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Yellow crust on lips

For the last two days I have woken up with a yellow, crumbly crust covering my lips. I have been applying Vaseline liberally, and while that helps keeps my lips nice and moist, I still have this crust developing and I often feel as though my lips are weeping or sweating.

Is this an infection? If it is, will I need a prescription for an antibiotic cream or is there one I can get OTC? It started off as regular chapped lips, but I think the chap is largely gone now thanks to the Vaseline. I sometimes feel like they are burning a little too.

My lips itch slightly around the outside too. It looks as though there may be some very small raised bumps on my lips, with no heads or anything, like it's a rash - but I'm not sure. It certainly doesn't look like cold sores. I and my  boyfriend were tested for all STD's recently and came up clear, but I may go to a clinic to get herpes ruled out just to ease my mind. I would have seen a doc about this already but I am overseas right now so it's tricky.

Age - 19
History of eczema, but not on or around the face, and not seen for years
I don't lick my lips, I use Chap Stick quite a lot because I do get chapped lips easily
Iron deficiency runs in family, but is usually not a problem for me because I include lots of iron and Vit-C in my diet
As far as I know, I'm perfectly healthy otherwise and haven't been ill in months.
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chiming in real quick to share what worked for me. had similar conditions (chapped/peeling lips leading to lip infection, pus coming out and drying, swollen lips, redness and itchiness spreading beyond lips). here's what i did that got rid of all this in a few days:

- polysporin over lips and affected red area beyond lips, to fight bacteria
- ibuprofen to fight inflammation and swelling
- multivitamins to boost immunity

what didn't work for me was hydrocortizone chapstick (resulted in constant peeling of the lips) and aloe vera (burned and increased redness on areas beyond lips).

all in all the most helpful was the polysporin. would apply liberally and try to wash off and do a new application frequently.
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So I've had this experience twice now, where i start out with red bumps on my lips which lend a sandpapery feeling to my lips and seep pinpricks liquid if I press my lips together. In a day they are forming small yellow crusts and the corners of my mouth are getting worse. There is a tingling sting on my lips, especially around the borders. The corners of my mouth will be sore and crusty and will split if I open my mouth too wide. On day three everything will be worse, my lips will be swollen and an itch will start on my ear and back of my wrist. Day 4 has super swollen, painful, weeping lips and the bumps on my arm are more visible and a little itchy. My ear will be very itchy, hot and scaly feeling. My ear and wrist do not act the same as my lips, there is no liquid seepage or tingle, just itch. On day 5 my lips will be bump free but the corners of my mouth will still be painful. There are no longer bumps or seepage on my lips, but they still tingle a lot. The itch has spread to a larger area of my ear and there are more bumps on my wrist.

The first time this happened, I went to my doctor on the fourth day, after it had spread to other parts of my body and my lips were a mess. He said it might be impetigo but was more likely HSV-1 because of the tingling/pain on the lips. He took swabs of the yellow crusts and took blood to test for HSV-1.  He gave me acyclovir and an antibiotic to take until the tests came back and he knew which one it was. The tests came back negative for HSV-1 (oral herpes).

This second time this happened, I assumed I had impetigo and went to the same doctor, on the first day of symptoms. (once you have sandpapery tingle lips, you don't forget) and he said it was definitely not impetigo and was probably herpes. I reminded him that he said it was impetigo last time and had done blood tests. But he was sure it was herpes and gave me acyclovir again. He also took more blood for another blood test. I decided to get a second opinion and went to another doctor on day 2 of symptoms. I said my reason for being there was "impetigo? herpes?"  The doctor took one look at my lips (note that at this point, nothing had popped up on the rest of my body) and said that she knew exactly what it was because she got it too. She said it was definitely NOT impetigo OR herpes. She said it was caused by stress and vitamin B deficiency. I told her about it seeming to spread to other parts of my body the last time I got it, but she said that was probably something unrelated. I left that office with orders to take a vitamin B supplement, drink milk, use chapstick classic flavor, and try to have a relaxing weekend.

I think I need a third opinion because now it is day 5 and it seemed to happen exactly as last time, although my lips have reached an almost healed state overnight between day 4 and 5, the spread to my body is getting worse. It is spreading to most of the same places, but not all of the same places, the first time it spread of my torso and cheek as well. Last time I had antibiotics and I wonder if I need them this time.

Does not look like photos of herpes or impetigo I have seen on the internet, looks a little bit like angular cheilitis but has pain and is all over the lips and not just in the corners so is probably not that.

