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1530342 tn?1405016490

Romney: Elect Me Or House GOP Will Wreck The Economy


In what his campaign billed as his "closing argument," Mitt Romney warned Americans that a second term for President Obama would have apocalyptic consequences for the economy in part because his own party would force a debt ceiling disaster.

"Unless we change course, we may well be looking at another recession," Romney told a crowd in West Allis, Wisconsin.

Romney said that Obama "promised to be a post-partisan president, but he became the most partisan" and that his bitter relations with the House GOP could threaten the economy. As his chief example, he pointed to a crisis created entirely by his own party's choice -- Republican lawmakers' ongoing threat to reject a debt ceiling increase. Economists warn that a failure to pass such a measure would have immediate and catastrophic consequences for the recovery.

"You know that if the President is re-elected, he will still be unable to work with the people in Congress," Romney said. "He has ignored them, attacked them, blamed them. The debt ceiling will come up again, and shutdown and default will be threatened, chilling the economy."

Despite the apocalyptic warnings on the economy, most of the Republican nominee's speech focused on a more modest argument that as president he would work with both sides to build a stronger economy. He said that, like Obama, "I promise change, but I have a record of achieving it."

"I won't spend my effort trying to pass partisan legislation that's unrelated to economic growth," Romney said. "From day one, I will go to work to help Americans get back to work."

Romney's warnings of a second recession came the same day as an unexpectedly strong jobs report which, combined with other recent indicators, has many economists hopeful that the recovery may be gaining strength. Many current projections show the economy picking up steam in the near term regardless of who wins the presidency, leading to speculation on a looming battle over who deserves the credit.

With four days left, Romney may need an exceptionally strong close to overcome the president in the electoral college. The overwhelming majority of polls show Obama with a modest but stable lead in critical swing states, most notably Ohio, and other potentially decisive states like Virginia and Colorado remain tossups at best.

Watch below: http://news.yahoo.com/romney-elect-house-gop-wreck-economy-192105183--politics.html
40 Responses
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I don't think it was mentioned above, so I'd like to post a reminder that I feel is ultimately the most important thing we need to keep fresh in our minds during this election cycle.... The republicans are going to kill old people, babies, minorities.... they are going to pollute everything (but democrats are using the same drilling technologies and oil and gas extraction techniques) and we'll all have cancer and die by 2013. The republicans are going to fire everyone who got a job in the last 2 years because they want a bad economy and more unemployment.  

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1530342 tn?1405016490
" How many Republicans have you got on record?  "

The SENATE MINORITY LEADER, Mitch McConnell. He speaks for them all. That is his job...

"So, be mad at me if you want for not seeing what you see".

Not mad. Not surprised. It would be silly of me to expect you to see what I see politically..
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973741 tn?1342342773
How many Republicans have you got on record?  

I appreciate the Republicans in congress and the senate for trying to keep my party ideals alive in Washington.  Isn't that why I voted for them?  If they feel they need to ammend a bill in order to pass it, this is bad?  

So, be mad at me if you want for not seeing what you see.  I don't think that they should have stone walled the president because he was Obama and he won but rather because he won narrowly and his agenda is different than the one Republicans wanted.  

I do hope that if Obama has a second term that they work better together and BOTH sides will compromise when necessary.    

Anyway, don't forget to set your clocks back tonight.
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Part of its prevalence has to do with today's society and the "availability" of the media.
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1530342 tn?1405016490
No we all know each party puts their party principals first. It's politics. However, the repubs, since the President got elected Vowed to not cooperate just because he won...Talk about soar losers.....
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So lets pretend that it never happened before?  
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1530342 tn?1405016490
It's never been this BLATANT AND INTENTIONAL...
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1530342 tn?1405016490
"And please, mrs p.  You googled 'bills republicans have blocked' and every liberal web site pulls up the same list you gave.  Those two items I wrote about were from 2010 and one of them passed as soon as Republicans were able to make some ammendments.  And the other had flaws and even Dem strategists called it an election maneuver."

Correction, I actually got those links from when I tried looking for Mitch McConnell's speech on making Obama a 1 term President...So try again!...My point was YES the republicans blocked these for the sake of saying NO because that was and still is their intention...  It's funny I never thought of CBS, national Journal, and Washington Post as a liberal media outlets. I guess all outlets that say anything negative or rather call out repubs on their shortcomings are ALL liberal"..Please to you SM, you my dear are in denial of your party and their intentions....If you watch Mitch McConnell's speech. He says it himself....
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163305 tn?1333668571
Okay, here's Mitch McConnell saying it, in plain English, believe it or not.

