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The Last Letter

A Message to George W. Bush and **** Cheney From a Dying Veteran

To: George W. Bush and **** Cheney
From: Tomas Young

I write this letter on the 10th anniversary of the Iraq War on behalf of my fellow Iraq War veterans. I write this letter on behalf of the 4,488 soldiers and Marines who died in Iraq. I write this letter on behalf of the hundreds of thousands of veterans who have been wounded and on behalf of those whose wounds, physical and psychological, have destroyed their lives. I am one of those gravely wounded. I was paralyzed in an insurgent ambush in 2004 in Sadr City. My life is coming to an end. I am living under hospice care.

I write this letter on behalf of husbands and wives who have lost spouses, on behalf of children who have lost a parent, on behalf of the fathers and mothers who have lost sons and daughters and on behalf of those who care for the many thousands of my fellow veterans who have brain injuries. I write this letter on behalf of those veterans whose trauma and self-revulsion for what they have witnessed, endured and done in Iraq have led to suicide and on behalf of the active-duty soldiers and Marines who commit, on average, a suicide a day. I write this letter on behalf of the some 1 million Iraqi dead and on behalf of the countless Iraqi wounded. I write this letter on behalf of us all—the human detritus your war has left behind, those who will spend their lives in unending pain and grief.

You may evade justice but in our eyes you are each guilty of egregious war crimes, of plunder and, finally, of murder, including the murder of thousands of young Americans—my fellow veterans—whose future you stole.
I write this letter, my last letter, to you, Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney. I write not because I think you grasp the terrible human and moral consequences of your lies, manipulation and thirst for wealth and power. I write this letter because, before my own death, I want to make it clear that I, and hundreds of thousands of my fellow veterans, along with millions of my fellow citizens, along with hundreds of millions more in Iraq and the Middle East, know fully who you are and what you have done. You may evade justice but in our eyes you are each guilty of egregious war crimes, of plunder and, finally, of murder, including the murder of thousands of young Americans—my fellow veterans—whose future you stole.

Your positions of authority, your millions of dollars of personal wealth, your public relations consultants, your privilege and your power cannot mask the hollowness of your character. You sent us to fight and die in Iraq after you, Mr. Cheney, dodged the draft in Vietnam, and you, Mr. Bush, went AWOL from your National Guard unit. Your cowardice and selfishness were established decades ago. You were not willing to risk yourselves for our nation but you sent hundreds of thousands of young men and women to be sacrificed in a senseless war with no more thought than it takes to put out the garbage.

I joined the Army two days after the 9/11 attacks. I joined the Army because our country had been attacked. I wanted to strike back at those who had killed some 3,000 of my fellow citizens. I did not join the Army to go to Iraq, a country that had no part in the September 2001 attacks and did not pose a threat to its neighbors, much less to the United States. I did not join the Army to “liberate” Iraqis or to shut down mythical weapons-of-mass-destruction facilities or to implant what you cynically called “democracy” in Baghdad and the Middle East. I did not join the Army to rebuild Iraq, which at the time you told us could be paid for by Iraq’s oil revenues. Instead, this war has cost the United States over $3 trillion. I especially did not join the Army to carry out pre-emptive war. Pre-emptive war is illegal under international law. And as a soldier in Iraq I was, I now know, abetting your idiocy and your crimes. The Iraq War is the largest strategic blunder in U.S. history. It obliterated the balance of power in the Middle East. It installed a corrupt and brutal pro-Iranian government in Baghdad, one cemented in power through the use of torture, death squads and terror. And it has left Iran as the dominant force in the region. On every level—moral, strategic, military and economic—Iraq was a failure. And it was you, Mr. Bush and Mr. Cheney, who started this war. It is you who should pay the consequences.

To read Chris Hedges’ recent interview with Tomas Young, click here.

I would not be writing this letter if I had been wounded fighting in Afghanistan against those forces that carried out the attacks of 9/11. Had I been wounded there I would still be miserable because of my physical deterioration and imminent death, but I would at least have the comfort of knowing that my injuries were a consequence of my own decision to defend the country I love. I would not have to lie in my bed, my body filled with painkillers, my life ebbing away, and deal with the fact that hundreds of thousands of human beings, including children, including myself, were sacrificed by you for little more than the greed of oil companies, for your alliance with the oil sheiks in Saudi Arabia, and your insane visions of empire.

I have, like many other disabled veterans, suffered from the inadequate and often inept care provided by the Veterans Administration. I have, like many other disabled veterans, come to realize that our mental and physical wounds are of no interest to you, perhaps of no interest to any politician. We were used. We were betrayed. And we have been abandoned. You, Mr. Bush, make much pretense of being a Christian. But isn’t lying a sin? Isn’t murder a sin? Aren’t theft and selfish ambition sins? I am not a Christian. But I believe in the Christian ideal. I believe that what you do to the least of your brothers you finally do to yourself, to your own soul.

My day of reckoning is upon me. Yours will come. I hope you will be put on trial. But mostly I hope, for your sakes, that you find the moral courage to face what you have done to me and to many, many others who deserved to live. I hope that before your time on earth ends, as mine is now ending, you will find the strength of character to stand before the American public and the world, and in particular the Iraqi people, and beg for forgiveness.


38 Responses
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No mike, you're not.  Your self aggrandizing is old and everyone is on to you.
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Heritage Action, the political activist offshoot of the conservative Heritage Foundation, has some advice for House Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor: focus on the scandals plaguing the Obama administration and stay away from legislation that could "highlight major schisms" within the House Republican Conference.

