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Who do you think won the GOP presidential debate?


Thought it might be fun to run a poll for those who watched last night. Feel free to state why you think that person won over the others if you want to.
30 Responses
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I think we do see things similarly in regards to politics.  Like el, I am conservative on things and liberal on other issues.  I tend to lean more to the right but what gets me in trouble with true conservatives is my stand on abortion, religion, and equal rights.

With all of the wars, I think Afghanistan was the right thing to do.  At the very least, it had a focus.  I compare Iraq and this thing in Libya as equals.  I disagree on a lot of aspects regarding the war but do think both countries had leaders that committed atrocious acts upon their people, and that alone is enough reason to go to war considering how we are doing things the last couple of decades.  Being the worlds police is a bad position to be in, and I think any contributions to the UN made by all countries should be identical.  Everyone ponies up the same amount, whether it be financial or military.... everything regarding the UN and its business should be shared equally.  It's not.  As far as lying us into wars....sheesh, the Vietnam was comes to mind real quick.  All I can think of is the covert ops around the Laotian border that "never happened".  If there's politics involved, there are lies and other inaccuracies..... if it ain't the truth, what is it?
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When people start saying Obama has a "serious agenda to destroy America" you learn all you need to know about them and nothing about Obama.
George Bush LIED us into a war for which there was absolutely no justification and which cost us immense treasure and the terrible and unnecessary loss of American lives. But it's Obama who has an agenda to destroy America.
As bad as Bush was for this country I never thought he had an agenda - a sinister plan - to destroy America. I thought he was a stupid egocentric fool who did damage our country but not in a premeditated way. He just sort of stumbled into it. I give him that much credit.
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377493 tn?1356502149
It is kinda funny.  I can tell you my husband wasn't too happy with me considering game 6 of the Stanley Cup finals was on.  But Boston was kicking Vancouvers butt...it was like a trainwreck and I just couldn't watch.  This was much better...lol.
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377493 tn?1356502149
You know, that is an interesting comment about your initally thinking Obama would be more centralist.  I have many many US friends and even some family.  I think lots of people would much prefer a candidate who is not extreme either way.  At least that's the impression I get.  I get the impression that most people are somewhere in the middle.  I think lot's of candidates are as well initially.  But I think it's different when they get in office....huge pressure from their party and financial contributors.  Regardless of how people feel about Obama or felt about Bush or any other President, I would bet most started out pretty idealistic.  The whole "Im going to be different".  Then when the time comes....it changes.  I mean, they don't have supreme power or anything right?  It can't be easy.  The pressure would be incredible.
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535822 tn?1443976780
I agree with you ..el_em  on your first post... I think the people should govern them selves I don't we need any of em ..chuck em all out ...I dont agree Obama will get in again .I think he has shown his serious agenda to destroy America and he will be out one way or another ....
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1310633 tn?1430224091
I'm like you... I don't tow the party line COMPLETELY. There are issues that I completely disagree with the Conservatives/Republicans on, and there are some that I completely agree with.

Likewise with the Liberals/Democrats... some things I agree with, and some things I don't.

I will say, however, that my personal beliefs tend more towards the Right than the Left, so I find myself, more often than not, leaning to the Right hand side of the political fence.

Quite honestly, I wish a really strong Centralist would come along. A little to the left and a little to the Right. I really thought Obama was going to be more to the Center than he's turned out to be, and throughout his campaign I saw HINTS of him being closer to the Middle, but it turns out that he's further to the Left than I think even some Liberals though he was.

If a decent Liberal/Democrat candidate came along, I'd vote for them. If a decent Independent candidate came along, I'd vote for them. Until then, I'l throw my support to the Right.

Then again, I can't vote anyway, so what am I b*tching about!!!

***Note-To-Self: Get US Citizenship***
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377493 tn?1356502149
Holy smokes.  That makes me want to go hide under the bedcovers or something..lol.  Surely it can't be that bad!!  

Even being as liberal as I am, I still don't agree with everything the liberals do in my own country.  I guess at the end of the day we all cast our vote with whomevers promises/agenda come closest to matching our own beliefs.  We have a mulit party system, so we do have more choices I suppose.  Sometimes I think that's a good thing, but it also tends to make a mockery out of our political system.  I still couldn't believe it when I found out we had a Pirate Party..lol.  

