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1530342 tn?1405016490

Why Won't Mitt Romney Go on Any Late Night Shows?


With nine days to go until Election Day, political satirists are doing everything they can to squeeze every last laugh out of the campaigns, but Mitt Romney refuses to be the butt of anybody's joke. In the past couple of months, the Romney campaign has balked at invitations from practically every single major late night show, invitations that apparently came from very eager, very accommodating producers. (Spoiler: Presidential candidates bring in great ratings.) Most recently, Romney came thisclose to agreeing to do a cameo on Saturday Night Live only to cool on the idea at the very last minute, according to The New York Times. Why so serious, Mitt?

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Though his campaign has remained silent about blowing off this invitation along with all the others, Romney actually opened up about his absence on late night TV, when he didn't know the cameras were rolling. We're talking about the infamous "47 percent" video, of course. Talking about his avoiding the stage at SNL, Romney explained, "I did not do that in part because you want to show that you're fun and you're a good person, but you also want to be presidential. And Saturday Night Live has the potential of looking slapstick and not presidential." In the same breath, he said that David Letterman "hates me."

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Speaking of presidential, Barack Obama hasn't been the least bit shy about showing his face on late night TV. In the past month or so alone, the president's made appearances on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Late Night with David Letterman and even did a skit called "Slow Jammin' the News" with Jimmy Fallon. Obama's no rogue in his late night campaign stops, either. Both George W. Bush and John McCain both appeared on SNL during their presidential campaigns, with McCain having done the show just three days before the presidential election. Maybe Romney's superstitious?

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When you take a step back and think about it, though, this Romney-hates-comedy idea makes total sense. Looking at the debates alone, it's easy to see that the former Massachusetts governor has a bit of a problem sometimes when it comes to saying things that become unintentionally funny, whereas the president seems to have a firmer grasp on his sense of humor. Just compare Romney's accidentally hilarious "binders full of women" comment and with Obama's very intentional, very funny "horses and bayonets" remark. Now just imagine what a cast of the country's most talented improv comedians could do to Mitt and his ambition to appear presidential. Something sidesplitting, we're sure.
48 Responses
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1310633 tn?1430224091
I think we need someone who is serious about their job and will spend their time working on the issues plaguing the nation.

I don't care if he/she can tell a joke or not, or can dance well, or is considered "eye candy", or smells good.

Less time joking and doing "HEY, LOOK AT ME, LOOK AT ME" television shows and more time fixing problems with of our nation.

The presidency is supposed to be a job... not an act.
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163305 tn?1333668571
Full moon, high tide and storms colliding in the night.

A good line for the beginning of a book:0
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973741 tn?1342342773
Ha, THAT explains a lot!!  

I'm glad you still have power mrs.P!!
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1530342 tn?1405016490
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973741 tn?1342342773
Sure he didn't man it was his agenda from day one?  Hm. That's how I interpret that.
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163305 tn?1333668571
NG~ don't get so upset. I simply meant that I looked at your link. Why didn't you look at mine. That's it, simple.

Brice and RGlass: the Colbert link was related to another post where we talked about what Romney was going to do from day one.

Colbert happened to piece together a number of clips of Romney speaking about what he is going to do from day one.
I used this reference because it is far easier, than my tracking down each clip myself.

Don't shoot the messenger because you don't like the message.
Beside, it's even funny:)
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Oh no... Colbert is valid news these days....
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973741 tn?1342342773
I said on the 'disaster agency' thread that I was worried about friends in the path and because of that I wasn't in the mood to argue.  I feel like I'm watching people lose their cool here and am not sure what they want from me.
I'm sorry you can't convince me that the politics of my party are wrong or to want Obama to continue being president or that Romney is a bad man.  

