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1530342 tn?1405016490

Perry: 'As president, I'll end Obama's war on religion'


Rick Perry promised to "end Obama's war on religion" in a new television ad touting his socially conservative credentials.

The Texas governor, who's in the midst of an ad blitz in Iowa, said there's "something wrong with America" when gays and lesbians are allowed to serve openly in the military, but "our kids can't openly celebrate Christmas or pray in school."

The ad is a play for Iowa's numerous socially conservative voters, who may have an out-sized impact in the state's Jan. 3 caucuses.

Watch a video of the spot by clicking the link above...
46 Responses
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I appreciate your insight and feel you are right regarding the "reality show".  
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206807 tn?1331936184
What we have to remember is the Republicans are fighting for Republican votes for the nomination. There will be plenty of time to go after the swing votes later. They know once the nominee is decided, we will forget all about what is going on now because it will become a whole, new, ballgame.
Where Obama is making his mistake is, he is wasting time catering to people that are going to vote for him regardless.
A Democrat is going to vote Democrat.
If I was him, I would be focusing on the swing votes now while the Republicans have to fight each other. All I would say in response to the Republicans accusations is “They are fighting for the Republican Nomination, do you expect them to say anything positive about me? Once they decide who will be my contender, I will deal with his allegations.”

Rather you're Democrat, Republican, or Independent, you have to admit, we couldn’t ask for a better Reality Show.
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163305 tn?1333668571
You have me LOL over your views on the candidates.

I didn't say Reagan was bad. I didn't think he was intelligent, his handlers might have been, but Reagan?
I think he was the puppet head.
He didn't write the script, he delivered the lines.
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"A few months ago I really thought this election would be Republican for the taking.  Not so sure now."  - I've got to tell you, I don't know if I'll cast a vote this year.  In reality, it won't make a difference.  The electoral college will throw their 2 cents in for a Republican (in this state) regardless of whom gets the nod.  

I am less and less impressed with the candidates in the Republican party and can sense that coming from a lot of Republicans around here.  

Through the years, I've never found a candidate that I agree with on every single issue.  This election it is becoming almost impossible to even come close on most of the issues.  It's gone to the extremes, and you're either on board or not.  The politicians themselves are making it that way.  The right is basically saying "you are with us or against us"  By doing this, they are making it pretty easy to not be with them and to the contrary, the democrats aren't doing a whole bunch to make it easy to side with them.

Anybody close to the middle, I'm afraid, hasn't a farts chance in a whirl wind of any real recognition.... at least not yet.  Paul will not get the republican nod and I easily see him running as in independent.  I think that is further muddying the waters.

I saw a stat this morning on CNN that even the disgruntled dems are siding up with the President.  The more all of this develops the more I see the President getting re-elected as a shoe in.  If that is the case, we'll probably be staying the course and I don't know how that will be helpful.  It's going to solidify what we already have.... finger pointing, blame placing, and no accountability in politics.

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206807 tn?1331936184
“I too am an 'Independent' registered as a Republican - but too often that's because I like to pick who I'm going to vote against in November :-)”

It’s been so long since I actually voted for someone; I forgot what it feels like. Being from Louisiana, I’m used to voting defensibly.  I threw my vote to McCain, voting against Obama.
I hate to sound like a Conspiracy Nut but sometimes I wonder if the Republicans threw the election knowing the shape the economy was in and the President would get the blame. That is the only explanation I can come up with the choice of Palin and McCains lack of fighting toward the end of the campaign.
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206807 tn?1331936184
adgal-"So if on the way off chance that Santorum, Bachman or Perry take the nomination, do you abstain from voting altogether or vote Obama?"
I doubt it will come to that but if it does, that's a Bridge I'll have to Cross when i come to it. I never abstain from voting even when it makes me nauseas.

“A few months ago I really thought this election would be Republican for the taking. Not so sure now. It will be one to watch though, no question.” Yes we still have a long ways to go and it is going to get more interesting or should I say entertaining.

