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President to speak on Immigration Reform

Good morning,

In a time of unprecedented challenges, President Obama has risen to meet them in unprecedented ways. And today, the President will be addressing yet another issue our nation has faced for decades -- our broken immigration system. In a major speech at American University at 10:45 a.m. EDT, the President will make the clear case for comprehensive immigration reform.

The President believes that we must have a practical, common-sense approach that reflects our heritage and our history -- as a nation of immigrants and a nation of laws. Government must be accountable for enforcing the law, businesses that seek unfair advantages over competitors must be accountable for exploiting the system, and those who break the law must be accountable as well.

But as always, the President will put it more eloquently than I can, so tune in for the speech streamed live at WhiteHouse.gov at 10:45 a.m. EDT. If you miss it, at 1:00 p.m. EDT, you can still join Cecilia Muñoz, one of the President's closest advisors on this issue, who will be taking questions from Americans all over the country in a unique online roundtable.

Watch the Speech The President has already signed the Recovery Act, historic reforms of our health care system, and soon the most comprehensive financial reform since the Great Depression. He has also made clear that passing comprehensive energy and climate legislation to make America the leader in the clean energy economy is an urgent need.

But the President did not come into office only to leave pressing problems for the next President. Virtually everybody in America agrees that our immigration system is broken -- it is only a matter of all political sides coming to the table and mustering the political will to solve the problem. Neither of the extreme approaches -- deportation of 11 million undocumented workers on the one hand, or amnesty for those that broke the law on the other -- is going to work. We have to work together.


David Axelrod
Senior Advisor to the President

Visit WhiteHouse.gov

31 Responses
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1301089 tn?1290666571
I do hope what he does is good for the country.  I haven't seen it so far.  So we will have to disagree on this one.
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377493 tn?1356502149
Sigh, well I tried..lol.  Shall we call this another "agree to disagree?"  I do believe that even if you don't trust him, you do want him to succeed for the good of your country.  So hopefully that is what happens.  I think you would love to see me proven right!! lol
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1301089 tn?1290666571
Well I disagree with you on this.  I believe in the saying "Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame of you."  

As far as the economy, yes, he did inherit a bad situation.  And proceeded to make it worse.  He even lectured in your country during the G20 summit by other countries on his out of control spending.

And Obamacare, is going to do  nothing but worsen the economy.  RE:  my post on all the new taxes.

From what I've seen, he's not earned the benefit of the doubt.
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377493 tn?1356502149
I guess for me the other question that could be asked would be "what reason is there to believe that it won't?"  It's a different administration and all I am saying is they need to be given a chance.  For his first year in office he has been dealing with two wars and an economic climate to rival the depression. He has done his best to address health care..no it probably isn't perfect, but he did get more done then any other President (and they have all tried, at least in the last 15 years or so). Give him and his staff the opportunity (and perhaps the benefit of the doubt a bit) to do what needs to be done.  Then, if you truly do not like their solutions, have at it.  Know what I mean?
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1301089 tn?1290666571
What he is proposing is pretty the same legislation we got in 1986.  Under Reagan.  It didn't work them. It will not work now.  We must learn from our history or we will be condemned to repeating it.

As no one has enforced the prior legislation, what reason is there to believe that the new legislation will be enforced?
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1301089 tn?1290666571
Questions:  What part of my post is an Obama bash?  I stated nobody had dealt with this before.  The only thing I accuse Obama (and all the previous Presidents) of is not enforcing the immigration laws that are on the books.  That is it.

I never said he created it.  But his solution has been tried and failed miserably.  It is his duty to deal with it by enforcing the laws.  No way around that one.  No other president has done it either.  And I wasn't happy with Bush ignoring the border.

