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Penis Rash - Recurrent

For about a year I have had a rash that continues to show up on my glans penis.  It is a very strange red rash that used to sort of concentrate around the Urethra but now seems to have generalized around the the glans.  It used to hardly ever be visable until after sex when a subtle red rash would appear.(a year ago, and sometimes it mostly goes away to this point)  Now the red rash is visable all the time and after any friction it is very apparent.   I have searched images on the internet endlessly to identify this and the closest thing I found was psoriasis.  The rash gets much more apparent after any friction – including sex, masturbation, or just clothes rubbing at night, sometimes I get an erection in the morning because I have to pee and that seems to really make it worse.  It doesn’t itch it’s more of a burning or pinching type of sensation.  Sometimes it seems to go into the Urethra but I’m not sure.(seems like it used to but lately it’s been a mild rash on the glans.  It will almost go away at times but as soon as a friction even occurs it comes back.  I feel like maybe there is some scar tissue building or something as it almost seems like very small skin tags are developing.  I have been dealing with this for over a year, initially it wasn’t bad but seemed to be concentrated near the Urethra.   I tried some pretty radical self prescribed treatments like cleaning with Betadine, because I thought it was a fungal or bacterial infection.  I have also tried Monistat(which made it worse)  Protopic(which I think may help a little) and recently I’ve applied a vitamin D cream which also seemed to provide some relief.    I’m concerned that I misdiagnosed and complicated the problem.  I do have HSV2 but I don’t think this is related as that looks much different and affects a different area, but it did come about shortly after the HSV2, possibly because my initial response to the HSV2 infection was to cleanse the area vigorously with things like Betadine(and Dynimaclear which has some sort of sulfur compound) as I thought it was a microbiological infection.   I do have a history of psoriasis in my family but I have not shown any symptoms that I know of.  I thought maybe HPV as I have been dating women from Herpes dating sites, and it's pretty common for some to have HPV as well.

I have never had any discharge from my urethra, but sometimes it looks red inside and I think I can see a little sore in there.  Mostly the problem is on the head of the penis but there has never been anything on the shaft.  My HSV2 outbreaks however have been on the shaft and never on the glans.  Any theories would be appreciated.
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I've had this recurring rash on the glands of my penis going on for 15 + years. I know a medication that makes it go away, but it always comes back.
I probably have HPV due to having unprotected sex with my girlfriend back then, because I wasn't sleeping around - but not sure about her or her history.
But I didn't have any symptoms years after being with her.
It first started when I wasn't even having sex for over a year, but masturbating regularly.
Just a small red spot, that can get flaky after time. Not much itching if any at all. No pain.
When I first went to a doctor, he gave me some kind of steroid cream that didn't do anything.
When I went back, he then prescribed me a strong cream that worked after about 3 days.
The rash went completely away.
The cream is called Mometasone Furoate Cream USP, 0.1%
It's a strong steroid. I've had different docs prescribe it through the years.
But... they tell me it's a very strong steroid and I shouldn't use it long
I apply a very small amount directly to the affected area twice a day.... usually it's just one red spot. 3- 4 days later its gone.
Usually for months. If I'm with a girlfriend, I don't notice it coming back soon. If not and masturbating, it comes back quicker.
This time it came back in a second area, so I'm more concerned now.
I'll have insurance again soon, will see a dermatologist, and Hopefully they have found something out that actually works permanently.
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I have same problem. Author did you get rid of those ******* rash?
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So idk do i got it fi my shitt start looking like a red rash with lil dot and my nut or zomthing in there hert???
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Hello! did you find what your problem was? i have the same symptoms...
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I developed the same condition as described in the initial post.  Mine has been only on the glans.  I have no STD's but have not been tested for HPV. It presented in late June 2015 and today it is early December 2015.  I am circumcised.

My symptoms:  

1)  Started as extremely dry glans.

