1310633 tn?1430224091

Republicans blame Obama for job numbers

(CNN) - Top Republicans were quick to fault the Obama administration for Friday's job numbers, which showed a lower-than-expected addition of 69,000 jobs in May and a slight bump in the unemployment rate to 8.2% from 8.1% last month.

"It is now clear to everyone that President Obama's policies have failed to achieve their goals and that the Obama economy is crushing America's middle class," Mitt Romney said in a statement.

The presumptive GOP presidential nominee went on to describe the new numbers as "devastating news for American workers" and evidence of the president's "handling of the economy."

"The President's re-election slogan may be 'forward,' but it seems like we've been moving backward. We can do so much better in America," he said.

House Speaker John Boehner also piled on, saying the numbers represent a new "normal" for the White House.

"President Obama's failed policies have made high unemployment and a weak economy the sad new normal for families and small businesses," Boehner said in a statement.

He argued that for the last three years, "the unemployment rate has remained far above what the administration predicted with the 'stimulus' spending binge."

Boehner also blamed Congressional Democrats for halting legislation that Republicans argue would improve the economy, such as the production of the Keystone pipeline.

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus also fired off a statement hitting the president over the numbers.

"Today's extremely troubling jobs report proves yet again that President Obama's policies simply are not working and that he has failed to live up to the promise of his presidency," Priebus said.

He added: "The American people are still asking, 'where are the jobs?' Republicans are listening. It's time for President Obama and Senate Democrats to stop playing games and start listening too."

Rep. Jeb Hensarling of Texas, chairman of the House Republican Conference, said while he doesn't blame the president for creating the problem, he holds Obama responsible for making it "worse."

"What we need is to promote economic growth, fundamental tax reform," he said on CNN's "Starting Point." "You won't get economic growth with this president's policies."

However, Alan Krueger, chairman of the president's Council of Economic Advisers, made the case that "problems in the job market were long in the making and will not be solved overnight."

Despite the sluggish job growth, Krueger said May marked the 27th month in a row with additional private sector jobs.

"The economy is growing but it is not growing fast enough," he said in a statement.

Krueger pointed to the president's "American Jobs Act" and his "To-Do List" for Congress, which includes proposals to cut tax incentives for moving jobs overseas, give a 10% tax credit to small businesses that add jobs or raise wage and help veterans find work.

"It is critical that we continue the President's economic policies that are helping us dig our way out of the deep hole that was caused by the severe recession," Krueger said.

SOURCE: http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2012/06/01/republicans-blame-obama-for-job-numbers/
21 Responses
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1530342 tn?1405016490
OMG I would run for dear life....LOL
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1310633 tn?1430224091
My name is LMNO, and I approve of Brice's approval of his own message.

What do you think Brice, old boy... want to make a run for it in 2016? You and me on the ticket.

Brice for POTUS, and LMNO for Veep.

I'd vote for us...
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1530342 tn?1405016490

"is anyone here really surprised by anybody else's posts here?  Isn't it pretty clear who will say what?  I say it is, and nobody should get their waist bands in a twist.  

You know whats going to happen before anyone posts an article.... you have too, or you are the guy who lit his own a$$ on fire with sun screen.  

Lets all put on our big boy and big girl pants and play nice.... okay?

I love you all.... My name is Brice and I approve this message."

***I concur....Well said..:)

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When I broke into the bar business, a very wise man once told me..."never discuss religion or politics... someones feelings will be hurt".

In all fairness, everyone who regularly posts has taken objection to something someone else said.  That is the nature of the business.  

I've heard a lot of people, myself included say that they are closer to the middle of the dividing line as far as party affiliation is concerned.  I've also seen those same individuals say things that are so far one direction or the other that it could not be confused as being anywhere near the middle of the road.

is anyone here really surprised by anybody else's posts here?  Isn't it pretty clear who will say what?  I say it is, and nobody should get their waist bands in a twist.  

You know whats going to happen before anyone posts an article.... you have too, or you are the guy who lit his own a$$ on fire with sun screen.  

Lets all put on our big boy and big girl pants and play nice.... okay?

I love you all.... My name is Brice and I approve this message.
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1310633 tn?1430224091
Again, point well taken.
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1530342 tn?1405016490
I didn't see an attack persay in your defense.... When you (not you) tell someone to pretty much get their facts straight before posting an article (that came from R), it can come off a bit attackish. Or when you specified teko and her "slew of negative slanting articles", that sounds like you want to pick a fight...I was just using the word that was being used. Sorry if I implied that you attacked Teko...I'm just trying to be the mediator. We all have a great rapore. We tend to stand strongly by our posts. Sometimes feelings get hurt by words being said. I guess we just have to be a lil more  concious of how and where we direct our comments to..
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1310633 tn?1430224091
Point taken.

Although, I've re-read everything above, and I don't see an "attack" on anything.

The closest thing to an attack, that I can see, was when I commented that saying that a previous comment was "counterproductive".

