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Red mark on forehead between eyes


Over the last 3-4 years, I have noticed that everytime when (or just before) I fall ill, I have a strange red mark on my forehead (sometimes between the two eyebrows). The mark stays for 4-5 days and then vanishes and exists almost everytime I fall ill or have a headache. I have shown this to few physicians at the time of falling ill but they have all ignored saying that it is not something to bother about. However, with the regularity with which this happens, I wonder if it is a sign of something significant.

Yesterday, a much larger and bigger mark appeared on my forehead suddenly in the afternoon. I didn't rest my head anywhere during that period and was simply sitting in a train. The only thing that happened during that time was that there was a serious personal problem that cropped up and hence I was quite stressed during those 1.5 hours. When I walked out of the train, someone pointed out to me that I had this mark. Again I was clueless on how it happened as it is completely painless, with the only logic striking to me that it is related to stress levels too.

I am attaching a snap that shows yesterday's phenomenon.  The normal mark that happens is not as thick and is more like a short but broad red line.

Hope someone can help me out with what this is or the kind of specialist I should consult for this.

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I don't know if anyone is still following this thread. However, it was amazing to find it. I have gotten the same mark several times in the last year. Just woke up with it this morning. I'm guessing no one has found an answer yet. I am isolating with Covid and also had a headache and a altered sense of things - - like a strange space with a different perspective on life. A kind of warp or wrinkle in the narrative of life. Who knows.
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There are many possible marks and causes for the marks and treatments in some cases, however, I searched for answers on this for years, because the mark that would appear between my eyebrows was not like anything i could find anywhere, although I did occasionally find other people who had the exact same thing happening. So I know there are others like me.
I'm sure that there is a corresponding physical activity, and that there are those who will prefer that approach and that's alright. Everyone is free to use their own discernment to decide how they wish to view their experience.

However, to anyone who really wonders about this particular mark... Notice that it appears and lasts for a few days and goes away? there is a way to make it stay... why make it stay? well If I told you you'd react the same way I would have to someone telling me this stuff on the internet, so I'm not going to blurt out the answer, I'll let you choose what you do rather than sully the experience.

What I have found is that this periodically occurred sometimes around stressful times, sometimes when there was no stress, often during the appearance of this mark my dreams would be profoundly vivid, sometimes Id discover days/weeks/months later that the thing I dreamt about actually happened. I realise right now you may very well think that this is Mr Silly talking from Nonsense land. That's ok, I've been there. But here's the challenge: take up meditation if you have to use an app that's comfortable and reasonable to your sense of rationality that's ok, but I dare you to let go of rationality and expectation. instead just sit don't actively think, thoughts will come to you but just let them go don't fight them and bring yourself back to silence... its much harder than it sounds, when you sit with your eyes closed maintaining mental silence your brain will try to go berserk, just focus on your breathing and sit in silence.

Here's the best part. When you've been practicing this for at least a month, every day at roughly the same time in the same place if possible... (not in bed you will just fall asleep) you will get to the point where you question what's the point of doing this at all. Keep going. When the mark appears make sure you meditate, if at all possible let yourself have time to meditate without thinking about time at all, just let go of it all, be in a state where there is no difference between 1 second and 1 hour, its just a construct that you don't need to utilise at that moment. just let it go and go deep into the silence, deep into the meditation, let your body feel like it can just sleep where you sit (don't actually sleep just let your body relax to the point where it feels like you are asleep and its forgetting its sensations) your body will fight back creating itches and tingles everywhere to force you to address them, you must let go of this too and it'll stop...

There are many benefits to doing this, but the best way to see what I'm talking about is to try it, it wont hurt and it wont cost you anything, and I wont benefit from you doing this in any way. I just want to give you guys what I wish someone taught me decades ago!
If you do this correctly you will discover the headaches will lessen although there may be a non painful pressure like sensation that persists somewhat centred in your brow area just between your eyebrows. During this time the potential profoundness of the meditative experience is truly limitless as long as you surrender yourself to doing this. Just know you don't need to be afraid of what ever you start to experience from there.

Once again, don't disregard any medical advice or treatment that is there to aid you from any illness that might cause a mark to appear, I cant expect that everyone with a mark between their eyes is experiencing the same thing. However if you read this and it resonates with you then I invite you to try this out just as I described it above.