So, hey.  Let's all vote next Tuesday.  That is what America is about.  And I wish luck to whomever is our next president.  
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206807 tn?1331936184
I didn't bother looking at the Link when I saw Colbert Report. I have a hard time accepting an Entertainment Program on Comedy Central as Real News.
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480448 tn?1426948538
The venom comes from seeing what is happening with a natural disaster, see our President acting a a leader and hearing BS diversionary talk about the waste of FEMA (which Obama is and has addressed) and how the people cause their own losses (Not to deny personal responsibility- my pt. is WHY go there NOW?) Why?? Because you freaking cannot stand to see this man being the leader that you don't want him to be.

OKAY, first, like most of the threads, we didn't post it.  But, we discussed it and gave our side.  That's somehow offensive or something?  I don't get it.  If it was considered a sensitive topic at this moment, then maybe the person who posted it, shouldn't have.  Unreal.

Why?? Because you freaking cannot stand to see this man being the leader that you don't want him to be.

Do you HONESTLY think so low of us that we would want him to fail at protecting lives during this insane emergency?  SERIOUSLY???  You think we don't value protecting and saving human lives?  Jesus Christ.  We're not monsters because we're republican, or because we're voting for Romney.

Like SM said a while ago, don't forget, he's OUR President too.  I don't hate him.  I honestly do NOT hate him.  I don't think he's been a great president, and I don't think he should get another 4 years.  I would have loved nothing more than to have seen him be more successful.

On that note...I think I need to step out for a while too....unreal how this has been turned around on us.  Sorry, but that was hurtful and mean.  I know SM, so I feel comfortable lumping her in...we're both extremely kind, caring and giving people.  To think we'd somehow be rooting for him to fail during a natural disaster is....well....unthinkable.
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Thank you OH, this is exactly what I am talking about.
I am off now for a bit, maybe when the moon wanes, things will calm down.
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163305 tn?1333668571
What bothers me is not any of the things you presume. I know a lot of people are dissapointed with Obama. I am too.

I don't like Romney but it's his constant lying that gets me angry and a bit astonished. It's like the emperor without his clothes.
I mean everything these guys do is recorded, much of it on video.

I said he lied by saying what he'd do the first day in office and included this link:
Watch the video:

You didn't even look at it ?? Why is that ?

I looked at the link nursegirl included about Romeny's claim about what he was going to do about healthcare.

Neither you nor she commented on the link I included.

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"The comments grow with what i too perceive as a bit venomous the better Romney does."

Sorry, that is very funny.  There is no way he will win unless he can crank up his machines to sing his name.
The venom comes from seeing what is happening with a natural disaster, see our President acting a a leader and hearing BS diversionary talk about the waste of FEMA (which Obama is and has addressed) and how the people cause their own losses (Not to deny personal responsibility- my pt. is WHY go there NOW?) Why?? Because you freaking cannot stand to see this man being the leader that you don't want him to be.
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973741 tn?1342342773
mikesimon.  That is too deep for me.  I only have a small dog and no ox.  Wouldn't like my dog to be gored though..  

I think there is a bit of hostility where Romney is concerned.  I mean, how dare he challenge Obama the way he has!  How dare he be doing so well!  

The comments grow with what i too perceive as a bit venomous the better Romney does.  

It's interesting to watch as I've lost my emotional investment in it---  I'm voting, know who I am voting for, done deal.  But I see others getting even more emotional.  I'm glad that isn't me.  I'll deal with it if it is Obama because I have no choice.  

Barb made what I thought was a fantastic point.  If Obama does win, I hope he realizes it was by the skin of his teeth and I hope he takes that into account with his policies.  Just like I'm sure that you all wish that of Romney if he pulls it out and wins (which is doubtful).  Back to life in the middle being the place of compromise.  

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I'm beginning to detect just a wee bit of cynicism.
It's always whose ox it is being gored.
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163305 tn?1333668571
ng:The question is has Romney actually shifted or only shifted his words until he's in office. This is why I see him as a liar and even his own staff member said they can easily etch-a-sketch him to look likes he's changed.

Brice: I saw a program once saying how that even eye witnesses are not reliable for exactly the reasons you pointed out.
As an artist, I understand about fooling the eye into seeing what it wants to see or rather what it expects. We don't really 'see' with our eyes as much as our brains, and much of that is on automatic.

