a snake in my bed, LOL.

Absolutely...it was bad enough having my daughter in september...she came at 40wks and was only 7lbs6oz (average) but I managed to be heavily pregnant through all of the Florida summer and the a/c in our car was broken...this one's just such a problem because he's so very big (they're estimating he's well over 9lbs already and I'm just about to turn 39wks)....ready to meet him, lol.

Manners are vital to a child's healthy social development, in my opinion. I can't stand children that are disrespectful and the parents don't care. I would honestly take southern fundamentalism over lackluster parenting when it comes to manners any day...but I would prefer to find a happy medium, lol.

You know now that I think about it, that's the same church that had a "boycott Twilight if you value your soul" sign when the new movie came out....seems a bit extreme, no?
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1301089 tn?1290666571
I'm very glad you enjoy the South.  There is a lot to enjoy there.  And there is quite a bit of fundamentalism there.  Some parts even handle snakes to this day.  (I can't stand snakes)
And it's heartening that parents are raising their children with basic manners.  Not all do.

I hope that baby comes soon,  My daughter was a July baby and the heat was horrible.  She liked to play bouncey bouncey on my bladder!  I quite understand being ready to have the baby as soon as possible.  There's only so much a mom can take!!!
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1035252 tn?1427227833
Hey I am absolutely a supporter of the Ma'ams and Sirs and the thank yous and pleases...and my children will be raised to those standards as well...but my point is, there are some backward ways of enforcing discipline here and it extends into all aspects of life, because when you have a life-view that allows for no shades of gray it also allows for no acceptance of other points of views. I.e. they'll never accept people liking something that they find so horribly inappropriate, so they turn it into a religious issue to make it untouchable.

I love the south as well, I did not mean to imply that I don't. I wouldn't live anywhere else, to be honest...but there are some backwards P.O.V's here, and it does concern me because when tempers and narrow-mindedness are so frequently coupled with guns and God-complexes...well..you get the picture.

Fairy tale...that's the perfect way to describe it, Sara. That's exactly what I've been trying to say (in my rambling sort of way) just...a harmless bit of fiction. Only harmful if you take it to extremes and try to make it real.

I am trying to have this baby LOL I think he's so big at this point that he's trying to come out too but his big behind is stuck and that's why he's still in...any day now. Tuesday, if not before. Phew.
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1301089 tn?1290666571
I was reared in the South.  I love the South.  Like every region, there are great things and bad things.  My children were reared from a very young age to say Yes Ma'am and Yes Sir.  I don't find that extreme or offensive.  Just the opposite, I find it polite. Most of my children's friends do as well.  It's considered rude and disrespectful not to.  I can't stand to hear a child when asked a question by an adult to reply with uh huh.  Please and thank you are also expected. I find not doing so rude.  I've certainly never hit a child for not because I have better ways to discipline.  Having to clean a sibling's room to my satisfaction is one of my favorites.  They will go to great lengths not to have to do that again!

And Twilight is the new Harry Potter to extremist Christians.  Beats me.  It's no worse than reading a fairy tale in my opinion.  I'd think they would have bigger issues to deal with.
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377493 tn?1356502149
I've actually never read any of the Twilight Series (I have however seen 1 Harry Potter Movie and now intend to read all the books...loved it!!)  I just don't like anything around vampires.  I saw Salem's Lot when I was a teenager and had nightmares for literally years.  So even "good" vampires are not appealing to me..lol.  

I just sometimes think these groups look for things to get up in arms about.  I do think parents need to pay more attention to what their children see and read, but I will never be an advocate for censorship.  And I guarantee these folks are screaming about freedoms being taken away...I can't stand hipocrates I guess, and that is how I see them.  They choose and wish to live in a free country, yet they only want freedoms that apply to their particular set of values...it just doesn't work that way.  

This has been happening for years though.  Remember all the controversy around Heavy Metal music?  I can remember my mother breaking my AC/DC record..lol. And I was not allowed to go to any Heavy Rock concerts, end of story.  She wouldn't even consider it.  Even the Beatles...wasn't there a group trying to ban them because supposedly if you played one of their songs backwards (I never could sort out how to do that..lol) it was some sort of Satanic worship or something like that?  Proposed censorship is nothing new...and it never actually gets anywhere fortunately.  

Now, Ashlen, it is time for you to bring little Grey into the world my dear!  Then make yourself a margerita...I remember when I was pregnant with Ryder.  I so so badly wanted Sushi and a glass of white wine...I had dreams about it...lol.
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1035252 tn?1427227833
I hear you Amanda...I'm not a drinker, AT ALL, but the only time I ever have a craving to drink is when I'm pregnant and can't/won't, lol. I've been dying for a margarita for months now...oh well, the baby's coming out next week (darnit, I mean it this time kiddo) and I plan to have a nice tall margarita to celebrate my birthday a few days late...assuming I can figure out a favorable breast-feeding situation, otherwise pfft outta luck.

Anyway...the books really are quite awful as far as role modeling goes, and the content is...mush-brained at best. My husband SERIOUSLY hates the whole series, but I think he works at disliking it.

My only problem with the Christian Coalition is that this is the norm...living in what is essentially South Georgia (N Florida), I'm hanging onto the bottom of the bible belt and we get CC stuff...a...lot...It's hard to believe in this modern day and age to people living in more progressive areas, but around here it's still considered okay to smack your kids for not saying "sir" or "ma'am" and it's also considered quite acceptable to administer discipline with a belt. My family's all recent European immigrants so we find the whole area a bit...bizarre. But truthfully the CC is constantly trying to dredge up trouble, and finding evil in the weirdest things...I mean, Twilight is no bible companion book, but I doubt it's going to twist your soul to evil either.