- Kraezon
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I’m so glad I’m not alone!!! I did not wake up with this mark. It appeared sometime around 3pm. Its horizontal right above my eyebrow bone centered perfectly between my eyes. It freaked me out when I saw it. I thought perhaps I lean my head on something. It’s not a scratch, it almost looks like a reddish indent line.  I’m not stressed, I did not shower today, I slept well, I’m not on any medication, I’m a 51 year old female just looking for some answers.
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I have a red mark exactly like all of you that began 6 years ago. I notice my complexion becomes weirdly pale and I have had a headache or a headache is coming on and I feel unwell but can not figure out the cause. This is the only place I have found a community that is trying to find the answer because my doctors have never seen it before and do not know what it is. I hope this question remains open and we find the answer- so relieved to have found this blog. Currently have a red mark that began two days ago and is slowly fading snd have felt unwell .
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I am wondering if during sleep I am not breathing regularly, just had a lung test and I didn’t use oxygen efficiently even though I am mainly healthy. It feels like either from food or drink or stress That energy isn’t flowing well with the breath during sleep when I finally fall asleep (I have insomnia). It also feels intolerable to wear reading glasses even though I am supposed To, feels like in a weird way they are making me feel dehydrated as mr eyes get so much more close up. I basically have given up on asking doctors and find it to be so regularly happening and uncomfortable, really want to know what is causing it. It looks like a scratch and comes after waking up from a bad sleep. If anyone can upload pictures much appreciated.
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I get the same, usually after a warm shower on days when I am hungover. I don’t have a headache when it happens but I feel pressure in my head. I wouldn’t say it’s directly associated with stress as I have a lot more stressful events that occur where no red mark appears. Also I usually don’t get sick after the mark appears, but I imagine a hangover would be the current sickness lol

It happens 3-4 times a year, all times of the year. I’m a 21 yo male
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Just me adding to the list. I have the exact strange red marks (they are like a red line) between the eyes. It is usually just one red line between the eyes. Sometimes right in the center, sometimes more near an eyebrow.

It usually happens after having a bad night of sleep which stressed my body.

I want to add something to this discussion and would like to ask you if you have experienced something similar, maybe it is connected:

I had a few moments in my life where I had a breakdown that I cried so much that I had several red dots under my eyes after crying. They looked like freckles but they were not. They slowly disappear again after a couple of days, but I wonder if this is related because both phenomenons happen after the body had experienced high level of stress. Did any of you experienced that before?
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I get the red dot between the eyes, too, a few times a year. For me the mark it's like an indicator light alerting me that caffeine levels are too high, I'm thinking too much and not getting enough sleep.
Yesterday I had 3 cups of coffee to stay awake on a long drive.  Once home, I took a 15 minute hot bath to relax.  It appeared in those 15 minutes.
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My husband  gets a red mark in the middle of his forehead during a severe headache .. and it stays there for a few days it's not itchy or uncomfortable  jus strange hes been getting it for a few years now ..
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I have the same exact thing that you described, and all my doctors say they never heard of such a thing.  So, they assume it’s nothing.  There are many of us out there, makes me think it is a symptom of something that will rear it’s ugly head in the future.  Yet, nobody has put 2 and 2 together.  Frustrating!
Question, when your’s go away, do they shrink down to a tiny dark red dot, and then disappear?
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Hey 33 yr old Male here, just got one of these breakout in the shower after exercise, I have been ill with a cold/cough for 3 weeks now and have been under quite a bit of stress so i seem to tick all the boxes mentioned by other users!

I have had this mark appear before maybe once or twice a year for the last 10 years?

