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Eczema and Depression

Dear All,

I have battled eczema almost my entire life. I'm 23 this year. It has left many unsightly scars. I tried to get rid of them using like whitening creams, 2% salicylic acid creams but they don't seem to go away. its like already 3 years since my last episode and the scars are still there as if they never faded, I have it on my legs and arms area. I can't wear sleeveless shirts or short skirts without feeling so so insecure. I told my mother and she thinks I'm just over-reacting and being sad for no reason...I'm 23 and I never worn short skirts or sleeveless shirts before. Only time I did was in school cos knee length skirts are part of the uniform and I would feel so insecure. Plus I live in a tropical climate..sometimes I just don't go out because its hot and I would perspire alot when I wear long-sleeves and long pants to cover up. Its consuming me. on some days i will feel down. on certain days when I see that my scars have faded slightly i feel abit better. but 95% of the time i got no self-esteem at all. I don't date or try to fall in love because I feel very ugly and feel like i look like a monster and that my future bf/husband will find me ugly and leave me. so i feel its better to remain single (spares me from present anxiety and future heartache). I just want to know how to feel better in the meantime because the scars are not gonna fade anytime soon...please please help me. thank you.
11 Responses
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I understand how you feel. I have been suffering from eczema since I was 9 or 10 years old, at the same time I was suffering from acne. I use to always wear scarves and long sleeves to hide my skin, although I stopped covering my skin up because it actually made the condition worse (due to heat).

I'm 27 now, I had scars from my eczema and my acne but I was diligent with my skin regime.  I use sorbelene cream as a body wash, I use emollient creams after showering or bathing, and I moisturise my skin.  One of the products I have found that helped was bio-oil I applied it in the shower after I washed, and this helped with moisturising too, although I have changed to a skin care line "avene" which is specifically made for skin prone to dermatitis etc. Even though your eczema has subsided, I think it would help if you would continue a simple regime for your skin, something which doesn't have harsh chemicals, your still young, you skin will renew itself in time and using emollient creams and washes will help with its recovery.

I was very self conscious about my eczema, it was only until a few years ago where I met my current partner who has been understanding and supportive with my skin condition. I am sure you will meet someone who will understand.  Take care of your skin and I am sure by the time you turn 27, your scars will be very minimal.

I am currently writing a research paper regarding eczema as I have been afflicted by it for majority of my life.
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I know how you feel man,I've had exzema my whole life ever since I was 3yr now I'm 21 and I feel so insecure about myself.i always wear sweaters or long sleeves. Because i have it on my arms and legs. And I'm always feeling down. Ill like a shirt or shorts at a store but know if I were to buy it I wouldn't wear it. I know how you feel. I've never had a friend that had the same problem and would like to make friends with exzema.bcuz I can feel comfortable around them.. I live in Los Angeles.
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I know how you feel.  I had eczema for a very long time, starting at age 14.  I went to all kinds of doctors and tried dozens of medications and nothing worked.  Probably the most effective thing I found was cortisone cream, and even that didn't work very well.  The eczema covered both my hands and forearms.  I looked like I had leprosy and it grossed a lot of people out.  Finally, I decided to tried different kinds of herbal remedies and found licorice root pills worked fantastic.  I have zero eczema today, though once every few years I might get a minor flareup.  Like you, I was really embarrassed and wore long sleeve shirts, even in the summer when it was ninety degrees and even when working out in the gym, so I can empathize with you one hundred percent.

I was very very lucky that I had zero scaring.  I think some people are more prone to getting scars than others.  I haven't tried these products but maybe they will work for you.  There's one called Mederma, and another called Bio-Oil.  They're over-the-counter, so if you don't find them in the store, you'd probably be able to get them online.  Perhaps cocoa butter will help too.  I used that while I was pregnant to prevent stretch marks and it seemed to work.  Also, if you have the money, perhaps you could consult a plastic surgeon to see if there's anything he/she can do to lessen the scarring.  The one I've been to (for something else entirely) did chemical peels and microdermabrasion for scars.

