480448 tn?1426948538

Obama "Virgin" Ad : "Right" Reaction

Conservatives in the blogosphere are expressing outrage over a new Obama commercial featuring “Girls” star Lena Dunham talking about how her “first time” was with President Barack Obama while those on the left took to Twitter to ridicule the backlash.

“Lena Dunham allows herself to be used in this cheap, last minute attempt to be the first for young women,” wrote Breeanne Howe in a piece that led RedState.com. “Dunham, who was raised in a wealthy, over-sexualized household and who started therapy at age 7 must somewhat be forgiven for her role; she seems to have a thing for talking about her first time, the Obama administration was just happy to oblige. The problem is, this is an adult man, with two young daughters, who should know better.”

Conservative radio host Monica Crowley also offered a harsh assessment of the ad, which features Dunham speaking suggestively about her “first time.” It only becomes evident later in the ad that she’s referring to her first time voting.

“1 of the many sick things about this degrading Lena Dunham ‘lose your virginity to Barack’ ad? The Left thinks it’s ‘empowering’ to women,” she tweeted.

Erick Erickson, the editor of RedState, called the ad “further proof about just how much the President has cheapened the Presidency” — but he said it also offers insight into Obama’s campaign strategy.

“The reason Barack Obama is running this ad is because he is done trying to get independent voters,” Erickson wrote. “He’s given up. Despite campaign rhetoric about fighting for evangelicals, he’s given up there. He’s given up on Catholic voters. He’s given up on the South. He’s given up on men who have daughters. He’s given up on moms. He’s given up on everyone expect his core base of singles, gays, and minorities, including college kids he is desperate to get back to the polls.”

Allahpundit at Hot Air said that if Republicans ran an ad along those lines, they would be lambasted for reducing women to sexual objects.

“Worth watching if only as fodder for a thought experiment on how a similar ad would be received if it came from the right,” he wrote. “Light-hearted or no, it would bring about the “war on women” End Times, a days-long tribulation of fake-outrage oneupsmanship culminating in a moronic, pandering series of tweets from The One himself. Isn’t it just like a wingnut to sexualize the right to vote that women fought so hard for? Do they think women are too stupid to appreciate a straightforward pitch on the issues? Why can’t they be more sensitive, like Barack Obama?”

Allahpundit added, “The most striking thing about it isn’t the lame virginity gag, which feels stale after 10 seconds (only 53 more to go!), but the precision with which they’re trying to reach their target demographic. If you know who Lena Dunham is, you know exactly who they’re after.”

Jay Cost of The Weekly Standard seconded that assessment: “Allahpundit nails it. “If you know who Lena Dunham is, you know exactly who they’re after.” He’s worried about the base,” Cost tweeted.

John Tabin of The American Spectator wrote that “Lena Dunham turned 18 in May 2004.”

“I guess she was practicing abstinence that November,” he snarked on Twitter.

”Give the Obama campaign credit for reaching across demographic, geographic divides, from Red Hook to Fort Greene and even to Park Slope,” added Texas Republican Josh Treviño.

Others drew parallels between the Dunham spot and an ad for Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“#MyFirstTime ad by #Obama is similar to an ad #Putin did. They must share the same advisor: #Satan #RussianStyleTactics #tcot” read a tweet from a GOP official in Minnesota, according to a screen shot captured by BuzzFeed.

“Earlier this year, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin released two ads urging young women to make sure their first time is with someone they love,” continued Howe of RedState. “The mainstream media labeled the ads creepy and were clearly turned off by the inappropriate propaganda. Now the question is what excuse will the media and the left find to justify their president mimicking the leader of Russia.”

Some on the left hit back at the backlash with mockery and jokes of their own.

“Conservative bloggers, of course, were already cranking up a reflexively outraged response just hours after the video was released on Thursday,” wrote The Nation’s Ari Melber. “Well, they never claimed to have a sense of humor.”

“Do the people freaking out about the Lena Dunham video also get shocked at like Cole Porter songs or old Match Game episodes,” tweeted Salon’s Alex Pareene.

“Cute Lena Dunham vid may be hit w/young voters. But will it be a hit after kids hear the pushback from 55 and over whiteguys on Twitter?” mocked Josh Marshall of Talking Points Memo.