No alterior motives or playing politics with this is there? Of course not
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LOL, if you say so vance
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You say republicans, believe it was 1 guy who did not alter but did not release the full e-mail, just parts of a couple.

Who is asking for heads? I see most trying to get info.
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correction. they called for an investigation the leaks by the press. Not the irs thing.
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Yeah, everyone IS outraged vance. Difference is some of us are waiting on facts before we go demanding heads on a stick.

By the way, as it turns out, the republicans altered the emails to get media attention on the benghazi thing,  and the irs thing, the republicans not only were aware of the investigation, they themselves demanded one over a year ago. So the foe outrage is um, foe.? Duh Duh!

But you wont hear them talking about THAT now will you? Of course not!

So, it may be wise to wait for the facts to come out before jumping on the lynchmob bandwagon, ya think?
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The right is currently on a justifiable fact finding mission. DOJ, IRS, and Benghazi.

These issues are not made up, they really happened and answers are needed. Everyone should be outraged that the IRS targeted groups, that the DOJ is seizing phone records from media outlets and that people were left to die when our embassay was being attacked by terrorists.
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I see just a silly boy and no brice - I'm looking right at you.
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You're looking in the mirror mike... your the one who has an inflated sense of self. (You can't see that though, can you?)
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Oh, so I have to wait until you address me before I can comment?

You really have an insanely inflated sense of yourself but I sure don't. I see you clearly.
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atta boy mike.  let that liberal flag fly...  nobody was talking to you by the way, you know that right?
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What does that even mean?

Did you not post this guys letter?  
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Teko has a problem with comprehension?
Brice, that's a truly stellar example of the pot calling the kettle black.
Ridiculous at best.
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Like the right does about Obama! Well GEE! Just cannot be!
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Im reading what was posted and what we were talking about... this guys letter.  If it wasn't the topic, it should not have been brought up.

Teko, you've got a problem.... I don't know if it is anger related or comprehension, but it should be looked into.
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Of course it always goes back to crooks and liars and whatever. The left always must get in it's hate with President Bush whenever it can.
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I think you need to read the other letter. It goes into that as well, from this mans eyes.

But since you want to hear it so badly here goes. Bush and Cheney are crooks and liars and we lost lots of people for nothing but lies and deception. Am I gonna forget any time soon? Hell NO! Is Iraq gonna forget anytime soon? Hell No! Now if you want to justify that mess, that is YOUR opinion and you sir, are welcome to it. How is that for feeding you the red meat you so desire brice? Not bad eh?
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(Substitute war for "way" in the second sentence above.)
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If it wasn't about Bush or Cheney, they would not have been mentioned.  If it were strictly about the perils of war, only the way would have been referenced.

Nonetheless, the perils of war are catastrophic.  I feel for this person and all service members who are in similar shoes, for those who try to move on, and for those who never made it home.
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I agree with everything you said with one important exception.
I do not believe that this injured soldier served so we could have the right to act like nincompoops. I don't believe that the Iraq War was about our rights at all or our freedom or about anything nearly so noble. It was a totally unecessary war without any discerable righteousness or reason about it. It was a complete waste of human life and treasure with no real benefit to anyone......except perhaps for Iran and the war-time profiteers.

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I think you are entitled to your opinion on this subject.  People on this side of the matter are a little worn out on the constantly blaming Bush thing.  It really looks like some attempt at deflection, especially this late in the game.

I feel that it is perfectly normal and reasonable for anyone to reference anything that is happening today when someone is referencing something from the past... that is still happening today.

As long as we are talking about being appropriate, it would have been as appropriate to say (in referencing the fact that we are still in Afghanistan), "you're right.  were still in afghanistan even though the president said he'd have us out of there."  That would be acceptance... not so many people are good with acceptance.  Everyone and their mother has accepted the fact that the Iraq war was more than controversial.... no need to keep bringing it up unless trying to illicit some kind of a response, right?

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If you follow the link to this story, there is another written by a friend of this man which details a conversation between the two men. In it, it details his injuries. It was way to long to present here but will clarify the situation to those who misunderstand the point of this. It is so truly sad that any human being go thru this kind of misery as a result of serving their country. I think if you read that one, you will agree that this guy is and has been suffering so badly for a long time. He plans to end his suffering by quitting eating. Truly Truly sad. This is not about Bush, Cheney or Obama. It is the story of one mans feelings, his experiences, and his pain. Obviously he blames it on the war in Iraq. Who wouldnt? In his shoes?

How about a little humanity for a suffering human being that served so we could have the right to act like ninkinpoops.
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Okay, I as in a bit of a temper last night. I hope I didn't ruffle any feathers.
Let me try this again.

You said," Point taken but we can't slam Bush/Cheney (regardless of who sent the letter) and leave Obama blameless. "
While you can certainly blame Obama at this point for the fact that the troops are still in Afghanistan and for a myriad of other faults, the letter in and of it self is a personal expression of one man's experience and opinion. I do believe most of our vets share that view, but that is just my opinion and beside the point.
I think the proper response is empathy and respect for what the men and women have gone through in the name of service to this country.

It is certainly more appropriate than saying 'Well, look at what Obama is doing..'
Not everything has to be about the Presidents and the parties, is what I am trying to say.
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..."Has nothing to do with education."  Man, you said a mouthful there.

(I'm pretty sure this guy does not speak for everyone.)

rivll... why not dring up obama?  we are still in a war that he said he'd stop.  
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