Politicians need to read what their duties are.  They need to remember what they pledged to do.  And do it.  Enforce the laws.
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377493 tn?1356502149
And in all honesty...how many politicians do anything without thinking about votes.  Of course he is thinking about votes.  But I still believe in my heart that he really wants to do what is best for the American People.  I have followed US politics for a fairly long time, and have never seen anything like this....he is attacked before anyone even knows exactly what his plan is.  They have already decided it's wrong...how the heck does that work?
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377493 tn?1356502149
See, now this is what confuses me...he say's this is what he wants to do.  Secure the borders and work on the illegal issue.  But already, he is being persecuted on the "well, he probably won't do what he say's" thought process.  This is why I feel he isn't even given a chance...it won't matter what he does...something will be "wrong" with it.
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535822 tn?1443976780
You are right Sara all he has to do is enforce the laws that are there..its about the votes ...
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You obviously did not listen to the president or you would not be asking that question. Obama happens to agree with that sentiment!  I give up, you just want to bash even when you dont know what your talking about. Im done.
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535822 tn?1443976780
getting personal yet again teko what are you talking about this time ....
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You don't even make sense. We all know you hate the man, can you not talk about anything else.
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1301089 tn?1290666571
While I'm on a roll here, I have a question.  When is it a good thing to reward bad behavior?  Coming into our country without permission and proper documentation is a crime.  It is against the law.

If my children were to act up, would I say, "Oh dear, there's nothing I can do about that so here, have a cookie."  Allow me to be the first to tell you I absolutely would not.  You do not reward bad or criminal behavior.  Period.  End of story.  I don't care if it's children, adults, illegal aliens or terrorists.  You just don't do it.  Enforce the dam* laws!!!!

Another interesting website on the Constitution: http://www.tenthamendmentcenter.com/2009/03/23/against-all-enemies/
And:  http://www.usconstitution.net/choose.html
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535822 tn?1443976780
Well it sounds like nothing is OBama's  fault ..its everyonne else's including America thats why he has apologised for us around the World  . ...okay we shall what happens I guess .........
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In all fairness, Obama did not create this situation and in order to place blame your gonna have to go way back. Obama is also not going to fix a situation overnight all by himself either. It will take working together, in a bipartisan way,  something in case you have not noticed, has not been happening lately. So what is the solution you ask? Well as I said earlier, the pres has thrown down the gauntlet, now will the republicans pick it up? What ya think? Everybody has been touting Obama for not doing anything. Well he wants to, so who is to blame now? I say git er done!
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1301089 tn?1290666571
As for defending our borders, you may wish to look at the Presidential Oath of Office.
“ I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. ”

Now, what does the Constitution say about this?  This is what the preamble says: We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain  and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
The Constitution  also states that among others, the President's  duties are to administer the  laws of the nation.  Is he enforcing the immigration laws ALREADY in effect?  I don't think so.  If he were, there would be no need for another amnesty bill.  It didn't work the first time back in 1986.  It won't work now.  I opposed it 1986 and I oppose it now.

Now, what is the Senate's roll in this?  This is their oath of office:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God."

Are they defending us from the onslaught of violent drug cartels?  From armed armed coyotes (human smugglers)?  How about the very real danger of terrorist just strolling right across the border?  Ask the people of Arizona in particular.  I'd think they would tell you no.  Do you realize that there is a large stretch of federal land that is not even patrolled along the Arizona border?  The feds refuse to allow Arizona authorities to patrol it.  Aren't they supposed to defend us from enemies from within and without?

I'm not going to speculate on why I believe this amnesty is being proposed.  But I will say I think there is a Democratic political agenda going on here.  But it is pretty clear to me that Presidents, both Republican and Democrat and Congress, again both parties, are not fulfilling their duties.  Any private business sector employee who abdicates or ignores their duties is usually fired, unless they belong to a union.  We need to fire our employees.  They are not fulfilling either their duties or oath of office.
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Linda Chavez: Facts not fiction in immigration debate
By: Linda Chavez
Examiner Columnist
July 4, 2010

As someone who has long supported a major overhaul of our immigration laws, I'm sorry to say that President Obama's call this week for new legislation will only make matters worse. With unemployment hovering at almost 10 percent, the country is in no mood to increase the number of legal immigrants or temporary workers in the U.S. And short of doing so, we cannot fully solve the vexing problem of illegal immigration. But an open and honest debate on immigration is difficult with so much disinformation on the issue circulating.

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, for example, made the outrageous claim recently that "we all know that the majority of the people that are coming to Arizona and trespassing are now becoming drug mules. They're coming across our borders in huge numbers." But the facts don't bear her out. So let's examine some of the facts:

Illegal immigration is down, not up. Since mid-decade, illegal immigration at the Mexican border has declined drastically. Border apprehensions -- one of the most consistent and accurate measures of illegal traffic -- are at a 35-year low, down 54 percent since 2005. The peak period of illegal immigration -- 1995-2000 -- coincided with a major expansion in the U.S. economy, with jobs plentiful. Indeed, the 2008 recession and slow recovery have been as big a factor as beefed-up border security in drastically reducing illegal immigration.

