2996663 tn?1374169076

screaming in my head, why???

Does anybody ever hear screaming in there head,  like somebody is actually inside your head screaming? It happens to me a lot, and often times I mistake it for a real person at first. Then it just doesnt go away. Why does this happen?? I really want it to stop!
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Today I just started having the same thing, but to me its like when I'm in a dream when I'm scared screaming. I think I'm going to tell my friend but I'm not sure yet because she's supposed to be spending the night today. !! I WISH IT WOULD JUST STOP!!
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It may not be what you think it is. Tell your regular doctor as well. Mine is an elevation problem. If I get above a certain elevation mine gets worse. And there's medication for it! So give it a try!
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20906123 tn?1614014847
These are all signs of schizophrenia or bipolar. You need to see a psychiatrist or psychologist and get a handle on this. There are usually three maturational crises that occur with people experiencing these symptoms. They usually occur at about eighteen years old, 28 years old, and 38 years old. Here the problem manifests itself most assuredly. I have seen this recurrently through my personal, and professional career.

My grandmother, mother, and sister were all schizophrenic. I learned about this during my Nurse’s training, and have used it consistently throughout the rest of my life. I have ADD, and recently it has been associated with those having schizophrenia.
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Tinnitus could be the reason you are hearing this annoying sound.
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Well, that's true. Never thought of that.  I've tinnitus and that can certainly be annoying and may be more like a hum for some but the pitch could be higher (scream like for others).  Good thought.
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I am 15 and this happens to me a lot and I get worried and I get really bad anxiety when i just randomly hear screming in my head. If anyone knows how to make this problem please tell me.
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It could be anxiety.  Do you have any relaxation strategies for when it happens?  Deep breaths, counting, going for a walk, etc.?
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One thing that helps with me is to respond to the shouting I can only make out a few words the rest is inaudiable but I respond with something sarcastic or that I find funny and it seems to stop pretty quickly it is fairly common if you have suppressed emotions or regret something major which in that case it would be best to list everything you feel/regret and start by crossing the ones off that you cant do anything about and try and fix the ones you can even if its something small.
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20203092 tn?1492391660
I have had this start a few nights ago pretty mutch just go with it dont freak out breath don't let **** control you in  life  I've had my fair share of utta ****
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20134708 tn?1493077916
When you experience things like that, I think its also because of over thinking. As for my experience, I usually over think of the mistakes that I've done before and sometimes I cannot sleep at night already. I also think of my pending works and the things that I need to finish at the moment. Then, if its already quite and I'm alone in my room, it seems like someone is screaming in my head like saying "stop thinking already". Its like I want to rest my mind from any thoughts that I make but I just cant help myself.
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I hear a lot of screaming in my head!!! But its sounds like me screaming!!! I do hear voices!!! But this isn't the same!!! I get a lot of rage wen I hear this!!! Someone pls help me
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Irm feeling this way now !! I hate it! I could see myself screaming with So much rage constantly..feeling like I can't breath, a heart attack waiting :(
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I actually experienced this recently. I heard screaming in my head and it wouldn't stop. I was crying, breathing heavily, and clawing at my head. It was terrible, I wanted it to stop. This went on for about an hour before I finally remembered some calming down thoughts. Right now I feel like the voice is still screaming, though quieter. Like its still reminding me its there, almost taunting me in a way. The closest thing I've found to what happened was this: Daytime parahypnagogia (DPH), is the spontaneous intrusion of a flash image or dreamlike thought or insight into one’s waking consciousness. DPH is typically encountered when one is “tired, bored, suffering from attention fatigue, and/or engaged in a passive activity.”

