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What is red rash around lower leg above the ankle?

Recently returned from Disney World and develop a red blotch rash just above the ankle bone on the inside of my leg.  The rash looks like specks of blood under the skin and in some areas form large red blotch.  There is slight swelling in the lower ankle area.  I did a lot of walking and the temperatures were in the upper 80's and lower 90's.  Is it weather related, lack of fluid?  I have never experienced this before.  Have read the blogs, seems others suffer from the same or similar symtoms.  

This discussion is related to Lower Leg Rash.
108 Responses
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This is related to poor circulation and heat.  I've had a blood clot in my left leg at 63 yrs and so know some of this by experience.  The rash you experience is due to poor circulation (blood not returning well from the legs) and the combination of heat.  Blood pressure builds up in the vessels from walking and standing (as in waiting for rides) and then extra heat expands those capillaries until they start leaking.  Yesterday at a museum I walked slowly and stood a lot for about 4 hours, got into the jacuzzi when I got home and whalah!  Rash.  Again this rash is capillaries breaking.    You would be wise to watch for blood clot symptoms as you age because of the poor circulation. Compression stockings should help when you do these long stints of walking and standing as one person suggested.  Then cold compresses at the end of the day.
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Does the rash go away? I'm currently in Italy and I have this rash near my ankles. I'm convinced it's the same thing as we spent all day walking around Venice and then the tash appeared. I'm worried the rash will remain there :-( Also what can I do to help it? I have been given cream that I'm applying and I elevated my legs at night. Anything else I can try? Many thanks
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I get this rash whether I go to Disney, Sea World, Busch Gardens and Universal. it is annoying. Went to Er about it and they sent me to a dermatologist  to biopsy it. will post results..... The er doctor said it is definitely an allergic reaction to something
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I first got the ankle rash in the 1980s in Washington DC after walking on the grass at the Mall in late spring or summer.  It was red, blotchy, slightly raised, but not itchy or painful.  I was wearing shorts and sandals without socks; the rash was only on the inner ankles and I concluded it was from some sort of pesticide used on the Mall that was kicked up as I walked - that seemed to explain the odd "inner ankle only" location.  The rash went away when I got a tube of cortisone cream, not ointment, from a pharmacy.  My dermatologist at the time had no idea what it was because it had cleared up by the time I got home; his first guess of "allergy to laundry soap on socks" wasn't helpful because I wasn't wearing socks and hadn't changed detergents.  It came back every time I went to DC and walked on the Mall wearing sandals without socks.  Now I go to Disney World a lot and usually wear pants and socks with athletic shoes, but I still get that inner ankle rash - and it no longer goes completely away after 30+ years.  Cortisone cream seems to work best.  
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I too got these same symptoms last week after spending 5 of my 10 day vacation at WDW.  I did see my physician when I returned, and was told that he sees this same thing about a dozen times a summer.  He said all of the patients were at a amusement park, and had spent longer than is usual for them walking and standing in excessive heat that they are also not used to.  He said it occurs because of the heat radiating from the concrete/black top which you are standing and walking on for long hours.

I treated mine with ice packs and elevation.  It got much better after a couple of days.  My physician said that is the best treatment, but would prescribe Predinizone if it returns.  Mine is almost gone, but I am back in all day air conditioning, and not standing or walking in the heat.

Hope this helps.
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I got the circular rash above both ankles after wearing my copper compression socks for abt 8 hours  with socks and heavy duty sneakers,  walking and standing on my feet.  I did a lot of walking and standing days before in heat with no symptoms, so in my case I think the compression socks caused the rash!
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I have the rash now. It is above the ankles on both legs.  It does not itch.  I get it every time I mow the yard.  I am in the heat and push mowing for two hours.  I first thought it was just heat rash or allergy to grass.  I put on long socks and long pants thinking this would stop me from getting the rash.  Not so.  I got it just the same.  So I feel like it is the stress on the legs in the heat.  I think I will try the compression socks to see if this helps.  I hope this helps someone.  I'm glad I read the comments.  They helped me to feel better about the rash.
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I just left the medical station at the magic kingdom. It turned out to be Golfer Vasculitis caused by the concrete and the heat. The medical staff were very friendly.