Illegal immigration has not led to an increase in crime, nationally or in the communities in which large numbers of illegal immigrants reside. The popular perception that illegal immigration equals increased crime is one of the most persistent reasons many fear that illegal immigration is causing untold hardship to Americans. But the facts don't bear out the fears. Crime in the U.S. has been declining consistently over the last two decades, even while illegal immigration was increasing.

According to the latest FBI Uniform Crime Reports, overall crime declined nationally for the 16th straight year, with violent crime down 5.5 percent in 2009 And the figures for Arizona -- ground zero in the immigration debate and the state that experiences the largest influx of illegal immigrants into the U.S. -- show that violent crime has been falling steadily and is lower now than at any point since 1972. In Phoenix, violent crime declined by about 10 percent.

Half of the 10 lowest-crime big cities in the U.S. are in Border States: El Paso, San Jose, Austin, San Diego, and Los Angeles; and two others, New York and Denver, are home to large illegal immigrant populations as well. The crime statistics for El Paso are perhaps the most surprising. The city is the second-safest big city in America, according to FBI data, with a population that is 82 percent Hispanic, including nearly 30 percent who are immigrants, many of them illegal. What's more, El Paso sits just across the river from one of the most dangerous places on the planet, Ciudad Juarez. The drug-cartel crime that has driven murders in Juarez to make it the murder capital of the world -- an appalling 242 in May alone -- has not spilled over onto the streets of El Paso, however.

The U.S. Border Patrol has more resources than ever, and patrolling the Mexican Border is far safer than most law enforcement jobs. There are now more than 20,000 Border Patrol agents, making the agency the largest law enforcement contingent in the federal government. According to a Customs and Border Protection study obtained by the Associated Press through a Freedom of Information filing, violent attacks against Border Patrol agents declined in 2009, and attacks against agents are far lower per capita than those against police officers and sheriffs, 3 percent compared to 11 percent, with the attacks against border agents consisting mostly of rock-throwing while gun and knife attacks were the predominant assaults against police.

These facts don't justify ignoring illegal immigration or pretending that there aren't costs associated with it. Every nation has the right -- and obligation -- to protect its borders. We must secure the U.S. border, but pretending that illegal immigration is fueling a crime wave or is at historic highs is just plain wrong.

Read more at the Washington Examiner: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/columns/Facts-not-fiction-in-immigration-debate-97674959.html#ixzz0sYveFKG0
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1301089 tn?1290666571
I hope it does go before the Supreme Court.  Hopefully the Court will read the  Constitution and rule that protecting our borders is indeed Constitutionally mandated.
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Obama is having the law checked for constitutionality this is true. He covered pretty much all the bases in his speech. I would guess you could find that speech at the government website in case yu missed it. As well as the legislature.
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1301089 tn?1290666571
Instead of concentrating on new laws instead of cleaning the Gulf, why don't we try this.  Enforce the Federal and state laws already on the books.  We don't need amnesty.  We need to enforce our laws.  Obama's response is to sue Arizona rather than enforce the law of the land.  

If the laws on the books would be enforced, the flood of illegals would slow to a trickle.
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535822 tn?1443976780
The American people will remember and it will show in the November elections....
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377493 tn?1356502149
Even if he managed to close the borders completely (not a task I would think easy), I am sure there would be some "problem" with it from the right.  They would find something.  I remember a post not long ago where someone asked why Obama didn't address head on all the complaints coming from the GOP about his policies and practices.  I can now see that it is because if he addressed all of them, he would never have time to do anything else.  This is not about policy, it's personal.  It's too bad they celebrate what they perceive as failure....that sure doesn't help anyone.  I hope people remember.  
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Well, securing the borders sounds great but the president addressed that as well. The borders are more secured now than they have been in the last 20 years, and as vast as they are, that is hard to do completely. But in order to get anything done like the pres wants to do it is all going to depend on getting the party of no to cooperate. That is the challenge of the day. So if nothing gets done, we no why.
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1301089 tn?1290666571
Thank you both.  But I'm not interested in what this president says he intends to do.  I am interested in what is in the bill.  Unlike most of our lawmakers, I do intend to read the legislation.  And will be very interested in what it looks like by the time it hits the president's desk.

But I do thank you for the links.
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