Does anyone know what this could be if it is not herpes or impetigo and acting differently on the lips and the rest of my body?

tl;dr -what gives you bumpy, tingly, painful swollen lips that seep yellow liquid, but also can cause itchy, hot, red ears, and bumps that only itch, do not tingly and do not weep on your wrist?
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Probably too late for this reply.. but sounds like it could be from pollen fruit syndrome (or contact dermatitis, basically some type of allergic reaction), possibly combined with an infection?
I have since figured out that this was a reaction to the oil  in mango skins, this is apparently kinda common in people who don't contact mangos when they arekids.  If you have similar symptoms, Google mango mouth or mango allergy if you've been in contact with mangos, to see if it's the same thing.
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If there are fluid filled bumps and yellow oozing liquid that form a CRUST, then it is NOT exfoliative cheilitis. Exfoliative cheilitis is marked by large flakes of yellow/brownish peeling skin WITHOUT the bumps and weeping.

I, being a licensed nurse, and several others on this forum, have posted over and over again that what most here are probably dealing with is impetigo, a HIGHLY CONTAGIOUS bacterial infection caused by the staphylococcus or streptococcus bacteria. Impetigo is marked by itchy fluid filled bumps that ooze and form a yellow crust on the lips, neck, hands, and in small children, the diaper area. They are usually NOT painful, just itchy, so if pain is involved it might be herpes/cold sores.

Good hygiene can help prevent impetigo, which often develops when there is a sore or a rash that has been scratched repeatedly with unwashed/dirty hands (for example, poison ivy can get infected and turn into impetigo).

Doctors can usually diagnose impetigo based on the appearance of the rash. Occasionally, they may need to take a sample of fluid from blisters. Impetigo is typically treated with either an antibiotic ointment or medication taken by mouth.

Impetigo is marked by:
Pimple-like sores on the skin, especially around the nose or mouth. The sores begin as small red spots, then change to blisters that eventually break open. The sores are typically not painful, but they may be itchy.
The sores turn into blisters that ooze a yellowish fluid and look crusty. Sores often look like they have been coated with honey or brown sugar.
The sores usually increase in size and number. Sores may be as small as a pimple or larger than a coin.

It is VERY IMPORTANT to practice GOOD HYGIENE. PROPER hand washing REALLY IS IMPERATIVE in preventing the spread of this infection. By proper, I mean washing with sudsy soap and warm water and making sure to wash well between each finger, fingertips, and going under nails with an orange stick. And all items of clothing and bedding, especially pillowcases, must be washed in very hot water.
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I have been having the same condition for a while now. First time it started out during the summer of last year. I visited two doctors. The first one told me she was unable to do anything and that I just had to wait for it to cure. After this bad advice I visited a second, who prescribed me hydrocortisone ointment (which you should never put on mucous membranes). So in short, both doctors gave me bad advice. Luckily, after two painful and embarrassing weeks, my lips miraculously cured.

However, three days ago I woke up with the same condition without any clear reason. Afte two days, my lips got so yellow and painful that I visited another doctor. He diagnosed me with impetigo, just as in some earlier posts in this thread. He gave me a medicin called Staphycid (500 mg), which is a penicillin in the form of capsules.  The active substance of Staphycid is natriumflucloxacillinemonohydrate. I have been using these capsules for two days now. Though my lips still hurt, they are not yellow anymore and I see some real improvement. I guess it will take a few days to get everything back to normal, but other than that it seems to work out fine.

To make a long story short: if you have the same symptoms as all the people above, there is a significant chance you have impetigo. Personally I advise you to see a doctor - not only to make sure you suffer from the same, but also because it is easier to get the right medicin by visiting one. I hope this helps for some of you, I have noticed this is an extremely painful condition, so I guess all the small things help. Maybe Staphycid or something with the same active substance might help you!
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I have severe food and outdoor allergies. I recently got this condition and went to the doctor. They prescribed a low dose of prednisone and it cleared right up; therefore, it was a lip allergy. However, it came back and I got super frustrated. I work as a nurse at a clinic so I asked my provider to look at it and she too said it was an allergy. I had a sinus infection as well and so she prescribed me a HIGH dose of prednisone and an antibiotic to knock everything out. I got better, my lips healed and I stopped using my toothpaste to see if that was the cause. NOPE. My condition is back because I have been off of prednisone for a few days. I refuse to keep taking prednisone because of the risks it comes with. I am at a loss for what to do next because I can't stop eating completely. My food allergies developed over the last 5 years and I have yet to pinpoint them so I don't feel like it will be easy to find the culprit. Time to go see an allergist after all.
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I'm having the same exact problem. I have a cortisone cream already will that work? Or will a Rx cream called protopic  maybe work?
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