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For some reason, I feel as if I am part of the "some" you mentioned regarding the obstruction and it being no big deal.  I'm sure I've even conveyed that notion a time or two and will take another shot at it right now.  As SM (I think) mentioned earlier, President Obama had a senate and congress ruled by the democrats for 2 years.  Noticeably, some things got accomplished in those 2 years and some things got done in the second 2 years.

I'll contend that there are levels of obstruction in every Presidency.  There are too many personal agendas and too many party agendas to not have it that way.  Bush had it, Clinton had it.... not everybody is on board with the President or his party every bill.  It just doesn't happen that way.

Both parties through time have shown their pigheadedness from time to time, and a lot of that has been in accord to their party line affiliation.  (During the first 2 years, Pelosi saying, in regards of the health care bill..."You'll have to vote for it to see what's in it"...)  It doesn't get any more blatant and pigheaded as that.  

It's politics and it's part of the game.  It's both sides and it is at will.  

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163305 tn?1333668571
BTW: When we say 'the Republicans" we are not referring to everyone who votes Republican.
At least I know I'm referring to the ones in DC who have made it their goal to make Obama a one term president.

It's not what I think you did, you're not a politician.
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163305 tn?1333668571
Okay, so you're saying you don't believe what Mitch McConnell said ?
McConnell has never claimed he didn't' say it. It's right there in black and white and was all over the news~ not from some liberal blog.
Hard for me to understand. There's things that people I like do that I don't like but if they do them I can't say I don't believe it.
Sorry, I just don't understand.
Please read the following and tell me why you don't believe it's true.


McConnell-GOP Goal-Get Rid of Obama

It was never about job creation, the economy, helping the environment, creating stability in the financial markets or making sure Wall Street never melts down again in the November mid-term elections.  It was never about budgets, controlling the debt or paying off our deficits – it was all about Making Obama a One Term President.
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973741 tn?1342342773
OH, I don't 'want' to believe it, I don't.   what is so special about Obama that they wanted to thwart him other than the fact that he is a liberal guy?  We've had other elected Democrats.    

Are we that naive to not believe that EVERY time there is an election and a losing party that their goal is to make that person of the different party a one term player?  I'm sure those that hated Bush the first go round wanted him in office for one term only, did they not?  

And as the first time Obama was elected, it was no landslide, perhaps Republicans were speaking to all of us that voted against him, FOR the Republican party platform.  They are committed to US to make him a one term president.  That is the same each and every election, I'm sure.  If McCain got into office, the Dems would want him out in 4 years too unless he did such an awesome job they couldn't deny it.  (which isn't the case here).  

And please, mrs p.  You googled 'bills republicans have blocked' and every liberal web site pulls up the same list you gave.  Those two items I wrote about were from 2010 and one of them passed as soon as Republicans were able to make some ammendments.  And the other had flaws and even Dem strategists called it an election maneuver.  

I didn't call you dumb by the way as I certainly don't think that. I respect you and know you are passionate and informed.  

I do think that you and I look at this differently.  And neither one of us need to be defensive in my opinion.  I contend that yes, Republicans vote no to these bills.  BUT not just because they want to make Obama a one term president.  (even though they do just as Democrats would want to make a Republican president a one term president if they were not happy with his policies.)  

Why is it bad that everyone wants the person that is from a different party, that has different ideas of the direction the country should go than you, and hasn't shown a huge record of success while in office to be a one term president?  Don't get that?  I want Obama to be a one term president.  I can say that out loud.  I got a feel of him after he took office and was like "um, nope."  Waited my 4 years and then will vote for a person I'd rather see take office.  Am I part of the 'thwarting Obama' movement?  

Anyway this is all for not as I really do think Obama is going to win on Tuesday and I'll take my lumps and deal with it.  And in the end, I will hope and pray that any Republicans that I vote for will work with Democrats to A.  stick with the Republican agenda while compromising if they can and B. be fair while doing so without just being stubborn for stubborn's sake.  
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Fox viewers? Talk about denial, show em the video with the turtle spewing it out of his own mouth. Oh wait, don't bother. Waste of your time.
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1530342 tn?1405016490
from what I'm gathering there are some on the forum that feel the obstruction was little to none...
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With all the obstruction over the last four years, beginning with a demand to not cooperate by McConnell, is this something new?
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Apparently we are that forgetful....  I kind of knew we would be.
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163305 tn?1333668571
Don't digress.