Screaming may be stress, but I'm not sure. I know how you feel though
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Im taking setra line since april 2014, i hear this anoying noise , no stop, with a redon, it drives me crazy, i cant hear people because obf it, sometimes high itchp for some seconds. And it hurts the sides of my head.
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Yeah, I have the same problem.. But i don't get a sad feeling. I just hear this person (sometimes a woman, sometimes a man). And the person is furious and screams "NOOOOOOO" at me. It's really loud, but it only last for a few seconds. And it happens very rarely right now. A few months ago, I heard them almost every day, but now it's only once or twice a month.
Watch time, the voices scream the word in different ways and even different languages. It's totally strangers and I don't understand why they're there. I got the feeling that I had to stop what I was doing right now, but I didn't understand why they wanted me to stop cause I was doing something like online shopping or walking home from school.
At first, I just ignored it and continued what I was doing. Then it just kept coming. When I started listening to it and just cancelled the order at Sephora if the screaming occurred, it started coming more rarely.
I found out later that if I would just keep going, I'd had to pay a huge unexpected amount of money or almost getting hit by a car, so I'm starting to think that there's someone trying to protect me, just by a really LOUD way..
What do you think?
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OMG! This comment is me...alllll the time!  It like there is no relief...sleep stay awake...get drunk...WTH???  I see it is not just me but what to do?
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i have not hard from you in a while.  i dont hear scraming but i relly want to scream and not stop. my niece iisdriving me crazy.  she tells me things idid nitsay.  of course she is always right.  we were in the car and i nearly jumped out.  she had the nerve to ask me to go somewhere else with her.  i dont think so.  i covered my face and screamed but from the inside.  i thought the top of my head was going to come off.  she took my cold drink and threw it in the yard.  she called me a bad name and i called her one back.  i appiligized i dont talk ike that ever.  she did appoligized to me too.  but i know she did not mean  it.  please tell your doctor.  i think it is important i am going tomtell my docttor ifhe will listen to me. he always listens to her. it is like i dont exist.  i asked the nurse am i here she just smiled.  i hav given up.  to tired to go on.  i just dont care anymore.  mandy876
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I have that same issue. It has recently started. My doctor has been trying new medications on me to treat my bipolar disorder and my ADD. This didn't start up until I was taken off Adderall. When I first heard the screaming, I thought it was my toddler. But realized it was inside my head. I don't know how to make it stop. It's deafening. I can't make out any words. It's just very loud, high pitched, degrading screaming noises....I plan to voice this concern to my doctor, but am scared to. I fear this will make me sound crazy. Have you found any cure for your issue?
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So sorry to hear about your past.  Yes, you are right, that as a child, you have no way to get away from the cruel people.  I feel for you. I have friends who totally disassociated from their families.  And some of them even changed both their first and last names.  I hope that you have sought medical and counseling help.  Wish you better times with those open windows.  Sara
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that was best advice,dont be around the cruel people. sadly and in  my case,as well as many the cruel people are family and you were a child...had nowhere to go. i hear the scream,my own voice,although like others said here not 'hearing' it actually..for a fears now..it only gets worse its like an urgency that must be answered..feels as a boxed in one crying from neglect...screaming from neglect...and i cannot reach 'her' to help and i know its me.,its excruciating to use third person terms such as she and her..for myself!...its pent up rage and unforgiveness for wrongs done that no one ever answered for and still dont care,so youre lt with them alone......seperated from myself.. that part i could never help for answer for...from the cruelty.youre not to blame so you dont answer...its horrible.if you pay close attention to the feeling you will see its a lack of justice...and pent up frustrations/anger. best thing is to seperate from those people who hurt 'her' our child self was cut off..the 'happy times' thats why you get nostalgic (she remembers music in nostalgic sense) me too!!! i listen to 80's music and just cry! it gets worse... it means we miss carefree child inside...who happens to be hurt. i take it far and think of tv shows and everything to do with that time in my life..makes it worse:( cant go back or forward..just scream.. i 39..and look up 80's stuff on youtube...i never thought the child self could schism and seperate itself...doesnt want to live with 'me' life is now boring and not child friendly... bible says same(must enter heaven as child or not enter) then thrown back to earth.. the child remains eternal...but with that broken promise.  bible also says that child was murdered...(but still lives)   screaming in your head will make you think of religion,God,angels,demons,hell,aliens....etc...its HARD..but its for a reason...i think we have to give voice and life to the screaming self... NOT IGNORE and neglect to death. like everyone else did...i will pray..but even prayers were ignored...but at certain times window is open,may be now..
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You said, "how cruel, thoughtless and selfish people can be (and often are), how neglected, frustrated, and lonely I feel..."  The choice of who you have around you is up to you.  I have not a lot of people around me, but they are all totally supportive and giving.  Set your boundaries and get rid of your relationships with the cruel, thoughtless and selfish people.  If you are supportive and giving, you will find people like you. And they are not, don't continue with them.
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I am not a subject expert but hearing voices is one thing where medication  may help . if one medication doesnt another will .  its an awful feeling and hence tell your dr .
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hi sweetie.  you talk to your doctor.  they have treatments I mean pills for everything.  tammy was feeling someone laying on her and hurting her.  she told me about it.  and she was showing me where it grabbed her arm and there was a bruise.  but the doctor gave her meds and she has not felt that again.  please talk to your doctor.  is she or he understanding?  I need you to be ok you or my friend so please take care.  mandy876
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This is the  best post I've read.  I have a teenage daughter and is going through the same issues.  The voices got out of control and she began hurting herself.  She was brave enought to finally tell us and she is now receiving help. She is now on medication but is still hearing voices, we have tried different medications but the voices are still there.  I'm just glad that she is now talking to us and that we are there to support her.  Her therapists are formidable and I am glad we are working as a team to help her.  She was hospitalized for a while and although she hated it at first, at the end she realized that she needed help.  My advise is to always talk to someone, there is always someone who will care.
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hi, rose.

