215461 tn?1331862765

oral lichen planus?

I was wondering if anyone had experience with this.  I have been going through a hashimoto's crisis in the last 10 months.  My thyroid changes from hypo to hyper.  This has caused to have constant panic attacks, and be under more stress than I have ever had.  I'm scheduled to get my thyroid out next month.

About a month ago I noticed my mouth was sore when I tried to yawn.  I looked in the mirror and noticed a few white ulcers on my tongue.  The sides of my mouth have white dots/small lines all over too.  It is even on my gums.  My doc thought it might be thrush although it didn't look like it so they treated me with nystatin.  This did nothing.  I visited my regular fam doctor and she said it was lichen planus.  She gave me a topical dental creme which also didn't do much.  I finally went to an ENT, and he was kind of a weird guy, but he took a biopsy.  I am now waiting for the results.  He said lichen planus is very rare.  I did start a beta blocker within the last 8 months, and I have the other autoimmune problem that is flaring.  I have also became gluten intolerant in this time (another autoimmune condition).  My tongue gets swollen, and so do the sides of my cheeks, and even red in areas.  I didn't hurt that much in the beginning, but now it's very painful and my tongue feels like it is burnt.  I am freaking out waiting for the biopsy results.  I have so much going on, that I just don't even know what to do at this point.  Anyone else have this?
4 Responses
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215461 tn?1331862765
Anyone else have this?
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215461 tn?1331862765
no one?
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215461 tn?1331862765
Just thought I'd bump this again in case anyone has had any experience with this.
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563773 tn?1374246539
From the symptoms it can be lichen planus or oral thrush. Lichen planus is an inflammatory disease that affects the skin and the oral mucosa, and presents itself in the form of papules (flat spots) or rashes. To confirm the diagnosis, get an evaluation done from a dermatologist Treatment is available only on prescription and consists mainly of steroids, retinoids, hydroquinone and phototherapy.

It is very difficult to precisely confirm a diagnosis without examination and investigations and the answer is based on the medical information provided. For exact diagnosis, you are requested to consult your doctor. I sincerely hope that helps. Take care and please do keep me posted on how you are doing.

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