This was a specific reference for SM who questioned the Republicans trying to make Obama a one term president.

I'm out of here, going to take a walk before the sun sets.
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One party, meaning one person?  The democrats did the very same thing when Bush won the Presidency....  Are we that forgetful?  God Bless you people.....
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163305 tn?1333668571
SM~ You may not want to believe the Republicans refused to work with the president and wanted him to be a one term president, but that was exactly what Mitch McConnelll said right after Obama called for the parties to work together.

I did a quick search and found the following.


November 4, 2010
Republican leader reiterates hope for Obama to be one-term president

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell held a press conference Thursday once again saying he wanted to make sure President Barack Obama would be a one-term president. This comes a day after the president called for the parties to work together.


McConnell-GOP Goal-Get Rid of Obama

It was never about job creation, the economy, helping the environment, creating stability in the financial markets or making sure Wall Street never melts down again in the November mid-term elections.  It was never about budgets, controlling the debt or paying off our deficits – it was all about Making Obama a One Term President.

A sound byte that is echoed by Michele Bachmann in every speech:

Obama is a One Term President and this is their cat call leading up to the 2012 Presidential Election.

How does one party make an obsessive, destructive comment like this in the midst of the most disastrous economy in history when Americans cannot put food on their table, have lost their jobs, their homes and any prospects for the future is beyond us.
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1530342 tn?1405016490
"You take headlines from a web site on 'Republicans block such and such" but did you look into it? "

I'm not that stupid. I read the bills so thanks for your advice on "looking into it", Why do do you think I picked those specific bills?...

Jobs: You say they asked for more time...For what? The bill is clear this is one of the bills the Democrats presented that was actually cut and dry..So again I ask, more time for what?...,It ended up passing Yes because they realized that it was a good bill. They knew it all along...

And as far as the headline, it's not my headline this is an actual story that was titled that way from a credible media News link. Not a blog.

Jobs overseas: This caters to the ultra rich companies. They get tax breaks and make millions of dollars by sending them overseas at the expense of American jobs..They are blocking it because it will effect their top donors not giving a crap about the rest of America..It would do what it says and the repubs don't want that to happen...

How about the veterans bill that will create jobs? Why are they blocking that? It was the last bill the democrats presented before their final session this year and its BLOCKED...

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973741 tn?1342342773
Jobs overseas bill in 2010?  Well, Democratic strategists at the time said they did not expect the bill to get very far but did it to highlight the issue before the mid term election.  Republicans claimed that within the bill (and we'd have to read it to see that), it would not actually do what it said.  

Here is some info about that one:


There is always more to the story.
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973741 tn?1342342773
No, not all of them.  but if you look at each bill, there is something else going on,.

Example:  the small business lending.  Republicans contend that NO ammendments were allowed.  No negotiations, compromises. AND, what the Republicans asked for is MORE TIME.  And, so . . .  after it was initially blocked, it passed.  



So, every one of the items you mention has a story.  You take headlines from a web site on 'Republicans block such and such" but did you look into it?  Yes, they did not take it to the final vote as it was initially seen as something liket he other bail outs and the Republicans wanted some ammendments (some compromises!)----  and when those happened, it passed.  
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1530342 tn?1405016490
BP’s roll in the oil spill. Republicans attempted to block this.
The Small Business Jobs Act -would give LOCAL, community banks access to billions of dollars to loan to small businesses. Republicans blocked this, then attempted to block it a second time and failed.

Tax on Companies that ship jobs overseas- A bill that would have eliminated a tax break that companies get when they ship jobs overseas. Republicans blocked this, allowing companies to keep the tax break they receive when they ship jobs to other countries.
Political Ad disclosure bill- Would have required all donors to political campaigns to reveal themselves. Republicans blocked this, not once but twice.

Protection of child custody arrangements for parents who are members of the Armed Forces deployed in support of a contingency operation.
Improvements to Department of Defense domestic violence programs.
Department of Defense recognition of spouses of members of the Armed Forces.
Department of Defense recognition of children of members of the Armed Forces.
Enhancements to the Troops-to-Teachers Program.

So you consider these "liberal agendas" and "bad policies"?......
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