It has always baffled me and is not the most attractive,would love to get a definitive answer
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Same here!  It's not a thin line though,  in my case, but rather a blotch. I have noticied it comes up after an outburst of allergy, rubbing my eyes, sleeping too little and/or getting stressed. The colour from the onset varíes from reddish to brownish and it lasts 4-5 days.
Thanks for sharing. MDs don't seem to have a clue.
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My husband gets these same marks. We likewise believe it's stress. He knits his brow quite visibly when stressed, and I've even noticed it in his sleep. The theories about broken capillaries that get compromised/weaker over time makes sense to us. But it *is* unsightly, crops up in moments where it's very unwelcome, and we would love thoughts on anything that helps (cosmetic or otherwise).
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I too have been getting these red Mark's now for about a year. Generally two red vertical lines in between my eye brows. Sometimes a couple of smaller vertical lines on each side of the larger lines. I surmised it has to be something that occurs while asleep or during the night because they always appear from nowhere during the night and are noticed in the morning. As one poster noted they do not hurt but are always associated with a kind of tingling sensation accompanied with a slight headache. I have noticed they generally occur after a bad night of sleep but a bad night of sleep does not always lead to these red Mark's. They typically last 1-3 days. The one I woke up with this morning were the darkest yet and are still dark this evening. I am on synthoid for hypothyroidism and a PPI for gurd as well as folic acid due to side effects of the PPI and that is it. I went to a dermatologist a d he said next time you get it come in and I will biopsy it. I showed him a picture and he had never seen it before after 20 years of practice....so frustrating. Among all of us we have to figure out what is triggering g these to occur. It may be something genetic but there has to be something we all have in common that is causing these to appear.
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I have this a few times a year it's from sleeping on your thumb when asleep it is all down to sleep issues and stress and yes sleeping on your thumb
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Wow so happy I am not alone. You describe what I have about once a month for several years. Mine just appeared yesterday and made me think I should go see a doctor. I will def be mentioning possible digestion issues and liver function thanks to these responses
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This is really interesting to read. I have experienced this for the first time today. I'm male in my late 40s, no medications, no known health issues apart  from poor sleep.
I first noticed it this afternoon when my housemate pointed it out,  no itch or pain whatsoever so not a bruise. Later that afternoon I felt a bit "off" after a trip to the shopping centre, but When I came home and took my temperature it was normal.

Thanks for posting it's really interesting that all of us report the same thing but nobody has  ever had anything but blank looks from their doctor. Maybe it's a new alien virus they've not come across yet. [Should point out that's a  joke....when I consider some of the other posts on here]
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I woke up for the first time with this mark and decided to look it up... I saw a post about headaches and one about digestion. I think it has to do with one of those because I know that I almost didn't eat anything yesterday because I was exhausted from volleyball and I also had a major headache last night. The headache is gone but I woke up with a mark instead... These are the only possibilities for me at least. But maybe I might be stressed more than I know... Because I don't actually feel too stressed...
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Please stay in touch because I have the same and also the headache ...it has to be something that we do not know .
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Hey guys, opened this post of mine after a long time. Over these years i have kept getting this mark for 5-6 times a year. Over time, i have narrowed this down to largely linked to headache caused by digestion issues (not eating timely, improper food, etc). 90% times it has occured with a bad headache and vanishes within 3 days. Doctors still have no response or feedback and continue to ignore.

One user posted this link and it makes sense to me -
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I have this too! I've looked at facial mapping and it seems potentially connected to liver function.. I notice it much more when I am not taking care of myself; drinking alcohol, eating sparsely or indulging in sugar too much - so I can believe that it could also be digestion related. When I eat healthy and don't drink any alcohol for a few days it gets much harder to see (but I can tell it's still there).
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Yep me too.

I started thinking negatively about half way through the day the day before. Then I woke up and unleashed anger for many petty things towards my partner who did not deserve it. We talked right after and things are ok.

I'm both disturbed and fascinated with this seemingly undocumented phenomena. The consistency with which people link this symptom with stress, anger, nightmares or lack of sleep must point towards some physiological reason.

I had everything mentioned above. Nightmares, stress, negative thinking and anger.

I think the best we can do until we get a more solid answer is take it as an indication that we need to change something in relation to our lifestyles.

Look after yourselves and take it easy, Wayne.
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I don't know how far it is silmilar but i have been experiencing strange marks near my eyes and nose from a long time. It appears slowly with a tiny red marks and day by day that marks starts getting bigger in size. I feel no pain or any kind of itchings but it really looks ugly though. Once i consulted my doctor and she said it might be due to eye infections because it those marks only appear near my eyes so she provided certain medicines and eye drops. But it didn't seem to be helpful. Those marks appeared again. They appears and vanished itself without doing anything.
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I saw article below. The red mark is an indication of a health issue.

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I've had this come and go for years. My conclusion is that it's a weak blood vessel that leaks blood during times of high blood pressure.
Yes @MightyMick! I came to the same conclusion. Though it can appear on its own when I'm run down or stressed, it most often appears if I blow my nose too forcefully. Since I'm usually fairly fit and healthy and on no medication, and there are no itches or burning sensations, nor is physical contact a contributing factor, I am inclined to agree that the cause is a weak blood vessel. I think if users were to check their blood pressure at the time the mark presents, it is likely to be on the high side.
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It really isn't a rash.  It looks like a scratch but the skin is not broken.
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I don't think it has anything to do with anuerism.  I have gotten migraines for years and after my sister died from brain anuerism I had an mri to make sure I did not have one also(my father also has anuerisms).  I have no anuerism just migraines and the red mark.
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