Watching your election next year is sure going to be interesting.  It seems so much is at stake right now, it can't be easy to decide what is going to work best.  I do hope that you continue to be the strong country you are and are able to come out of this economic downturn.  Believe it or not, in terms of my own families personal spending habits and lifestyle, we probably closer match your Republican Party.  It's just the anti gay, anti choice, etc. stuff that I would struggle with.  That's where the liberal in me comes out.  I bet there are lots who are in the same boat I would be in if I was American.  Maybe part of your solution lies in a "middle of the road party?"  Anyway, I know I will be watching closely to see what happens.  
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1310633 tn?1430224091
A GOP win in 2012 is futile, at best, so I'm not even sure why they're trying. I guess they have to TRY and put up a fight and not just roll over and take it up the rear, but the chances of actually getting a GOP candidate into office is slim to none.

Obama's sheeple will vote him back into office. We're destined for another 4 years of the liberal agenda, face it.

This country is going down like the Titanic and no one is doing anything about it.

Spend more money!
Take from the rich and give to the poor! Raise taxes on gas!
Ban offshore drilling!
Don't drill in Alaska!
Health'care for everyone!
Give billions of dollars to 3rd-world countries, who in turn, return the favor by bashing the crap out of us!
Open the southern border and let them all come across!

When will it end??? Not in 2012, that's for sure.

I say, save your campaign money for 2112 and concentrate on 2016. 2012 is already lost for the GOP.

I'm a glass-is-half-empty kinda guy, if you didn't notice.

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206807 tn?1331936184
I couldn't bring myself to watch the whole thing. I think it is funny that the only one that made through it is a Canadian.
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Oh, I didnt think you were mocking. I just thought you were very happy wtih  your government and I thought to myself, wow, imagine being that pleased. lol Goodness, I am not offended. I really do understand. Its all so complex because we all see things so differently, but the thing we agree on, is the people who vote you in have a right to expect you to vote their way, and if you cant, you need to step down. That I agree with. :)
I really would be interested to hear people with my beliefs in your country, to see hear their opinion. (not because your opinion doenst matter, it does, its just a curiosity I have) lol

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377493 tn?1356502149
Ohhh, I wouldn't go so far as to say Canada is run the way I like it..lol.  Is any country run to the satisfaction of all?  I don't think such a place exists.  

I am not mocking or putting down the US in any way, shape or form.  I'm just asking questions trying to clarify and understand things I hear politicians say.  And admittedly the religion issue is confusing for me.  I am going on what I hear people say.  Lots of misconceptions about Canada too.  I hope your not offended by my questions.  Obviously I have a high opinion of the US or I wouldn't follow what goes on there so closely, and wouldn't have spent as much time there as I have.  I just don't understand the politics and religion mix (well, lots of things I don't understand, but could say the same about my own country).  
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In my opinion (which is just mine), if I am elected, I have to vote for things in accordance to my beliefs. (which is why I would not get elected lol). That said, if once elected and something comes up and say the majority was in favor of it but my beliefs felt it was wrong. In MY opinion, the only responsible thing to do, would be to step down.
If it was a  perfect world, we ould know when putting someone in office that we agree with all their stands on things, so majority would have already spoken. Thats not possible though, so we end up with everyone making decisions based on their beliefs, even when the majority of citizens are opposed to it. Again, the responsible thing is to step down. I wouldnt want it on conscience that went against my faith, or that I was forcing the majority against their desires. Truthfully, I am thinking I dont see how a Christian could ever run for office in anything because of this very thing.
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Thanks bb.  There are so many confusing aspects to government and politics.  Religion can further complicate matters if we allowed it to.  Going back to something I said earlier, all of our legislation is a mixed bag of who knows what.  Military spending has been tied into education, money stripped from one faction of health care to fill in somewhere else.  It is all too much and the whole system needs refining.  No more sneaking things into legislation.

And when it comes down to it, I'd vote for Reginald, the 5 legged, agnostic, hairless, goat boy if he had been successful elsewhere and I though he could handle the job.

While campaigning, politicians make promises that they really can't keep, for one reason or another.  Regardless, an unkept promise ends up being a lie and nobody's religion protects them with that....