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377493 tn?1356502149
That was really interesting, thanks for taking the time.  I actually keep forgetting about Santorum altogether.  Another one where there doesn't seem to be much in the media.

Huntsman would have been my pick, but I hadn't heard his tax plan.  He just seemed to be a little more moderate then the others. I still like Romney too...he hasn't been as vocal as the others about anti everything. Not sure about Gingrich.  I know personally I could never vote for him based on some of his anti gay rights comments, but then again, I think that is where I would struggle with that party in general (amongst other things).  

So if on the way off chance that Santorum, Bachman or Perry take the nomination, do you abstain from voting altogether or vote Obama?  See I think that is the position many independents are going to find themselves in, even those that find themselves more right leaning.  A few months ago I really thought this election would be Republican for the taking.  Not so sure now.  It will be one to watch though, no question.

I wish I could vote..lol.  I mean, your President pretty much runs our country anyway...ha.
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148588 tn?1465778809
To explain how much of the military mess in the Middle East and our economic mess at home can be directly linked to the Reagan administration would take more than a few paragraphs. It took a professor of military history more than 200 pages. (Ret. Army Col.  Andrew J. Bacevich  'The Limits of Power') Suffice to say that the concept of exercising military power to secure oil flow was formulated long before Carter but was largely implemented during the 80s - and that's way over simplified.
I like your analysis of the candidates, with the exception that Huntsman scares me less than Gingrich. I too am an 'Independent' registered as a Republican - but too often that's because I like to pick who I'm going to vote against in November :-) I voted for McCain in the Texas primary and might have voted for him in the general, except his choice of running mate showed him to be more of a puppet of the RNC than I'd thought him to be.

Best to you and yours for the Holidays.
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206807 tn?1331936184
"The only way I would even entertain the thought of voting for him is if he ran against Bachman or Santorum. So, in my opinion as bad as the GOP looks, I would take any of them over Obama  excluding Bachman and Santorum"
I forgot to add Perry to the list.
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206807 tn?1331936184
I listen to people run Reagan down but the facts are, Reagan defeated Carter by a landslide victory, carrying 44 states leaving Carter with only 6 states. He was Re-elected by another landslide victory over Mondale carrying 49 states leaving Mondale with only 1state. His V.P. ran and won by another landslide victory.
I would like to know how this could happen if Reagan was that bad.  
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206807 tn?1331936184
I do vote Independent but I am Registered as a Republican. In Louisiana you can not vote in the Primaries unless you are a registered Democrat or Republican. Since I tend to vote more Republican than Democrat, I registered as a Republican. In the General Elections I can vote Republican or Democrat.
This is how I see everyone so far but you have to remember we still have a ways to go.

Bachman- Last night she said, “Herman Cain had the 9-9-9 Plan, I have the Win, Win, Win, Plan” Makes me think of a Cheerleader with a 4.0 Grade Average that just did a Fat Line of Cocaine. Stick a sock in it and shut the hell up already.

Santorum- I don’t know why he is even there. I still haven’t figured out what his platform is. All I’ve heard him say is Obama bad, me Good and I am The Biggest Tea Party Conservative of them all. I can picture a debate between him and Bachman. Santorum- Your less Conservative than me, Bachman-I know you are but what am I, Santorum- I know you are but what am I and this would go on for hours.

Ron Paul- I know this is wrong but when I see him, he looks just like Jeff Dunham’s puppet Walter http://www.jeffdunham.com/#/walter  I had an Uncle that I loved and respected very much, he was a brilliant man. He had Alzheimer's. He was a very interesting man to talk to but sometimes the Alzheimer's would kick in unexpected and would kind of freak me out. Ron Paul does the same thing. I listen to him and think “this man gets it” then out of the blue, Whoa, Where the Hell did That Come From.