It's not so bad now, but i hear it too.  I'm not crazy or "psychotic",  or schizophrenic...  I've been hurt a lot.  I have PTSD and have had this major depressive disorder since childhood.  It started about 3 years ago and lasted for almost 2 years.  I went through a lot of major changes - in my surroundings mostly - and it stopped for a while.  It started again today.  It feels like sadness, disappointment, the pain of betrayal.  It sounds like people who are in Hell.  I told a therapist about it once and he told me to write to them, ask them why they're screaming.  For me, it's about how unfair life can be, how cruel, thoughtless and selfish people can be (and often are), how neglected, frustrated, and lonely I feel...

I understand.  I don't think you're psychotic or crazy.  You're in a lot of pain and you are probably a very kind and sensitive person and you often wonder why people are so mean to each other sometimes. Somebody close to you hurt you and it's hard to accept or understand why they did it.

Life is painful; sometimes almost too painful to bear.  I don't know what advice to give you about the screaming you hear except to just stay in touch with those voices and listen to what they're trying to tell you, provide some comfort for them if you can and, if possible, do some things for yourself that you enjoy.  Tell yourself positive and loving things.  Laugh if you can.

Hope I helped you a little.
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2996663 tn?1374169076
(sarah): i do have a psychiatrist, its just a matter of being able to tell him things comfortably. I have told him about this. Im always afraid there going t send me off again.
(kuriketto): thank you. im not sure why it happens, maybe it is because i want ro scream on the putside. . Im always full of emotion when that happens. I sure hope its not an omen. I wish you all the best too!
(pnerd): it does make me feel like screaming for real, but i cant.
(nighthawk) i did tell him, i got a med change remember?but it still happens
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I know exactly what you mean.  It happens under long-term stress.  It's like your brain itself is screaming in your head.  Sometimes you'd like to "let it out" and actually scream, but you know it wouldn't help anyway, so you don't.  It often makes you feeling like weeping too.  Like weeping and hurting yourself.  Like somehow the pain from hurting yourself will let the scream out.

I have no answer... but I know exactly what you're describing.
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