It gets rather exhausting, to be frank. But if it isn't Twilight, they'd still be stuck on Harry Potter, which is a far cry better for role modeling so I guess it reminds us to be grateful for small miracles.
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377493 tn?1356502149
Can someone send me a caseload please?  Just got back from the dentist and had a root canal...I don't remember the last time I got drunk, but I am seriously considering it right now...yuck.
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Well then TGIF? I hope you have a wonderful weekend. May I recommend Pinot Grigio? It makes for sunny skies when there are clouds! :D
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1301089 tn?1290666571
It did seem that way to me.  My apologies if that was not the intention.  Been a very rough week.
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This was not posted to have any political implications one way or the other. It is simply an article about the opinions on a book. This post is all about opinions on a book called Twilight, and whether it should or should not be banned as a result of content. Has nothing to do with black panthers or any hate groups. Nor hatred preaching christian videos.

And this in no way is demonizing a christian group.

Sorry if it came across that way?
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1301089 tn?1290666571
I've caught some flack from friends before because not only did I allow and encourage them to read Harry Potter, Twilight and when younger, RL Stein books.  I also made a big deal out decorating the house for Halloween and accompanied my children while trick or treating.  I just politely let them know how I choose to raise my children is my business and the God has reserved the right of judgment.  They said they were worried that my children and I would burn in hell.  I told them that may well happen but not for any of the above reasons.

That being said, everyone in this country does enjoy the right of free speech.  Whether you agree or disagree, all citizens should recognize their rights.  Also the right to speak out against the group is a protected freedom as well.  However there are certain groups have taken their speech from rhetoric to down right hate speech.  The first one that comes to mind is the New Black Panther party.  The Southern Poverty Law Center classifies this group as a hate group.  Below is a link to demonstrate their attitude

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0x0dM7fR1WQ  The really good part starts at the 3 minute mark.

I did look for a Christian Coalition video preaching hatred and calling for violence but did not find. one.  If you know of one, please let me know the URL..  

I do find the CC's stance on censorship appalling.  At the same time, I do believe that Christian groups have been singled out to be demonized.
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Okay then, maybe I no less about it than I thought I did? Regardless, banning the book is not the answer. Bigger fish to fry in my book. No pun intended...
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I am not a christian, and I am not for banning books but the twilight books embody every stereotype that gives me nightmares.  Suicide, obsession, parenting without responsibility.  Subsumed themes of bestiality necrophilia and  more...?

Just a thought..

My daughters wanted to read this series and they are old enough where I let them but I had a bit of a talk regarding how emotionally damaged the main character was.  The best way to break a teen of this series is tem watch the movies though because of how badly they were produced.
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I don't know anything about twilight except for what me daughter tells me. Isnt it a love story? Vampires? Well I remember when that program with Elizabeth Montgomery, called bewitched was the target years ago. I think we need to choose our battles here. I mean at a time when porn reigns, pedophiles galore, murder and mayhem? Makes me question why we are picking a fictitious story to pick on unless it is to get our name in the news?

I think as Christians we should be involved and try to make a difference but pick something worth fighting for. Fantasy stories just don't get it for me. We all know this is not going to be banned, so what really is the point?
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206807 tn?1331936184
I’m waiting for them to come out against Santa Clause. After all, doesn’t most everything he does fall under sorcery?
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306455 tn?1288862071
Perhaps the Christian Coalition would also like to start burning "supposed" witches again, like people did in Salem.
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1035252 tn?1427227833
People whose souls would be corrupted simply by reading a book that people KNOW is fantasy are pretty weak, wouldn't you say? I dunno, it's a little too nazi-ish for me. I was an English major in college, and reading and writing are two of the things I am the MOST passionate about in my life, and I honestly don't see how people can think that empty words on a page about things that are so clearly fictional could be harmful in any way. If, by reading the Twilight books, you suddenly become a goat-sacrificing, baby-eating satan worshipper....well, it was bound to happen sooner or later.

I'm Catholic and I still read fantasy of all sorts and I don't think my eternal soul suffers for it.....I'll limit my children to age-appropriate literature, and if I ever find TRULY subversive material we'll have to start watching what they read (and by truly subversive I'm talking along the lines of 'how to make a pipe bomb step by step' or 'how to kill your parents and hide the body', lol) but other than that...the more they read, the more they expand their minds, and as a consequence, the more sure they become of their core beliefs, instead of the opposite, in my opinion.

As for the Twilight characters being poor role models...yeah, the fact that Bella becomes pregnant is a little irresponsible as far as representing a role model to young women, but other than that...there are definitely worse role models out there, so I think these people need to pick their battles more carefully and realize that blanket-complaining about every work of fiction or fantasy is just going to get them ignored and not taken seriously.
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377493 tn?1356502149
I gotta tell you, when I read this stuff I get a little heated.  I alsolutely and completely respect the Christian faith.  I practice it and try to live my life by it's teachings.  But honestly, you either have freedom or you don't, period.  You cannot have freedom as long as it's ok with Christians...know what I mean?  Why do I suspect these are the same folks out there screaming that the US is going the way of communism...banning books would be a great start to that, don't you think?  It is up to parents to decide what to allow their children to read, and when to allow it.  Censorship for an entire country is NOT freedom.  You can't have it both ways......
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