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Extremely Itchy w/ Pins & Needles, no rash or skin problem

I get extremely itchy with all these PINS & NEEDLES all over my body especially my legs, back, arms, face, neck, & scalp. It is worse just after a hot shower. I have no rash or skin condition. I had kidney stones earlier this year but not sure if there is a connection. Also got stung by a jellyfish badly but again I don't think there is a connection.

I tried all skin creams including benadril, hydrocortisine, aloe vera, cocoa butter, ..the list goes on.  The only thing that seems to work somewhat is soaking my entire body in BABY OIL after a shower so I can stand still for brushing my teeth. My legs usually start tingling with pins and needles that drive me crazy.

Does anyone know about this itchy / pins & needles condition and how to cure it ???  
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I have the same situation since 1 month. It started with little needle pinch sensation. Then it idevelops rapidly. Im south asian and living on dubai. Climate changes, low Relative Humidity, high level of sodium and other chemicals in the water are not familiar to me. I was easily sweat in my country. Now it was zero. This situation started when I started my workouts at the gym. Then i stopped it. But the pain was still there. It git worst. I cant go out and can not sweat. The pain is extreamly high now. Only relief is going into the comfort indoor. Once i got dexa injection mixed with clorohistol . 3 -4days were without pain. Then it came more worsly. Now the pain is like a burning. When it happens the pain is lasting for few minitues if i got into the indoor.  I tried cetrezine ( antihistamine). No cure. Now im having fexofenadine 180mg -1 per day and 10 mg of periton -2 per day. But still the pain is there. Only little relief can be feel. Now im controlling my foods. No milk, no alcohol,no chilly, not much sault.  If this works i will post here. This situation is killing me . If this is not cured then i have to leave from my job here and have to go to my country. If some one has permanent or more successfully treatment please help. Sry about my english.
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Im also suffering from the same.Im living in India. My body was getting all prickly like needle pricks. My sleep was getting disturbed.  I found that i was suffering from this only in winters. Im a person who have chronic hives.  Then on year 2017  winters i felt this problem again when winter approched.  Then i got a remedy which will help you to reduce the strength of prickiness.
1.   I started drinking 4 bottle of per day.  
2. I stopped having milk and diary product.

Results:  Sleep got better.  Prickiness reduced a lot.  It only comes when i do workout. But its tolerable.
I hope this will help.
May God Bless You.  Have faith.
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I took allergy meds (Bendryl) for years, then switched to Alavert (a non-drowsy antihistimine). If you read the insert you may find one of the "withdrawal" symptoms is itching.  I stopped Alavert abut 6 months ago and itching got worse, but started before I stopped taking med.
I've found a 'last resort' for getting to sleep at night is something with Lidocaine. Salonpas, or a sunburn Aloe Vera gel (moisturizes a bit, too) with Lidocaine. Lidocaine is a topical anasthetic, calms the skin nerves, and the itch, enough for me to get to skeep. Be sure to read Salonpas package insert! Can't use it long-term, or over large areas.
Like all of you I've tried all the creams/gels, steriods, blah, blah......During a peroid of intense acupuncture (2x weekly) for lower back pain it improved dramatically, which indicates mine is nerve related. (But I have Herpes, so I'll check that!)
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Please look at the possibilities of dairy, nightshade, and gluten sensitivity. And also something called mast cell activation syndrome. Talk to your doctor about them.
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This prickiness drives me Crazy.  Im encountering this problem only during winters.  Im already suffering from chronic hives for the last 10 years.  
Symptoms was facing:
1. Sleep getting disturbed due to prickiness
2.when i get excited. This triggers the prickiness
3. When my body is hot and the atmosphere is cold. It triggers.
1. I started drinking 4 bottle of water everyday.you need to keep your skin hydrated.
2.  I stopped milk and diary product.
1.Sleep got better. No prickiness issue
2. It is not triggering when im excited.
3.but it triggers when i use too much strength when  i workout.
. Temperature difference in your body and atmosphere can trigger it.
4.The prickiness have reduced a lot

You will experience the difference only after 2 to 3 weeks.Stay calm and keep going. Dont take stress and tension it can trigger it.always stay peacful and meditative.