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Ian at Disneyworld as I type. I am searching for the reason that I am developing a bad rash from my ankle to the top of my calf. It's spreading. I have been in the water buts it's not above my calfs. I was on the avatar ride which has a support that touches this area of my leg. I wonder if Disney is using some kind of chemical on this ride. 8/23/17
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I got this same rash in Florida Disney ..hot really angry rash from my ankles to just below my knees ..   it occurred  after going on the water rides ..  I went to see a medic at one of the parks who seemed to think it may be a reaction to the anti fungal that they put in the water at the parks .. it cleared up with in a couple of days ..
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I had the same rash in April 2017 and it took about a week to clear. I just rubbed TEATREE oil diluted with coconut oil and it cleared and never seen
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I have the same rash on both legs. How long did it take gor it to go away? What do i need to take or puy in it?
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Mine took about 5 days to clear up but I used prescription strength cortisone cream on it and I didn't think it was doing much until one day it was very faint and by the end of that day it was hardly noticeable. Hope that helps.
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I just did 4 parks in one day and my FitBit told me I walked 10.5 miles total, and when I got home and took off my tennis shoes I saw the rash on my inner leg, just above my ankle and just below my calf. It didn't itch and it wasn't swollen just really red and diseased looking. I took an antihistamine that night and the following day it looked no better after about 3 days of using prescription cortisone cream it looks a lot better. I go to Disney a lot and have never had this happen before the weather was beautiful, 79 degrees not hot. The only difference is I went to Animal Kingdom which I haven't been there in a long time and I did walk through a plant when someone was blocking a walk way. The time before when I was at Disney I saw someone with a similar rash. It's so weird, it's just a mysterious Disney rash. I do feel better knowing there are so many others who have had it, I seriously thought I was diseased and dying!
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I recently walked around Epcot with 5 family members. Three of us were over 50. Two of the over 50s noticed this rash that looks like blood under the skin thats bright red and blotchy on the inside of our calves from atop the ankle to midway up the calves. It didnt itch and it was not painful. I did have some slight swelling around an ankle that had been fractured in my teens. The rash went away in less than a week. I guess our legs got a pounding from 11 hours on pavement. No worries.
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I first developed this 'rash' on holiday in Florida in 1989 and seem to get it now every time I fly anywhere at all or spend a day out walking for long periods after traveling any way.  It seems to be triggered by walking a lot on ankles that have been swollen from traveling especially flying.  My doctors were mystified and I was sent to a hospital to see a consultant who couldn't offer much help but to tell me it wasn't harmful as when pressed on the colour left the area and you could see the finger prints for a short time.  Subsequently one time it was very bad and a doctor thought it was cellulitis and I was given antibiotics but on research cellulitis doesn't fade when pressed.  I have had the rash in the USA, Dubai, Spain, Italy and France.  I tested out a theory two years ago traveling to Spain and again about a month ago traveling to Italy that I had  and it does seem to work if a little uncomfortable for the first day of the trip.  I wear compression socks from the minute I leave home and leave them on for the journey and then until the  next morning.  Any swelling of the ankles has then subsided which I think is the main cause of this. I do bathe my lower legs in water as cold as I can stand every evening too whilst away.  On both these trips although I sometimes felt the rash was coming on it never actually did - so after 27 years I think I maybe have the answer!!  
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I developed the same thing in Italy. I was on a tour where we did a lot of walking. Temperature and humidity were high and the tour guide said she has several people who get this every trip when they get to Italy. Was told by pharmacist over there that it is a circulation problem. There were three or four of us that developed this condition. We were all over 60 years old. I am overweight, but in good health otherwise. Others were normal weight. It is slowly going away. It is not a Disney or Florida thing. Seems heat and standing or walking for long periods of time are the common factors. Not sure you need to rush out to the doc, but probably should mention it at next checkup.
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I have been looking this up and I think we have what is called Rosea Pityiasis.  Which I did not know about until I looked up my symptoms.  I have the rash at the moment.  I did get a rash on my arms, back and legs but it has been three months now and I am hoping that in August I will be done with it.  I think personally we are being used as guinea pigs, I believe this is man made and we are being deliberately infected.  If you look it up it can be man made.  Its believed that its related to the Herpes virus.  I would have thought that there is a campaign of infecting people in Disney as you have noticed that most of you were at the same place when you noticed the rash.  I have been noticing similar situations.  I personally think that I have been reinfected on several occasions in different places as I have noticed people with similar symptoms around me at the time of infection.  There is a race on at the moment to find a Herpes vaccine and of course they need subjects to inject.  It wouldn't surprise me if there has been an increase in Herpes in the years leading up to a vaccine.
