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White tongue


On the 15th of Januray I have noticed that I have this white tongue, usually I have a nice pink tongue. I noticed this white tongue because one moning when I woke up I had vey dry mouth so I went to check it in the mirror. Later on I started to have 37.2 degree temperature for 6 days (it was coming back to normal at some parts of the day)
Here is the story On the 24th of december I went to the dentist to have a root canal treatment on one of my tooth and other work was done on my teeth, the dentist prescribed me Dalacin C 300mg for a week in order to avoid any infections. I also have a rotten tooth that also needs a root canal treatment. Recently I went to an ENT doctor who said that on first sight nothing alarming and took a swab sample of the white coating, which came back negative.

I do not know if this is important but 4 months ago I received an unprotected fellatio and all my STD test came back negative.

What can this be? how can I treat it?

Thank you very much for any advice.
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4851940 tn?1515694593
I am sorry to hear that you are scared.

As you are stressed and depressed this will have an impact on your eating habits.  Some people (like myself) when depressed and suffer from stress eat more and gain weight.  Others, like yourself, it affects the appetite and therefore you don't fee like eating.

Please go to see a GP, (hope you have been keeping a food and drink and "how I feel every day" diary), take your notes with you to the doctor so that he will see a pattern of what is going on.

Hopefully he will take a blood sample to check for anaemia, diabetes or other illnesses (depends on what the doctor thinks you may have)  NOTE what I have said "MAY have".  

As you are not experiencing any digestive problems apart from loss of appetite, best to see the GP first, he will then determine whether you need to be examined by a gastroenterologist.

As you have a constantly dry mouth (I have this problem too), drink plenty of water.  Sometimes with a dry mouth (if you are not breathing through an open mouth) can also be from diabetes.

I know you are worried that you have lost this weight because you have not consciously been dieting.  Go to the Doc as explained above, and ask for a blood test for anemia, B12 deficiency and diabetes.

In the meantime, do not eat hot and spicy foods, or fried foods.
Keep up with the good oral hygiene and drink the yogurt and apply the Daktarin (if you read the instructions, it does say to continue for a few days after the symptoms have settled).  When you apply it to yuor mouth, put some in and swish it around your mouth.  Try not to eat or drink too soon afterwards so that the Darktarin stays in your mouth for as long as possible.

Stress and depression is no good for your health, and your doctor should ask you questions with regard to this, as you may need a course of antidepressents (if you are not taking any at the moment).  Don't forget that not all antidepressents suit all people, so it is trial and error getting the right one that suits you.  If you fall rock bottom and lose interest in hygiene and your hobbies for example, it will take up to 3 months for the antidepressants to have any effect.

You need to speak on a one to one basis with your doctor.  Write a list of all your problems and hand that to your doctor (sometimes this is better than talking with him because you may miss something out).  

In the meantime eat foods that contain iron, milk, eggs, meat (for B12) and dark green veg, You can buy B12 sublingual (placed under the tongue), excess B12 in your body will be excreted through the urine.  And multivitamins with iron.  But best to get a blood check with your doctor.

To help with the stress and depression before you  see the doctor, go for walks in the fresh air as well as any form of relaxation you prefer - not sitting in front of a computer or TV.  

Hope you get on alright and that I have given you lots to think about to help you get back on track again.

Best wishes.
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Many thanks fo your details and interested reply.

yes I can buy antibiotics over the counter in where I am.

So now it has been 6 days since I am Taking Candivast and since 3 days I am using Daktarin an anti-fungal oral gel. tomorrow is the last day of Candivast. It is not getting much better I still have this thin white coating. do you know the difference between white coated tongue and white hairy tongue?

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4851940 tn?1515694593
Hi staysafe,

That's great that your tests were negative for the sexually transmitted diseases.

It could possibly be that this is due to using the soap down below.  Don't use any harsh purfumed soaps in that region.  The colour of your urine is fine.  If you are still getting this pressure after you have finished your Candivast 150 mg and still have problems then go back for further medical evaluation.  The frequent urgency for urination as explained could be to do with you aggravating your little friend (penis), or you do have a problem with the urninary tract, either cystitis (if you have not been tested for this - urine dip stick test will show nitrite if you have cystitis.  The other possibility is there may be pressure from your prostate gland, or even a stone in the bladder.  You will not have an infection in the urine if the prostate is enlarged, but as men get older, it is quite common for men to get enlarged prostates (some people say prostrate - "prostrate" means straight).  
The symptoms of that are urgent frequency as well as blood in the urine (not seen by the eye).  Other illnesses can cause urgency after going, for example if you have diabetes.

