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Obama to send National Guard to U.S.-Mexico border

Obama to send National Guard to U.S.-Mexico border
02:55 PM EDT Tuesday, May 25, 2010

President Obama will request $500 million in extra money for security at the U.S. border and will deploy an additional 1,200 National Guard troops, according to an administration official. The decision comes as the White House is seeking Republican support for broad immigration reform this year.

For more information, visit washingtonpost.com:

71 Responses
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377493 tn?1356502149
That is a good way to put it.  We here have the same problem because of our healthcare.  Illegals come in, manage to get their hands on a fraudulent health care card, get heart surgery or whatever, then go back to their country of origin.  It cost's the taxpayers here God knows how much extra every year.  

I am still super confused over the National Guard situation.  When I first saw this I thought it was a really good thing as I have heard so much about one way to begin resolving the problem was to lock down the borders.  But now I am reading this may not be a good thing? Or the way to do it?  I can't seem to find a lot of info on how this is meant to happen, or what the results are supposed to be?  Does anyone know for certain how this will work and if it will actually be effective in at least slowing down the problem?
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Hey Mike! Hope your enjoying your weekend! ROFL!  I most certainly am! Just had me a bahama mama in paradise!

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1301089 tn?1290666571
Illegal immigrants are not supposed to serve in the military but it happens.




Any they have died in service to this country.
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377493 tn?1356502149
I think the idea of road blocks is a really good one.  You catch illegals, but everyone  is treated equally.  I am still a bit confused on the issue of the National Guard.  I have heard they will have power to stop people crossing, and I have heard they won't have much.  It seems to me this would be a great way to lock down the borders, but of course only if they are given the ability to do what they need to.  And locking down the borders is the best step to stop increased levels of people crossing over, isn't it?  I thought that was what most wanted?
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535822 tn?1443976780
To Clear up what I said I did mean legal Immigrants having children .....
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Thanks for clearing this up, I couldn't imagine illegals being able to get into our military.  I totally agree with you, the illegals having kids here are draining us of everything. I once watch a documentary that was done on 2 women in their early 30's.  One an American who worked and had healthcare coverage, and one an illegal from Mexico with no job.  They both had to go into the hospital.  After the American woman's insurance paid she was left with a hefty bill to pay for her treament.  The Mexican had nothing to pay, and owes nothing for her treatment, our goverment paid for her care. I think we can see the problem with this.
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You know that could be an option. Let them serve in the military in exchange for citizenship? And I still do not agree with how they are going about it, altho I do agree action is long over due.  It is that long over due part that makes it so complicated.
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306455 tn?1288862071
Illegal aliens can not join the military. The ones you have spoken of, were natural born US citizens, but their parents were illegals. But I agree, any illegal that would join the military to fight for this country, should be granted a fast track to US citizenship, but they also need to learn English.
Many illegals come to the US and immediately start having kids (or come here pregnant), because they know it will be very hard to get deported when their kids are natural born citizens. They also know having kids here will get them on all the assistance programs very quickly, and the more kids the more $$$ and programs they get.
I think any Immigration Reform they do, should include the 5 years or more rule. So if an illegal comes here and starts having kids, they (kids too) can be deported, unless they've been here 5 years or more. Children born to illegals should not be considered citizens until they have been in the US, 5 years or more. Just my opinion.
Anyone wanting to become a US citizen should be required to learn English. The Citizen Test should be given in English.
As far as profiling, I have no problem with it, within reason, it's done all the time.  If the police were looking for a middle age,over-weight, red-head, that was out there killing people, I could very possibly get stopped, questioned and asked to show ID. No problem.  Any time the police are looking for some one, they are profiling. If they couldn't question people that fit their criteria, they would never catch any criminals.
So I say " Profile away!"   I have proof that I'm legal.
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Well, that would have been a good place to start weeding them out!  I applaud their willingness to fight for our country but illegal is illegal and do they even know what they are fighting for or why?  
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1301089 tn?1290666571
Yes, there have been illegals in the military.  I learned of it when former Pres Bush decorated a soldier.  He and his family had been here a long time and the soldier loves this country.  But they the entire family were illegal immigrants.