Barb: Regarding venom, the problem I think is we are all typing away on the net. We can not see the other person's face nor hear the cadence in their voice to give us clues as to their emotion or even intent.
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649848 tn?1534633700
I guess what one person sees as venom is another person's version of "speaking up".  It's in the interpretation.

I'd hope that if Romney does win, he'd be  man enough to stand up and do what needs to be done, without laying blame on anyone.... what's done is done and there comes a time when it's necessary to stop blaming predecessors.

But, of course, if blame has to be placed, I'd guess Romney would have to lay it on Bush, because Obama "inherited" this mess, even though he campaigned vigorously, spending millions of dollars for the privilege of saving the country.  
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If Romney wins, does he get to blame Obama or does he have to blame Bush too?
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I'm ready for more Bush bashing...
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480448 tn?1426948538
My post was called being reasonable, even agreeing that I understand where the frustration comes from with Mitt's move toward the middle.  I know, that's crazy...someone willing to actually try to SEE both sides, eh?

Thanks for the sarcasm, though, it wasn't lost on me.

"Really, you make quite a lot of sense there - but I'm not frustrated at all. I will be if the flip-flopper wins but otherwise everything is looking good. ."

I agree, it's looking great considering we started out with Obama leading by what?  20%, and now all the news channels are declaring that it's "too close to call".  Looking good! ;0)
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That's very conciliatory of you. I guess maybe we just hadn't thought it out so completely. Really, you make quite a lot of sense there - but I'm not frustrated at all. I will be if the flip-flopper wins but otherwise everything is looking good.
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480448 tn?1426948538
I get what you're saying, and I think the frustration regarding that point (flip flopping).... Perhaps some things have been denied by some on this forum.  I'd have to see it... but some of the frustration on this side comes from the fact that if Romney does it, its a flat out lie and if the President does it, it is called a much more tolerant term of "evolving".  It is what it is....

Exactly...it kind of works both ways.

I've said many times Romney has adjusted or adapted his views from more extreme right to the middle....and I've even said, sure, some would call that "flip flopping".  I see it...I understand.

I think it's more of a compromise, mainly to secure more votes.  I don't think he has changed his fundamental views, he's just made them more palatable for people who are more in the middle.  I don't think that's wrong, if anything, I think it was maybe a result of poor planning on his campaign's behalf to not realize that would be necessary, and just start out that way.  

I GET what people are saying, and I would probably feel the same way if I didn't support most of his views.  I DON'T think it's rational to fear that he's going to get in the WH and turn into an abortiion banning, FEMA abolishing maniac.

In the SAME way, many of us (taking liberty here based on my own felings) feel that there is an equally substanstial unwillingness to budge or admit Obama's faults.  Like the lying thing...I have yet to see any of you admit he lies.  Most of us have said they all lie, but those in the Obama camp will NOT admit that.  That's frustrating.
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I get what you're saying, and I think the frustration regarding that point (flip flopping).... Perhaps some things have been denied by some on this forum.  I'd have to see it... but some of the frustration on this side comes from the fact that if Romney does it, its a flat out lie and if the President does it, it is called a much more tolerant term of "evolving".  It is what it is....

On to the 5 people witnessing an event and coming up with 5 different stories.

In one of the classes I attended, 10 people, individually were given 30 seconds to look at a "crime scene" and were asked to gather as much information as possible from the scene and describe this information in as much detail as possible.

The differing between the individuals was alarming.  More alarming were the inaccuracies.... people developed their own ideas of what happened and put that down as something that was supposed to be indicative of the crime scene....  Although there were a lot of accuracies, the inaccuracies were abundant.
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163305 tn?1333668571
"Five people can hear/see the exact same things and you will get five different views on what happened."

So true. I recall a movie I once saw that was about an event seen through the eyes of 5 people who were there. Each experienced it differently.

Although it's often not a good idea to speak for others, I do think Mrs P is frustrated that what seems so clear to many is that Romney keep changing what he says, ( call it etch-a-sketch or flip flop or  clearly lying), is denied by others on this forum.

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