The reason you were given the Candivast 150mg is because although the tests came back negative for fungal infections, you have the symptoms of thrush and as you recently completed an antibiotic this can cause the problems you are experiencing.  - Guess what?  My tongue is in worse condition that yours and it has been feeling really dry no matter how much I drink, I do have a nasty cold too, I did complete my antibiotics a few days ago, and it suddenly dawned on me (after talking with you) that I actually have thrush in my mouth.  As I could not see a doctor (they had no apointments left) for a prescription today, I have asked for a prescription of Nystatin, (I have had this before), the receptionist said the prescription will be ready tomorrow (the doctor has to sign it).  In the meantime I have purchased Danone Actimel for its L.Casei as a home remedy and when in town will pop into the herbal shop and purchase the probiotic capsules.

Basically the consultant is treating you for thrush (Candida Albicans) even though your tests have come back negative because you have symptomatic signs of the fungus.  There would be no valid reason for him to lie to you about the results.

If you start self medicating yourself with antibiotics, this will make your mouth condition much worse.  I would not take any antibiotics unless a doctor has prescribe them for me.  Having said that I did purchase some metronizadole tablets when on holiday in Greece on year, on advice from a fellow holiday maker who was an Australian nurse.  A lot of us (not as a group) had gone to a recommended family run restaraunt and we all got really bad gastro enteritis (sickness and diarrhea).  The restaurant owner had had this bug, hygiene was of poor standard and then cooked our meals, hence we were eating contiminated food.

Can you purchase antibiotics over the counter where you live then?  We can't here in the UK.  

Stop worrying too much, take your Candivast 150mg as prescribed.  If I remember rightly I think you said you were prescribed these for 5 days so you need to give it time to work.  Keep drinking plenty of water thought the day (2-3 litres is the recommend norm) even though you do have an urgent need to go afte you have been

Bes wishes.

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Thank you again for your detailed answer much appreciated.

I did the tests for Gonorrhea and Chlamydia, urine tests and all were negative.

I sometimes go for a pee and then soon after I still want to go again. for example just now I went to pee, it was a good quantity and kind of light yellow, 5 min later I still had a feeling to urinate I went and it was a small quantity and transparent. I have very often a feeling like I need to go to the bathroom like pressure on the urethra :s

After my sexual encounter, protected vaginal and unprotected fellatio I washed all my penis with soap, the day after I had burning sensation on the urethra for 2 days and I started to urinate more often, maybe I got this NSU from washing with soap??

In view of the above, you think I have NSU? I am think of taking Doxycycline for 7 days to treat any NSU and of course I will take probiotics with it.

My sexual partner was an escort from eastern Europe, and she doesn't have a frequency to go to the bathroom or a white tongue as I contacted her like 3 months later to know.

With regard to the WHITE TONGUE, why would I be taking medication for candida if my swab test is negative??? shouldn't such test rule out candida to be the cause of my white tongue
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4851940 tn?1515694593
By white tranparent, I take it you mean it is clear like water.

That is excellent news.  You don't have any issues with a urinary tract infection.  It may just simply be that the kidneys are doing their job because you are drinking lots.  If on the other hand you go for a pee and then soon afte keep want to go again or have an urge to go, but nothing comes out, then I would worry about that.  

What is Non-Specific Urethritis?

Non-specific urethritis is an inflammation of the urethra: the tube that runs from the bladder and carries the urine out of the body. Although not all cases are sexual in origin, the majority of cases are in people who are sexually active.

It is called ‘non specific’ because there are a variety of different causes for this condition. It is often described as a condition only men get, partly because symptoms are more recognised in women and more specific diagnoses can be made, such as Cystitis or Bacterial Vaginosis.

In men, the symptoms can include a white or cloudy discharge from the penis tip, a burning or pain on urination or an increased need to urinate. Women can have an unusual discharge that does not have a foul odour as in the case of Bacterial Vaginosis and where STIs and Cystitis have been ruled out, a label of NSU can be applied and a broad-spectrum antibiotic prescribed.