2)  Glans appearance and texture changed. Deeply grooved and wrinkled. From smooth with a few barely noticeable fine grooves on top. More shiny than before.  Red and irritated.  Skin surface swelling.  

3)  Not itchy but highly irritated.  It burned when nothing was touching it and really stung when anything barely rubbed it (like my towel accidentally brushing it when drying off after showering).

4) Bright red on top where it touches my underwear, and on the tip near the urethra.  

I moved to Wisconsin after living in California for 20 years (I am 41) and after an episode of dry skin on my glans (which had occurred at times before in my life and went away without problem) I decided to put scented body/hand lotion on my penis and glans.

The glans skin (only) got more dried out than ever before.  This is why I put the lotion on it.  These are the only major changes I could attribute as catalysts.

1)  Climate change.  I lived in CA for 20 years and the extra dry glans occurred after being in WI for about 5 months.

2)  I was doing lots of cardio.  Running on the treadmill, sit down exercise bike. So there could also be a friction component.  

3)  I lost 20 lbs (from 168 to 148).  The dry glans skin did occur right in the middle of the weight loss.

4)  I stopped drinking milk to cut calories during the weight loss.  I had been drinking lots of milk my whole life.

5)  I got divorced. My wife visited but never moved to Wisconsin.

6)  I put lotion on it that was scented with cologne (suave men's lotion).

I've visited 6 Dermatologists and then my primary care physician.

On the first visit the condition was obvious and the Dermatologist diagnosed it as "xerotic ecxema."  He prescribed me hydrocortisone butyrate .1%. And Cerave lotion.

I used the hydrocortisone for 3 days then stopped because it didn't seem to be working and I read it could thin the skin and damage the glans.  This was a mistake.  I should have kept using it.

To make along story much shorter the next dermatologist diagnosed it as a rash/skin eruption and said stop using the hydrortisone and keep using the Cerave.  And buy long C9 boxer shorts to minimize friction during working out.  And minimize trauma (stop masturbating, etc.)  

Well I had already stopped masturbating and also tried to fix it by pushing my glans inside my foreskin and using a band-aid to keep the foreskin covering my glans.

This was before the second derm.

The third derm said use hydrocortisone ointment 2.5% 2x a day and cover that with Vaseline.  This time I followed her instructions perfectly.  After 2 weeks the burning sensation improved but I could tell it would not be fixed.  Called her and she added Tacrolimus Ointment.  After 2 weeks of both of those the burning sensation had improved alot but then re erupted only near the tip of my glans right up to the eurethra and just above it.

There is still slight burning if I touch the top where it is still red and damaged looking but not like before.

So the dermatologists gave up on me.  I went to my primary care physician and he said use the ointment 3x a day plus Vaseline and did not give me a time frame of when to stop using the hydrocortisone ointment 2.5%.  he saus I might have to wait for the seasons to change before it fixes itself.

In the meantime my glans tip is inflamed (but improved with the hydrocortisone) but the glans itself still looks grooved and damaged especially when erect.

This absolutely *****.  I haven't been able to use my penis except to pee since July of this year and there really is no end in sight as to when the pain will be completely gone.  And I worry even if the inflammation and pain is eventually fixed if it will look normal again.  