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Dear Watertight1 aka Jerry Fletcher,
   According to the CDC, statistically, 75%-80% of Americans carry at least one Herpes Simplex Virus (Type 1 or 2).  There are 9 known types of human herpesvirus, from HSV 1,to HHV 6B, as of 2011. There is absolutely, no shortage, of people willing to test treatments and vaccines. Thus, there would be no benefit for Disney, a Big Pharma Villain, or the Government to infect unsuspecting individuals, in some "Black Book Operation Herpes Project"... Sorry Jerry Fletcher, try again, maybe it's a new Zoological Crossover Influenza? You go ahead and do the research. Or, could it be that people who stand in line for long periods of time, like for a ride at Disneyland, may develop a Vascular Disorder? Vascular Disorders are common. Many of the symptoms, like the red splotchy skin, will go away with cold compress treatment, leg elevation, or compression stockings. Jerry Fletcher, please see the definition of Occam's Razor.
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Had the same DISNEY rash.  It may be the chemicals but I attacked it from the sweat line.  Last time I wore Crocs canvas shoes without sox and did not have an issue at all (6 days).  Now I was down at Halloween, temps great - low to mid 80's - that may also helped.  Just a suggestion.      
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I walked a lot (about 7 hours) with heavy bags on Friday and Sunday at a large Expo in Anaheim (across from Disneyland),  I am also overweight (like 40 lbs over my normal weight).
I was shocked when I took my pants of to find "the rush"  a 3 inch red  band 2 inches above my ankle and around the leg....
Now.... I have an old injury on that ankle so in addition to "the rush" the ankle was swollen but I could see the beggining of the rush (with much less swelling) on my other leg.
I got a similar thing when flying 10 hours and standing a lot because of airport delays.
I am pretty sure the paramedic that posted on this same thread is on to something...injury to tissue on feet/ ankles, etc...from prolonged walking or being on your feet.
So happy and relieved I found this thread!
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Try wearing compression stockings , sounds like a circulation problem .
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I got this rash after vacationing in Flordia as well.....only difference for me is a year later I still have the rash, swollen feet and itchy when I get in a room above 70....feels like the blood in my feet is boiling. Doctors have no clue around me....any ideas?
Ps: my uncle also developed the same thing in Flordia and still has it (different visit to Flordia than me) he has seen specialists in Pittsburgh, Cleveland, NYC, Washington and they all have no idea
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Just got back from Florida and have the same symptoms! Hoping it will go away soon.....
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I got this rash after vacaruining in Flordia as well.....only difference for me is a year later I still have the rash, swollen feet and itchy when I get in a room above 70....feels like the blood in my feet is boiling. Doctors have no clue around me....any ideas?
Ps: my uncle also developed the same thing in Flordia and still has it (different visit to Flordia than me) he has seen specialists in Pittsburgh, Cleveland, NYC, Washington and they all have no idea
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I am currently in Orlando and got this same rash after each day we've been to Disney. It takes several days to clear, even using a Benedryhl spray. :( I've just found this thread in my search to figure out what caused it. I felt my legs being sprayed during the Captain EO experience/show as a part of the air-affects the first day and though I might have been allergic to something in the pressurized air under the seat. But the other two days can't be just coincidence. :( Thank you for assuring me I'm not alone in this Disney rash. Oh and the temps were not high each day. It's very mild and not humid and I live in SoFlorida so I'm not doing anything drastically different than my normal climate.
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This is the best explanation I've seen in a lot of posts.  And, it is quite believable considering the fact that my first experience with the rash was during extremely hot days last month - in Italy!  So, I guess the Disney water and other park-related causes appear vindicated!
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Just returned from Atlantic city developed the rash after walking on the boardwalk n the heat. Wasn't concerned until it spread. I have recently had a shoulder implant so that is what concerned me. I looked it up on the internet found golfers vasculitus and stopped worrying it has gone now I am home.
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I just came back from a 3 week  European vacation and same thing happened to me. Lots and lots of walking..LOTS...i developed the rash on one leg(around inside ankle area) and then the next  a couple of days later.  Lasted practically the whole trip. Weather was nice, not too hot. i flew back on Thursday night and by Fri/Sat rash was completely gone..??  Have been to Disney lots of times(live in FL) and this is the first time i get a rash. I was planning on going to Dr, but it is gone so googled it instead. seems to be common...and with no clear reason...
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