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Paul Ryan Cosponsors New Fetal Personhood Bill

Despite the deep unpopularity of fetal personhood bills in 2012, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) has again decided to cosponsor the Sanctity of Human Life Act, a bill that gives full legal rights to human zygotes from the moment of fertilization.

Ryan, who reportedly has 2016 presidential ambitions, had to de-emphasize his opposition to abortion without exceptions during the 2012 election to align his position with presidential candidate Mitt Romney. But this year, Ryan has been tapped as a keynote speaker for the anti-abortion group Susan B. Anthony List's sixth annual Campaign for Life Gala, and he is re-upping his support for the most extreme anti-abortion legislation in the country.

The personhood bill, first introduced in 2011 by Rep. Paul Broun (R-Ga.) and reintroduced by Broun last week, specifies that a "one-celled human embryo," even before it implants in the uterus to create a pregnancy, should be granted "all the legal and constitutional attributes and privileges of personhood." Similar legislation has been rejected by voters in multiple states, including the socially conservative Mississippi, because legal experts have pointed out that it could outlaw some forms of birth control and in vitro fertilization as well as criminalize abortion at all stages.

Broun said in a statement that a zygote's right to life should be "defended vigorously and at all costs."

"As a physician, I know that human life begins with fertilization, and I remain committed to ending abortion in all stages of pregnancy," he said. "I will continue to fight this atrocity on behalf of the unborn, and I hope my colleagues will support me in doing so."

Ryan did not immediately respond to HuffPost's request for comment about his support for the bill, which has 17 co-sponsors.

The bill died in the House of Representatives in 2011, when a record number of anti-abortion bills were being passed, and it is equally unlikely to advance this year. The Oklahoma Supreme Court struck down a state personhood initiative in 2012, deeming it "clearly unconstitutional" because it blocks a woman's legal right to have an abortion.

21 Responses
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The personhood bill, first introduced in 2011 by Rep. Paul Broun (R-Ga.) and reintroduced by Broun last week, specifies that a "one-celled human embryo," even before it implants in the uterus to create a pregnancy, should be granted "all the legal and constitutional attributes and privileges of personhood.

Then after they are born, kick em to the curb! Thats his motto! Better teach em to pull themselves up by their bootstraps when they are toddlers and teach them to be self sufficient too!

How do they do this you ask? By the teapartiers in the states that they have placed there. It starts in the states, and dont tell me they cannot get it done. Look at the laws they are passing in the states to make abortion impossible under any circumstances.
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No not at all, we have something called the Supreme Court that would not allow that to be applied. You also have people in the house and senate who would not allow that to happen.

It's like the argument used for same sex marriages that what is going to stop someone from getting married to a horse?
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377493 tn?1356502149
But AHP does make a point.  If the law says life begins at fertilization, and many forms of birth control simply do not allow a fertilized egg to implant, then this law opens the door to all sorts of potential issues around many forms of birth control.  How do you know that birth control (beyond barrier method, which actually has one of the biggest failure rates) wouldn't come into it?  It's sort of a dangerous road don't you think?
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184674 tn?1360860493
Not at first...but given any time, it would be addressed.
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It would not outlaw birth control.
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377493 tn?1356502149
How right you are on the point of moment of conception - there is no way to know for certain.  I didn't realize this law would also make birth control illegal.  Can you imagine the repercussions of this?  The amount of unwanted pregnancies and unnurtured children.  It's just unfathomable.  Back to the dark ages for sure.  I wonder if this is what Rick Santorum was referring to when he talked about making birth control part of his platform.
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Barb please remove your comment as it is offensive to women who agree with Ryan. You can calling them stupid.

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Good points and I appreciate and respect your stand.
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184674 tn?1360860493
I consider myself as pro-life as one can be, and even I do not support the idea of this personhood bill. While I wholeheartedly believe a unique life begins at conception, "personhood" and the laws they want to give a zygote is not only a gray area in every way possible by definition, it's making a law that is unenforceable and a waste of time and money. Unless a woman is getting IVF or IUI, there is absolutely no way of knowing when the moment of conception happens, followed by the amount of time it will take for the zygote to implant in the uterine wall.
I guess if this law went into place, the only way to actually enforce it would be to implant a microscopic camera into the fallopian tubes of every single woman to ensure if conception ever does happen that nothing besides nature interferes with its development. Yep, that's realistic and certainly not a violation of Constitutional rights or privacy acts. And as mentioned somewhere above, a law such as this would basically outlaw all medical methods of birth control, since nearly all birth control does not prevent fertilization; it prevents implantation.
I'm completely in agreement with every point adgal made in her post. Education and an open door do multiple options and choices a woman can make for herself besides getting an abortion is the best way to go. There will never be a law that will stop abortions from happening.
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You truly are on a roll! Hey, you saw the Maddow reference to peacocks???
I thought of you and had a good laugh.
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LOL, Again I agree with you wholeheartedly! And I like that your on a roll! Good conversation!
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649848 tn?1534633700
"Good points, as usual. And I dont (sic) think a bunch of men who do not have a uterus and dont (sic) have a clue as to what they are talking about, should have say over someone who does not have a penis. rofl!"