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Anyone have an update.  I have the same issue.  Yeast infection cream not working
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1041243 tn?1375230520
I also suggest if you have anymore questions/comments on this subject to start a new thread, this one is a few years old
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1041243 tn?1375230520
Curious, are any of you circumcised?  My ex who is used to experience a problem with friction  from sex, masturbation, going commando, etc. Since his glans were exposed constantly without the protective foreskin it seemed to make the problem worse. I wouldn't judge by Internet pictures, I have HIdradenitis (HS), and mine looks NOTHING like many of the google search and website pics. Have you tried getting an opinion from a different derm or maybe a urologist? I hope you guys find some answers soon!
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Ok guys, I've been suffering for a while. Doing a lot of research has given me a diagnosis. "Phimosis ". Look it up. At one time or another we suffered and infection or even minute cuts from our partners pubic hair. These tares healed leaving the skin just a little tighter. Each time we achieved a good erection we would create the same routine. After a long period of time. It only gets worse. My penis is beginning to look like an hour glass. There are lengthily solutions to the problem. You might want to look up.
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Hey guys. I have the same problems regarding the Rash, and some Red/dark spots,(which usually appears in the same spot) but feels like its spreading.
Anyway, I will start off by saying, my GF had fungal infection after antibiotics. but as far i can remember i had only 1 rash on the same spot (darker one) before her fungal infection. 2 years after it have been gradually worsening. and i MASTURBATE alot. I am sexually active, and have protected sex, and unprotected ORAL. ofc i had test done, hepatitic, HIV, herpes, gonorea and all possible things you can have. i also made urinary test for different kind of IC = intracellular dis, but all come NEG..

I am medicine student in 3rd year, and i have READ almost all forums and sites about this type, i have searched all images on google.

So as a Pre-doctor :) i have been reading alot, and asking my proffessors, which are 10 X times better then all doctors i have been seeing. i did not get any direct answer.

so i have some theories. by the way im circumsiced from year of 19.

1. Drinking less, with alot of masturbation, and sex, and usually without any cream. (if cream, then for my gf)

2. psoriasis, or other related skin dis, which is not curable (can be prevented by not masturbating, and this should be for MONTHS. even if the symptoms appear, it can be a regenerative cell or what ever. anyway. (like herpes etc)

so sure, it can be one of these 2 alternatives, and if we COULD know for sure, then we would not stress about it that much, and the symptoms would decrease, with the stress and not thinking about it.

but there possibility for other cause.. and as i wrote im sexually active with other girls, and have alot of unprotected oral sex.

3. It can be cutaneous TBC (tuberculosis) i have seen some images, and it resembles the "outbreakes" / crackes on the penis gland.

4. IT can be related to food, and it can be a sign of diabetes, or that your body is developing some kind of Diabetes.

as far, i have no IDEA how to cure this, and as you all have been reading, no one have been "cured".

im still searching and searching, and i think i will make my final work about this. so maybe i can figure something out.

thanks // pre-doc
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I too have had thisvrash. I notice after i got treated for clap. I had a editional srd test n shows up negative for any std. I hav another goin pn right nkw ncase something went wroong they the last. I also have been drinking. Masterbating alot. Sometimes three tyme a day. I jus started to stop becuz i igured that was the problem. Im goin to c. Urologist on it . Oh n i have wat i think is athlers foot tbe sane time. Tryex foit powder n sprY ut wat wrkd was coco butter. Im think atll help. Wit my enis hopevi dont have herpes ill die i ant live wit that
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I have had a similar rash for a couple of months, worse with friction, painless.
I suspected HPV. I have previously  had success getting rid of a large wart of 14 years duration taking 100mg of zinc  per day (as zinc gluconate). So I took 100mg zinc /day for three weeks, and the last few days I have been applying zinc oxide cream to the affected area. After only a few days of applying the zinc oxide the rash has disappeared.
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Honestly after years of monitoring this, educating myself on types of skin disorders you can get on your glans, and investigating possible theories that I have come up with, my best **GUESS** as to what this is, is a combination of dry skin and excessive masturbation.. the glans may be reacting this way as a form of self defence... similarly to the development of fordyce spots on the shaft and scrotum, protecting the area from excessive moisture.
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Doubt it's heat. Must be hell on your sperm count, though! :)
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slant6mopat AT yahoo *******

Figure it out. :)
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What do you mean, "left-over" skin?

Fair disclosure: I am gay, and I prefer circumcised men exclusively.

You have a circumcision scar - all cut guys do - it's usually a brownish ring that goes all the way around, usually about 1/2-3/4" behind your head. The skin between this ring and your head usually has a big color change between it and the skin on the other side of the circ scar.

