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Sunburn with horrible Pins and Needles Sensation

Hi...I am a 28 year old female.  I rarely sunburn and can count the number of times on one hand.  However, three days ago, I spent about three hours at the pool.  I covered myself in sunscreen prior to going and while there.  When I came back, it appeared I had a nice tan.  Then, as the hours passed, my back and the back of my legs became very red.  Since I was in the sun, I spent even time on both sides of my body so as to get an even tan, but for some reason only my back side burned.  

The real issue here is that now, after three days, I am experiencing extremely uncomfortable sensations that feel like pins and needles in addition to the fact that the burn hurts to touch, is hot, and red (although some redness has now gone away and some of the heat radiating from the burn has subsided).  Is this normal for a sunburn?  I haven't had enough of them to know really.  But, I have literally been awake all night and in tears because I cannot bear this sensation of pins and needles.  Is there anything that I can do to make this stop?  I am desperate.  I work and cannot function without sleep.  I cannot take off work as right now as I have deadlines that must be completed on time.  Please...is there anything that might help???  This is terrible.

Thank you for assistance.

This discussion is related to Sunburn .
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I'm 25 year old male, My first recall of the pain was the day of my 16th birthday,
3 days after sun exposure i was having a bath to get ready for my birthday party. I noticed a terrible tingling feeling moving around my back, When i tried to get out i thought i had a reaction to soap. And couldn't handle the pain so i got back in the bath to wash off.

I spent the next 4 hours or more in the bath because nothing else worked, until i ran out of hot water then i sat in a cold bath. i took every drug i had till i passed out, i would of done whatever it took to get out of the pain. woke up the next evening still tingly but layed in bed till it went away 24hrs later.

Yes! The worse pain ive ever experienced. felt like a ICE addict scratching and twitching and screaming.trust me i had the family scared.

This is not normal symtoms,i understand the heat and stinging after sun exposure and i felt that too, But this an additional pain that onlt experience victoms can imagine. no oil or cream works! infact makes it exellerate as described. and yes noone understands, It also affected me mentally and wore me down, Very underestimated what ever it is!

I have had this a handful of times in the past,But never again on my back, Only on my legs and arm which is managable not worth the risk. But i am really worried if it happens again.

currently going through it on my legs onto the 2nd day of stabbling and tingling pain but its nowhere near the torture of my back that day. i noticed lastnight i had a warm bath with vinegar and pepermint and bi carb soda, (small amounts) and felt ok after. id try anything to fix this.

Im wondering,
intense UV might play a part being from Australia
If anyone has tried building up exposure to the sun slowly and does the help.

interesting to find other out there similar as i though it was a early sign of cancer or another serious problem in the bigger picture.


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Oh and I can not have any type of forced air on the bare skin of the affected area...I need a shirt on hand down.  I have paced I have yelled I have tried to scratch on my sand painted walls and wow what pain followed and then again with the feeling of bugs eating your skin from the inside out!!! AHHH!!!!!
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Like a couple had mentioned I would not wish this on my worst enemy for more than 10 second. I am currently going through it but not at its peak. I was constantly applying aloe Vera the last 2 days because this is the 4th!!!! Time I've had this happen to me and I can't imagine I will let it happen again but what are we supposed to be vampires? Wear a long sleeve in the sun? Run and frickin hide? Never get a ******good tan? The feeling is like most have described pricking of needles or tacks or other small Sharp objects, some are sudden jolts of almost electricity like a stun gun. Also good luck trying to scratch because it is quite painful, mind you I am a 25 year old male with multiple injuries that induce pain into my life and consider myself highly tolerable to it. Anyway this is different, this is way @##@=/$&$*&÷ING different. I imagine it like if I was a piece of wood and have been thrown into a termite nest. It's literally unbearable and like many other I curse and make unspeakable noises. It is mentally draining to say the very least but it still won't allow you to sleep?!@!#! $@ Anyway enough b!@$hing and time for my remedies. I know it's going to sound crazy based on what the rest of the many people have said and it will absolutely suck for the first 25-35 minutes but (for me at least) Aloe Vera works but you really have to fight through it. Showers for me make it worse and actually brought it out this time around but I did use soap. I thought I was in the clear because it's been almost 60 hours since my sunburn was acquired. I have been putting Aloe Vera spray and lotion on for the passed 2 days. Trying to remedy the feeling before it comes. Not the case. It comes, and it comes during the recovery period that's why it can hit you 3 days later even. Your skin is pissed the EF off because you let it burn...and how could you? Poppy **** like I said before are we supposed to run and hide in the summer? Mind you I put on 2 layers of spray on 30 SPF lotion and 2 stints with a 15 during the 4-5 hours of beach bumming mixed in with 45 minutes of water time and still, still this hellish torture. IDK what really works and if I did it wouldn't be on this forum(I was unable to find a forum the last 2 times I checked) especially because everyone is different but what helps me is Aloe Vera  lotion and any moisturizing lotion and somehow fighting through the excruciating torture. Anyway I hope I was able to help a little. This forum helped distract and comfort me because of the fact that I am not the only 1 effected by this heinous reaction but if you have made it this far I hope you never get it again.
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Just had this for the first time.  Absolutely hands down worse than a when I broke my collar bone in half.  I put some silver sulfadiazine on it, and also solarcaine, and quickly was in the shower washing it off. The burn is nothing near what I have had in the past, and I got a good deal of burns doing construction.  This is the first time I have ever had this pain, and it was this afternoon (Tuesday) when it started.  Got burnt Sunday afternoon at the lake.  I like others stated have a high pain threshold.  This about made me pass out.  Read through everything and called my doctor 15 minutes before he closes hoping to get a small bottle of pain pills in case this happens again.  I had veins popping out of my neck, head, and chest from how bad that paid was.  Seen blue splotches in the chest as well.  My muscles were as tight as they could get from the pain.  Left a cold damp cloth on which helped kill the pain to a level I could actually just pace around from the pain.  I am now sitting with my shirt off and can still feel the pain slightly, the pins and needles on my chest and front shoulders.  Just nasty is all I can say...
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day 3 : i was to doctor and   i got a inject and im feeling better now the pain time have stopped :D:D:D im so happy yeah i will see tomorow i need and one other inject to get and i will ask for the name of that inject :)
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Day 2 : i'm feeling better  but still the same pain when i stand up so i was so mad that i have think to go to  work yeah **** idea but helped me alot worked 9 hours of work like 5-8 times it got me  so bad the pain but still okay now when i stand up i dont have that pain anymore but when i stay still and dont move it start again i think to go tomorrow to a doctor and to cure faster because i cant wait anymore !!!
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