It is a rare, very rare find when a politician goes against his personal beliefs (morals), because his constituents want it that way.... if it goes against the grain of their core beliefs, it takes a hell of a guy/gal to make the right call and vote the way of the people.  A lot of politicians won't sway the party line, nor will they drop their own beliefs....  I guess what were supposed to do is hold these people responsible....?  
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I guess we all just see things differently. The good news for you is that your country is run the way you like it.
I wish I could be that happy with mine, but I am happy with enough of the other things at least. lol
I will have to talk to some folks in Canada who believe similiar to those who feel those issues do matter and see if they find it affects their lives negatively or not. Its definatley very interesting all the various angles we see things from.
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377493 tn?1356502149
You and I really see how we would like our leaders to be the same way.  I still find that debate so completely and utterly confusing.  They all talked strongly about upholding the constitution.  My understanding is the basis of your constitution is equal rights and freedoms for everyone right?  So what was confusing to me was that so many of the questions and responses were Christian faith based.  The pro choice, anti gay marriage stuff.  So is it freedom for all, as long as you adhere to faith based policies?  I'm not mocking, I am genuinely perplexed.  
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Your comment on tithing to the  government made me laugh, but its not laughing matter since no doubt someone would try to pull that, and it very well may be a "chrisitan" You bring up some good points.
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I'll agree that all of this is just peoples opinions.  I appreciate everyone's views and opinions on religion.  That is every single one of yours right and one should probably have a pretty close relationship to their God.

With religion and politics, I'll stand strong in believing that religion should play no open part in decision making.  If a Christian, Muslim, Jew, etc made a decision that would affect us all based entirely upon their religious beliefs, they are going are purposely injecting their religion into our lives.  This has everything to do with "separation of church and state".  Take religion out of it, yeah, you're probably going to set people off but then it has nothing to do with religion.

Hypothetically, take a religion that pays tithes... and our president is a staunch supporter of his religion where it is customary to pay tithes.  If that president tried for legislation that would require all of us to pay tithes to the government, on top of our taxes, just for the priviledge of being American.... the place would go up in flames.  If they tried to make us pray at 5:00pm because they do, same result.

Everyone uses their religion to some extent in decision making, but in politics I think it is necessary to religion out of policy making.  (Look at all of the grief surrounding this president regarding his religion.....)  When it comes to a politician for me, I could give 2 squirts about your religion, weight, hair color, shoe size, clothing etc.... I am looking for a person that can get the job done, and it is that simple.  For me, religion has no bearing when it comes to casting a vote. (unless of course that candidate is a religious zealot and will try to force feed me their religion.... i don't want to hear about your religion, how's the debt?  What's happening with immigration?)_
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I didn't watch the debate, but have to say that I do like Ron Paul. I like the idea of a smaller government and love this: "Don't steal, The government hates competition" - which he has written on a plaque on his desk. Also this quote from him, "One thing is clear: The Founding Fathers never intended a nation where citizens would pay nearly half of everything they earn to the government."  
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If we ran, we would most likely wnat to shoot ourselves! lol
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Yeah just opinions is all. but if you run I will vote for you! You got as much potential as anyone else for sure! I cannot run, someone would shoot me.
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Well it doesnt matter, opinions are just that, and I am not running and if I were, no one would vote for me anyway. lol
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I guess its like brice said. Its politics. bbxx I understand what you are saying I really do but there is tht part in the book that says you cannot serve two gods.Give to God what is Gods and Ceaser what is Ceasers.   You cannot worship money and power and God. Nor can you make rules and laws that fit just a certain group. Its not fair to all for starters.Not Christianity and not the Muslim Faith or Jehovah Witness or any of them,Times have changed too much and will draw anger and resentment. Thats just my opinion.
This is all gonna change so much day to day and really is probably to early to take any of it seriously anyway, but like brice so far, not all that. Will wait and see how the next one goes and see who is left among this bunch. :)
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Our politicians always put each other down, regardless if they are left or right, and they always do it very early in the game. Its just how its always been.
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377493 tn?1356502149
I watched the whole thing.  There were two I was most impressed with and they were Romney and Rand (is that the right spelling?).  I have to admit there were some things that just made me wonder..and kinda shake my head.  Sorry BBX, you know I love you to bits, but I just don't understand the convo about the religious beliefs.  The other thing that sort of set me back was the pro life vs. pro choice question.  I mean, the country is in a serious economic situation, unemployment is high and there is talk that there may be payment default to China.  And here are some of these candidates talking about issues like that?  It kind of blew my mind.  It also really made me shake my head when a few made comments about not trusting or hiring muslims.  Too bad they feel that way about some of their fellow Americans.  THe Don't ask don't tell comments threw me too.  

These debates are fascinating for me as I cannot tell you how different the topics are in our political debates here.  Subjects like those are not even mentioned.  No one asks, most don't care.  It sort of left me with the impression that there is more emphasis on personal beliefs then there is on how to fix the current state of affairs.  Sorry, I just don't get it.  I don't understand why these are political issues.

And then so much talk about Obama.  I know that will happen, but don't they first have to win the Republican nomination?  THen go after him?  That seemed a bit weird too.  But again, I am from a different country, so maybe I just don't understand.  Was fascinating though.
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