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Small hard white hair?

I am referring this post


because the two comments after the doctors reply perfectly describe something my girlfriend has had. It's was small, hard, and clear white. It was a lot like a finger nail material. I found it on her scalp while running my hands through her hair. I was very firm and pokey. It looked like a short white hair but I pulled it with tweezers for her and the base was much larger in width and length than a "hair". It was definitely NOT a follicle. Any info is appreciated.

This discussion is related to White bulb in hair follicle.
72 Responses
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you guys have nothing to worry about i asked my mum and she said it was a pimple, i put some pimple cream on it and since that its going smaller and smaller trust me there's nothing to worry about
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Omg I had the exact same thing!! I had a red bump on my side as if a cat stuck a claw in me and didn't think much of it, I noticed this a few days ago thinking it would go away and tonight I just squeezed it a little and a white coarse object like a piece of finger nail or plastic came out of it if anyone has any answers to what this may be please share!!
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It was a trapped hair follicle. The black part is the "plug" .  Sometimes, they will keep coming out depending on how long you have had it.  I had a bad case of SD Sebhorric Dermatitis, which is little bumps I get mostly in the winter on my thighs, upper arms, etc. I think it got infected and turned into folliculitis during a very humid last summer.  This winter I have been using a 12% Lactic Acid cream that is like an AHA and exfoliates the skin. Since using, bumps are appearing from where the problems were (I'm assuming) and black, brown, or brownish red seed like or rice like looking things come out. I think it's not a bad case since it was just last year. I read of people who had problems for years and they are pulling out lengths of something with black balls attached to them. I believe it's a build up from the under the skin of sebum. keratin, dead skin, etc. in a trapped follicle.
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My husband pulled something similar out of my head last night with tweezers. I had a painful spot on my head that was swollen. I asked him to look at it and he pulled out a semi hard white thing. It was wider than hair and had a white coating to it he said that pus and clear fluid with a little blood came out after he pulled it out. I was able to pull it apart fairly easily. This morning the swollen spot is significantly smaller but is still there and red. I looked up Keratin Horn as someone posted about and now I'm freaked out. Mine was long and skinny and was white with a little brown towards the end. Any suggestions
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It's worth mentioning that only the very tip sticks out. About a third of the white part and all of the black is under the surface. Also, this is blown up super huge. These things are really tiny. If I'd thought about it, I might have shown a normal hair for comparison. Oh well.
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I know EXACTLY what you all are talking about! (You're not crazy, you're not alone, you're not growing a horn, it's probably not cancer or some other weird disease people are pointing, but if you think any of these things might the case, (example, if you can't stop pulling "weird" hairs out) do go see a doctor.)

To help, here's a photo, with a bit of my fingertip for scale. See? It's real. http://www.medhelp.org/user_photos/show/297557

They are clear white and look like fingernail material with a black root. They don't hurt, in fact, I don't even know I have one until my hand brushes against it. It feels like a brush bristle coming out of my skin and I hate that, so I tweeze them out (or get some brave roommate or boyfriend to do it.)

Other than wanting them out, I don't stress about them. If it gets to the point where they happen more than rarely, I'll see a doctor. Until then, I think it's just a little hard karatin. Keep the tweezers handy.

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