I've traveled a lot.  Other countries for the most part do not accommodate English speakers.  Some do and most people in Europe speak speak several languages.  But we seem to be the only one who requires this courtesy.
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You bring up some excellent points!  Are illegals allowed to join our military?  I wasn't aware of this.  If I were to move to another country I would expect to have to learn THEIR language, it would never have entered my mind that they should learn mine or make concessions for my inabilty to speak their language.  I just don't get this....
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535822 tn?1443976780
Yes that happens a lot here in California ...its a shame as they would be paid really low wages aswell..one area that does worry me is that families could be split up, I have heard that the parents of children they had here and are Americans by birth would be sent back, I would like to see something worked out about that ...Its about time this administration got a decent immigration law  in the works and not just amnesty , and yes recognised we are an English speaking Christian Nation, we really do need immigrants, do you know that Americans are not having children ,we do need  legal Immigration ....
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1301089 tn?1290666571
Absolutely!  I checked my maid's status.  She had a green card and her husband was a born here.  Employers like the illegals because they work for next to nothing and would never complain to the authorities.  This just adds to the problems.  If the illegals could not find work, the flood would go to a trickle.  
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973741 tn?1342342773
I didn't even realize we had illegals in our military.  I agree if they are willing to fight for us, they should get fast tracked to citizenship.  

I think I'd have a problem if I lived in a border state and it was a job requirement for employees to speak Spanish.  I understand why it happens . . . but if my husband were to move there (hopefully . . .with me)--------  he'd be in trouble with that.  He had Latin as his second language.  (NOT practical.)  

I don't think anyone feels it is right for people to come over our borders and take advantage of us the way they have been.  Doing it the way Margypops did with the expectation of being a participating, full tax paying, contributing member of society as their goal . . . well, that is really the only way it should happen.  

Do you agree SaraJmt that employers should also be sought and prosecuted?  Lots of people I knew in Texas had Mexican maids and I wonder now if they were legal.  
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1301089 tn?1290666571
It shouldn't be shoved down our throats.  When we vacation in South Padre, TX I usually end up speaking more Spanish than English.  It gets a little irritating especially when I have to translate for other English speakers.  I don't mind translating but I do mind that I have to do this in my own country.  Everyone employed or living here should have a working knowledge of English.  I once had a housekeeper who was a legal immigrant and had been here many years.  She didn't speak a word of English.

For economic reasons alone, I think we should go English only.  Printing forms and providing translations in Spanish and every other language is expensive.  And different languages do not lead to a sense of cohesiveness among citizens.  It divides us .
I know it's not politically correct to say this.  But the constitution does not provide that you never have your feelings hurt.

Citizens like Margypops are the best.  They know more about the history and the Constitution than most natural born citizens.  She didn't come here to live off what other Americans have worked hard to achieve.  She came to contribute.  Most illegals come to live off the rest of us.  Not all but quite few have no interest in contributing a darn thing.  Just take.  

Illegals who fight in our military should be given special consideration.  If they love this country enough to fight for it, they deserve at the least, legal status.  I'd like to see them get fast tracked for citizenship.  We don't do enough for our young people in the military and vets. They deserve the  best we have to give them.  They gave their best.

Just my opinion.
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535822 tn?1443976780
...I like all you had to say ..I dont speak Spanish I do speak French and German ..I do not understand the double standard that the Mexicans , nice folks that many are , are allowed to come over and get amnesty well I say that but I think thats getting the votes.....as for Racial profiling what nonsense thats the left simply trying to get kudos as usual ...
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Thanks for lightening the mood!  I think it's wonderful that we have the opportunity to learn new languages, we should always work to expand our knowledge in every way, I just don't want one particular one (Spanish) being shoved down our throats.
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973741 tn?1342342773
Oh, yes.  Things are done in Texas differently (again, probably for practicallity purpose as there are a lot of Mexicans there . . .).  I actually graduated highschool in Ohio and the school couldn't believe that I wanted to be placed in honors Spanish right off the bat until I spoke for the Spanish teacher.  In Ohio, unless you are at a charter school or private school, it is one of those enrichment things offerings after school hours until high school.  And once in high school, Spanish is just one of the choices amongst others.  I'm just a couple years older than your oldest child.  

