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and I thought I was alone.....

Wendy your comments are very helpful and indeed encouraging. about a year ago , after developing embarassing bumps around my mouth area I went to see my GP. well guess what - he wasnt sure what it was and called his partner in to have a look. meantime I am squirming...... They agree that it is probably the herpes virus and he prescribes activar  topical cream and sends me on my way. six months go by of applying this every morning and evening, with foundation on top of it.  In between I went overseas and kept up the routine, believing this to be herpes, and deadly contagious. It was awful. I came back from overseas and finally couldnt stand it anymore. I went to a dermatologist and he examined me and asked me some questions and said with surety that in his opinion what I had been suffering was NOT herpes at all but facial dermatits. oh my word......................he prescribed 2 months of tetralysal (tetracyclin) antibiotic capsules as well as Dalacin T topical, and I was to totally avoid any thick creams/cleansers and throw out any offending products....  well 7 weeks later and it is worse. It has now spread to my cheeks, jowbone and neck. eeekk....... and these are now little pimples and not just raised red bumps.   woe is me.........I am horrified and will do anything to end this nightmare! help.................

This discussion is related to Perioral dermatitis.
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My teenage son was diagnosed with PD about 6 weeks ago. He plays football and we thought it was due to the chin strap on helmet being dirty/sweaty. Anyway it was getting worse so Derm. said it was PD and prescribed Solydn antibiotic and about 4 different gels/creams for face(2 specifically for chin area) to the tune of $700 for prescriptions. Well his chin actually looks worse; it is so bright red and some days the acne seems worse. She had him also on Desonide lotion, but I think that was making it worse possibly.
I am taking him back to Dr. this week - she wanted to wait until Dec. 15 - 2 months, but he is miserable. He saw an old friend today who thought he had gotten burned on his chin area. He had other kids say he must have herpes, smoke pot, etc.
It seems crazy to me that there is not a way to get this under control. I have searched and searched web/forums for answers. Have only heard a few other options - organic apple cider and yogurt...... I guess I want Dr. to confirm that PD is actually what he has..... Best of luck to you.
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What did you find out?
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The new bumps are they ity bity?  What do they look like?  Do they itch?

I've had PD for 7-years now and just recently developed a new problem of little ity bity bumps on my forehead, around my hairline, jaw-line, behind my ears and down my neck.  I finally got a dermatologist apt. after a three week wait and he spends 2-minutes looking at my face.  I waited all that time for just 2-minutes of his time.  He told me I have adult acne and gave me a prescription for Clindamicin.  I don't agree with that diagnosis because it formed on my forehead out of the blue and then everything else followed all in about 3-days time.  It itches severely; it forms in almost a pattern and is like no acne I have ever seen.  

Anyways so after giving me his wonderful intelligent diagnosis I told him that I would take the Clindamicin but I also needed something stronger for my PD.  He told me I didn't have PD.  I wasn't having an outbreak at the time, but after 7-years of suffering I think I know if I have PD.  He refused to give me anything for it.  Then two days after my appointment bam PD's back.  

Now three weeks later I still have the tiny bumps and I have a terrible case of PD.  It makes me really mad because I waited three weeks and didn't get a solution for anything.  I had no insurance so I paid for everything out of my pocket.  I think I'm going to have to call tomorrow since my next appointment isn’t till January.  I will just demand the antibiotic I guess I don't know; maybe he will give it to me now since I look like a mutant.  I’m so annoyed and frustrated that I can’t sleep. :(
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mmmm. very debilitating indeed. especially thinking it was contagious at first..... well after two months of tetracycline antibiotics and topical lotion it got worse, spreading and presenting as little bumps with yellow heads some of them. i was at the end of my tether and wanted to wear a mask.  I went back to the dermatologist as per the plan (2 months) and he said that he wanted to try another med and then if that didnt work he would do a biopsy and send it away for analysis to get a definitive prognosis and the correct treatment.  I opted to do the biopsy immediately to get the facts and clear the problem. A week and a half later the results were back. It was a yeast infection (candida!  - the normal yeast cells had massively overproduced. i was put on katazol (antibiotic  specifically for yeast infections) which I take with a probiotic (to prevent other candida infection ugh) for 10 days.  AND importantly, I have googled and found wonderful information about candida and DIET.  The pharmacist confirmed this ------if you have a yeast infection , stop eating the foods that is making it overproduce......sugar& anything with wheat in it.  HOW SIMPLE.  hectic cos theres lots of things you must cut out completely and then only reintroduce slowly when your system can cope with it  (eg all fruits contain sugar and dairy seems to be a no no too). So I will do this if it means I will have a clear skin. I will learn to like coffee with no sugar and a dairy substitute and I am finding wheat free recipes.......go for protein and leafy vegetables.  I WILL. giving up sugar and ice cream is worth it. GO and have a biopsy taken. I suffered for a year thinking that I was allergic to products and not knowing what I was doing.....its not going to be a walk in the park but at least I am informed now. And I dont want to end up diabetic anyway!
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Wow.  I'm glad to hear you finally found out what the problem was.  Unfortunately I have to wait until Thursday for my next appointment. :(
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STOP USING ANY HARSH CHEMICALS ON YOUR FACE! Coconut oil is a natural, incredibly beneficial oil that will help reduce the redness of any PD bumbs and so forth. I also found it beneficial to the actual bumps as they started clearing up in 2 weeks of using the oil. Seriously, stop using any expensive creams or ointments and go to your health food store and buy a nice organic coconut oil. It will help the sevarity of the condition. I still have PD but coconut oil has really helped me.
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