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Small hard white hair?

I am referring this post


because the two comments after the doctors reply perfectly describe something my girlfriend has had. It's was small, hard, and clear white. It was a lot like a finger nail material. I found it on her scalp while running my hands through her hair. I was very firm and pokey. It looked like a short white hair but I pulled it with tweezers for her and the base was much larger in width and length than a "hair". It was definitely NOT a follicle. Any info is appreciated.

This discussion is related to White bulb in hair follicle.
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Ps. Still not sure if all of my symptoms are related, but I forgot to tell you that, I am loosing sensation in the areas affected by this. Also all bloodwork is normal. I have had kidney stones and 2 large cysts removed from thighs.
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Hello EVeryone,
Wow- me to. For many years now. I started on scalp, my entire body is now involved. The hard things range in size from a piece of rice to a kernal of popcorn. Bigger ones tend to be on hips. Calfs of legs.  I am always tired.
Last  year I lost 30 pounds without trying to. Dropping to a unhealthy 115 for my build. I have devolped carpel tunnal and nueropthy. I have patches of very hard skin. I am now under the care of 3 doctors. They can't figure it out. My pc thought it was a staph infection that had colonized. But no response to treatment and to me it does not match up.
My dermatoloigist did a biopsy. They biopsy showed very inflamed skin and skin quote' covered in bacteria'. He has started me on steriods' oral and cream and an antibiotic for at least several months. However the lab was not able to idenify the bacteria. So do go to your doctors.
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So funny !!! A feather , i love that !!!
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This is so weird  to see how accurately this describes my condition, i just discovered this thing in my hair, (head) last night. Iam soo glad Iam not crazy!!! It is like fingernail tissue  but softer, it snapped when i examined the removed object and pressed it against the table glass with my thumb nail,  I have no answers but my best guess is , with all the GMO foods out there (that are almost unavoidable) its some weird side effect. Iam just going to pray about it ,am not going to worry about it at this point, but for the people who are experiencing redness ,swollen itchyness , seeking a Dr. is sound advise.
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Hello all.

I believe "HorribleThings" may be on to something. I've watched a few documentaries on Morgellons Disease...I don't want to say much but I recommend you try watching or reading up on it...

I have been finding more and more "Plastic Wire Hairs" sticking out of my legs and face this year than any other before.

You all seem to effected by the sun but I am thinking it could be a positive effect of natural sunlight. It could be drawing it out of the skin so we can remove it. Just something to think about!
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I consider myself a very smart and objective woman.. but 1 month ago I developed a sore on my arm..notice I say A sore.  Watched it.. seemed to have very thick covering,, like odd skin over growth.  Within the same time frame I felt something sharp in the roof of my mouth. Both arm and mouth issues seemed to progress and grow at same time.

It is now close to four weeks later.. sore on arm itches rather frequently, thick white area covering the sore on my arm. I I leave it alone most all the time,,, but this evening I could not help myself,, I used tweezers and pulled odd growth from the are.  

In the meanwhile yesterday The "splinter I felt in the roof of my tongue has now traversed through the top of my mouth, and emerged back side of mouth.. feels like a piece of sharp bone.

Nothing hurts, but I do seem to be excessively tired..no energy at all. I work in the marine industry around boats.. could this be accumulation of fiberglass fragments?? Thank you for your answer,, Carolyn
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I dont know if ur still suffering from  this, or found out what it is.. But in sure if u did, u probably came to the conclusion of morgellons .you just explained all of my first M symptoms. A year later, I've had the craziest most uncomfortable stuff happen to my skin and internally .I hope ur doing OK...  There's no known cure, and nothing seems tohelp me..but hopefully u have found some relief.
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