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1013194 tn?1296459481

Exploiting young girls?

There was a poll on our news this morning as to whether you think young girls between 8 and 16 are been exploited by Marketing of sexy clothing, These young girls are dressing up like young adults. Do you see any danger in this? My self i find it disturbing, my daughter had to cover up till 17, even at twenty i hate her going out on the town with bits hanging out,  am i old fashion?
17 Responses
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if it were one of my girls and they wanted to dress that way they would buy their own clothes, i would not spend one dime for them, also they would be luck if they got out of the door maybe i am ole fashioned, but i made sure my kids clothes covered them,  jo
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649848 tn?1534633700
Yes, there have been discussions in the school district I work in about uniforms but nothing's been done because parents fight it - some want their kids to be able to wear the best designer clothes there are; and others can't afford to buy the uniforms ........yet, we that work around the county are required to wear uniforms --- none that let the belly hang out though --- thank goodness!!  

With a uniform, there's never a problem deciding what to wear, though and no one looks better (or worse) than I do because we all wear the same thing........would be nice if we could have 2 or 3 different versions though because I have to admit, it does get boring wearing the same thing every day --- well, I have 6 sets, so it's not really "the same thing" --- just they all look alike.......................lol
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1013194 tn?1296459481
Mmm, yes Barb, i was so glad we have strict dress rules here for school,  All our school kids have to wear a uniform. I remember my daughter  saying always, that's not fair they can wear what they wont in other Countries and we cant, Well thank goodness you cant:) Haha my girls the same she is always trying to dress me, just not getting im 47 i dont dress like that ( i never dressed like that)...yeah right im going to walk around with my belly hanging out lol..
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649848 tn?1534633700
I work in for a public school system and am on numerous campuses every day.  I cringe when I see some of these girls, with the hip hugger pants and "belly tops" -- the ones that come just below the boobs and the "muffin top" is hanging out all over -- most of them, too, are so low cut, you can, well, let's just say you can see more than "cleavage".............

I think it's totally disgusting and I'm so glad my daughter is grown; but even at 34 yrs old, she wears some things that would be better kept in the bedroom!!  

I think our girls learned somewhere along the way that they had to dress that way in order to be attractive -- that the more skin they show, the better they look or the more in demand or "popular" they will be -- I keep trying to figure out how that happened.  Even now, my daughter tells me I need to "get with the times".  But I'd rather be old fashioned than have 1/2 my rear and all the rolls and wrinkles hanging out all over ---- ugh, how awful...........

And not even the suggestive way they dress is so bad as one day I was in a store and the clerk had her back to me.  She had on a pair of hip hugger jeans and as she leaned over a counter, her jeans slid down even further and the whole top part of her thong and rear what just hanging out...........how horrible is that??????  Whatever happened to a bit of modesty??

It's like they have no self respect; that the only way they are being "honest" is to show everything they have.  And too many of them believe in the saying "if you got it, flaunt it"...........But then they are quick to be offended and complain if the "wrong" person looks at them or if someone takes their dress and/or behavior as "inviting", which it often is, even if they don't know it.  

They are growing up way too fast in that respect, but they aren't maturing at the same rate and most of them have no concept of the implications or image they are projecting.  Little girls in "dress up" clothes.... I'd rather see them in ribbons and bows, being little girls............
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And alot of people are now sending there kids to private school or home schooling. I wasn't really sure how I felt about kids being home schooled because they miss out on the socializing with kids their age. But then someone told me that she homeschools and the other mothers and their kids get together alot for group type activities, plays and other things that would be going on if in a school setting. It definitely takes alot of time and patience I would imagine, but if the parents aren't happy with whats being taught in the schools and they can't afford private, I guess its there only alternative.
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535822 tn?1443976780
Values thats what is most important truth and values, getting harder now with the change in what is being taught in the schools.
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179856 tn?1333547362
If the parents would stop buying the clothing for the little girls, the companies would stop making them and marketing them.  Supply and demand.

What i think is REALLY Gross is the little girls in the pagents.....like in Little Miss Sunshine - those women who support that need to be shot. How are those kids supposed to ever have self esteem?
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637356 tn?1301924822
I agree music industry and hollywood is partial to blame but like Myown said it is the parents. We decide whether or not to allow our children to wear it. My BIL new thing.... sorry don't care for her much... anyway her 4 year old daughter would run around in nothing but a bikini all summer long, which okay she is 4 so what but then she came over to my house one day with a tribal tattoo on her lower back.... Who would put a tr4mp stamp on their 4 year olds back??? What kind of parent is that?

I don't care if they will eventually wash away that is too inapropriate for a 4 year old. That is teaching her early on it is okay to be trashy!
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Yeah but its the parents. They pay for the clothes and give the Okay to wear them.. yes the music industry does influence them for sure. But I feel the parents alot of times wants to be the kids best friend instead of a mother/father instilling values.