Josh Greenman of the New York Daily News offered a multi-layered political joke: “Rumor: Lena Dunham will play Julia in Kathryn Bigelow’s film adaptation of ‘Life of Julia.’”

Balloon Juice hit Crowley for her anti-Dunham comments by offering a sampling of some of her more controversial statements.

Slate’s Matt Yglesias linked, with no comment, to one eyebrow-raising sentence from a RedState write-up of the video: “First he asked for your wedding gifts, then your yard sales and now he has asked for your daughters,” read the line he tweeted.


My own take....

How interesting.  I would think that this wouldn't be too popular among Obama supporters who have been talking about women's issues, equality, etc.  Kind of a bit hypocritical to "sexualize" something like voting, isn't it?

Hey, I know they're trying to get people's attention and all, and trying to get votes...but this kind of goes against a lot of issues that are such a sore spot to some, IMO.

I don't agree with everything the article said, for sure...but some statements certainly resonated with me:

"Allahpundit at Hot Air said that if Republicans ran an ad along those lines, they would be lambasted for reducing women to sexual objects."  Absolutely, in a BIG way.

Dunham, who was raised in a wealthy, over-sexualized household and who started therapy at age 7 must somewhat be forgiven for her role; she seems to have a thing for talking about her first time, the Obama administration was just happy to oblige. The problem is, this is an adult man, with two young daughters, who should know better.”  Yes.  Very poor taste.

42 Responses
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184674 tn?1360860493
I saw the ad two days ago and I find it extremely offensive. Clever, yes. And offensive.
It makes me uncomfortable that voting was taken to such a personal, sexual level. Voting and sex are to very different things on a completely different level of being a personal thing. If I were a first-time voter, I would not want to associate a sexual act with electing a politician. There's just something nauseating about that.
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184674 tn?1360860493
*two very different things
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Well, lets face it, I'm old. But I do have kids and they have friends all about this age range and this ad was made to target the young, not us old folks. I just found it funny in the sense of this is the way a lot of these kids talk these days. Offensive to me in my generation? Sure it is! But not my kids generation, they think its hilarious and quite effective. I was taken back by the dress that Katie Perry wore at on of the rallies where she was performing! I thought it quite suggestive but again, my kids think its the sh*t! Which is a new term used by them to say the same as the phrase He's The Man! Or you are awesome! Now its, yer the sh*t!. LOL
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184674 tn?1360860493
Lol, I guess I fit into the "old folks" category as far as my perspective on this, then. I'll be 28 next week and to me this kind of attitude and phrasing by my generation and teenagers, to me, sounds ignorant, offensive, entitled, selfish, and sl*tty.
Guess I'm a prude, but oh well... :-)
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I just cringe when my daughter says that! Truly feeling old.
My favorite disrespectful music to the older generation was the WHO's song, "My Generation." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=594WLzzb3JI
I used to sing it loudly around my parents. Oh, we were so full of ourselves, silly children that we were.
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184674 tn?1360860493
What's awesome? 18-19 year old "children" who think they know everything and their poo don't stink get to vote for the president of our nation, BUT...how much you want to bet over 90% of them don't even know how our government operates or take the time to vote in local and state elections?
Now that's the sh*t!
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That changed in the 60's when our Government was shipping off 17 and 18 year old boys to die in a senseless war.
"Old enough to die in your war, old enough to vote" was the slogan. Quite correctly.
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1530342 tn?1405016490
I saw the ad. I don't see the big deal. It was like 5 seconds of sexual innuendo.There are far more worse commercials and tv shows on prime time tv...Everyone needs to chill out! BTW I'm 31yrs old if that makes a difference...
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973741 tn?1342342773
I think I'm old too.  Tacky comes to mind regarding this ad.  
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163305 tn?1333668571
I don't watch TV so  I haven't seen the ad, I don't want to see any political ads.

In fact I didn't know who Katy Perry was until my friend sent me this link. He's in his 60s and thinks it's hilarious.

Rivil is so right that if people are old enough to die for our country then they are indeed old enough to vote. Look my mother will vote, she's 94 and will ask me the same question 5 times in a row. Who's to say who is mentally fit enough to vote ?  
These kids will be effected by who becomes president too.