I definitely understand feeling embarrassed about your scars, but I don't think it should stop you from dating.  I'm sure there are a lot of guys out there with eczema or similar problems.  I know someone who has a huge port wine stain on about half of her face.  She looks like she's wearing a mask like the Phantom of the Opera.  She used to go out on dates all the time, and now she's married.  I haven't seen your scars of course, but I imagine they're not as obvious as that.  I don't think most guys are looking for someone flawless in every way, as much as the media would like us to believe.

Well, I hope I was able to help you in some way.  Good luck!
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thank you. but mine dont flair up that much now its just the pigmented scars. does you have products for those?? thank you so much. God Bless you too. :)
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thank you that was very uplifting! :)
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3144915 tn?1343061774
I have a friend whose father had it sooo bad on his face and arms I always thought he had a sunburn...bright red and painful. He started using a product creatied by the dermalogical team Rodan+ Fields who also created Proactiv for acne. After 10 Days he is completely pain free and is no longer red.....Because of his success I now am a consultant for Rodan and fields. If you would like to see befored and after pictures or see the products my website is http://lagoodson.myrandf.. 60 day 100% money back even with an empty jar. There is a place on the website you can ask Dr's/Nurses questions as well. Good Luck and God Bless you.
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3093437 tn?1340913483
You shouldnt feel insecure at all, ive had it since birth have all kinds of white blotchs from it. But why should you hide yourself when theres other people with worse problems. If they cant accept you for who you are then dont then dont mind them. People who will say something are the ones with nothing better to do in life youre very beautiful and it shouldnt matter what you look like on the out side worry about whats on the inside. Cause those small blotches wont matter to the man that will care for you. He will se you for you not your blemishes
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Having eczema is hard. Not only because you don't want people to see it but because it is so itchy and irritating.
I did look to see if we had an eczema forum here but we don't. Sorry about that.  
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I fully understand your plight. I'm 24 and have had eczema since I was 9. My scars span my back and chest, and unfortunately my flair ups come from stress and heat. (So being in graduate school just ***** in life) I've long held some serious insecurities about my attractiveness due to my scaring. And for some reason my family and friends don't understand how this can have such a strong hold on your life. Especially at this age. I wish I had some good coping strategies to help reframe our think but I don't. I did force myself to wear a sundress while on vacation, but that was only under the notion that no one would ever see me there again.  I'm going to continue just forcing myself to face my fears one step at a time.
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Thank You Remar. My eczema is under control for now and yes I've been to a skin clinic and seen a doctor. My eczema usually acts up when I'm stress and sometimes I do get it at my ears and sometimes its so itchy, red and peeling, I feel that my earlobes could detach and fall off anytime. I just need the scars to fade off but it would take time. In the mean-time I just wanna know how to boost my self esteem. :)
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I completely understand I'm 17 I've battling with my eczema since birth I have it on the folds of my elbows,my knees,legs,and ankles. I was given a steroid cream and used it as told but because I used if for so long it made my skin thin and formed very itchy and noticeable stretch marks on my thighs. Besides my efforts to not scratch, I have I cant help it after a while.I have so many food allergies and environmental I might as well live in a bubble and eat air. I have major depressive disorder and I haven't worn a skirt I don't wear short sleeve shirts. Def. No shorts at all not even capris. No sandals. No bathing suits. I'm just tired of it. My winters are cold and dry and flakey aND my summers are inflamed and hot with a lot of clothing. Sometimes I break down but I deal you know. I can't think of a time Ive had confidence or self esteem. So I understand completely how you feel.
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I take it you've seen a Dermatologist? I have eczema too behind my ears. It is so frustrating and itchy. I can't imagine what you go through. I can understand though why you would be depressed living in a warm climate but having to wear long sleeved ***** and pants. I think we may have an eczema forum here at Medhelp. You might want to check it out to see if they have any ideas that you have'nt tried.  
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