It's not leftover skin, it's the inner mucosa, which would have been in constant contact with your head, and constantly wet, had you not been circumcised.

It is a *lot* more sensitive to chemicals than the outer shaft skin, which is between the base and the circ scar.

So is the head involved in the rash, or just the mucosal skin between your head and your circ scar?

Some skin contact with the head is perfectly normal. Your "leftover" skin is any loose skin which is capable of moving independently from the inner shaft when you're hard - a guy with a "tight" circumcision has little to no free movement of the skin covering his shaft, while a guy with a looser circumcision will have motion, and even partial glans coverage in some situations.

Sexually, the tighter the circumcision, the better it feels, at least to me. When you're with a partner, you can simulate a tighter circumcision by holding the skin back at the base during sex. An overly tight circumcision, on the other hand, is a bad thing, resulting in pubic hair on the penis shaft and, in extreme cases, an unpleasant pulling sensation during a full erection.

When you're just walking around, during a normal day, is your head always fully bare? And when you sleep? Does the overhanging skin ever leave your part of your head covered long enough for either the head or the remnant inner mucosa to be moist?

If so, consider the possibility of a fungal infection. Athlete's foot medication might help.

Otherwise, I'm still going to suggest an environmental factor.

Do you have a frenulum, or was that removed (or failed to form as it usually does if you're cut at birth)? Is that involved too?

Send me pics of the rash (not your face, I'm not interesting in invading your privacy). And the underside, so I can check out the frenulum situation - mine was always a hotbed of problems.

Put "**** RASH ****" in the subject line so I can find your message - I get loads of spam on that address.

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I just realized something.  I always have my laptop on my lap and it gets real hot.  I wonder of the heat from the computer makes the rash worse?  Heat is one factor that heat loves.  I need to look into this.
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I am circumcised and have that stuff right where the left-over skin is.
Even thought I am circumcised, when my penis is small and retracted, there still is some skin that goes over the head.  It seems to be in that area alone that s getting this weird rash.  Maybe it is the moist dark area.  What else?  This is so ******* aggravating.
I am making  chart that has the shampoos, soaps, etc, and anything and everything that comes in contact with my genitals.  Even if my shorts, if they cotton of elastic.
There has to be a pattern because some days it is better than most. It ain't foods, because I made a chart for that too and there was no pattern.  I am told stress is a big time factor too, in making it worse.  How else can you be when your genitals are involved? This started after I masturbated 8 months ago.  Thanks guys.
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See if it's fungal.

Fungus, and many bacteria, like dark anaerobic (no oxygen) warm and moist places. Like under the foreskin.

Tape your skin back so your head is always bare. Do it every day for a month. (You will be itchy for the first week. You will also be seeing whether or not you'd like circumcision, but if you'd prefer to keep your foreskin and a month of your head being dry kills a fungal or anaerobic infection, just stop using the tape.)

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See if it's fungal.

Fungus, and many bacteria, like dark anaerobic (no oxygen) warm and moist places. Like under the foreskin.

Tape your skin back so your head is always bare. Do it every day for a month. (You will be itchy for the first week. You will also be seeing whether or not you'd like circumcision, but if you'd prefer to keep your foreskin and a month of your head being dry kills a fungal or anaerobic infection, just stop using the tape.)

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Hey Guys Suffering and Lady Doctors from India,

Got a thought. I was circumcised at 22 because of frequent (about annual) minor problems with my foreskin from childhood on. I love circumcision and I'm glad I had it done, wish it was done at birth. I like it better in every way. Let's put it in the bluntest of terms to shut up the anti-circ Nazis: I lost no sexual pleasure or any enjoyment of daily life to my circumcision. It wasn't even painful - I expected ice packs and crotch wraps for weeks, but it was done under a local anesthetic and I was back at work two days later. I would immediately call a doctor to schedule a new circumcision if my foreskin magically reappeared overnight.