Perry-What can I say. He causes me to have mixed emotions. One minute I feel sorry for him and the next I want to slap the bejesus out of him. I haven’t seen anyone drop that fast in the polls since Howard Deans 2004 Scream (If you don’t remember it, you’ve got to watch the video) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BS4FGStiMB0&feature=related  

Huntsman- I was impressed with him until I watched an interview with him this morning on CNN. Now he Scares the Hell out of me. His plan to fix the economy will destroy us. His plan is 100% opposite of Obama’s plan (if Obama really has one). The truth is, it is going to take us a long time to crawl out of this mess that both Republicans and Democrats share the blame in. Huntsman’s plan of radical Cuts and Higher Taxes will cripple us.

Gingrich- Oh how fast the Tides can Turn. Out of all of them (and as you can see “the pickens are slim”), if I had to vote today in the primaries, he would get my vote. Not that I’m excited about him but I would choose him over Romney. He does have a lot of baggage that may or may not come back to haunt him. My guess is Obama would much rather face off with Romney than Gingrich. I think in a debate Gingrich would chew Obama up and spit him out.

Romney- His campaign looks like a White, Republican version of the 2008 Obama Campaign, without the Pom Poms. He has the Look, the Charisma, and the Right Words. Like Obama, he knows to say what the people want to hear but they are nothing but hoopla. People got so caught up in Obama’s hype of “Change, Hope, and Yes We Can”, that they never questioned how. If you were to ask Romney to break down his plan and explain in detail how it would work, he would be Dumbfounded. He is just another politician and like Obama, I doubt he really has a plan.

Obama-Since I didn’t expect much from him, I can say he hasn’t disappointed me. Biden himself said “he would be honored to run with or against McCain, the Country would be better off”. He also said Obama was not ready to be President. This is who Obama chose for his running mate. I believe Obama is an inadequate President. The only way I would even entertain the thought of voting for him is if he ran against Bachman or Santorum. So, in my opinion as bad as the GOP looks, I would take any of them over Obama  excluding Bachman and Santorum.
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163305 tn?1333668571
I don't think Reagan was intelligent, and I live in California where we had him as governor.
He was a good actor, better than most people thought while he was playing actor instead of playing politician.
He was handsome and delivered his lines well.
But left to ad lib?
Not intelligent, maybe funny, definitely entertaining.
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377493 tn?1356502149
My Grandfather was a lifelong registered Democrat.  Reagan managed to flip him.  My grandfather was a man I respected and admired...highly intelligent.  Of course in those day's I wasn't paying any attention to politics, but I well remember how highly he spoke of Regan and his policies.  I somehow don't think he would feel the same way about Perry.  

I look forward to your thoughts on each candidate.  
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206807 tn?1331936184
It’s hard for me to compare Perry to Reagan. Reagan ran against Jimmy Carter (and Mondale) not Obama.

Reagan had charisma; Perry’s personality almost makes me feel sorry for him. Rather you liked him or not, you have to admit Reagan was intelligent, Perry’s display of intelligence has left me both entertained and shocked. When Perry (and Bachman) opens his mouth to speak, it’s like a Train Wreck, you know what is about to happen is going to be horrific but you can’t help but watch.

Reagan also had good hair.

adgal- I'll give you my break down on how I feel about each one a little later. I've got to get up from the computer and take of a few things. All I can say for now is to me, our future looks bleak.
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377493 tn?1356502149
I know your an Independant right?  But not an Obama fan.  So curious...who would your pick be of the nominees?  That is being asked sincerley, not sarcastically.  I still keep coming back to Romney as the best of the group.  

