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Dry skin

I'm hoping someone may be able to help me out here, seeing as my condition has been going on for about 2 1/2 - 3 weeks now, and hasn't gotten any better.
For a couple weeks now, I've had a really itchy skin irritation.  It started out on my thighs, and moved up to my hips and stomach.  The irritation appeared as small red dots/bumps.  I went to the emergency room (I didn't have the money for a regular doctor's visit and I don't have a primary doctor) and the doctor that checked me out, said that I have hives and it was just an allergic reaction to something.  He prescribed steroids for 6 days.  Around the same time, I began to get really dry skin on the head of my penis (I assumed it was from masturbating too frequently and too hard...so I stopped masturbating).  I took the steroids as directed, and the irritation almost completely dried up and went away.  The night of my last steroid pill, I woke up in the middle of the night and my inner thighs were itching like crazy.  From then on, I've been scratching almost constantly everyday.  I stopped sleeping in my bed (because the worst moments of itching came in the middle of the night when I was asleep, so I thought maybe it was my bed), and started sleeping in the front room on the floor/couch.  Since moving my sleeping arrangements I haven't woken up itching so much (only a couple times did I actually wake up in the middle of the night with an itching sensation, but it wasn't extremely bad).  Still, however, the condition of my skin has worsened with the itching red bumps spreading across my waist, up to my belly button, down my arms to my wrists, down the length of my thighs and inner thigh, and now on the back of my shoulders.  I do not believe the doctor was correct in diagnosing me with hives.  On a side note, the skin on the head of my penis has become flaky, and has been so for the past several days.  I stopped touching it or bothering it, hoping it would heal over.  Every time it starts to heal, however, and look better, it begins itching very badly and I end up peeling/scratching off the flaky skin.  After peeling off this flaky, dry skin, a red type of lesion appears underneath where I peeled the skin.  The lesion has a type of glossy look to it, and it is red.  The lesions do not hurt, unless they rub against my boxers, and then it causes some slight pain.  The lesions do not bleed, but they appear to be very wet and feel wet.  There are about 3 lesions on the head of my penis, and 1 on the shaft of my penis.  I've tried keeping is moisturized with lotion, and I've used some Neosporin type cream in hopes of healing the skin, but it hasn't helped much.
I would really appreciate if anyone can help me understand what this irritation (red dots/bumps) are, all over my body, and what is wrong with my penis.  Thank you.
13 Responses
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563773 tn?1374246539
From the symptoms , it looks like a fungal infection on the penis. Most cases of fungal infections respond to over-the-counter products, which contain any of several basic ingredients: miconazole, tolnaftate, terbinafine,ketaconazole and clotrimazole.You can consult a pharmacist and get any cream or lotion containing these ingredients. Regarding the bumps on the body, the possibility of scabies needs to be ruled out. It is characterized by intense itching, usually at night and by small insect-type bites lesions on the skin. Diagnosis of scabies is made by scraping the skin and viewing the material under a microscope to see the characteristic mite or eggs.
My sincere advice would be to consult a dermatologist.
I hope it helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing. Kind regards.

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Thank you for your advice.  It may be a couple weeks before I get in to see a doctor, because I need to set up an appointment and have the money for it.  I'll make sure the doctor checks out not only the bumps, but the infection on the penis.  I'm not shy about this kind of stuff, so I'll have no problem asking for an educated opinion/diagnoses.  Hopefully he'll be able to provide me with some good advice, so I can finally rid myself of what is going on.  Thank you very much.  I'll keep you informed.
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I went to the doctor (again it wasn't an actual appointment this time because I didn't have the money for one) and the doctor didn't really check me out much.  He just looked at the rash (not in my groin region, only on my lower stomach, arms, forearms, and lower back, although I told him I had it on my inner thighs as well).  He didn't ask me any questions, the RN that checked me out before him asked me a few questions but that's about it.  I itch the most at night, which I found out is a common symptom of scabies, and from the looks of pictures on the internet; the rash could very well be scabies.  The doctor, however, just looked at the rash and told me it was my nerves.  Told me that my nerves were making me break out in a rash.  Now I've heard of nerves doing that to people, it happens commonly, but I've always been the type of person who has had a lot of energy.  I don't like to sit for long, I like to walk around (pace the floor) and I talk fast, but I've never contributed it to me being a nervous person because I don't feel nervous.  The doctor, however, is a genius evidently, because he didn't do any tests at all and just told me what was wrong.  I did look up pictures of skin rashes caused by nerves, and they too look similar to what I have, so it is tough to tell whether it is scabies or just nerves.  I will tell you, however, that the doc put me on Prednisone, and Atarax.  Guess what though, I'm going on my third day of taking both medications, and I still itch like crazy at night...especially on my left forearm (and this area had never itched so badly before).  There are small bite-type looking dots (or I'd say miniature holes) in the skin on my left forearm.  The medication isn't really helping me.  Oh, I almost forgot to mention, while looking up pictures of scabies bite rash, I found a picture of a penis infected with scabies.  The picture looked just like what I have going on down on my penis (excluding the dry skin I have, which may be just that...dry skin), with the red lesion-type areas on the head, and a few red dots/bumps on the shaft.  
What do you think doctor?  I know you already gave me your opinion once, but does any of  this new info help confirm your thoughts or change them or..?  I'd appreciate your second opinion.  Thank you.
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563773 tn?1374246539
Night time itching is a characteristic of scabies. It is an infestation of the skin with the Sarcoptes scabiei mite. It is characterized by intense itching, usually at night and by small insect-type bites lesions on the skin. Diagnosis of scabies is made by scraping the skin and viewing the material under a microscope to see the characteristic mite or eggs.