Anyway, I agree with you pretty much Mammo.  

and I've always told Margypops that it is great that she did things the absolute right way and is now a proud American.
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973741 tn?1342342773
Oh yeah, and as I said, I pretty much agree with you too Mammo except I'm less irritated by teaching kids Spanish.  I do believe that Mexican children must learn English  . . . as well as their parents to live here too.  
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Margypops....Yes, you did it the right way, and earned your right to be a citizen and can probably tell us more about America than a lot of Americans can!  I welcome anyone who wants to come here so long as they do it correctly.  You are right, there are two sets of standards here and it's not fair to ones like you who earned the right to be here.  This is the epitome of hypocracy!!  These illegal aliens are taking what Americans and only Americans paid for, and I don't give a flying flip about profiling them, because unless they are legal, they have no rights.  I strongly believe most Americans would rather see this than to have our country over-run with the illegals.

Specialmom...maybe things are different in Texas.  My children are 38 & 39, and my oldest would be 42, and another language wasn't offered until high school and then it was an elective not a requirement.  My children attended a school system that was rated number 1 in Academic Achievement in Ohio, so it wasn't lacking in that aspect.
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973741 tn?1342342773
As I said Sarajmt, you make a lot of sense!
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1301089 tn?1290666571
There is a constitutional mandate that the president protect the borders.  No president in my memory has ever done this.  Generally, I liked Bush but was very frustrated with him on this issue, among others.  I don't look for any Liberal politician to do anything about it.  They're looking for votes.  To heck with the constitution.

What about the census?  Do illegals get counted?  They shouldn't.  But I don't know if they do.

A long time ago, some Texans captured a Mexican battle flag.  The Mexicans asked for it back.  We told them to come get it.  I think they're coming.

For the record, I do speak Spanish and French.  I have lived in Mexico and traveled there a lot.  I like Mexico.  I just like it where it is.  And the borders where they are.
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535822 tn?1443976780
mammo amd sarahgmt   I totally agree with you both ..this 2 faced Politically correct behavior is what is damaging our country ...When I had a green card I had to carry it all the time it is the Law,if we were stopped we would have to show it, I would like to know why the illegal Immigrants are being given differant treatment than I got, what is going on here ...I paid quite a bit and waited a few years to get my citizenship but its okay for these people to come through and stay.. getting free health care and financial aid ...what hypocracy I see ,just to be able to pussyfoot up about OBama ...
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973741 tn?1342342773
Sarajmt,  I see sense in what you say.  I've always thought it is fine to expect identification and showing citizen can be part of that.  I think if the guidelines set forth by the Arizona law are followed then it is not necessarily profiling by race as much as following leads to seek illegal immigrants.  And if they further decide to do check point type of things, I'd even go for that.  It is when profiling does lead to the "bad stuff" that I"m against it.  I do also admit that I have a somewhat skewed viewpoint as I'm not profiled for much.  If I were glared at by law enforcement for walking around, I might not like that.  But my hope is that this law will be used properly and the number of illegals will be decreased.  And certainly, any illegals that are dealing drugs or whatnot . . . whatever means necessary to shut them down I am fine with (within our laws.)  Employers of illegal immigrants should also be hotly pursued with strict penalties if caught.

Mammo-----------  as I said, I lived in Texas for a number of years and starting in grade school, Spanish was part of the school's curriculum.  It wasn't a choice but my parents nor I minded.  That was . . . I hate to admit this . . . 20 to 30 years ago.  Yeesh------- I'm old.  I think that it does make some sense that Spanish is taught because . . . well.  Do the math.  Not like a gazillion French people are heading to Arizona.  It is much more practical to teach Spanish. You are entitled to not think that is right . . . but it IS practical.  Anyway, I do agree that if I got pulled over---------- what is the big deal about showing I"m a citizen.  No problem with me . . . I am one!
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