I missed that interview with Huntsman and would have liked to see it.  It was Fareed whatshisface interviewing him right?  I hope they replay it.  He really isn't getting any coverage at all, or at least as far as I can tell.  
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206807 tn?1331936184
Don’t be deceived by Huntsman. I watched an interview with him this morning on CNN. I don’t remember who interviewed him but he pulled no punches, asked the right questions, and above all was respectful. I will give Huntsman credit for not dodging questions and answering them with the truth. I was impressed with Huntsman until his tax plan was questioned. It was a lot like Cain’s 999. He said under his plan, taxes would not be raised and could possibly be lowered.
Under his plan (Like Cain’s), he would do away with a lot of deductions. When asked about eliminating the deduction for interest we pay on Home Loans, “he said of course, this would be the first to go”??????????????
Since this is a BIG WRIGHT OFF for most taxpayers, it will knock most out of Itemized Deductions (Schedule A). I would like to see a list of all of the deductions he would do away with. THIS IS WHERE THE DECEPTION COMES IN.
Under his plan the actual percentage paid in taxes would not increase but the amount of NET Income you claim will increase.
I’m just going to throw some hypothetical #s out.
Your Net Income after Deductions is $50,000 @ 10% Tax Rate you would owe $5,000 in taxes.
Remove $15,000 in Deductions and the Net Income increases to $65,000, At 10% your taxes are now $6,500.

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I honestly would not vote republican after what I have seen the last 3 years. I am an independent but seriously thinking dem now thanks to this mess. But if I would vote pub I think it would be Huntsman for me, the one they are trying to ignore the most. He refuses pledges and seems to be independent thinking instead of kissing butt and I like that about him. It has been a clown show at best and I dont think the pubs care how corrupt one is as long as he can bring obama down. They are willing to sacrifice the country to do it and would not expect anything less frm em. imo
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377493 tn?1356502149
It's not worth it.  Trust me.  Don't let her get to you.
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535822 tn?1443976780
same back at you LOL
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1530342 tn?1405016490
Welcome to the group! It's always nice to here a different perspective on things....


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Just goes to show you how far out of touch these people really are.
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377493 tn?1356502149
This nomination election, and of course talk of your impending National vote is all over our news here.  I saw or read something the other day about how folks in the US are declaring themselves Independants in huge numbers now.  And that same article or show said that the overwhelming majority of Indpendants are centerists and that is the whole reason for declaring themselves such.  Growing concern over both the Dems and Republicans becoming far far too right or too left.  So seeing that completely contradicts much of what is coming out of these potential nominees mouths.  You would think that knowing that the Republicans would be all over someone in the middle.  They keep saying they need to find someone who can beat Obama.  Sigh, it's so confusing.  It's like average everyday Americans are speaking one language and the politicians are talking another altogether.  And there doesn't seem to be a translator in the mix.  
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I think Huntsman is pretty smart as well.  The RNC won't prop him up though, precisely for the reason you stated... being closer to the center.  This is going to be about extremes.  Politics in this country tend to swing like a pendulum.  We went right, then went left.... not a chance it will slow towards the middle even though it seems to be the most tolerable place right now.

This stuff just isn't in the peoples hands.... it's just not.  Truthfully, I don't know if it will be any time in the future either.  I personally think the system is too large right now, and Americans are about to be in a fight to get it all back.  "Occupy" isn't the fight. I believe the fight will be in the next 10 years, some of it based on what some of the "occupiers" are trying to stand for.  They need guidance by smarter people that are organizing and those people will start to show themselves.

Perry.... If there is a God, I hope he helps this guy.  I'm not a very religious guy, but I cannot see this clown anywhere near the light, and as RGlass said, is irrelevant.  He will fade away.  He stumbles over himself every time he talks.... nobody is taking this guy serious except a few Texans.  Trump has a better chance in the election, not with God.
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377493 tn?1356502149
For those that already know Obama is not their man in the next election, I'm interested as to which of the candidates you think or hope will win the next election.  I am betting on Romney to become the candidate and I do think if it's him, he has a shot at the Presidency.  And I know you might laugh at me, but I think Huntsman bears watching.  That is one smart man and he seems a bit more in the center.  That being said, you don't hear as much about him as the others, so perhaps I am way off.  But that is my impression right now.  If any of the others take the nomination I would bet that Obama gets a second term.  

I'm glad to hear you think Perry is out.  The man seriously frightens me, and it's not even my country he would potentially be running (well, it would be, just not officially..lol).
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