I hope this will help. Let me know your thoughts on it.
May God bless you. Do pray to God also. Faith and trust on God will help a lot.
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I also have these same pin prick feelings. It started in  showers -the splash of the drops - and i went to a dermatologist to get tested. I asked if i could be allergic to water...he laughed and said no. He did the allergy work up and there were no allergies. i did have a total thyroidectomy 30 years ago and I do have fibromyalgia and 4 herniated discs in my neck so it could be anything! i have tried everything thoug. Ive used hair brushes and combs to scratch to stop the pin pricks- leaving areas of my skin open and raw. I havent tried the vitamin c but i do use Loratadine and it is the ONLY thing that will stop my itching outbreaks. If it wasnt for Loratadine i think i would have chosen to leave this earth because of the pink pricks. It takes about 8 minutes to work and the sensation goes away without making me drowsy. i dont go anywhere without it. Unfortunately, it's gotten worse over the years. In the past year, any touch - a back rub or massage-will bring on the same symptoms, sweat will do it too, and trying on or changing clothes. Anything brushing against my skin. I would take 2 loratadine before a shower so it would be quicker relief when i got out. I had to stop taking long showers altogether and do my hair in the sink -sponge bathe and hop in for 2 minutes daily. After the shower issue, i then noticed when i would get a pedicure and they'd put lotion on my legs and arms for a manicure, i would tell them it's' causing me to itch, but it wasn't an itch- it was like 1000 pinpricks. So no lotion, no massages, no long showers, no exercising. I was told the hot water brings out the histamine production - itching - so definitely take a COOL shower and see if Loratadine works for you- it's over the counter and i get it at BJs or Costco.. i dont know what this condition is.i just know its torture.
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It really sounds like we have a very similar issue. Mine started about 5 or 6 years ago out of the blue. I used to love taking baths and I mean really really long hot baths. And then one day I got out of the bath and I started having these prickly pains that felt like I was being stuck or stung by a bee or poked with needles. And every since that day they continued after every bath and shower. And so I no longer was able to take my long baths. And then we built a pool and at first it was okay to swim but then after the first year I started having issues with swimming as well. As I would get out I would have the same problem with the feeling like I was being bit or stung or poked with needles and it became torturous. And now, within the last four or five months, it happens without water being involved and it happens every single day. I don't know what makes it happen but it almost always happens when I change clothes. And if I'm being honest, it is the most maddening, torturous thing I have ever experienced and there are times that I truly feel like it is making me go insane. I have to lock myself in the bathroom to get away from my 12 year old son so that he cannot hear me and I scream and holler and beg and plead and ask why and it's horrible and I don't know what to do about it and it's happening right now just not at that escalated of a level. I went to my doctor several years ago and he said he thought it was dry skin and so I tried all kinds of lotions and I knew it wasn't dry skin and since then I have tried every single anti-itch cream that there is on the market. I'm talking everything. I've ordered things online, I've ordered things from Mexico. I've bought anything and everything that you could possibly find at any drugstore or any store for that matter. Not one thing has given me a single second of relief. I have made an appointment with my doctor but he can't see me until May 16th because he is so booked because he is leaving for three years in June to go on a mission trip and all his patients are trying to get in to see him one last time. And I don't think I can wait that long so I think I may end up in the emergency room because I can't take it.  I'm afraid I literally am going to go insane. I don't know if everybody else feels this way or if it's just me but it is torture. I can't imagine that the things they do to our enemies are any worse than what this feels like and it lasts for 30 to 45 minutes and that is such a long time when it is so much pain and it is from my neck to my ankles and it has started affecting my ears so I'm assuming it is going to go up into my face and into my head as well pretty soon. At one time my husband was very sympathetic but I think he is just tired of it now. And my twelve-year-old knows that something is wrong with his mommy but he doesn't know what and I don't want him to be scared that something is really wrong that's why I go into the bathroom so that he can't hear me but I'm scared that something might really be wrong because this just cannot be normal. I do not exercise therefore I don't sweat much. I have never had any known allergies. Of course that doesn't mean I couldn't have acquired some over the years. I live in East Texas where we do have lots of pollen and other things. I'm 46 years old and I'm a teacher and I work with children but I've been doing that for over 10 years. I would absolutely consider this a debilitating disease. I am not teaching at the moment due to personal issues with an administrator thank goodness because I would not be able to teach if I had an episode in the middle of class. I don't know how I would handle it. I'm actually wondering if it's something that I would need to file disability on if it's going to prevent me from being able to teach. I'm just looking for answers from anyone that might know something or might know where I could go look for answers. Because I cannot live like this. I will literally end up in a psychiatric ward. Because it is making me crazy. If you read all of this I really appreciate it and any advice or answers or Direction you can give me, I very much appreciate it. And for anyone else that is suffering the same, I am so so sorry and know that you are not alone even though I know that doesn't help.