My sincere advice is to consult a dermatologist. I hope it helps. Take care and please do keep me posted in case you have any additional doubts. Kind regards.

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I spoke to you about a rash on my body (stomach, lower back, wrists, forearms, and inner thighs).
Doctors didn't check out anything below my waist (I'm guessing he's scared of penis), but he told me that everything else was probably just nerves.  What I'm really concerned about, is the area below the waist.  My inner thighs have red bumps and they itch, but I've had that before in the past and it never lasted very long (figured it was chaffing).  Now, however, it has spread to my penis.  There are a few small red bumps on my penis and it makes me itch.
I'm not sure if you can help me or not, but you've suggested scabies before, and that makes sense...as would "crabs."  As long as it isn't an STD (I haven't had sex in over a year and I've never had symptoms like this) then I'll be relieved.  Would it help to see some pictures of my inner thighs, of the spots, or is that inappropriate?  I'd really appreciate some help.  Thank you.
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this is an allergic reaction to polyester. it is in your thread of your clothes!~
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If you saw the pictures I'm sure you'd restate your thesis.  I've never had problems in the past with my clothing.
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I spoke to you about a rash on my body (stomach, lower back, wrists, forearms, and inner thighs).
Doctors didn't check out anything below my waist (I'm guessing he's scared of penis), but he told me that everything else was probably just nerves.  What I'm really concerned about, is the area below the waist.  My inner thighs have red bumps and they itch, but I've had that before in the past and it never lasted very long (figured it was chaffing).  Now, however, it has spread to my penis.  There are a few small red bumps on my penis and it makes me itch.
I'm not sure if you can help me or not, but you've suggested scabies before, and that makes sense...as would "crabs."  As long as it isn't an STD (I haven't had sex in over a year and I've never had symptoms like this) then I'll be relieved.  Would it help to see some pictures of my inner thighs, of the spots, or is that inappropriate?  I'd really appreciate some help.  Thank you.
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563773 tn?1374246539

Rash in scabies is usually found in the folds of skin and they are red blister like rashes. Yet they are very itchy and can disrupt life. Scabies produces small red bumps and blisters and affects specific areas of the bodyand it may involve the webs between the fingers, the wrists or other folds of body.
My sincere advice would be to consult a dermatologist as treatment for scabies is specific. Unfortunately we cannot prescribe it on the internet.
I hope it helps. Take care and regards.

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I am going to help you more with this one link than you have ever got for this!
And you would think after all these years one of these know it alls in here would think of it. I been here 2 days and I did.
This link has 1000's of pictures of people with this allergy. And so go and find someone that it looks like yours there. Because it looks a bit different of many people, and different body parts. Find your body part here and one that reacts exactly like you. A picture is worth a 1000 words!


Put up a new post for people to see, this well kept secret on this site so these people can finally find help. People are here for their doctors don't know and they aren't getting better. And the one thing no doctors say is allergy to polyester. That is taboo!
They would loose too much business, if the world finds out how many people well, pretty much all of us but few react.