BTW: Fashion is fashion and often looks awfully silly but whether it's tight dresses or pants falling down on the ground, it doesn't mean anything other than kids trying to be fashionable.

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973741 tn?1342342773
Yes, fashion is fashion . . .   why is it my generation had huge shoulder pads, long jackets and sweaters, high top reebocks.  

I saw leg warmers in the store the other day and cracked up.  I thought "she's a maniac maniac I know".  I just need my off one shouldered sweat shirt and I'm good to go.

Only people that are around my age are gonna get me here but let's just say that I do get that some things are just 'fashion'.  

Sadly, fashion is often tacky.
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MrsP for anyother ad I see no problem, but this is for a President of the United States. This is not for a jeans commercial or anything like that. This is really low. The office is supposed to be respected, it's the most powerful man in the world, this is pathetic and the office should be above anything like this.
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ROFL, Vance, you can come up with the darndest things! The office is supposed to be respected as its the most powerful man in the world. The last 4 years just flew right in front of my eyes, and you know what that respect you are talking about? Just not seeing it. That hit my funny bone somehow.
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Respect the office, you don't have to respect the man. I respect the office and so do republicans, but you don't have to respect the man in the office as we have seen the left do with President Bush.

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Well since I also voted for Bush, I will have to take your word for that now wont I. ROFL, Your not very good at walking it back or deflecting either for that matter. Anyway, you tickled my funny bone this morning. Feels good to laugh. Thanks.
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What are you talking about?
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1530342 tn?1405016490
C'mon, the add had only like 5 sec of sexual innuendo. So what?! The right talks about the left making a big deal of Tagg saying he wants to take a swing at the president, this is the same thing...Like I said, kids are on facebook, watch MTV, Teen Nick, they are exposed to sex EVERYDAY. In school at friends houses, name it! I think people need to accept the world for what it is today. The more you shy away or don't want to talk about sex or mention it, the more the kids are going to find out on their own. This ad was targeting the younger generation. they will get. They will not be offended by it. Like I said this is a big deal on the right just because they want to make it a big deal...
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1530342 tn?1405016490
BTW! the title of the post is misleading because the word VIRGIN was NEVER used.....
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1530342 tn?1405016490
and Lena is a grown a$$ woman. She is over 21 yrs old. If she chooses to do the ad SO WHAT?!
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973741 tn?1342342773
All I can say is "she's a maniac, maniac I know."  

Okay, that was dumb.
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1530342 tn?1405016490
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480448 tn?1426948538
It's the point that for all the hollering some on the left do about women's rights, it's kind of a slap in the face.

"Virgin" was used because it's most certainly implied.  Like the article said...if this was a Romney commerical, the ACLU would have been called out, people would have been OUTRAGED, but it's just being shrugged off.

I think it's hypocriticial...can't have it both ways.  Can't be ok with a commercial that is using a woman as a sex object (from your own candidate), and then, scream at people voting for Romney that they don't CARE about womens' rights, etc etc.  Those people screaming, should be terribly offended by this.  

I just think it's funny.
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1310633 tn?1430224091
You're okay with this 'girl' being portrayed as a sexual object?

If the ad was for Romney, as HE was objectifying a 'girl' and using the innuendo that's used, would you be okay with it?

Double-standards in action again, MrsP.

If the Right does it, they'd be lambasted for it. But since it's your guy on the Left, it's no big deal.

Why aren't you screaming about "women's rights" now?

This as is CLEARLY inappropriate. You have a little girl, right? And you're okay with this ad???

I question your integrity & morals MrsP. If you're SO blinded by Obama that you're willing to look past this ad and think that it's OK, then I MUST question your personal morals & integrity.

You're not being honest.
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1310633 tn?1430224091
What difference does it make WHO the target demographic for the ad was?

The fact still remains... it's INAPPROPRIATE.

If Romney came out with an ad like this, you'd be screaming about "WOMEN'S RIGHTS" until you were blue in the face.

I see the Queen of Double-Standards is back... good for you Teko. I'm sure your daughters are proud of you, for being OK with this little girl (young woman) being exploited in this manner.
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