Can I be tested for Non-Specific Urethritis?

As NSU is non-specific in nature, there is no test as such. NSU is usually diagnosed when someone has symptoms of an infection of the urethra and all other options such as Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea have been ruled out following appropriate tests.

NSU can be caused by bacteria that usually live harmlessly in the body but can trigger NSU if they get into the urethra, usually during sexual contact. In a large number of cases the bacteria detected are either Ureaplasma Urealyticum or Mycoplasma Genitalium.

NSU can also be caused by irritants such as chemicals from soap finding their way into the urethra.

Should I get tested for Non-Specific Urethritis?

If you have symptoms of a urethral infection then it is recommended that you have a  full screens test if  Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea have not been ruled out. If they have already been ruled out then a differentnarrower test can be performed depending on your symptoms.  (Don't ask me what it is, I have no idea - I just read the info on the medical sites).

How is Non-Specific Urethritis Treated?

The treatment for NSU is antibiotics. At The STI Clinic, bacteria is trated with a course of antibiotics such as Doxycycline or Azithromycin. It is also recommend that any partner is also treated at the same time. (makes sense!)

If you are being treated for NSU you should not have unprotected sex until the course of treatment is over and 7 days have elapsed.

Treatment is important as it is possible that any infection can lead to epididymitis or orchitis.

My husband was diagnosed with epididymitis (caused by a bacterial infection) it is extremely painful in the testes and they can become swollen.  At first we thought I had been too heavy handed when manhandling him LOL!

Anyway, you have a lot to be getting on with.  So, like I mentioned to you before, take one step at a time.  I would be inclined to wait and see if you improve after finishing the course of the meds you have recently been given, as well as getting your dentist see to your tooth.

You are quitting smoking, so that will make you feel on edge and aggitated due to withdrawal symptoms.

LOL.  I have just spotted your remark about me being called a Doctor.

I shall be off line for the rest of the day now, so I will wish you well.  Let me know how you get.

As a matter of curiosity, don't answer if it is embarassing for you, has your sexual partner/s got any symptoms of anything that may have been passed on to you?  If so, it may be a good idea for them to be checked out.

Take care,
Best wishes
(And to think all this writing because of a white tongue lol!) - I have learned new things by talking to you - thanks
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Many thanks for your reply and input.

I will try to follow as much as I can the dietary advice and I will take an appointment with the dentist to rule out the rotten tooth option.

For the culture and sensitivity test, after researching the internet this normally covers any bacterial for fungus infections. If so, so I do not have candida?
please find a link concerning such test

This Frequent urination is also getting me crazy, I did all urine tests and they were normal, but I did not do a swab test of the urethra, you think I should do one for a potential NSU. Can an NSU cause only frequent urination. When I go often to the toilet the urine is almost all the time white transparent.

Thank you very much. indeed they should call you a doctor :D
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4851940 tn?1515694593
Your doctor has prescribed you with the Candivast to take for a week.  Before stressing yourself unduly, take the medication as prescribed and be patient to see how you get on.  If you are still having the white tongue after you have finished the course, then go back for further testing.

At the moment you are worrying about what you may or may not have.  You need to be a patient patient and give the meds time to work.  And follow the dietary information pasted below, as well as to my advice about your diet and consuming yogurt.

With frequent urination, this can be a sign of a urinary tract infection anywhere from the kidneys down (a urine specimen will detect any abnomalities in the urinary tract) in the mean time you need to drink more water.  In men frequent urination can be from an enlarged prostate gland (doctors do a rectal exam to find out if it is enlarged, and sometimes by blood tests).  The other symptoms to look out for in a urinary infection, is cloudy, smelly, or dark urine.  Sometimes when the urine is dark this is an indication that the urine is concentrated meaning that you are not drinking enough water.  Cloudy urine can have leucocytes, protein or blood (not detected by eye) in it, which usually is a good indicator of an infecition.  Sometimes your urine may be a different colour from either certain foods you have eaten (like beetroot) or from medicaitons.  I have had a lot of personal experience with urinary problems and a kidney stone surgically removed when I was 39.  Have just finished a course of antibiotics for a UTI (urinary tract infection).  Am going to have a blood test later today to check my kidney function and have my urine tested at the lab (don't know if they will find anything because my urine is fine one time and not the next).  I buy 10LG Parameter Urine Reagent Strips from Amazon (they don't cost that much).
I am waiting for an appointment for an ultra sound to check my kidneys (I suspect that I have had or still have a kidney stone).  