Is THAT what's being called an "attack"???
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1530342 tn?1405016490
There is a difference between attacking a person's post or their comment and attacking them personally. There's no reason we should question why a post is posted...We are all guilty of it at one time or another...Let's just try REALLY hard not to attack the person individually....:)....CE is filled with those of us that are Red and Blue so "can't we all just get along"...Or at least try:)
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1310633 tn?1430224091
People here in the CE Forum comment on the article, and then they comment on others comments... and a discussion ensues.

Isn't THAT what this place is all about?
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Over my cup of joe I got to thinking about the remarks of what I post and what my views are.

I thought this is what is supposed to happen here. Someone posts an article. Other people provide their input one way or the other regarding the article. If you disagree with the article you say so, if you think the article is off target, you can provide reasons why and sources to contradict the article. Of course I am going to post article that I find interesting based on where I view things politically or the outrageous stuff that comes out on the news.

You can attack the article if you like, you can tear it apart. You do not get to attack me for posting them. I thought this was all about debate and discussing current events. I didnt realize I had to have permission of what I could or could not post.

Instead of the contents of the article being discussed the conversation has turned to why I post what I do. No, that is NOT fair.
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You are welcome to post articles here as well. In fact there are many articles downing the left that are posted here. It IS an election year and this IS a forum for discussing it? Romney gets to get vetted just like you did with Obama and in fact still do.

If you do not like my posts, you and EL do not have to respond. That is your choice. Each and every one of you have stated your political persuasian on her and you nor lmnoare middle of the road. So... My friend... Right back at ya.
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1530342 tn?1405016490
Haha.....But seriously, i'm just stating the truth...For thge record, I only kiss my husbands butt....He's the bread winner so I stroke his ego from time to time...lol
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206807 tn?1331936184
Kissing butt ain't gonna change the facts. (LOL)
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1530342 tn?1405016490

I gotta get teko's back here...Articles are posted that are negative towards the left that turn out to be nothing but rethiric. H'*e*l*l comments have been posted that devour the left so I guess we are all guilty of it....Everyone is entitled to believe what they believe, vote the way they choose, post whatever article they want, have an opinion and accept everyones else's opinion. We may not like it at times but we all have to accept it...
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206807 tn?1331936184
El does have a point. Maybe you should do a little more screening on your post. Lately you have been posting a mostly anything you can find negative about Republicans. Some of it, with little research proves to be nothing but rhetoric. You have made it clear you will never vote for a Republican and that’s your right. You’re an intelligent person but when you continue to do this you start losing credibility. I didn’t type this to offend you just hopefully some constructive criticism.
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It is all politicians fault, period.  None of them are handling the problem.  There is no money in solutions for them.... they get paid just the same, and as long as they can draw things out along party lines, PACs will keep throwing cash.  Norquist & Soros.... opposing sides, big money to throw around for party line affiliation.
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Well, I concede this much. To me, imo, it doesnt matter which republican you want to put into office. As long as they are signing a pledge to Norquist tax pledge, it keeps us stagnant and their noses are brown. I will not Vote for a republican as long as this continues.

With that said, I disagree with your analagy that it is both parties that caused this. The republicans set out to blackball this president from the get go at our expense. I dont forget that, nor will I reward it and enacting the same policies that got us here is not making sense to me.

And for that fact and all the things that I have seen go on over the last four, damn right there is no option imo.

Wanna go forward? Or backward? Well, back is not the way to go. Just about every other developed country is now ahead of us in things like rail. We better start catching up, and moving forward and quit listening to the spin. imo
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1530342 tn?1405016490
let's stop blaming already.....
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1310633 tn?1430224091
My point for posting the article was in response to Teko's SLEW of negative slanting articles aimed at the Right.

There are just as many articles pointing in the other direction, Teko my girl.

Saying that "Obamas policies have not failed. The republicans policies have..." is counterproductive, at best.

I don't understand something:

When Bush was in office, I was no great fan of all of his moves and political positions, and I could call him on it and see both sides of the issue(s).

It seems that no matter WHAT Obama does, the Left sticks by his side, even though he made some DRASTIC mistakes and miscalculations.

I'm not saying that everything is his fault, as that would be far from reality. There have been mistakes made on both sides.

But at least I can SAY that.

The Left continues to support this guy no matter WHAT he does, right, wrong, or indifferent.
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206807 tn?1331936184
I feel it is equally both Party’s fault. I still don’t get what all the fuss about. a .01 drop is. At this point it is nothing to get alarmed about.
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Obamas policies have not failed. The republicans policies have and as a result here we set. imo

Not only did the republicans cause this mess we find ourselves in, but then sit back and shake their heads no and intentionally obstruct to keep any of Obamas policies not only get stalled or fillabustered. They sit back on their laurels for 4 years and shake their heads no and get praise for doing it? This is why we are still at a snails pace, yet even with their obstruction Obama has managed to get progress however slow it may be. So if you blame Obama then you have to blame the republicans who have gone all out to make sure he failed at the countrys expense. No. Sell this spin to a fox viewer. This chick knows better.
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