Any uncircumcised readers (and your patients, Good Lady Doctor) can easily "test drive" what it would feel like to be circumcised. Buy 3M Nexcare bandage tape. After your shower (morning or night), tape your foreskin back so your head is always bare. Peel off yesterday's tape and wash the bunched-up skin in the shower. Then dry off, and apply new tape. Do it every day for a month. The first week or so will be itchy, but the next three weeks are a very good approximation of how it feels. My doctor insisted that I do this before he circumcised me. I liked it a lot, so I laid on his table.

It's been nearly 16 years since I was circumcised, long enough I believe, to have "adapted" to it, and experienced everything about it. The foreskin was important protection before man started wearing clothing - now it's a redundant liability.

But circumcision didn't cure my last group of foreskin problems. You see, sometime in my last year of high school, I stupidly started smoking. And I inherited a Zippo lighter from my grandfather.

Loaded with Zippo fuel, in my left front pocket (and I hang to the left!) my "area" was always bathed in fumes of naptha and other volatile hydrocarbon compounds.

Being around machines, cars, engines since I was a child, I've been exposed to lots of related hydrocarbons like benzene, xylene, and naptha - all of which are found in gasoline and used motor oil. Your immune system can become sensitized to them, causing painful and irritating rashes, eczema, etc.

My grandfather's Zippo needed a new wick, and I couldn't find a genuine Zippo part in town for 6 months. Bics were a temporary solution. Two days after I got a new wick and started carrying the Zippo again, red sore rashes on my head and my inner mucosa (the skin between the ridge at the back of your head and the "color change" on your shaft where your foreskin was removed).

I am an Engineer, a professionally-trained scientist. I stopped and tried to consider what variables had changed recently. Laundry detergent? Nope. Fabric softener? Nope. New underwear? Nope. New sexual partner in a while? Nope. Zippo back? Yup.

Parked the Zippo, problem went away in a few days. Brought the Zippo back, being conscious not to change any brands or behaviors or anything else. Yup. Rash, swollen mucosa. One of my favorite things about being circumcised is that pleasant feeling of my head rubbing gently in my underpants. Three days with the Zippo made every step feel like I'd just done a marathon with sandpaper inside my underpants.

I stopped carrying my grandfather's WWII Zippo, and instead moved to a Bic.

Not one single problem since. And that was in 1998.

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I don't have any comments about your penis, but your post desperately needs some punctuation. At least use some periods ... damn.
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i havw hasd this weird rash below the  head of my penis like just under the crown on my forskin then it moved to my gland also for 4 months now i got it 2 days after having sex with my girl friend went to the doctor a month after i got the bumps and he said i had yeast infection gave me diflucon pills and cream didnt do anything for me sent me to dermatoligest gave me econozole cream did nothing then did a biopsy from the rim of my gland came back as nothing there i also did the std panle test all came back nothing im getting frusterated with this the rash semms to gradualy covering my whole penis gland and my gland around the rim is a little swollen raised up looking the rash is like small tiny bumps like pinhead size and my penis looks redish purple when standing up when i am erect u can see the bumps in the skin also my penis used to be nice and (smooth) looking and now it looks like textured u can see lines and grooves in my skin gland where the rash bumps are the doctors keep telling me there is nothing there i show them pictures when erecet and they say that it looks like a skin iritation and i did get a cotizone shot that i requested because the creams were not working and doing anything and he gave me one i have been to 3 doctors one regular and 2 dermatoligest nobody knows what it is they say skin iritation and i know there is something wrong i know what my gland looked liker before i got this infection i think its an infection of some sort because none of these creams are doing anything i also used tropicort cream am trying that now it been 1 day so far said 2 times a day for 2 weeks any input will be grerat i dont know why these doctors cant figure this out if anyone has any updated info on a cure to get rid of this let me know
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I don't know about Candida, that stuff looks pretty crazy, but keep us posted for sure!
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