Totally agree, but sad as it is, there are women who agree with stupid ideas.

Here's another thought.......... everyone blames the girl/woman when there's an unwanted pregnancy......... hey, if some men could learn to keep their pants on and/or the penis in place, there wouldn't be so many unwanted pregnancies.  This isn't just a "woman" thing.

Another thought ....... I'm on a roll tonight ......lol    Of the sex scandals we hear about with our politicians, how many of those politicians are women?  Not very many; in fact I can't think of any off the top of  my head. I'll never believe that all the Congressmen who have extramarital affairs have never impregnated someone and suggested/paid for abortion as a way to "have his cake and eat it too"...... meaning to keep himself from scandal, preserve his marriage/family and career?  They're better than we are?  I don't think so......
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Good points, as usual. And I dont think a bunch of men who do not have a uterus and dont have a clue as to what they are talking about, should have say over someone who does not have a penis. rofl!
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377493 tn?1356502149
Regardless of how someone feels about the abortion issue or when you believe life begins, laws and legislation will not end abortion anyway.  It just won't.  All it will do is drive desperate women to back alley butchers and endanger their lives.  If people really want to end or at least decrease the number of abortions there are other things that can be done.  Ease of access to birth control, particularly for those that are underage.  Education is another key component.  Quit teaching abstinence only and instead teach reality.  Focus on poverty and increased support (I don't just mean financial, I mean a whole lot of things with the word support) of low income families and single mothers.  That is the way to decrease abortion, not making it illegal.  All that will do is ensure more desperate women die.

I know that those women do exist who treat abortion callously, and as a form of birth control.  Personally, in my experience, those are rare cases.  Most women who seek abortions really don't want to, they just don't see any other options.  Give them options and I bet lots would choose differently.
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Makes you wonder where are all these EXTREME people coming from?  What ROCK are they crawling out from?

YES!! I have been wondering this all morning.. it scares me, like a rumbling of dark clouds moving into the atmosphere.
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649848 tn?1534633700
From what I heard from a lot of people and what I felt myself, Paul Ryan was one of the biggest strikes against Mitt Romney in the election.  

I can't see his personhood bill going terribly far.

I agree that Congress has more important things to worry about than abortion, right now, and if they make it illegal, they better be prepared to care for the unwanted children and women who get botched up in the back alley, because illegal or not, there will be those that opt for it.  Of course, considering Ryan's ideas those women who get botched up in the back alley, would belong in jail for breaking the law.  How silly.
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"How *do* these people get so far in the political world??"........Hmmmm, not sure; probably a combination of everything oh so wrong.  Definitely scary though.  

Makes you wonder where are all these EXTREME people coming from?  What ROCK are they crawling out from?
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Excellent points Londres and if out of respect for his religious views, I was thinking of restraining myself concerning his sanity the very idea that he is considering running in 2016 has me torn between disgust and laughter at his apparent madness. How *do* these people get so far in the political world??

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Of course, once that one-celled human embryo becomes an actual human being, Paul Ryan doesn't care if it gets health care or not.
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"one-celled human embryo," even before it implants in the uterus to create a pregnancy, should be granted "all the legal and constitutional attributes and privileges of personhood."........Really?  One cell is equivalent to a complete human?  

Well.....then they should be prepared to deal with the BOATLOADS of unwanted children that may end up in bad situations, i.e. poverty, abused, shuffled around your foster care system, burdening your welfare system, etc.  

To add.....is this "physician" going to be prepared to deal with women who have gone to the "back alleys" to seek abortions that have been butchered?  Will he provide them with care?  

I think there are BIGGER fish to fry than abortions.  These people need to get REAL.  
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Paul Ryan has presidential ambitions for 2016.  Oh please!

“There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.”

― John Rogers
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