My Aunt let her kids jump all over the house like apes and do whatever they wanted so that they could be learn choices or something like that....then she finally realized she couldn't deal with the monsters she created and sent them to Military School..Geesh, they were so bad, but fun for me to be around!  Total entertainment just watching them. lol But I was only a kid so I didn't realize the harm she was causing in letting them have their freedom so to speak.
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535822 tn?1443976780
Think back to when this started....  sorry guys but I put some blame on the Music industry and Madonna to start with Brittany Spears, all the others that made wearing not much except studs in your belly cool ,and parents that allow it.why allow your children to put studs or tattoos anyware ,maybe studs in their ears is okay .
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637356 tn?1301924822
I agree everything is way to sexy for little girls now days. Has anyone shopped for a training bra for their little one lately??? They are padded and push up... Man When I was a kid they were like sports bras! What has happened?!?! Then we wonder why there is so much rape and kidnapping, when we make out our 8 year old daughters to look like 16 year olds. My baby is only 4 and I already feel like she is growing to fast, no way am I going to allow her to wear some of the clothes I see now days.

Also the shoes, every pair of flips I found that were cute had heels on them!!!! Again for a 4 year old I am not putting her in heels. Dress shoes are impossible to find the cute little dress shoes with the little bow on the end... Again what happened to those???
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203342 tn?1328737207
I totally agree with you. I remember first noticing this when I had to look for dressy shoes for my daughter because we were going to a wedding. I finally found her a nice dress that was decent (which took awhile) but I could not find dressy shoes without a heel! She was only 9 years old and I thought "I'm not going to buy her heels! She wouldn't know how to walk in them! She'll kill herself!" Well, I finally found some with a SMALL heel and had to stick with that.
We had just come back from overseas and I started to really notice things (sometimes I wish we could go back to Japan!) I wouldn't let her wear the sexy things either but it was also hard just to find cute shirts that didn't have bad things on them.
I did start letting her wear some make up when she was 14 but wasn't real thrilled with it but I saw they were all doing it. I had to constantly tell her to take some off, though, because she'd have the eyeliner on too dark or the eye shadow. Ugh. She's 17 now and does a good job with the make up now, not too dark or too much. She dresses pretty normal too. She did want to start putting highlights in her hair a couple of years ago and I let her, again because it seems to be the thing with the kids right now and I figured I'd pick my battles. Hair wasn't that big of a battle for me. I just didn't let her get too extreme with it. It had to look normal.

Ah, kids! But just think of the pressure our kids are under now! Much more than when we were kids. I was talking to one of my daughter's high school teacher's a couple of years ago and he said kids are way too sophisticated now days and know and do things in middle school that they used to wait to do until college. You're now seeing it in the middle schools. Such as sex and drugs. They're losing their innocence much younger now days and I think that's a tragedy. Who's to blame? I blame TV (look at the TV shows now days! Full of sex and violence), I blame the media, music, advertisements. The poor kids are just bombarded with this stuff everywhere they go. I think it's sad, incredibly sad.
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657315 tn?1319491387
I couldn't agree with you more.  It makes me sick to have to TRY to buy clothes for my 7-year-old that still look like "little girl clothes."  They are getting harder to find!  Why dress her in pre-teen styles?  That's not right - and WHERE DOES SHE GO FROM THERE?  

In the area we moved to 5 years ago, the first thing that struck us was the # of pregnant girls in the 1 high school - proportionately MORE than where we came from.  Then, when I became a school bus driver 3 school years ago, I saw that the little kindergartners were dressing like little teenagers...only, it was NOT cute.  It made them look like street walkers.  How sad.
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535822 tn?1443976780
I agree with you all, it is up to parents to make sure that their girls are dressing decently, and put up with the complaints from  them, they will want to be 'differant' I remember wearing a straight tight Black skirt with not too long slits at the side, my mom allowed me at 16 to wear this ,oh boy did I feel good,and the guys did a lot of whistling, but my Dad said NO ...no way , absolutly not... it is attracting the wrong kind of guy..he cut it up.
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145992 tn?1341345074
I don't like it at all.  I remember visiting my elementary/Jr. Highschool and looking at the girls and thinking they were dressed like how a girl dresses in college.  I just couldn't understand how a parent would let their kid dress that way.  They also had on lipstick and eyeliner.  What the heck!!!!!  I used to wear lipgloss but that was when I was 13 and it didn't go beyond that.  
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518031 tn?1295575374
well they may call old fashion I call you a parent who is teaching your daughter morals and a parent who cares? and that is a trait that is very few and far between in this country..all I can say is Amen sister....God is smiling on you.....God Bless....brian
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611067 tn?1458591483
It is disturbing to me.  Even some of the toddler clothing today is sort of made to look sexy.  It's very scary.  I think we should try to keep our children from growing up too fast.  Although, I suppose with television, internet, etc... it's making the kids grow up faster (but not maturity wise necessarily).  I just wish these kids today would realize that they should enjoy their childhood while they can!  
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