Tanya Rose
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I am experiencing this as well. It started as a contact dermatitis issue due to a new face soap/moisturizer, but quickly spread to my entire body. No visable rash at all. Just pins and needles, burning. I have been to urgent care and the ER twice in a week and am on all kinds of steroids and allergy meds. It's not going away. I feel like it's an allergy to something in my environment? I have switched to all free and clear products though. I'm really at wits end.
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I've have the same thing and I ran into this http://www.anxietycentre.com/anxiety-symptoms/itchy-tingling-crawly-pins-and-needles-prickly-feelings.shtml
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I have the same reaction I go crazy and biss at the same time when i get itch I get so mad I'll just jump to the shower with not really hot and not really cold and that helps and also I make sure the AC is still on, because once I start to sweat then that's the time it goes crazy like fugde.
But please I need help any medication for this???!
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I feel small pins and needles striking all over my body, it is like when I noticed it, it suddenly transfers to another body part and start to scatter but when I try to scratch it doesn't feel relieved, no signs of rashes. I thought it was because of my clothes, but i started to notice it as it getting frequent and weirdly sudden strikes. I haven't see a doctor yet. Its very strange and annoying feeling, hope someone could answer it here. Thanks in advance.
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I feel small pins and needles striking all over my body, it is like when I noticed it, it suddenly transfers to another body part and start to scatter but when I try to scratch it doesn't feel relieved, no signs of rashes. I thought it was because of my clothes, but i started to notice it as it getting frequent and weirdly sudden strikes. I haven't see a doctor yet. Its very strange and annoying feeling, hope someone could answer it here. Thanks in advance.
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This is just a theory. No apparent cure yet for I am having the same problem. If you guys used to go to the gym. Then stopped. Your skin was used to getting sweat more often. Pores opens up most of the time in a week. Plus climate changes. Skin conditions changes. Your skin turns to a crusty dry feeling. I thought skin hydration is the answer but ive been using lotion often as long as i remember. ill try bathing in baking soda. Will let u guys know if something changes.
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use vitamen c  especially in winter.. Eat oranges daily....you can also use Surbrex z
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Here is your likely answer: Herpes. I'm not talking about the Shingles herpes either. I'm talking about HSV. Look it up: Post-herpetic neuropathy from HSV. There are numerous people having this problem. Myself included. And most doctors are clueless about it because they are only educated on visible symptoms (lensions). And they will not even test you for herpes if there aren't visible symptoms. Get tested and get on Gabepentin (neuronton). Start with 100mg twice a day, up it as needed. Sorry, but many people dont always have the classic lesions from herpes like you've been told. And MOST people with herpes don't even know it. Most are asymptomatic and that is why people never get tested and still spread it to others unknowingly. Herpes attacks the nervous system, specifically the trigeminal (neck/cranial area) and sacral (lower spinal area) ganglia. Your symptoms are a result of your immune system attacking the nerves that the virus uses to shed itself when active. It's called Myelitis. I noticed one person mentioned exposure to sunshine triggering it. That is definitely a trigger for herpes activation. Also, if you do test positive, Valtrex is the best option for medication it seems. Topical creams will not help as it does nothing for internal nervous system issues. Your pins & needles "itch" is your nerves, not your skin. I could be wrong but for many of you, I bet I'm accurate. Go get tested via IGG blood test. Good luck. Hope this helps some.
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Hi I know this an old post. But I'm helpless. I'm going through this for few weeks. I'm post recovery thyroid cancer and radioactive therapy. Story of my life. Anyway I've been itchy so much and exactly how you guys described it. Went to see allergist two dermatologist, gp, endocrinologist and I'm having blood tests every month lots of it to make sure I'm all clear. Nothing relates to Itch as per doctor. They all say it's urticaria and maybe you've been going through lots, ofcourse I'm going through lots! I don't need another condition like miserable itching with no cause to add up , anyway I'm having it. I had taken anti histamines almost all of it but nothing helps. I want to know if anyone managed not to kill them selves with this. I'm also on thyroid pills been taking them for 8 months now since removal of the gland and I never had a problem with it. This is recent. I don't know what to do. Tears.
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I get extremely itcy and it feels like pins and needles
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As you guys all basically the same symptoms. Mine occurs when I do physical activities ( Which is everyday since I take weight lifting and team sports ) The pain/ Itching occurs in my back all over and the back of my head. Its been going on for a couple months now every day, Before it would only be at certain times. Today it is the worst that it has ever been. Today it occurred walking up the steps to class. My doctors believe it is a cortisal imbalance or glucose imbalance or a putitary gland issue. I meet tomorrow to get blood work done. Ill try doing the vitamen C. Thank you!
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I'm feel relief to hear others experiencing the sane symptoms I'm dealing with mines is in my feet and occurs mostly at night time when about to lay down or laying down, its really bothering me and annoying, it basically in both of them in multi spots, keeps me up at night, feels like prickly, itching, something like someone sticking me with lots of little needles all over my soles of my feet sometimes kon my heels and ankles if anyone knows what this could be please post or email me the information at meeulondaw@gmail PLEASE I need relief!!!
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Hey it could be your liver and you have a blockage in your ducts the flow of bile is going into your blood stream
If this were the case... is their a remedy to unblock the ducts? I think you are on to something. Please tell me if you do know a way to unblock the ducts. Thank you.
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25 Jan'15



