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Medical opinion?

New years eve i drank alot and ended up having near intercoarse with a girl. I remember spilling beer on my lap and i woke up the next morning with a slightly irratated penis. The next few days the rash became increasingly bad+ itchy. I used Miconazole and it began to work, until i drank again and it became just as bad as before. I went to a doctor and he said he believed it was a yeast infection and prescribed fluconazole. It also appeared to work until i fell asleep drunk with jeans on , the next morning i was irratated again. I returned to the doctors, the fluconazole no longer working and he sent me to the lab for a urine analysis; which returned negative. I heard herpes cant be detected via urine and when i asked him if he was sure it couldnt be herpes he reassured me it was not, only irratation. But it still itches from time to time. I asked the girl and she said she was tested apparently for stds and had a swab and blood test and all were negative apparently, but a guy i know had sex with her a few days before and he apparently also got "irratation" My doctor seems very confident i have nothing; what do you think?
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563773 tn?1374246539

Without examination,confirmation of a diagnosis is tough but it can be folliculitis,contact dermatitis,rash due to friction rub with clothes, dermatitis (atopic, contact, allergic),excessive sweating causing sweat dermatitis,eczema or balanitis(due to an underlying infection (bacterial and fungal as well as other organisms) . Herpes presents as blisters which scab over.

You may try calamine lotion on the rash.You should also maintain hygiene and try to keep the area clean and dry, wear loose-fitting cotton clothing. Also use an antibacterial soap or mild soap like dove.Avoid any kind of cosmetics.You can also use a barrier cream with zinc oxide paste or calamine lotion or a mild steroid cream like dermacort on the rash. If the skin is itchy,you  can take some antihistaminic like benadryl or Claritin.

If the symptoms persist then it will be best to get it evaluated from a dermatologist.

Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep me posted on how you are doing.

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went to derm. they said it was nothing... still itchy, bothersome. red. over 6 months. been to 2 doctors, almost a dozen tests, nothing.no improvement. doctors rude, tests negative. what to do?
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563773 tn?1374246539
Since the itchy bumps have been present for more than 6 months,I would suggest you to get a biopsy skin done to confirm a diagnosis.From the symptoms,it does not sound like herpes.It can however be a sexually transmitted disease also.So they also need to be ruled out.A biopsy will clear the picture.

I hope that helps.Take care and pls do keep me posted on how you are doing or if you have any additional doubts.Kind regards.

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i did get a skin biopsy. they said some sort of contact dermatitis.... do i definitely not have anything? they also gave me some swab test and it was negative for any fungi or bacteria apparently.... i have some blisters in the back of my throat just like many hardly noticeable red lumps... i showed my dentist and she said i should wait a week and then if they didn't go away that i should call a doctor... obv. i didn't let her in on all these little details.
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