The rotten tooth will definitely will given you problems in your mouth.  I thought you had that sorted out.  If the rotten tooth or sharp edges of it are aggravating the tongue, then from experience, it can make your tongue quite sore.

The thrush or candida albicans showing as a white tongue is definitely as a consequence of using antibiotics.  And no,  your body will not automatically establish a good balance if it is not being nourished correctly. (Not eating the right foods).  In fact I think I will definitely have to follow the advice below as I have recently finished a course of Trimethoprim for a UTI and my mouth is dry and my tongue a bit coated.  So all in all, you could say we have helped each other.  LOL.  So thanks for YOUR help.

Well, with you asking all these questions, I have researhced it and I have learned something  about Candida that I didn't know before.  So thanks for that.  In fact having read the symptoms, I have quite a few of them, and I get cravings for sugary foods and all the lotions and potions I am using for my itchy skin do not work.  So I think I will follow the advice with regard to dietary suggestions that have been pasted below.

I have copied and pasted the relevant details from http://www.candidasymptoms.net/candida-treatment.php with regard to how you can get Candida, the symptoms and how you can help your body by dietary means to keep it at bay.

The most common causes are overuse of antibiotics (which tend to kill the helpful bacteria in the gut), stress and poor diet, and the big one which is frequently overlooked: poor digestion! If you're not "going" frequently or feel like food is simply sitting inside you like dead weight instead of moving through you like a well-oiled machine, then you may fall under the poor digestion category.

I have copied and pasted the extracts below from Candida Symptoms, How To Cure Them:

Candida albicans is a type of yeast that lives in all of us. When your immune system is working properly, the amount of Candida in your body is kept in balance. When your immune system is compromised, or other factors occur such as consuming unhealthy amounts of sugars and carbohydrates, the Candida can grow out of control.

Here are some of the symptoms of Candida overgrowth:
•Frequent stomach pains and digestion problems
•Skin problems (skin infections, eczema, psoriasis, acne)
•Foggy brain / Trouble concentrating
•Constant tiredness and exhaustion
•Mood swings
•Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
•Anger outbursts
•Intense cravings for sugars, sweets, and breads
•Itchy skin

Candida Diet

The main action you should take if you believe you may have Candida is immediately cut out or reduce your consumption of sugary and high-carb foods, such as candy, breads, fruits, etc. Sugar is a fuel for Candida, and the more you give it, the more it will grow in your body.

The challenge is to find what you can eat that satisfies you, but doesn't feed the Candida in your body. From experience, if you cut out the carbs and sugars completely, you will eventually binge on them within a few days or weeks of starting the diet. You want a diet plan that keeps your sugar in a proper balance (not too high, but not dropping too low). This includes cutting out the simple sugars that the Candida Yeast loves (white bread, cookies, etc

You can find yogurt with active bacteria / live-cultures in any grocery store. It will say so right on the label. Just make sure it doesn't have any added sugars, as that will defeat the whole purpose of buying it. The bacteria that's important in yogurt is called Lactobacillus acidophilus. L. acidophilus keeps the Candida in check. It is generally recommended to eat 8 ounces or more per day of live-culture yogurt. If eating that much yogurt daily is too much for you, you can also find some supplements containing a full regime of probiotics online or at any good health food store.

Grapefruit Seed Extract is another important key to fighting off Candida overgrowth. The first time you take it, you may feel dizzy, have a body ache, and feel very tired. This is normal, and is a condition known as Candida Die Off. Die Off occurs when large amounts of Candida begin to die, and they release a toxin into the body as a result. Your body will flush out this die off toxin, as long as you keep drinking water. The most popular brand of GSE is made by a company called Nutribiotic. Do not mistake Grape Seed Extract for Grapefruit Seed Extract...two different products!


Try not to worry too much, and take one step at a time - get that tooth fixed for a starter.

Things do take time to heal, so be a little patient.

Best wishes,
Let me know how you get on

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