1) I have developed (14 days ago) the pins needles, crawling itching feeling ALL OVER too ... sometimes burning sensations
2) Been on antifungal Diflucan did not help
3) Trying anti-histaimines Benydryl this moment WILL REPORT BACK
4) Have appointment with Neurologist - probably can save a lot of money avoiding the numerous doctors who seem to know NOTHING
5) Will report & give updates
6) DO NOT want to play the dang subjective objective game - we ALL know the itching etc is REAL

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16619909 tn?1449729268
this ***** ! i finaly find people that got what i got and no one has a friggin clue how to fix it. i had it for over 20 yrs also. drives me insane. comes and goes. i jumped in snow with no shirt already just to cool down because it hurt so bad.i feel all your pain . skin so soft works the best.last for hours and hours. i dont take pills. I always thought it was something I got in the army. never talked about it to any one or no doctor either. just cant take it no more.i know once i do sweat  like hell i feel so much better but it 's the getting to that point that kills me.  good luck every one. I hope they find a name and a frikkin cure soon.
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Hi,    I have everything you all are saying.  The only thing that has helped me is EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL....and I rub it all over my body.  
16417553 tn?1447770364
I have this exact problem and it's caused by a milk protein allergy. Not lactose intolerance, milk allergy.
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Hi every one am Anees Khan ,my problem is "I get severe itching (itching/pin pricks/pins and needles). Whenever I feel Nervousness, Anxiety , anger, Exposure to Sunlight in winters and when my body heats up due to physical workout"
My treatment experience
1 -When i sweat this thing goes away immediately
so i take lots of green tea as it increase metabolism rate and can bring sweat but not all time
2-try anti hystamine like zyrtec and benedrayl
3-don't eat fish,eggs,rice,and foods that are consider to be hot.
please help if anyone know permanent treatment sowith1attherateofg
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I've read at least half of the comments posted and it seems as if no one really has an answer to what this could be. My symptoms are the same as most although my pins and itch is more intense in my hands the time around. Ive been dealing with this for almost two years and all other times it has been more painful/itchy in the torso area. I was just checking online before making an appointment with my Dr. I can't deal anymore, today it caught me off guard while trying to take care of some personal business (try sitting in a meeting when it strikes). I literally had to walk/run outside, get into my car and do the crazy scratch dance with hopes that nobody saw me lose my mind for a minute. Sound ridiculous but anybody who's felt this knows what I'm talking about. Thank for the insight if I find out anything new I'll be sure to post  
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Hi, did you ever find out what you have. Your symptoms  are very close to mine. Just curious  what they told you.

Thanks and hope it's better by now.
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if you feel very sick and cant get better and no infections or diseases showed up then ask your doctor for a HEMATOLOGY APT they check your blood very very good not just spin the damn vile, i have a apt coming up 9-29-15 ill report after that and let you all know whats going on with me at least, i have every symptom you can think of and very sick feeling!!
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Hi, for the past nine months my skin has progressively got worse with an itch or pins and needles all over my body including itchy eyes. There has never been a rash on any part of my body. I have had every known blood test to man, as well as a visit to a dermatologist (no skin issues detected) and allergist (no allergies detected). I am otherwise healthy with no other symptoms. I have tried every type of antihistamine on the market including prednisone. I have tried a menthol based cream made at the chemist. The only medical issue I had around the time the itching started was a small head trauma which a large alloy hatch on a boat closed on me in high winds causing me to get four stitches in my head. Could the issue be nerve based? I have had a CT on my head around the area, but nothing found. Is there another test to check this out? I am at my wits end. If anyone has any advise or further tests etc. please send it thru. Cheers, Justin - Sydney Australia.
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