Ps. I read 50 of this doctors replies to 50 people last nite. And they were all wrong. He must be evil or just plain stupid.
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It is more likely that you are wrong, not the doctor.  You have no major in the medical field of expertise, so your conclusions are mostly wrong, if not completely ignorant.
On second note, Doctor Bhupinder is female, not male and has been an excellent help to me thus far with her opinion.
I will ask you moreover, to keep your outlandish opinions to yourself in this matter.  I do not appreciate your tone, nor your assumptions about Doctor Bhupinder.
I am not a man to be taken lightly, and I do not make threats, only assurances.  If you do not refrain from harassing me or Doctor Bhupinder, I promise that I will have you removed from this site.  
To wrap things up, keep your horrid, self-righteous mouth shut if you wish to stay a member of this online community.
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I thought that suffering the same condition all my life and finding out by myself because 15 skin specialists all said eczema and no eczema treatments worked and I am better since I found it was ACD made me somewhat of an authority on the matter. But I may be wrong. Sorry if you are offended, about doctors not always knowing what is wrong. They are not GOD you know. and I really am sorry.
But what you described was exactly what I went through and still do if I make contact with these allergens. Ahhh but what do I know. How would I know about a condition I had for 40 years. And how could this doctor be wrong when 15 skin specialist were wrong about me and we share the same condition. And if you don't believe that then let me instead change that to we share the same symptoms. And then after finding this forum, and seeing that all those doctor mis-diagnosed me probably because many doctors do, for some reason or another, I decided to try and make sure other people did not suffer for years like I had to. But then this proved to be difficult when Doctors are saying something different than me and people have no faith in other people if they are not a doctor. Because the world is full of people who think they know everything about things and don't. And thus people think I am just another one of them. But I watched my day die from this.  Yes he died from it. Because he didn't want to listen to me even after I was cured and he wasn't yet. It is inherited sometimes. I mean I wished he would have listened to me! He would be here today to enjoy nice skin and no itching. How did he die from this? Because he bought a nice 100 % polyester chair with a foot rest too. And as his ACD got crazy on him, he wouldn't listen to a thing I said. I said look at me dad! After all my life look at my skin now. it looked something like this http://www.dermnet.com/Allergic-Contact-Dermatitis/picture/2162
And he was stubborn, like you maybe. So he said that has nothing to do with nothing and this was my last attempt to try and help him, because he said I have had it with you! You are not a doctor! Now get the F#@k out of my house and don't come back!
That was the last thing he said to me! I got a call from his woman a week later and she said "my dad wasn't doing too good. I asked what she meant. She said even his face is all broken out and his blood pressure and heart rate have been high. I asked her to ask him if I could come see him. She did, and I heard him yell noooo. The next day was fathers day. And my best friend came to my house to tell me my dad died. This really hurt me for some time. And now when I try to help others, I get the same response as with him. And maybe you can understand how maybe my dads death and well you heard the story 'absolutely true too! " and those feelings I was reliving. while going through the same thing here. And I do have anger towards skin doctors for they never helped me and allowed my dad to not believe me and helped put him in the ground. Understand we are all human! And I am a passionate man about trying to help others. I am not a *****. I lose my cool sometimes and get emotional sometimes when I deal with this subject. I really thought I could make a difference here. And I was excited when I thought I could. Somehow helping others with this condition to live a better life on this site was filling the hole I have from failing to convince and thus save my dad! And I really didn't want to fail this time because of that. When I saw I was failing I guess I got so upset, sad+ angry at doctors. And I told them just what I thought about this issue. I am sorry. I didn't mean any harm really. I just wanted to help. But no one will listen. So I guess I will leave here. You guys don't want me around either.
How come when you have answers to help people God or Satan makes everyone stubborn so they don't listen? You think it may be for only the worthy are allowed to listen. This way people who aren't worthy will remain suffering?
Or maybe there is no God. But if there is one. He sure *****!
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1524955 tn?1291467890
Ummmm... Wow, if that guy is telling the truth, that is really sad. But this is the internet and he more then likely is completely full of it reaching for anything he can to strike back at you for snapping at him so ruthlessly. However, I do know one thing, he is right about doctors. You can't just throw his advice out the window because he doesn't have a little MD tag next to his Forum Handle, you know I can get one of those also, I just have to check the box asking if I am a medical professional when I make another account. So she may not even be a real doctor first of all (Not accusing you of fraud Mam, just making a point, I believe you are a doctor, lol) and second of all I would argue that somebody who has experienced the same symptoms and treated them, and healed completely has just as much knowledge and expertise in the subject of "Itchy Red Anomalies On The Penis" as female doctor who doesn't even have a penis, only has read books about them and seen pictures apart from sexual activities. The main idea of this post being, "The human body is a very complicated and tricky organism, I have been misdiagnosed several time throughout my life, I almost died because of it once. You know what? I didn't sue that Dr for Mal-practice either, why? Because that Dr is only a human, trying to diagnose another human, he makes mistakes, and so do I, he can't be right %100 percent of the time( Unless you're Gregory House) and just because he finally messed up doesn't mean somebody should jump his *** and ruin his career and financial situation because of it. He was wrong though and he diagnosed me after running several thorough tests, THIS LADY HAS NEVER EVEN MET YOU! She has nothing to go on other than your own testimony, and lets be real, that is a pretty shi.tty basket to put all you eggs in." So in the future, maybe take it easy on the guy who WAS ONLY TRYING TO HELP YOU. There is no reason to deal with somebody who only has your best interests in mind with such harshness as to even go as far as to threaten to have him banned from a site where he is trying to help people (Like You)

In any case, thank  2 guys for entertaining me enough with your posts to keep me from scratching my penis for about 15 minutes, This itch is so horrible I'm going to chop it off I swear
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